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  • in reply to: Bonds, connections, and other points of interest #31898
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    Have to say I agree with the GIG thing. This is not the first time me and my partner have broken up, and just like before he has a ‘friend’ who he knew would be lined up ready to take my position haha. Right now he’s planning to move away to be with her, which seems to be out of desperation to not be alone, as he hasn’t had any time alone since we broke up. I really hope he enjoys his time over there, I just feel bad for the girl. He’s broken other girls hearts before because cause he always realises that he has to come back to me.

    I hope you are all doing well. Not hearing anything for a few days is a good sign in my books. It means you are all too busy enjoying your lives! Hopefully you are both having a fantastic time ๐Ÿ™‚

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    If it was true love it won’t end. And that’s the point. You are free now to concentrate on yourself. He loves you. You don’t need to worry about that. There is something that means you don’t feel whole without him, and that’s not fair to to either of you.

    Imagine how you would feel if someone suddenly told you that their happiness depends on you. Imagine that responsibility?! Wow. I wouldn’t want that. I don’t know about you. Sometimes it’s hard enough to keep myself happy, let alone another person.

    That’s what you’re doing, each time with your ex. Each time you contact them, or profess you are whole with them, you are saying “I don’t know how to be happy on my own, so I’m using you”. That’s unhealthy for you and them. Nobody wants to be responsible for another’s happiness, it’s a burden. Horrible, but true.

    Can you imagine the rest of your life having to rely on someone else for your happiness ? I don’t know about you, but to me that doesn’t sound like much fun at all…

    • Total Posts: 11

    Having hope makes you human, and humans are beautiful. We are literally the only beings with the power to change the world. And that is amazing. You need to learn to look at yourself as a beautiful human, a strong human, an amazing creator. If you put your mind to it, you can do anything. And that is true.

    A few months ago, I was back to cutting, taking pills and hoping that my life would end, I was in despair. Until I realised that it was only me that thought these things about myself, it was only me that thought I wasnt strong enough. It’s all you….let it sink in..It’s all you. Your thoughts are yours and yours alone. Choose to change them. Now I CHOOSE to be happy every day. I have signed up.for a charity skydive, I give money and sit down with each homeless person I see, I’m off to south Africa to a wildlife rehab centre at the end of the year.

    Life is amazing. You just need to open yourself up and see it. Please feel free to contact me and I will be there day by day. It takes a while, but eventually you will realise how truely amazing you are.

    • Total Posts: 11

    Confused_girl, please read my above post. There should be no time limit on love, and there is certainly no time limit to working on ourselves. If you truly believe you are meant to be together, you don’t need to day it will be 1 month, 2 months or more. It will happen when it’s right. And if you have faith you can carry on enjoying your life, knowing they will be back when the time is perfect for you two to be together.

    Always know you are beautiful, and you have so much to offer this earth.

    • Total Posts: 11

    I don’t think that is necessarily the case. All over the internet there are stories of exes coming back together after weeks, months and even years. It can happen. When you have a long relationship with someone you build an emotional bond. Falling in love with someone changes the neurons in our brain, and even after decades, meeting that person again causes those old neural pathways to fire up and the love kicks in all over again. It’s the way our bodies work. When in love we produce hormones, it becomes an addiction. And it’s very easy to open those paths to addiction again.

    The key is to appreciate the time apart. You may be away from your love, but our journey is a long, everlasting one. Just because we are not with someone now, doesn’t mean we won’t reconnect with them in the future. You need to learn from your alone time. Learn how to become a better person, to become you, to give out everything you can offer the world. Each person should be in a place where they can live a happy and fulfilled life on your own.

    Remember, everyone is on their own journey, and they walk their own path. Even if someone is not walking with you right now, doesn’t mean your paths won’t meet to walk together again.

    in reply to: Bonds, connections, and other points of interest #28678
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    Hey, there’s all kinds of stuff out there :). Try looking for books your youtube videos by people like Abraham Hicks, NEville Goddard and eventually they will lead you on to more and more, but they are a great place to start. There’s a really great book and movie called The Secret, and a guy called Mike Dooley writes some pretty awesome stuff too!

    Also, search for a forum called power law of attraction. There’s some really great people there with fantastic advice. They do have an ex back section, but a lot of the forum is geared towards having a better life :).

    I hope these help!

    in reply to: Bonds, connections, and other points of interest #28452
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    Sorry I didn’t reply, it was early morning and I had to grab a few hours sleep before work!

    Patrick, it is hard, it’s the most difficult to not contact someone you have spent so much of your life with. But it does get easier, trust me. Each day that goes by gets a tiny bit easier. And no, you haven’t spent enough time on yourself because you don’t love yourself yet. You might think you do things each day to be happy, but can you get in bed at the end of the night and say you love your life and you love yourself ? That’s where you need to be.

    It all amounts to making small changes, every negative thought or doubt that comes into your mind, recognise it, accept it and then move on. Swap it for a thought that makes you happy. It’s hard, but with practice it becomes easier.

    Phoenix, I know how you feel. I found out the other week that my guy is seeing someone else, and I have no doubt he got in touch with her a few days after he broke up with me. It didn’t affect me. I know what he’s like and I know this is what he does, it’s his pattern when we break up (which we have done a couple of times over the last four years), he needs to fill the void. And if that is how he chooses to do it, then that is his prerogative and I can’t change his mind. Until I change me. You need to be selfish right now, you need to concentrate on yourself and not her.

    Everyone is all on their own journey, and it is not up to us to question their choices. We can only go with our own path, and those that are meant to walk with us, will eventually meet up with us somewhere along the road again.

    • Total Posts: 11

    It sounds silly, but have you read up on LOA, and on trying to raise your vibration ?

    Remember, the universe is beautiful, and we are all the universe.

    in reply to: Bonds, connections, and other points of interest #28193
    • Total Posts: 11

    I think you are reading too much into it. How much no contact have you had ? It’s really important to take this time to focus on yourself. I can’t stress that enough. Take each day as it comes, each morning you wake up treat it as a fresh slate and try to do things that make you feel happy; regardless if it would have an affect on you and the ex. It is the hardest thing to do, but really the most important. We all control our own happiness, and it’s simply not fair to another, or yourself, to make that happiness depend on another person.

    I know it’s hard, trust me, I’ve been there and done that, still doing it infact, but it gets easier with each passing day. You’d be very surprised. You need to stop concentrating all that effort into missing them.

    You need to learn to do something, no matter how trivial, that makes YOU happy just BECAUSE each day.

    I’ll be honest here. At first I tried to do 20 minutes of visualisation each day, as well as separate meditation, remote seduction and countless other techniques. After time, I realised it wasn’t about me and that was the issue. I wasn’t doing anything for ME. Eventually I stopped, and concentrated only on making myself feel better. I still meditated, I still took time out of my day to give thanks and gratitude, but now I did it purely for myself, and for the thanks I felt for slowly feeling more positive each day. It’s all about yourself and your vibration. You can only change yourself, and the way you see and feel about yourself has a massive impact on the world we see around us.

    Remember, thoughts become things!

    in reply to: Bonds, connections, and other points of interest #28189
    • Total Posts: 11

    It’s going great thank you! It’s all the little things that add up that we need to remember. Like that fact I hadn’t seen anyone mentioned LOA until I started learning about it, like how I came across a guy who I’d never heard of before, then he was in a magazine I bought, how im trying to attract an ex back, then all of a sudden all my exes have contacted me. All the little synchronicities, they let you know it’s working.

    Don’t forget, the universe knows what you want. Don’t hold on to hard, and don’t concentrate on the fact you don’t have it. It will come eventually and deep down you KNOW it will, hold on to that, and enjoy your life in the meantime ๐Ÿ™‚

    in reply to: Bonds, connections, and other points of interest #27935
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    I’d just like to say when I first came to this board, nobody even mentioned LOA. I went off for a while and discovered it, learning as much as i can and still learning. Then i came back here and bam! LOA is all over these boards. Off that isn’t proof of how it works, then I don’t know what is.

    Keep feeling those happy vibes guys. It’s really comforting and inspirational to read all your stories ๐Ÿ™‚

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