Boards Reconciliation He wants to break up AGAIN! please help urgent! gonna talk to him today KAILA

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  • #45625
    • Total Posts: 167

    Between1standa, thank you! I’ll check out your posts as soon as I can. I’m at work now but I’ll try to give you advice when I get a chance.

    • Total Posts: 711

    dragongirl… I have been thinking a bit.. For now I can say some things:

    1. This burning sensation. It’s on my chest and sometimes on my belly. Usually not in both places at the same time.

    2. HUGE anxiety when waking up for two three months after breaking up. Now is rare.

    3. Ahm… lets say I never felt so sexually atracted to anyone, and this almost uncontrolable rush that would happen at times where I felt I was losing my mind x)

    4. Feeling dizzy from feeling so happy and in love, would happen a lot when he would tell me great unreal things 🙂

    5. Losing will to live…

    • Total Posts: 711

    This is going worse and worse. Today I was trying to see if I knew everything for the exam saturday. Nope. Don’t know if today my brain is just not sharp or if I really don’t know anything 🙁

    • Total Posts: 312

    Interesting to see I’m not the only one with morning anxiety. I wake up every day and my stomach is completely sunk, I’m flushed, and I can’t focus on doing anything because I’m so amped up. It’s even worse when I’ve had a bad dream and I wake up and I just want him to comfort me.

    I think you’re probably just tired and your brain isn’t in the material at the moment. Mine wouldn’t be either in your situation. You probably do know the material, it’s just easy for your mind to wander right now. Try not to worry.

    • Total Posts: 312

    @kaila @between I feel the same as you guys. Have this burning feeling in my chest, anxiety most of the time, sometimes have this nightmares that he’s leaving me again, I can’t focus on my studies at all. This is the first time in my life that I ever felt something like this, I had another relationship before but it wasn’t so intensive like this one, also never felt so attracted to anyone before him. We all have these days. Some days we are brighter and feeling positive and on others we’re seeing all the negative in life and feeling hopeless. We just have to keep going forward and stay strong.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Problem is, this is an admission exam, and I don’t have a second chance. If I don’t get in, only next year. Bah

    It’s so hard. I had this very clear vision of the good and bad of this situation and the bad he has in himself and what he did to me. Its all turning to a blur and I only remember the fact I lost him again. I need to do a cleanse to my mind somehow but I don’t have time for that now. I had two months to study 2 years of this subject for an exam of 8 questions. Lol. No time to stop, heal, and pick up the books again

    • Total Posts: 711

    WOW @dragongirl I did a research on what you talked about. I loved reading it. Even if I’m a skeptic person (and I’m not sure if this experience has made me even more skeptic or less), it’s calming to read something like this. I am spiritual somewhat though. Loved this article, and I recomment everyone who is broken up to read it and just keep an open mind.

    Loved this last bit:

    As I have mentioned, I have met Twin Flames that I would never have thought have made it and they did, and I have had to eat humble pie a few times. The prime reason many Twin Flames are not making it is because of the emotional body and the lack of maturity. When you gain the maturity you gain that state of consciousness, that frequency that can reunite you with your Twin Flame. The reason I am emphasizing this is that Twin Flames have the potential to manifest what I call the Third Energy, or the emanation of unconditional love. But in order for Twin Flames to manifest that, through all levels of the body (spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and physical) there has to be a reasonable synergistic blend.

    And if you really understand that Twin Flames is not a fantasy, romance, or candlelight dinners, it is actually some personal growth and awareness. And if you really want to grow, and you really want to be with your Twin Flame you can be, but you have to do the work, you have to pick yourself up by the boot straps and say I’m going to get going and get doing, even if my Twin Flame is not back. And you then can put yourself in a position where you can attract through the law of attraction many other things you want in your life. So it is important to remember that nothing is over. When you think it is over, it is only over because your emotional body is not at that maturity, frequency that matches that. And this can happen to both of you at the same time. The male will usually be the one that runs away from it but not always.

    Spiritual maturity is something that must be reached by both parties and they will not be brought together on a permanent basis by higher self till this achieved.

    • Total Posts: 711

    @atea1234 you might like this too 🙂

    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24


    So this thread has gotten pretty long since the last time I read it, and I didn’t post anything then because I actually agreed with what everyone else was saying, and I still do.

    As dragongirl said, it seems like you are at the point where you are having some really good days, and some really bad days. We’ve all been there, and its part of the process. What caught my eye are some of the parts where you lay most of the guilt/blame on yourself, and, for lack of a better term, seem incredible desperate to get him back. These posts are from a few days ago so you may not feel like that anymore, and if you do, I hope that you recognize that that’s not healthy. Also, sleeping with a guy in hopes that keeping him around is never a good idea. I know that you didn’t do that, but you seem incredibly concerned that he left because you didn’t say I love you/didn’t sleep with him. If he left over that then he really is a jerk, but sleeping with someone just to keep them isn’t healthy and usually backfires.

    I hope that you’re good days are becoming more frequent. I know what its like to feel like the world is ending and being unable to breathe, but you seem to be devoting all of your time and energy into him and obsessing over little things that happened. My honest advice is whenever that happens, force yourself to calm down. You mentioned how you’ve changed, which is good! but its not a short process, keep getting involved in new things, keep meeting new people, etc… there is no timeline and no “ok I’m done” moment. You have to keep going. If he is your forever then he will come back, if not, you’ll find someone even better – I promise.

    Good luck

    • Total Posts: 167

    Hey Kaila-I’m glad you took the time to read more about what I was telling you. Whether you believe in twin souls or not, understand that all of us are souls that are here to experience life, love and lessons (good and bad).
    After deep research into this subject and long-time experience with it, I think your ex is like a catalyst to awaken certain emotions in you. There are fake twinsouls that resemble twinsouls but they truly aren’t-and I think that’s what your ex is to you. The reason I say this is because you have some signs of twinsouls but yet he told you his feelings weren’t strong enough. That’s what caught my eye. The love that twinsouls feel for one another is incredibly strong and neither one ever has a moment where they doubt their feelings for one another. So think of your ex as a catalyst to meet the guy that you actually do belong with.

    • Total Posts: 711

    @dragongirl I’m not worried about it and didn’t say I think he is or isn’t, I was just talking about the article. It made me feel more at peace thinking there is a chance that this whole life and love thing might have some meaning and sense and it’s not just a random sequence of events and that we are not entirely responsible for everything that happens or doesn’t happen.

    I was super controlled and in charge all throughout this break up and it does make me feel good about myself for one, but at the end I was thought a lesson that even when you do everything and I micro managed everything, still there are things you can’t control.

    There is one thing that might really mean we aren’t “twin souls”. And it’s not that one. Because let me tell you. The people that actually know the whole story which it’s not clear in this thread cause I was too out of my mind to actually make full sense of the situation and say exactly what happened, say it makes no sense and that something is off. Something just doesn’t make sense. And I’m gonna find out what it is. It might be good, it might be bad. But I wouldn’t be me and I wouldn’t be happy in the long run if I didn’t.

    It is very hard but I’m at peace. As I said there is really nothing I did wrong. I was a stressful girlfriend the first time around, yes. But even then, as much as it is my fault, I just didn’t know better. I didn’t know how to not let my insecurities interfere and differentiate what is a real problem and what is a problem just in my head. I did eerything I could to change and I did change 🙂 Then I did everything as I said before to show how much I love him and care for him. It’s not in my hands anymore and it truly is his loss now. I’m proud of myself. I was proud already at 2 months after the break up just for the fact that I was able to move from the depressing almost suicidal thoughts. Time will tell if we are meant to be together or not 🙂 In the meantime I will keep on maturing, going, doing what I love, as the article says.

    Hanna Nelson I will get back to being where I was when we got together in time 🙂 I was no longer worried and focused that much on this. Thank you for your feedback and words of encouragement! And I hope everything goes right between you two 🙂

    • Total Posts: 167

    @Kaila-love is the one thing in this life that you can’t control no matter how much you try to micromanage it. If you think that life is just a random sequence of events without meaning, then you haven’t lived enough! I don’t know your full story but what your ex told you doesn’t match up with what a true twinsoul would tell you so I’m pretty certain he’s not yours. What is he really to you in this life? Only time will tell. Have you spoken to him at all or has he made contact with you?

    • Total Posts: 711

    Well if you truly think about it, everything can just happen out of coincidence. One thing that can tell you life is just a random sequence of events and there is no meaning or anything? Look at how much pain there is in the world. Look at how there is people that never live good or long enough to have happiness happen in their lives at all.
    Also it’s good to read these things to gain some perspective, but we should take everything with a grain of salt. If it was like that we could just sit back and wait for someone to come back for example. And that’s not how things work. We must fight for what we want. Twin souls can even not even exist. So just fight for what you want, even if it doesn’t fit theories.

    And no. I still want to meet up but I’m not sure when. I was gonna contact him next tuesday but now I’m not so sure. When I feel ready I will 🙂 What about you? I don’t even know your story :/

    • Total Posts: 167

    Like I said before, you haven’t lived enough if you believe everything happens out of coincidence. When you have more life experience, you will see how things are connected like a very complex tapestry. Even when you think things aren’t connected, you will see at a later time that there was a connection- you just couldn’t see it at the time.

    As for the fighting for what you want, in some situations it’s just a waste of time. For example, your ex seems to have lukewarm feelings for you. I wouldn’t even bother trying to talk to him-he made his feelings clear. It’s not like you can inject the feelings that you want him to have for you into his heart. If only! So why waste your time trying to fight for a guy that obviously wouldn’t go to that extent for you? With that kind of ex, there is nothing left to fight for because you need two people to fight for a relationship. A relationship can’t blossom nor does it have a future if only one person puts in the effort.

    As for twin souls, they are a very real phenomenon-a very freaky one I might add. The info that you read online is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve met mine and we live together because we can’t stand being apart. Even when he goes to work, my chest will physically hurt when he misses me, which sucks because I definitely need to focus on my clients. I’ve talked to a lot of other people that have met their twin souls and they all display all the signs/symptoms. It can be very overwhelming to have someone know your every thought and to have their emotions flood your body. The more you read about it, the more it will open your mind! As for talking to your ex, do what you have to do. Just be prepared that it’s very likely he’s going to tell you things that you don’t want to hear.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Well ok then. You know one of the top 5 weirdest things that happened to me? The way I met him. It makes no sense at all. Briefly I will tell you. His ex went to my school. He went there to visit. I recognized he was from my town and after that would bump into him sometimes we would look at each other. I thought he was the one looking at me, he thought it was me looking at him. I commented that with a friend. A few weeks later that friend called me and say guess who I am with? I said ah…. I dont know! He was like that guy you told me about! And passed the phone to him. LOL. HOW IN LIFE DID HE KNOW IT WAS HIM, AND HOW DID MY EX KNEW WHO HE WAS TALKING ABOUT???? Didn’t make sense at the time and after what happened I did think it was fate or something. I am sure if I had learned my life lessons already it would have gone well.

    Anyway we were like 16 at the time mind you. We exchanged phone numbers, met up a few times. Although he dated all these years and I was quite shy. Then they broke up at the beginning of last year, he liked one of my pictures on facebook, something he NEVER did basically, and we started talking, met up. I was different, not shy anymore. And it went from there. He lives 5 minutes from me. My throat and chest still have that burning feeling although I barely thing of things and I am definitely moving on.

    I don’t know what is so unbelievable about what he said being just a lie -.- you read it everywhere that if they say something like that it can just be a cover up. Also in 1 week you can’t be SURE of your feelings. So that stuff to me just sounds like background noise. I am moving on and after what he did to me I don’t feel like trying hard like before. But it’s still obvious that there are several options here and he might be confused, hurt, stupid, stressed LOL I don’t care and I’m sick of discussing him when I am just discussing life now. Nothing is gonna change in my mind until I talk to him

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