Boards Not Your Ex Oldies

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  • #6748
    • Total Posts: 191

    Az, sorry for breaking you’re heart i dont want to pass my sadness upon you guys. You know what i realize. After Nc even though our exes initiate contact and want to come back with us we reject them. Simply because we arr thibkibg clearer now and we have realized that our past relastionship eas great but thats it. It wont work any further. They left us before. We chaed they snubbed us. Now that we are good they want to get back with us. Too bad we realized that life is better off without them. Its their fault for breakibg our hearta first. Thanks to them they made us feel pain which made us stronger.

    Thanks az! I feel a lot better now! I missed this site. So so much. Damn work.

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    I don’t feel great today! It’s cloudy! Last year on these days I was on 7th heaven and now I’m checking this f**kin’ site!

    I got an email from my ex yesterday–don’t mistake it! She’s apparently employed at graduate school because she’s graduated already and she’s no more student employee! The great thing about her is that she’s smart at using people and resources to get what she wants! There she is–employed right after her graduation with another boy who know when and where did they start dating!

    That thought that she might have been seeing this guy when she was with me annoys me! Seeing this guy randomly at gym also annoys me to some extend! I feel like asking him how does he know my ex and if they are already dating, I ask him when did they start dating! Asking these questions is an urge! This idea is ridiculous because there are big chances that I look stupid by disclosing emotions or look aggressive, impolite or whatsoever! But this is how I feel!

    Moreover, this post looks extremely ridiculous because I should not be thinking about her at all! She’s been acting like a b**ch, trying to hurt me and I’m thinking on what and how or whys!

    Anyway, while I was writing these lines something funny happened! I was texting to someone who had given me her number! I insisted that I got this number and I should date her and it said that it’s a he! I remember that this person had responded my first text and it was a she! It made me laugh for a while! I think the day is less gloomy now though it’s late afternoon!

    • Total Posts: 161

    Dara –
    Your story always makes me laugh.
    Your post is not ridiculous at all! Actually this is what you should do πŸ™‚ Whenever you feel like you want to share something that you could not share with others.. Come here πŸ™‚

    AZ –
    Thanks for your words. You have no idea how powerful your words are,they always heal my feelings a lot.

    So I’ve been busy these days, career fair and stuff. I got my scores for my two exams that I took after my breakup, it turned out I passed both of them, and both with relatively high scores πŸ™‚ I’m half way done with this certified exam! And I’ll have an interview tomorrow, but I still wanted to check out you guys here…

    Hope everyone is having a great night and have a great day tomorrow!

    • Total Posts: 35


    Rise above it mate, I know its horrible and that but we all go through the same stuff and well…just got to move forward!

    Even if you did ask the guy how he knows your ex etc…chances are he wouldnt tell you the truth

    As for your ex emailing you, is this the first time shes contacted you in a while? I know shes been talking to the guy infront of you at the gym etc but has she been talking to you? I may have missed some updates! ha

    I know you shouldnt be thinking about your ex…but hey ho what can you do!…we all do it!…Last Night I had a dream about ym ex and it was HORRIBLE! haha, and its been playing on my mind all morning, ive actually got headache! ha

    My ex messaged me yesterday just with a simple message saying “Starrvvvving” and ive ignored her…as im doing what a.z and my friend said. but it is hard,…maybe thats why I had this horrible dream about her lol

    Chin up mate πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 133


    Hi. How have you been all? I’ve been so busy for the past weeks. The family already flew back to Egypt. I miss the girl and the kids also. My heart got broken because we have just been together in a short time. But the good news is I no longer lament about the first bitchy user ex.

    I miss the woman and the kiiiids (her siblings btw) damn, heart break all over again. But they made me happy in a short while and they love me too.

    I hope everyone’s doing good ☺

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Festival David,

    Thanks you!

    I feel much better today! I also felt really good day before that comment! Yesterday was a big bug on the whole scenario!

    Those ideas that I had were just emotional and not logical! Ifff I talk to this guy, he’ll think how pathetic I am! Moreover, I can’t avoid giving him angry stares! If they are dating and I talk to him, he might feel that she’s unreliable but he will feel good about himself for sure! I won’t look at him and will try to avoid acknowledging his presence! Moreover, this ugly game will make him feel that she’s more precious than she was before! F**k her!!

    The cause of these feelings are rejections and nothing logical in it! This feeling of rejection makes me feel like I should prove her that I should not be dumped and I do anything for not being dumped including begging! This feeling is fake and it only proves that she was a good gamer!

    I believe that no action is the best reaction!

    I have been talk and hangout with girls almost everyday! Today, I’m going to date a super-cute girl and in reality good things are happening to me! I just need some time to have my emotions involved and enjoy these dates/hangouts!


    • Total Posts: 73

    Hey Guys,

    Its been a while for me.. been mostly busy and keeping my head up high. I think about my ex a lot less these past few days. I saw the therapist for the second time (last Wednesday); it was another good session.


    The personality disorder my ex suffers from is “Borderline personality” and she’s “Bi-polar”. Narcissistic traits are found in the Borderline personality disorder. Anyway, from the advise I was given I started writing down 3 negative things about her every time I found myself thinking about her. Its helped a lot and makes me think about why I would want those things again.

    Saoirse (like the name change),

    You are fine!! I want you to reread Kevin’s plan… I don’t know your story in full detail; but it seems you were doing so well and following the plan. Now, it seems that your putting out that needy vibe out agian.. I’d love to hear more about your situation (maybe send a link to your thread).

    Also on that note, I think we should do a conference call; I’d love to put some voices to the names/personalities on here.

    I’m in Socal, so evenings for me might be late for most of you. How does a conference call at approx 6 or 7PM my time (PST). I can set it up with an 800 number with a passcode.

    Who’s in?? If so, give me a preferred date and I’ll get it done..


    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    Thank you very much!! You made things much more clear!


    I believe what you did was somewhat like what I did! I went to see her at her office and you took your roommates phone to call your ex! We both made unexpected moves! My ex acted impolitely and yours acted politely on the phone! Any updates?

    The fact that you are now jobless hurts you the most! If you were in great shape your ex would not mean anything!


    Take it easy! Life without enemy is worthless! LOL Be happy that you have someone in your life who thinks about you when posting pictures on FB!

    Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy it!!

    • Total Posts: 778

    I’m glad you’re feeling better.So how was your date? πŸ˜€

    You are a really kind guy and you do have a big heart.I’m pretty sure you will start an amazing love life soon.

    You’re doing great and i’m really happy for you.
    Btw,i’m in πŸ™‚

    Hope everyone’s doing well xoxo

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    The date was good! It was short and casual! I don’t expect anything out of it and this is the key to happiness! Too much of expectations backfire! One of the best achievements of today was that I made a girl who would just reply to my text, text me! Oh f**k! Another hard player! It’s funny but I have started searching on how to initiate conversation with strangers who just gave you a number and your conversation before was a couple of sentences! I found that I made a deadly mistake last week! I deleted the numbers that did not reply my only first message! A site said that you should try until they say that they are annoyed!! ha ha ha…

    Oh! What made me happy was that I have a friend and he told me that I am a great person and I should respect myself and stop chasing unworthy people including my ex!

    I think I made a deadly mistake yesterday! I facebook messaged my ex’s roommate and asked her if my ex is dating someone new! She did not reply yet! I think that my mistake was if she reply me tonight or tomorrow and say that it’s true and I will feel bad again and I have practically ruined what I feel right now! In fact, I wanted to make sure that she is dating– that was a stupid one! Oh! She is not in good terms with my ex! They are not even FB friends!

    Today, I felt that she never existed!

    • Total Posts: 191

    Hi guys. Today a girl that i thought rejected me the other day texted me!! Hahaha! Very nice it made my day. Hope you guy are at all time high! πŸ˜‰

    Dont ask the guy! Never ever! It would look like a defeat and immaturity. Btw, im happy you enjoyed your date. Youre right about the expectation thing. Keep it up!

    How are you? Thanks for the advice the other day. Im really taking it with me.

    im in also! Lets do this! Lol

    • Total Posts: 142

    Good morning all

    Great to read everyone’s posts and see the madness doesn’t stop around here. As other people mention Dara, you make me smile with your posts and give me a good laugh about your situation. So glad to see you are getting out there.

    So its been a week since I last posted and had a couple of things happen.

    Firstly, my best friend who has been quite concerned at the funk I have been in for the last few months has been pushing me to get out and get involved with some activities. After some discussion about where my passions are, he arranged a meeting with a friend of his who is the Scout master for a local group. I ended up going along to a meeting this week and had a blast. About 30 kids at the group and it was madness. We played some dodgeball then spent the evening setting up campfires and going over the “do’s and don’ts” of campfires. It was so much fun as it was dark and the scout hall is in an area of bush by a small river. So having this campfire created a very cool atmosphere. Afterwards had a big talk with the scout master and I’m very keen to get involved in helping out as a leader. it just felt good knowing I could be getting involved in something bigger then myself.

    Secondly, yesterday I went on a coffee date with a girl I meet online. In one sense I was surprised at how confident I was and we talked for a hour or so, however there was no chemistry there and at the end of it we both agreed that while we were both nice people, there was nothing there to follow up on. She actually told me I would be a cool friend and I felt the same way.

    Afterwards I thought about my Ex and how much I miss her and even just the close friendship we had together. Its now over 4 months since our breakup and I have hit 70 days since I last reached out to her with a text (77 days since I sent the letter).

    As you guys know I heard nothing back from her and I suspect that even if I text her now with all the stuff that is starting to happen in my life again I don’t think I would get a response. So I have a question/thought for you all

    All this talk of everyone connecting together on Facebook has got me thinking. For myself, I haven’t used Facebook for 3 years plus, which was before I meet my Ex. At the time I stopped using Facebook I found it to be very fake with my friends circle. I had over 200 friends, but less then 10 of them would I actually see during the week. I also got annoyed with all the irreverent crap people posted. When I meet my Ex and when I was going out with my Ex she was always pushing me to get back on Facebook, but I never did. Now I am wondering if maybe I should

    So my question for all you awesome people, should I get on Facebook? Just to clarify I am not that stupid that I create an account and send her a friends request. However what I am thinking is send friend requests to some our “mutual” friends. I know its a very slim chance as so much time has past now with my Ex and she has certainly moved on, but I feel it may just create the intrigue needed and maybe put me back in her mind. Then come a couple of months it is her birthday and that would be a great opportunity to reach out to her with a message. That way its not like me reaching out after 5 months have past with no contact and her having no idea what the heck has happened with me.

    I don’t know….even writing this out seems such a hare-brained idea and I feel like it is grasping at thin air, Getting on Facebook to use it as a tool to win back my Ex, but the effect she has on me, its crazy. Would like your guys thoughts and input and be honest and blunt.

    Am I being thick skulled and just need to move on?

    • Total Posts: 191

    Im glad you’re doing good buddy. Let me ask you. Do you think she is still a good match for you. If yes then trying to get her back is fine. But moving on is your best bet.

    Like you my ex never initiated contact. Although we can exchange texts. I choose not to because it might ruin my balance and progress. Though i miss her. Sometimes its the feeling that we miss not the persn so think about it. You see, our exes are so focused on cutting us out if their lives. We should do the same i think.

    • Total Posts: 778

    Cool,keep up the good job πŸ™‚

    You’re welcome buddy x I’m glad you’re feeling better.

    You’re doing well and i’m really happy for you.Keep it up x
    Actually,i think its a good idea.But make sure to upload photos that show you are doing great,having fun etc before you send friend requests to your mutual friends.Then be active on facebook,change your profile pic,post interesting videos… .Also texting her on her Birthday sounds like a good idea.Its been 77 days and you have been doing really well.It doesn’t even matter if she has moved on or not.There is an article in this website about how to get your ex back even after a year of NC.So its not really impossible.I think you still have a chance.

    Love you oldies xoxo

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I recommend you to do whatsoever you can but don’t waste much time! From my experience this NC had made my ex much more stronger! No doubt, I had also become stronger–I was any close to a door mate but she was simply a stone this time!

    I recommend you to take some actions because if you hear a bad news, you will get back to the first ste–this is what I feel about myself lately! I don’t even feel like dating anyone! Even if I do, it turns out to be rough! My feelings are not flirty or romantic! It’s only wanting to f**k someone because probably someone else is f**king my ex now! Believe me, I feel like break up happened a 2 weeks ago!

    Facebook idea is not bad but be fast! It’s simply positive ad for you!

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