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  • laur8907
    • Total Posts: 68

    Hi everyone,

    It’s been a few months since I have posted on this site, but for those of you who were following my little saga, I wanted to post an update because there were developments.

    One weekend in mid May my ex and I’s mutual friend and I went out for drinks together. My ex knew about this, and drove into town to basically follow us the whole night after saying he was going to stay in and sleep (he had been partying the night before). All of this I guess to make sure nothing was going on between myself and our friend. I wasn’t exactly friendly towards him but I wasn’t an ice queen either. Cordial and polite.

    Then I found out a week later that the move to Florida is a go. He got a job down there, and that his ex of 4 years (also now in FL but a few hours away) is out of the picture and has been since about the same time I last posted here (apparently she was using him? Idk the full story but whatever). I had plans with our mutual friend again on June 4, and when we went out I found out it was my ex’s going away party and he wanted to see me and talk to me.

    So we go to the going away party, and it actually wasn’t bad. He and I talked. I wasn’t very friendly at first, but I did warm up. A long story shortened: I unblocked his number, and we did make out. That was a Saturday. We also saw each other Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday evenings. We made out each night. Thursday we said our goodbyes, went to the pool, had dinner, walked around town together, and we talked about what we are. It was a genuinely nice time. We both established neither of us really wants a long distance relationship but we both have feelings for each other. He said he doesn’t want to ask me to wait for him while he gets settled in FL and we both agree we don’t know what the future holds. But we are both open to the possibility of revisiting a relationship again if that’s what develops and we realize we don’t want to be apart. And this time, I am sure he was genuine.

    He moved Saturday June 11. We have texted every day since I unblocked him, and he likes his job but is nervous at the autonomy he’s getting. He moved not just for a new job but also new experiences and because a lot of his friends are bad into partying and drugs, and he wanted to get away from it. I will say that even if he hadn’t been moving, I wouldn’t be revisiting a relationship with him at this time. We would still be doing the same thing. I still need time to trust him and forgive him, and he needs to learn how to communicate and how to realize how his actions can affect another person.

    So that’s that for now. We are on pleasant terms, and I guess that’s as much as anyone can ask for after this roller coaster we’ve been on. Thanks to everyone who has supported me and listened to me when I was very down. I’m doing a lot better now, and I’m staying careful that this doesn’t drag me back down again. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Things were going well but now I'm confused all over again #60786
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    Thanks @penelope and @starlight, your support though all of this has really helped me stay strong. I feel a lot better without him, and it’s sad that it’s that way. Once upon a time he made me feel lighter than a feather, but here lately all it was was just a weight. A little good news on me: I’m going to nursing school in the fall, and I just got a job as a Nurse Assistant at my dream hospital! Found out two days ago πŸ™‚

    Aaaaand a little news on my ex I found out this morning! Our mutual friend was out last night and ran into him. He was all depressed and confused because he asked his ex from NY to be in a relationship and told her how he felt about her, but all she gave back was “maybe,” “I don’t know,” which we all know is the worst. Apparently she’s already moved to FL with her friend and it’s her friend’s goal to find her a rich man to marry, which our friend called it weeks ago lol. And our friend also said “It’s amazing how all the stuff he was saying last night are the same things you had been saying a couple months ago.” So basically the exact same thing he did to me is now being done to him. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, but… karma.

    Oh, and he asked our friend if I still had his number blocked and he told him yes but if he had a message for me he’d tell me next time he saw me. Apparently my ex wasn’t too happy about that hahaha. My friend’s exact words were “I saw his blood boil.” Well, he shouldn’t have done what he did if he didn’t want to deal with the consequences πŸ™‚

    I hope you both are having a great day and not too much drama in your lives! It’s a pretty day where I’m at, so I’m going to go enjoy it πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 68

    Just found out via his mom’s Facebook that he got a promotion at his current job. Not sure if this means he’s staying here or moving, because one of the jobs in FL he applied to seemed like a promotion. She didn’t mention a move like she did when he moved here back in 2012, so I’m going to guess he’s staying here. She posted a photo a couple weeks ago that said something about “Beware of destination happiness, the belief that happiness is in the next city, next job, next partner, etc.” and tagged him in it. He really values what his parents tell him, so I’m guessing he may have had a change of heart about moving after talking to them.

    • Total Posts: 68

    It’s okay @starlight, I haven’t really been on here either because nothing has happened between my ex and I. His number is still blocked on my phone, and he still has me blocked on Facebook. No news of a move to Florida from his friends, nothing new on his LinkedIn profile, etc. I did spend the night with a couple of his friends (On 3/26, the last time I was here lol) because we were hanging out and it got so late. We all had an amazing time just talking and hanging out. They all are of the general consensus that he no longer deserves me. So I’m just doing my thing. I feel so much better. There are nights where I miss who he used to be but I try to remind myself he hasn’t been that person for nearly a year now.

    I hope you are doing well @starlight πŸ™‚ have you been on any dates recently?! I’ve joined a couple dating sites and some guys have messaged me and stuff but never any of the cute ones that I want to talk to πŸ˜‰ I’m enjoying being single and remembering who I am. I heard the other day from some people that there is a lightness to me that hasn’t been there in a long time. That made me feel really good.

    • Total Posts: 68

    Yes, I am feeling much better. Last night I went out with my friends and I just felt so much lighter and happier. Because I know from here, it’s only going to get better for me. I think finding out she apparently isn’t into him and they aren’t moving together did perk me up. I’m a little embarrassed to admit that’s what helped but at least I’m doing what I can to get on with my life. I even met a guy and gave him my number πŸ™‚ Not expecting anything. I’m just going to be single and enjoy being me and being able to concentrate on what I love.

    Relationships do suck! They’re so much drama, that’s the reason I didn’t want one in the first place over a year ago, but I ignored that and gave my ex a chance. “It’s one date, what’s the worst that could happen?” Everyone asked at the time. LOL if I only knew then what I know now. But now I also know he was meant to show me that I am capable of truly loving someone. We aren’t meant to be, at least not right now. I don’t know what the future holds. It could hold someone different or he could get his act together and come back and we work out. Who knows. I’m just going to enjoy the ride πŸ™‚ How are you doing @starlight? Are you getting by?

    • Total Posts: 68

    Well I was able to get ahold of our mutual friend this evening. My ex told him that he most definitely isn’t coming back to me even if things don’t work out with this girl. Which LOL at that, because I’ve always been confident that he IS going to come knocking on my door again at some point in the future. I definitely don’t believe him for the long run. My friend also told me that from everything my ex tells him, it sounds like the girl still isn’t interested. Because get this: SHE is moving to Florida, with one of her friends. My ex is just trying to move there, likely to follow her. So funny.

    Nope, I don’t want him. At least not for a while. He needs to get his head on straight, figure out what he wants, and actually be stable. He straight up told our friend that he has no idea what he wants. And I need someone who does. It’s been refreshing and freeing to realize that. There’s definitely a good person still inside him somewhere, but it’s like down in his baby toe.

    in reply to: Things were going well but now I'm confused all over again #60146
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    The one that I usually talk to hasn’t said anything to me since I got that text from my ex. He has his own drama he’s dealing with, but I am pretty surprised he hasn’t said anything to me. I don’t think my ex has anything to do with it, but you never know. And this guy considers himself MY friend now too, not just his.

    • Total Posts: 68

    That’s awful but that says something about her character that she found out about the lies and is still into him. I am VERY confident my ex hans’t told this girl about me and what he was up to while he was supposed to be planning that trip with her, because he’s a huge coward. If he was downplaying his relationship to her any time I brought it up, and has been virtually silent about his plans with her toward his friends, then yes I’m very confident he hasn’t been honest with her. Nothing but lies. That speaks VOLUMES about how he truly feels about the relationship. And it says so much about her that his friends, the people who know him best, like me over her. Somehow they got the impression she was going to use him, and that doesn’t come from nowhere.

    I honestly think, since he failed the CFA, he’s having a complete quarter-life crisis. He has wanted to be in finance since he was in 3rd grade, bought a house here because he hated moving and wanted to put in roots. Now he suddenly wants to open a gym and not be in finance, and wants to move again. I think he’s just desperate for change. One thing doesn’t go right in his life, so everything else is wrong too. I wish he would just take a step back, calm down, take some time to himself, do some soul searching, begin career changes where he is now (get a new job or tackle this gym idea), and maybe take a week or two to travel somewhere with one of his brothers or one of his friends. But I genuinely do not think he is in his right mind, and neither does anyone I tell about this.

    I’m a little better today. I ran scenarios through my head last night about what, if anything, he could possibly say to me, and as of right now nothing he could say would make me forgive him and give him another chance. This could change in a few months when my wounds aren’t as fresh, but right now… it’s definitely not happening.

    • Total Posts: 68

    I think he needs to be by himself and figure things out, too. Because in all honesty I think any relationship he has right now is going to fail. And plus, their whole relationship is built on his lies. I’m sure she’d be whistling a different tune if she knew 2 weeks before they left for FL I was in his bed and he was trying to sleep with me.

    • Total Posts: 68

    @penelope thank you for your support. I kind of want to respond, but at the same time I don’t. I know it drives him crazy when I ignore him, and he’s expecting a response since he sent me an apology. Plus I have no idea what I would say to him that I wouldn’t later regret.

    I’m doing everything I can to try to pick myself up, but today is awful. I slept until early afternoon and just want to be in bed all day away from other people.

    I asked on another website like this about this situation, and the person behind the site said it’s serious between my ex and this girl. Which confuses me, because everything about this (according to general advice) screams rebound except for the fact that they dated for 4 years and broke up in 2012. Evidence: he got into contact with her while he was still trying to get with me, he downplays his relationship to her to his friends and to me, he hid his relationship with her from his friends (including this FL trip and that they’re planning to move there together), they saw each other 3 times since Christmas, they’ve only been in contact since Christmas (so a 4 month-ish relationship and they’re planning to move in together).

    And it upsets me greatly that he could have had me, who would have treated him well and with respect, and instead chooses this girl who isn’t even a sure thing and who all his friends are under the impression she told him he was going to have to pay for everything for their relationship to work. As far as I know, his move to Florida still isn’t set in stone. And all of us are thinking that if Florida falls through, so is this relationship. I need to stop myself from hoping that. It’s not healthy, and he has treated me so poorly. But it’s hard when he was the one I wanted to marry and have a future with. It’s so rare for me to find someone like that, he was the only one. I worry I’ll never feel this way about someone else again. And I almost don’t want to feel this way about someone else again because I feel like this will just happen again too.

    I guess I need to tell myself what my best friend told me: he’s not the person I fell in love with. He no longer exists. And that’s so heartbreaking too, because he was a wonderful person. I just feel like staying in bed and crying all day. I don’t know how I can ever be happy again.

    in reply to: Things were going well but now I'm confused all over again #60048
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    I’m just so devastated and feel so hurt and like I’m back at square one again, only this time he’s telling me he doesn’t feel the same for me and that nothing will happen between us. That’s so heartbreaking. I still love him. I don’t know what to do. I thought for sure he’d come back from his trip and see how wrong he was and how he made such a horrible mistake. I guess I was wrong.

    It completely breaks my heart knowing that now she may get the life I wanted with him. I hate this feeling.

    • Total Posts: 68

    Well everyone, he sent me a long text today. This is it word for word: “First off I want to apologize the way I freakout out the other night and told you to lose my number that was immature… Secondly I want to apologize for treating you like sh*t in the sense that I wasn’t up front with you (I didn’t cheat on you but that’s not the point).. I empathize with how you feel I’ve been there and it sucks… You really are an awesome person and I shouldn’t have done what I did to you.. I don’t feel the same way you feel about me and while I won’t apologize for that I will apologize for never being completely up front. I don’t want to keep you questioning if something will happen because it won’t.. I’m sorry.”

    I don’t know what to say. I’m hurt all over again. And no, I’m not planning on responding to him.

    in reply to: Things were going well but now I'm confused all over again #59971
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    I’m in NC πŸ™‚ So a little far from where you’re at lol. I had a rough day today. Logically I know that, out of the 2 of us, it’s him that has something wrong with him. But I can’t help but feel like something is wrong with me too, since he was SO quick to commit to moving to Florida with this girl, but he couldn’t commit to calling me his girlfriend again. I was in such a funk even a gym session didn’t help me out of it. Everyone I tell the story to has the same thought: that something is legitimately wrong with him. They also say he’s questioning everything in his life right now because he failed the CFA, which passing that test would have been a huge help to his finance career. He was so sure he passed too, and he has always passed tests like that. But he failed this time, and now all of a sudden he’s thinking of opening a gym in Florida? When he’s wanted to be in finance since he was like 8 years old.

    Also, I used to get really weird feelings back in the fall in the few weeks leading up to when he came back to me, and every time there had been a reason (related to him and me) for it. I woke up with one of those the other day. No idea what it could be about, but so far I can’t tell anything from social media. Regardless, it isn’t healthy for me to keep putting myself through this. I’m doing what I can to distance myself, but I do want to be sure his friends call him out on playing 2 girls and trying to move to Florida with one of them after only being in contact for a couple months. I do want to know what comes of that, even though I know that no good will likely come of it either way.

    • Total Posts: 68

    @starlight it certainly sounds like our situations are very similar! He definitely can’t be alone, which means he probably has some low self-esteem. Our mutual friend told me that he ran into another one of their friends who said my ex said he is so in love with this girl and that they have a connection that he can’t put into words but is deep and meaningful. That hurt to hear, but then the mutual friend tells me this guy isn’t that close to my ex, and they probably were said when they were drunk or something. He also said he told this friend, “Whatever dude, he changes with the wind, let’s see what he says when he gets back.” Furthermore, if she means SO much to him, why would he do what he did with me just 2 weeks before this trip to Florida with her? Why would he come onto one of the girls that works at the bar he regularly goes to? That’s 2 different girls in the last month he’s tried to get with. Answer is, point blank, he clearly isn’t in love with her. He wouldn’t do any of that, and all of his friends wouldn’t have been under the impression she’s out of the picture.

    I don’t think it will last either but I guess stranger things have happened. I’ve cried a bit in the last few days but I’m trying to be strong and not do it anymore. I’m tired of the games. It’s so clear he’s playing both her and me. He doesn’t really love her or else he wouldn’t have done what he has done. He wouldn’t have been so desperate to get my attention, or held me and kissed me, or done his best to downplay his connection to her every time I brought her up. He wouldn’t be keeping me as an insurance policy. Maybe I’m naive, but from what I’ve experienced and seen, when someone is in love they go all in and ignore everyone else around them. At least when things are good and happy.

    • Total Posts: 68

    Oh, and I made the mistake of going on her LinkedIn. She has changed her city to the same one he is thinking of moving to in Florida. In other words, I think they were/are planning to move there together. So yeah, I have been 100000% played these last 2 weeks. It’s time for me to move on from him.

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