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  • in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12457
    • Total Posts: 268

    It is just funny how this is the only thing that seems to be on her mind… In my head it just confirms what I said about the breakup resons…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12456
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    I am moving there… Sooner or later. 🙂

    It is a great city, and I have been wanting to move there for a long time. Even before I meet her. I just need to get a job there first. (I dont really like the job I have now)…

    But right now the house needs to be sold first. Then I can either say yes to a relocation or yes to a new job… 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12450
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks @TravelBug you have been a great support to me.
    Guess I was just a little anggry at her when I wrote this 🙂

    The company I work at is opening a new office in her city. And when she saw me like that status on Facebook she texted me: “Are you being relocated here?“…

    It seems to be the only thing that actually interrests her about me right now.
    My job search in her city and the fact I am getting ready to move to that city (Ive put my house up for sale)

    She is trying to avoid to much contact with me. But she is very interrested in me coming closer to her, as the distance was the issue (if you ask me)

    I really wanted to reply: “Why are you so interrested in this? 🙂” or “You seem a little to interrested in this, why? 🙂“…

    But I didn´t 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12434
    • Total Posts: 268

    Hopefully my last update for the next week
    Ok so I did today what I had planned the whole week. I send her a message this morning. Telling her that the TV show we used to watch in the mornings are now back on air. I did not get a reply. An hour later I got the random group snap again…

    She clearly is trying to move on (dispite what many have said in other comments) but she also seems to be inquisitive. For some reason it is like she needs to know that the door is still half open. Just in case.
    I am still very sure this is because she is being forced by herself not to love me. There is so much in her life, and with me so far away she cant get it to work. If this happends on a conscious or subconscious level I dont know. And I dont really care anymore…

    The plan now
    I am taking up No Contact again for the next week. When I am in No Contact I am the one that feels good. And I need that now… I felt good after the last NC as well, but somehow she managed to turn the tables around in just one day so “she was in charge again”. And after this NC, I dont know what I will do. I have 2 scenarios:

    a) Reply shortly when she reaches out. (Ex: “Im Ok” when she asks how I am and “Had something I needed to do” when she asks what I am doing in her city and such).

    b) Completely remove her from my life. Remove her from snapchat and facebook, and move on with my life. And if she questions this I will just tell her that “There is no spot left for you in my life, sorry. Please do not contact me anymore

    I dont know anymore… Hopefully I will know better in a week…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12400
    • Total Posts: 268

    Good one…I will keep repeating this to myself everytime I get an attention seeking snap… And reply shortly to real conversations, and not tell her everything I am doing.

    I wish you were here so I could slap you. Forget everything! She doesn’t exist unless she text message or calls you personally.

    I feel like I WAS in the right mindset after the NC. I was in control, and she clearly liked what she saw. But all it took was 2 days of texting for her screw with my mind haha 🙂
    (Girls: This has to be your superpowers) 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12393
    • Total Posts: 268

    Already did that… Went through 23 days NC. It worked (I thought) but I guess I blew it a bit by getting carried away when we texted…. Now she knows my situration…

    Man, I so want to ask her about who she was with last nigtht…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12311
    • Total Posts: 268

    Todays update…
    Not much new. There was 2 mass snaps today. I choose to let them be for 4 hours before opening them (you can see when peple opens your snap) and I did not reply 🙂 She didnt do any updates on facebook about her day, today. She normally does this, so I guess it was a busy day…

    I will still send her the text tomorrow morning about “have you seen our favorite tv show has returned”

    I have been thinking a lot today about how she might feel. I do honestly believe my theory could be true. It would make better sence as why she wants to know so much about my new life, acts hot/cold and needs to make sure “were she has me”…

    Dont know if I am just imagining things now.

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12222
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks Travelbug.

    Hey, you are a girl. What do you think of my theory??

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12213
    • Total Posts: 268

    And one more thing:
    I know she has plans with someone tonight, but I dont know with who! And last night at 3 AM she became friends with this single guy from her gym. Ofcause my mind is playing tricks on me now!

    Who is he?
    Why are they up at 3 am? Was she at a club were they meet?
    Who does she have plans with tonight?
    Is it a date?

    But hey… Ive felt like this many times before these last 1,5 months. Everytime it has turned out to be nothing, so I got worked up over nothing. I keep teeling myself it is the same this time…

    Hope to still get some replies to this theory:

    She was sooo interrested in the fact that I was looking for job in her city and will soon move there… “When will you move, where will you work, how soon can you get here” ect… These were the topics that really got her talking…

    Like I said in my first post she has started a new life. New school, 2 new jobs, sport at a high level. She is extreemly busy….
    Could there still me some attraction, but she is somehow forcing herself not to feel anything as she cant see how we can make a realtionship work long distance anymore???

    She is very stressed, so perhaps our longdistance relationship became yet another stress factor

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12212
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks a lot for your reply. Hope someone else would drop by to give some more comments on this theory. @TravelBug you here?

    Yesterday went ok.
    She send mass-snap of her getting ready for work out.
    I did not reply.

    She send another mass-snap later on.
    I did not reply.

    Then she send me a snap of her getting ready for job. The text was: This workclothes isn´t really me.
    This one I think was send only to me, as her points only went up by 5. So I replied: “Yes, you cant see you butt implants anymore” (This is joke we had)
    She replied with a picture of her smiling and some laaughing smiles…

    Later in the evening there was anohter mass-snap.
    I did not reply…

    in reply to: Recent Heart-break #12207
    • Total Posts: 268

    Hi my friend…
    It is really nice to see that you are moving on in a healthy way. But about the friend thing: You really need to think about it.
    First of all: CAN you be friends with him? Can you sit and talk with him and his new Girlfriend some day in the future?
    Second: Someday you will get a new man in your life. Will it be fair to him if you hang out with an ex you have had such strong feelings for?

    in reply to: so i broke no contact.. #12206
    • Total Posts: 268

    There is one more thing she wants from a guy that she did not put on the list: Attraction! She needs to be attracted to the guy and in love…

    All relationsships that fails, fails due to lost of attraction. The attraction may fade due to many reasons, but still: Lost of attraction is the reason they leave us. In this case you know why the attraction disapeared.

    But she wants a partner in her life, and it is a good thing that it fits those qualities that you have to offer….
    After the NC when you need to make her attracted again, you know what qualities she likes about you and you know what qualities to show off 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12135
    • Total Posts: 268

    Hope someone will give me a comment on these thoughts. Does it sound plausible??

    Like I said ealier: she does not begin something if she cannot commit 110% to it…

    And new school, 2 new jobs, new sports team, long distance relationship….

    in reply to: Recent Heart-break #12109
    • Total Posts: 268

    Good for you. Yes it is gonna take some time. There is not gonna be any connection on your dates for a while. But dont worry. That is not the point of the dates, so dont set your mind up for it.
    The point of them is to get out there and get a life again…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12026
    • Total Posts: 268

    Ignore attention seeking snaps
    Reply to real snaps
    Check 🙂

    Exactly what I planned in the beginning. But when you are in love with someone, and you finally get them to open up, all plans go out the window haha 🙂
    I can and I will do it right this time….!

    But I am trying to think of it as a possitive thing that she is missing attention (She was not this attention whore when she was with me)

    I had a thought last night
    Please give your comment on this:
    We had a longdistance realtionship (nearly 2 hours apart), so everytime we needed to be together it took a great deal of planning and costs money.
    When we broke up I tried to figure out WHY she lost attraction.I remember asking her all these questions “is it because of this, could it be because of that” and so on. Every time she smiled and said “No it is not. I really dont know why my feelings are gone“. When I got to the “Could it have something to do with the distance between us?” The reply was just “I dunno, maybe it could have something to do with it“. She looked down as she said this…

    Could this be the reason…?
    She was sooo interrested in the fact that I was looking for job in her city and will soon move there… “When will you move, where will you work, how soon can you get here” ect… These were the topics that really got her talking…

    Like I said in my first post she has started a new life. New school, 2 new jobs, sport at a high level. She is extreemly busy….
    Could there still me some attraction, but she is somehow forcing herself not to feel anything as she cant see how we can make a realtionship work long distance anymore???

    She is very stressed, so perhaps our longdistance relationship became yet another stress factor?

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