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  • in reply to: Things were going well but now I'm confused all over again #57286
    • Total Posts: 68

    Thank you @penelope4. I think you’re right, it’s definitely my fear and PTSD from everything coming back into play. I did get confirmation one of the girls is his ex, though, and I’m most definitely not comfortable with that. Realistically I know it’s highly unlikely anything like “that” is going to happen, and the possibility of them getting together isn’t really feasible either since she lives in upstate NY and we’re a 14 hour drive away from that.

    But she is his longest relationship (4 years) and while they have been broken up for more than 3 years that’s still a long relationship, and lots of memories. I guess I’m just nervous I’ll get compared to her and come up on the short end. Again, realistically I know that may not be very likely since our first time together he told me he was in love with me, that I was the only girl he’s ever been in love with and (more recently) the only girl he’s ever been able to completely be himself with.

    I guess it’s all this being away from him too that’s making me a little sad. This will be the 2nd week I won’t see him, during a time that a lot of people are very couple-y, so I guess that’s tripping me up.

    in reply to: Ex & I are trying again. How do I keep my cool? #57104
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    Just a quick update for everyone! He was my date to my best friend’s wedding tonight (I was Maid of Honor) and we had a really great time. We danced a lot, and I showed him once again the girl he fell in love with the first time around. He was grinning from ear to ear several times πŸ™‚ It meant a lot to me that he came, especially since he was leaving to drive straight to NY for the holidays right after the reception ended. He could have just gotten a jump on driving, but instead he came to the wedding with me. We even got some alone time in his car before he left πŸ™‚

    I’m really happy to say that I actually have a good feeling about all of this now. I didn’t at first; I was more pensive and anxious, scared of the bottom falling out and getting hurt again. But now I feel good and happy. I do believe he’s even going to be seeing a group of friends that includes a girl he dated back in college, and I honestly don’t even feel threatened.

    Thank you so much again everyone. @starlight I know you’ve been keeping up with me for a while now and I appreciate it some much πŸ™‚ Everything you said was 100% spot on. @kaila you too are completely right. I’m getting a chance many here only dream of (heck, I only dreamed of it this time 2.5 months ago!). He literally said everything I hoped he would when we first met up. I’m getting a second chance, but so is he. I’m learning to be very grateful for that opportunity.

    I read your most recent updates and am so happy for you! Now it looks like you’ve just gotta do what I have to do: not jump in 100% head first into where you left off. Like everyone said, there’s reason it ended, and this relationship is brand new. I want SO BAD for us to basically be “that couple” where we’re cooking together, doting on one another, and so on, but I have to have faith that we will be again one day, perhaps not too far off in the future. I’m wishing you the best as well. Good luck! It’s not easy taking it slow when all you want is to just speed up, but I have faith in you as well as me πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Ex & I are trying again. How do I keep my cool? #56932
    • Total Posts: 68

    Thank you so much for the advice, everyone! These last several months were very painful and hard. We have been back in contact for about 2 months now, and officially started dating probably about a month or so ago. I’m probably going to see him again in 2 days, and he’s my date to my best friend’s wedding this coming weekend (I’m maid of honor). After that he’ll be going out of state to be with his family for the holidays.

    You are all so right. Going slow is the right way to do this, and I should probably do what I can to not be too serious and be more fun and relaxed right now. Luckily my best friend is pretty much the female version of him (and her fiance is the male version of me, it’s hilarious) so she offers some good insight. There was a reason it didn’t work out last time, and I need to focus on creating a new relationship with him.

    Hopefully with this new perspective I’ll be able to relax more and just have fun with it. I need to try to calm down and be the girl he fell in love with, and that girl wasn’t nervous or anything like that. While our most recent date had some hiccups, the one before that was smooth sailing. Here’s hoping the smooth dates will be the run of the mill for the next few weeks.

    in reply to: Ex messaging me during no contact. what to do?? #56099
    • Total Posts: 68

    It’s good he’s acting this way πŸ™‚ You’re already 2 weeks into NC, so I’m not sure if I would break it just to placate him. He’s kind of being a bit of a toddler and throwing a tantrum. He obviously got the friend to check up on you for him. If it were me, I’d make sure to go out at least one more time looking fantastic and take a photo or 2 and put it to social media where he’d see it. Since he is acting this way though, maybe doing just 3 weeks NC instead of 30 days might be good for your situation. If you feel that you are the best version of yourself to do the shorter timeline, then go for it! You know your situation best.

    in reply to: Cant escape these thoughts #56098
    • Total Posts: 68

    I feel your pain! My guy and I are back together as well but the thought of him with that rebound girl is enough to make me sick to my stomach! (I actually am still a virgin!) My only advice to you is to seriously try to distract yourself. As long as all of that is in the past, leave it in the past. Don’t let it ruin what you have going for you now. It’s so much easier said than done, I know, but when these feelings bother you do not bring it up to him because for him they are old news. Talk about it here or with a friend that gives good advice. That’s what keeps me sane!

    And if it’s confidence/comparing yourself to them that you’re having issues with, do things that make you feel pretty! Take a long bubble bath with candles, take care of your skin, hair, and teeth, go to the gym, eat healthy… anything you can do that makes you feel like you blow all those other girls out of the water with how gorgeous you are! πŸ™‚ I know rebound chick can’t hold a candle to me, and I’m sure it’s the same for you! He’d be with them if he liked them better, and he’s with you πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Ending NC in 3 days, advice on first contact text messages? #55541
    • Total Posts: 68

    I’d recommend doing something they can’t help but respond to. When I used it on my ex, I said “So I have a confession to make…” and it drove him NUTS lol. I didn’t respond for an hour (kind of mean but them dumping us is mean!). Then I was like, “Oh I was cleaning and found the tickets from when we went to see that comedian!” And quoted a line from the show. It sparked a positive conversation, and then I ended it. I saved a “jealousy” and “good memories” text for the second or third time I texted him.

    in reply to: People that tell you to just give up!! #53767
    • Total Posts: 68

    I totally agree with this. People believe, incorrectly, that telling us these things makes us feel better somehow. But the thing is, when you find what you want, you stop looking. Let’s say, just for giggles, that there are a total of 4 people in this world that you could meet, fall in love with, marry, and live happily ever after. Well, what if you are pretty certain you found 1 of those 4, and things are currently becoming roadblocks in your road to happiness together?

    Personally, I know how rare it is for me to find someone I can stand for a whole weekend alone with him and then miss him the instant we separate. And I’ve only met one. It’s rare for anyone to find this special connection even once in their lives, let alone twice or three times! I feel it in my heart that being apart isn’t what he truly wants, and I also feel it that he’s going to come back.

    Having hope can result in us being let down, but I for one think feeling hopeless is far more difficult to endure. Cheers to mellowing through all this muck together, guys!

    in reply to: Is feeling like you should give up normal? #53765
    • Total Posts: 68

    I know exactly how you feel, @scatteredtracks! I found out my ex, who claimed he was in love with me and told his friends I could be the one and acted all summer like he wanted to be with me again, is dating a girl who’s boyfriend recently died (and he and my ex share the same name! soap opera…) It’s completely devastating!

    I would say, don’t contact him again. Having him come around and talk isn’t really going to do much except hurt you more, I think. It’s not going to go well for either one of you, and in all honesty has every possibility of pushing him closer to her. You know how people tend to want what’s forbidden? Well, if you try to convince him to date you and not her, he’s going to be more pulled to her, even if he was once (and therefore likely still is) in love with you and logically should choose you. Logic doesn’t work when people are very emotional, unfortunately. If he contacts you and says “Sure,” if it were me I’d back out. I’d say about how on reconsideration, it wouldn’t be a good idea, and leave it at that. Trust me, your silence (and patience) will speak volumes.

    If you have been thinking of him every day, I can pretty much assure you he has been thinking about you too. It’s been 2 months since y’all broke up; how long were y’all together? Some people say the longer you were together, the more likely a relationship soon after a breakup will be a rebound, but I say if you were together and just had this special connection with each other, it doesn’t necessarily matter how long you dated (as long as it’s more than like two weeks! lol)

    in reply to: What do you do when your ex has anxiety? #52531
    • Total Posts: 68

    Thank you for responding to this. Unfortunately, I’m not exactly sure where to go from here. Up to this point, every action had indicated he wanted to get back together, then at the last minute said he wouldn’t have time for a relationship right now. I’m confused, as he knew what he was getting into this semester yet still acted the way he did. I genuinely don’t think he’s the type to intentionally lead me on either.

    Several weeks ago he took something I said the wrong way, and didn’t speak to me for a week. Then he reached out to me via text, which is something in general he himself has said he doesn’t do. Asked how I had been, and I was honest with him. I said I had been okay I guess, and that I had been a little worried about him. No response again for a week, when he sends me picture of a hippo… which makes no sense. I responded to that, saying it was cute, and again no response. WTF?! So a couple days after I sent him a text that read as follows: “It was nice of you to reach out, I know that’s not something you normally do. But when you don’t respond, it kind of feels like a game.” No response to that. Can anyone make sense of this, because I know I can’t!

    Prior to these exchanges, I had told him that I don’t think I can be just friends with him, and that if he changed his mind he knew where to find me. Right now I’m thinking going NC again. What do y’all think? Any advice?

    in reply to: First Contact! #49415
    • Total Posts: 68

    So no word from him since Sunday… I’m contemplating texting him on Wednesday (tomorrow) with another text similar to the first one I sent.. thoughts?

    in reply to: First Contact! #49365
    • Total Posts: 68

    Bump.. would love to know what y’all think of my interaction with him! I’m contemplating my next step on what to do and would love advice!

    in reply to: First Contact! #49321
    • Total Posts: 68

    He texted me this afternoon saying “You saw me in the rarest of forms last night.” I responded “Yeah you were on a whole other level lol” to which he said “Drinking vodka will do that.. Hope you had fun and I wasn’t over the top lol” then he made a comment about how I loved his dancing to which I said “And you hated mine lol.” He responded with a laugh and the conversation ended there. I figure this is his way of trying to make excuses as to why he showed such jealousy with regards to my friend B.

    I should also note that after we left the bar we met him at, he no longer ordered any drinks and began to really sober up by the time we were dancing together.

    in reply to: First Contact! #49305
    • Total Posts: 68

    Okay, so a lot happened last night. We did end up meeting up, but it wasn’t just my ex and I. I had 3 friends with me, 2 of which support us getting back together (they’ll be known as M and J) and 1 who is a close guy friend (we’ll call him B) who had never met him before.

    We all met up at the bar he normally goes to. My friend B arrived a little later than us, and according to M and J the moment B sat down my ex’s demeanor completely changed. He was drunk when we first met up with him (not when he first texted me though, that was a couple hours earlier) and he began to get pretty arrogant and braggy, and after a little while he left to go meet some of his friends that had just left. I thought that was the end of it but no! He texts me right after he leaves going, “You could do better.” I told him that B is just a friend, and J texted him the same thing saying he could see it all over his face and no one had to tell him anything. Well after a bit my ex asks me “Meet me halfway?” Didn’t know what he meant by that so I ignored it and went to the bathroom and it’s at this time that he tried calling me. After a few minutes, he ends up coming back to the bar!

    We all leave and he comes with us to a bar I had been to on Wednesday night. Well apparently on the weekends it becomes more of a club, so that was what we went into. We were all on the edge of the large crowd when I decided I was going to fight my way through the crowd to the bar to get a drink. He follows me! And he puts his hands on my back/hips saying I’m bad at navigating and starts navigating me through the crowd. While I’m at the bar getting my drink, he stands SO close behind me and starts trying to touch me in certain areas. Each time I would move his hand somewhere else and tell him that was inappropriate, but in a playful voice.

    This continued throughout the night. We danced a little, and he kept putting my face in his hands, he tried to kiss me a few times too but I didn’t let him. He kept making comments like “It’s so hard for you isn’t it” and “You can’t even look me in the eye,” the latter of which I challenged him to a staring contest twice and won both times πŸ˜› My friend M says he was only saying those things because his ego got stomped on by my friend B being there.

    At the end of the night we drop him off at his friend’s apartment nearby and he texts me several times saying things like “Thanks, it was a fun night, what are you up to” and then “bring me home lol, jk kinda.” I only acknowledged what are you up to and told him I was at a 24/7 bakery “eating delicious treats” to which he responds (Naughty!!) “Awesome, I could go for a delicious treat” with the devil emoji we always used when we would exchange naughty texts. I told him I hear Twix bars are good lol. He apologized, and I told him apology accepted πŸ˜‰ , then he goes “You had fun tonight, admit it” to which I said “lol goodnight, you’ve been drinking, we’ll talk later” and he responds “that means yeah. good thing we didn’t go to another bar” and then says how he was being bad. I responded with the rocket emoji that we always used when we were dating about how we wanted to do things with each other but that would require “rocketing” over the boundaries we had at the time. THEN he keeps responding going “You enjoyed it, don’t lie, I’m gonna be good and not say more.” I told him “Sounds good, talk to you later, goodnight” and then he keeps texting me! Saying “Did you have fun dancing? Seriously drive safe.” This time I didn’t respond until an hour later when I was finally home and said “I did have fun. I’m home now. Goodnight.” Haven’t heard from him yet today but it’s only 1pm here.

    Ay yi yi. Sorry y’all, that was a lot. Basically while we were all together I felt like nothing had changed between him and I, it still felt normal. My friends are very adamant about seeing him on July 4, he said he has no plans (this shocks me honestly). What do you guys think? He says sex is a very emotional thing for him, so the fact that he was doing what he was doing shows me he still has a lot of feelings there. He’s the type to want to remain civil with his exes, but this went way beyond civil. I made sure to stay flirty but also to draw the line.

    in reply to: First Contact! #49276
    • Total Posts: 68

    So I’m out with a mutual friend of ours (my friend first though lol) and I tagged us where we were at on Facebook and how we were waiting for more to join the party. Not 10 minutes later he texts me saying how everyone should come to the bar he’s at. I say “lol perhaps” and he responds “Mhmm”. Then when I don’t respond he texts the friend I’m with saying the same thing!

    in reply to: 30 Days NC on 6/27..need advice! #49222
    • Total Posts: 68

    Getting very nervous… tomorrow (or today technically) is the day!

    Currently having a mini freakout here. Not just because of that, but because of this girl in his life. He knows her from his hometown, and she’s moving here for a job. Her long term boyfriend was killed in a car crash a couple months ago, and he actually has the same name as my ex. My ex is the only person she knows here, so a default friendship for her if you will. She recently became friends with my ex’s brother (the one he tells everything to) and his wife on Facebook. Like…what? I know logically she is in NO place whatsoever to date let alone date someone with her dead boyfriend’s name, but it still pulls at my emotions a bit. argh!

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