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  • in reply to: How should I end no contact #17474
    • Total Posts: 84

    I think like Kevin says a letter is such a rare thing these days and it might make a bigger impact. I am sure when the time comes you will know what is best πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Extremely confused, and just wanting my relationship back #17473
    • Total Posts: 84

    I think somewhere int he plan it says that you can tell them if you have to, just say ” I am taking sometime for myself right now” and don’t elaborate further. Read what Kevin says and go from there.

    in reply to: Extremely confused, and just wanting my relationship back #17416
    • Total Posts: 84

    Only time will tell. Right now just let it be. I know is hard, but so far I think is going good, he keeps contacting you which is a lot more than some people get.
    I have not heard from my ex from my ex πŸ™

    in reply to: My Ex keeps Contacting me after No Contact Period. #17385
    • Total Posts: 84

    You need start working not he false friendship, but you need to take it SLOW. Don’t say anything about her ignoring you, just send her a laid back simple, how is your day going text. Keep the convos short and relaxed πŸ™‚

    in reply to: How should I end no contact #17384
    • Total Posts: 84

    Hmmm I am not sure this is the right time to send her anything.. She blocked you from the app, so she is still not open to having contact with you.
    I think I would probably wait 6 months, she needs to forget any of the needy behavior you may have expressed.
    You need to just stay away and don’t do anything to look for her in any way.
    After the 6moths, you can send her a letter and see what happens. In the mean time work on yourself and go out on a few dates, just for fun and to get your confidence level back up.

    in reply to: does pre ordered deliveries break no contact #17382
    • Total Posts: 84

    Oh yeah no good if she was not the one who gave you her address, especially if things were not good between you two.
    Here is how girls look at things like that:
    If you and I are in a relationship and things are going really well and you get “creative” and do things like that – we love it!!!
    If you and I are not in a relationship or things are not going well and you get “creative” that scares us and you look like a stalker.

    I think you need to stay NC for at least 45 – 60 days.

    • Total Posts: 84

    Glad to hear!
    keep it up, don’t chase guys. And read up more on how to behave like a woman of great value, a funny thing happens when you value yourself… other people value you as well.
    Just don’t play games, if you are keeping contact with him then just let him come to you and mirror his actions.

    in reply to: Limited Contact. No Contact. What to do..? #17186
    • Total Posts: 84

    Well everything you are hearing is right, even if it seems to contradict itself..
    Yes she still cares about you.
    Yes she is confused.
    Yes she is trying to move on.
    Yes she wants to be with you.
    NC is to try to get an ex back and Kevin has a very specific plan to go on from there so you is not just that they come back because they miss you and then they are gone.
    Yes NC is also so you can get over them.
    Yes if you stay in touch she may change her mind.
    Yes if you go NC she may move on.
    Yes if you go NC she may come back.

    The thing is that there is no absolute right way to go about it. Every situation is different and everything you are reading is just suggestions and you have to decide what is best in your situation. And there are no guarantees with anything in life.
    I am sorry you are having such a hard time, we all are or have been there we just come here to hear other peoples opinions to helps us make our own decisions.
    All of us that are here are here because we don’t just want to get over our exes πŸ™
    The only thin i can tell you is that I have had, exes that even when I used NC they never came back and I have had another one that did, but but the time he came back I did not want him anymore.
    Just take some time and you will figure it out eventually.

    in reply to: Extremely confused, and just wanting my relationship back #17172
    • Total Posts: 84

    Good, and don’t feel bad for not responding. Focus on yourself right now as it sounds like you need it. I am sorry about your loss πŸ™
    Exactly, actions speak volumes!
    and if and when you decide to talk to him again and he asks why you did not respond you can just tell him, I had a lot going on and needed to get myself together.

    in reply to: Extremely confused, and just wanting my relationship back #17149
    • Total Posts: 84

    He has feelings for you, otherwise he would not care to doing all that.
    You need to stop responding completely. If you are going to do NC then do it, don’t play around with it, otherwise it won’t work.

    • Total Posts: 84

    You need to follow the plan, is time for you to work on yourself and get balanced again.
    This sounds like an unhealthy relationship πŸ™
    Once you work on yourself and give your ex the space he needs, you can then re-evaluate your situation again.
    Sounds like you are acting very needy, insecure and desperate and the only way to get off that crazy train is to go NC, believe me I been there!
    I once had an ex who did that to me, every fight he would threaten to break up with me, then one day I got tired of it and I told him I was done. Started working on myself and next thing you know I was moving on and he wanted me back, the only problem was that by then I wanted nothing to do with him!
    And is not about pride, is about self respect, you are so right, you should not not be chasing him each time.
    Stop chasing him, stop the social media stalking and see what happens.

    in reply to: Contacted Exgf #17131
    • Total Posts: 84

    I had a situation that reminds me of yours.. and after a long time of my hoping things would get better I finally had to walk away for my own sanity.

    I think the suggestion about therapy is a good one, sometimes you have to try everything before you say enough.

    There is one very important lesson I learned though – I can not change anyone nor can I save anyone from themselves. They have to want it more than me. And I wish now I would have walked away a lot sooner!
    An interesting thin happen though, like many of articles say, once I moved on and no longer cared, he wanted me more than ever.

    in reply to: In contact with my ex .. help plz #17128
    • Total Posts: 84

    Also with the example above, don’t make up stories, when you say I am about to go do super fun thing, actually have something you are about to go do, so plan on calling him before you go do it πŸ˜‰

    in reply to: In contact with my ex .. help plz #17127
    • Total Posts: 84

    You wait as long as necessary, and for men to take action is a lot longer than what we girls think is right.

    Don’t play games, but just mirror his behavior a little bit. If he calls you answer if you are available and if not then you call him back when you can.

    Here is how I would start this:
    Start by calling less and see how it goes. If you normally call him every day, change it to every other day.
    If he does not step up to call you more, then time to pull back even more. Start going 2 days without calling him.
    Also you can set it up to encourage him to call you, for example the next time you are in a conversation with him, say something like ” Hey it was nice talking to you, my friend/sister whatever is here and we are about to out and do super fun thing, but give me a call later! :)” and then wait to see if he takes the bait.
    Also start ending the conversations 5 mins before you think you should. You need to start creating some space in between you two, so he can start missing you a bit.
    let us know how it goes!

    in reply to: Limited Contact. No Contact. What to do..? #17123
    • Total Posts: 84

    There is another possibility, she actually does care about you and wants you to be happy.
    Here is the thing though, one of my exes that I was with a long time, I told him that exact thing and I really did mean it, because I loved him but after a long time of trying to work things out I knew we could not be together, but I did want him to be happy.
    Now having said that, when I would hear about him dating some other girl, I would still get a twinge of jealousy and we could not stay friends because every time we tried it, he could not behave like a friend, he was always expecting me to behave like his girlfriend and arguments would ensue etc.
    I think NC is the right thing for you for now.
    Stay strong!

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