Boards Reconciliation Is it too late for NC?

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  • #109248
    • Total Posts: 265

    You are looking too much into it. Maybe he thinks that you will forget in 4 days and just be friends and help him out.

    • Total Posts: 218

    I know I won’t reply

    • Total Posts: 265

    I hope its not too late when he realizes your value and apologizes for doing this to you. Right now hes not worth it and you deserve better.

    How are you doing today?

    • Total Posts: 218

    Right now I’m so confused. I don’t understand it. How can he use me when I haven’t give him anything in ages.

    How’re you?

    • Total Posts: 265

    Its weird but not uncommon. He thinks that he can have your support without being with you.

    Im doing fine. I start my new college on August 27. Im very excited. My ex still has been making his friends call me, but I never pick up the calls. If he wants to talk to me he should call himself. Even though his blocked but I can listen to voicemails. These exes are very dumb.

    • Total Posts: 218

    How long did it take for him to get back in touch?

    I hope college is good for you boo!

    • Total Posts: 265

    29 days after our break up. Then we continued in Contact. Then we met up twice in a hotel. After the last one I began another round of NC because he was still saying that we will move on. So this time I was doing 60 days but by 42 second day he contacted to not let me move on. He was asking me everything I have done while broken up. He also didn’t want another man with me. Texting me day and night. I got tired of that and one day I asked him again if he missed me. He replied we will move on again. So this time I said I will search for my real happiness with another man. Never reach out to me again. He replied changing the conversation but I never replied. Days later I blocked him and deleted his number. But thanks to his friend texting me with his contact info I decided to make sure hes blocked and put him as a guest contact. And thats it I don’t want him anymore. Its been a long time since that I didn’t keep track of the last day. I decided to let go.

    • Total Posts: 218

    I wish I was that strong

    • Total Posts: 265

    Like I said I went through many rejections. He made my feelings go away. Every time we talked it was a painful ending. I don’t want to go through that. Thats why I decided Im happier letting go.

    It took a long to get where I am. So follow your heart. Make all the mistakes you want, but never beg him.

    • Total Posts: 218

    Talking to him and him rejecting me hurts too much.

    • Total Posts: 265

    I know right, but thats what you need his rejection will push you away. In NC you need to be searching for happiness alone. Do things for yourself. Enjoy everyday of your life. So when you finish NC, you will be sure you can be happy without him. Then he will reject you again but this time you won’t feel as bad as before. In one of those rejections you will be able to let go, because talking to him makes you feel unwanted. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 218

    Idk if he’ll ever want me

    • Total Posts: 218

    I went out last night got drunk and cried. Hearing how perfect my friends lives are didn’t help. Sigh.

    • Total Posts: 778


    Its ok to cry. Its necessary to cry and grieve over someone you love.I almost forced myself to cry today I mean we shouldn’t pretend to be strong.We shouldn’t try to hold our emotions in all the times. Its a healthy way to cope with the breakup and grief is the first step. It means you have accepted the facts and then you will be ready to move on. We can’t expect to feel fine in a week or two. A broken leg takes atleast 4 weeks to get better so why should we expect a broken heart to heal sooner than that.

    I know it sucks believe me it sucks like most of the times of my days but what can we do? We should take it one step at a time. For now, cry all you want but know that things aren’t gonna be like this forever.

    I suggest you to avoid alcohol until after you feel better. I’ve been there and it only makes things worse.its like a bandage on our wounds. No matter what we do to distract ourselves we should come back and deal with our emotions in a healthy way.

    • Total Posts: 265

    Wow that sucks. My friends lifes sucked as bad as mine. One was going through a break up a month after me, then she found a new man who was as bad as her ex.(Shes still trying to make it work.) The other one was about to go through a divorce. Next year your life will be awesome. These feelings are temporary.

    Like A.Z said crying is good. I also cried for my ex. On the worst nights I would lay down and cried for my life. It was so terrible without him.

    Idk if you have read my post but back in Nov 29 I loss my baby girl during birth. That was even worse than this loss, but I treated the loss of my relationship the same way. My babys loss taught me that there’s light after darkness. That my life will continue with a new me. A person who has been hurt by life but it’s still living and fighting. The truth is that I put my relationship as a minor loss compared to my baby. Which was also his baby and our common loss.

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