Boards Not Your Ex Oldies

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  • #6120
    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    The last time I talked to my ex I saw some marks that could be hickeys on her boobs! Now I know which mother f**ker made those hickeys!

    Anyway, I might be having negative assumptions right now! I guess from tomorrow I’ll be glad that this guys is not super sexy!! I’m much better looking than him!

    I know that I’m great!! I’m a victor!

    • Total Posts: 191

    Dar, try your best to ignore her. I know how you feel its hard to see that even if you’ve moved on. Its very hard knowing you’ve been replaced especially if you havent found a new girl yet. Forbus guys, it like a blow to both our hearts and ego or manhood.

    GUYS! I misses youu! I’ve been terribly busy. Infeel left out ive got no time to back read. I hope you’re all doing well i wish o still have time to check updates like before but my internship proved to be challenging. I can barely get out of bed sometimes due to fatigue.

    Hopw everyone ia great! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 209

    Simply because we can not reach that level of connection and intimacy in a short amount of time.

    Now and Finally, I sort of understand what my ex was talking about when he told me countless times that Intimacy and connection with his other girlfriends didn’t happen instantly.

    OMG!!! My ex and I hit if off instantly and I never believed him when he said with ALL of his other girlfriends they needed time to get used to each other in intimacy and connection that it doesn’t just happen. However, him and I it’s like we’ve been together forever, it was sooooooooo natural and comfortable IMMEDIATELY from get go being with him intimately and otherwise. He’s my first so I had no idea what he was on about but now I do πŸ™‚ … It’s nice that we felt like that, it makes me happy πŸ™‚

    BTW, he’s been very attentive and warm with me. He keeps sending me messages of his affection for me. I have the same affection for him but don’t know if that’s what love is…

    I hope everyone is doing well… I’ve been very busy lately but always try to come here and say hi πŸ™‚

    Dara, close that door with your ex and throw the key out… Never look back, always forward, my thoughts are with you xxx

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    I still feel bad! This feeling is similar to those early breakup days! I did not have this bad feelings for a long time! I hate her! She talked to this guy to make me feel bad! They had the closure! F**k her!!

    • Total Posts: 133

    Dara and A.Z.
    I wish it is that easy to jump onto another one. Since this egyptian girl came into my life we’ve just been together for a week but I was really attached. Because of her I realized I have a big problem with attachments! I get attached so easily! Once someone has shown me that I am wanted, loved, appreciated, I immediately get attached even more than how attached that person is to me.

    And now, I think I am gonna have another heartbreak. Good part is I’m not thinking anymore of the former ex. Bad part is that I might get brokenhearted again with this girl that I like sooooooooo much!

    Eeeeew what a real bitch! Ditch that bitch! I hate your ex really

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I guess this was a short time to get attached! You found one, surely you’ll find another one soon! Look at the positive side! Down the road, you will have to find someone else, so why don’t you start the search right now? πŸ˜‰

    Unlike you RAED, I get attached very late! There were a lot of relationships that I had in which I did not even say, “I love you”. There was a two year relationship that I had but I did not use that phrase!

    To be honest, she is a real bitch!! Everyday, I see more of her!

    By the way, even though I felt bad and wrote a lot of stuff here but my reaction was good! I saw a friend and we made jokes on some girls and my ex saw me laughing later!

    I’m feeling much better! Thanks to this site where we can throw up sometimes! πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 32

    I’m sorry she dragged you back down today, that’s her plan you know…that’s why she spoke to him in front of you – my advice – RISE ABOVE IT!!!!

    can I be fb friends with you? you always cheer me up so I can only imagine how ur fb posts would give me a kick!

    • Total Posts: 73

    We should all do a big conference call!! lol! like a party line number! It would be nice to put a voice with everyones name..haha. I can actually setup a conference call with a pin number for access if anyone is actually interested.. (we’d have to pick a time that works for most) crazy idea I know but could be lots of fun!


    She doing all of it out of spite.. Here’s an idea that might not be the most convenient move but may work… can you start going to another gym? where she wont go and she’ll start to wonder where the heck you are.


    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    Thank you for your suggestion! I sent you an email just now! You can add me on FB through the email I sent you! To be honest, I wanted to be anonymous but when I think now, I should take it easy! We are common people and this sh!t can happen to anyone around! Sh!t happens!


    Thank you for your suggestion! Much appreciated!

    I am psychically much better looking than her new boyfriend! I prefer going to that gym! I won’t give any sh!t to her! My love/ feelings are worthier than to be wasted such a cheap girl! I have worked hard to reach this point of my life! I should pay more respect to myself! I think there are some student staff working in the gym who might have some feelings for me! Some of the look really nice! If I date some of them it will be a big blow to my ex! I am simply looking for an appropriate moment and appropriate mood to come up with a good pickup line! For now, I have someone to hangout and I should be happy about it and she’s not really bad looking!

    About changing the gym, I think that’s not a good idea because last year I left the gym and gained weight! I want her to see me in shape whenever we bump into each other! I want to show her how strong I am in not looking at her when she is around! Anyway, I should not care or talk about her again!

    I’m also glad that I can share my thoughts and feelings here! It really looks weird for real-life-friends!

    I believe doing NC aiming for getting ex back is a break for moving on! That slight hope somewhat backfires!

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469

    Ladies and gentlemen!

    Tonight I feel good! A friend complemented on the look that this new girl has! Maybe since I’m not emotionally in to her, I don’t see that!

    Oh! Sh!t! I woke my roommate up!

    Anyway, I wished you all were around and I could invite you for a drink!

    Cheers to us (Daniel, RAED, Steve, a.z., Sinead, Rihanna, Festival David, Edward, Mordecai and sincerely yours, myself)

    • Total Posts: 297

    I believe doing NC aiming for getting ex back is a break for moving on! That slight hope somewhat backfires!

    I had this same exact thought today. I feel the NC is really just that. My experience now 4 weeks in after 3 months of contact is you start to lose the feeling of being with that person. I still have thoughts esp since we were together for so long but I don’t think about her as much. Days go by faster now. I still hold slight hope but know it’s very unlikely.

    Dara you are wise my friend. I enjoy reading your posts!

    Joe how have you been? Hope all is well

    • Total Posts: 209

    Hi Everyone, I always feel like i’m missing out on what’s going on here because the time difference, anyway…

    Mike, I think what you’re feeling now is 100% the way I felt during NC too… And it’s not a bad thing to go through NC for our own sake, to become better and more improved version of ourselves and then find a new love… I like the idea of moving Forward and not looking at the past, it’s a closed door and shouldn’t be open again just like a wound should be left to heal… Unfortunately, the heart doesn’t know that and here comes the battle between mind vs heart, logic vs feelings so we all struggle looking back and holding on to the past which may very well hinder the magic that may be hidden for us for our future… At the end of the day, our exes are just people, we feel they’re special because that’s what WE made them to be in our minds but everyone can be special and I’d rather give my heart to someone deserving than someone rejecting it… It may hurt for a while but it’s for the best to achieve a different kind of happiness, a more profound love with a soul mate… I wish you and all of us that and more

    Dara, I can’t believe what a beautiful soul you are to be fighting for your ex the way you have whether she deserves it or not… We need more men like you in the world who would put their egos and all the crap aside to fight for what they feel is right, for a love, for a dream, for anything. It’s so sad that guys like you end up with girls who don’t know the value of your heart, and are willing to walk away so easily … It’s sad because men like you are rare and good people always end up hurt. Don’t compare yourself to that idiot she ended up with (it’s not going to last I assure you), and you’re much better because you have fire in you, you fight for love something rare in our world. I’m so happy though to hear you’re going through life to move on, no matter how hard it looks and sounds and feels now I know you’ll come out on top and soar in life the way you deserve… My heart and thoughts are always with you, you beautiful soul…

    • Total Posts: 142

    Hey Everyone

    Just hit Friday here and so ready for the weekend folks. I have been sick with a cold for most of the week and while I am better now, my body just needs some rest, sleep in tomorrow. Not much happening with me and very low key at the moment πŸ™‚

    Dara – Wow man, every time I have a couple of days off from this website its like a whole new book has gone on between you and your Ex. I really like Joe idea of moving to another gym for a month or so just to keep away from your Ex as while you are above all that, it will do wonders to be away from her for a bit and not deal with all her crap. But will have a drink tonight with you and no problems reading all your posts, they are very entertaining πŸ™‚

    Festival Dave – Awesome picture mate, that looked like you had an fantastic time away and visiting so many unique places. Very jealous and I can’t wait to see and hear more travel stories

    A.Z – Has hit 1000 posts, gets first award medal πŸ™‚

    Raed – haha, I should be feeling sad that it looks like you are going through another broken heart. I find it funny that you don’t miss and feel sad about your first ex because this Egyptian girl is breaking your heart.

    • Total Posts: 191

    I miss you all so much. It’s true i’ve been quiet here but i can’t help it. Im aware Dara has gone through some tough days but i know hes doing great now. Keep it up dara you were alway the best in moving on here lol. How bout you all. I wish we could have a meet up. I’d be more than happy to cook for all of you. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 778

    My ex called me like 20 times yesterday and i didn’t answer his calls.He called my best friend and she didn’t answer her phone.He texted her and said please tell her i want to talk her.Then he called another friend and asked her to tell me to answer his calls.She called me and said he was crying.He called me 2.3 more times and then texted me and said please don’t do this to me,i want to talk to you,i miss you please just answer your phone,don’t say anything just listen to me,i will never hurt you again,just give me a chance to fix everything.
    I said stop it.
    He started calling me again and after 5.6 times i answered him.He started crying and he could hardly say anything.He said he loves me and he can’t forget me and that he wants to be with me.He said he doesn’t care about what his friends may say or what his parents may do and that all he wants is another chance.He begged me to give him another chance :O .
    He was crying and i was really about to cry.It was really hard for me to say but i said i don’t think if we can make it work.
    We talked for 2 hours and he was trying to convince me to get back with him.He said he will do anything to be with me.He asked if we can go out to talk?i said i need some time to think about it.I don’t really think if thats a good idea.I don’t want to fall for him again.
    I’m confused.I’m not even happy.I hate it when he cries it really kills me.I don’t really think if getting back with him is a good decision.Its been 7 months since we broke up and i don’t really want to make another mistake.

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