Boards Reconciliation He says he would like to get back but…

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  • #38643
    • Total Posts: 711

    there’s a girl liking his pictures and i think they have been texting and possibly went out at least once -.-‘ argh

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Maybe but dont let it affect you! And you never know he might try ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • Total Posts: 711

    Meh. I am really nervous. I don’t know if and how I should approach the issue. I am thinking of asking what he thinks of us hanging out more often maybe

    • Total Posts: 1012

    But hey kaila could you answer my post? :$

    Thanks alot

    • Total Posts: 711

    I just found a video on my phone of a really nice day. It has some funny stuff in it and all. Im have a meet up for the weekend. Should I send it to him before? Or maybe show it when we are together? What do you think?

    Its been 3 months. I never begged. I did talk about getting back and he said he wasnt ready (last time was a month ago). I never really did much to bring happy memories up. Im thinking I should have done it long ago. What do you think if I do it now? Sometimes even I forget about the good moments. Im afraid our relationship is so out of his head already he wont remember anything

    • Total Posts: 1012

    I dont know about this i tried doing that and it backfired if the moment is very intimate or the feelings were very strong i’d say no but if it was something you both cherished and had happy times in during bliss then ya!

    • Total Posts: 711

    What did you share with her?

    • Total Posts: 1012

    I sent her a text she sent me telling me how she felt and how happy she was with me

    • Total Posts: 711

    Yes well that is straight feelings. This was us in a park feeding huge fish and ducks x)

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Oh well ya do it ๐Ÿ™‚ add a funny comment to it “this was a fun day!”

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    Hello Kaila,

    Finally I answer. I only read back a few days. But I think I get the general jist of things.

    Firstly, maybe you sent the video, but I wouldn’t. Leave that stuff for some other time.

    So here are my thoughts. You had a relationship with this guy. It doesn’t matter if it was 5 months or 5 years. It is over. It is in the past. That is the mistake that everybody makes. You have to accept that. You have been broken up for 3 months. Whatever happened in that time is none of your business. That’s hard to hear but is the truth. What you did is none of his business either.

    You think you want him ‘back’. That’s the wrong way to think. You want him. Full stop. You want this guy. There are other girls interested probably. But your advantage is that you 2 had something before. I didn’t read back far enough to see what happened but it’s always the same. It got messed up and that was that.

    So go and get him. What is your problem? You are entitled to nothing from him. This is like trying to get a new man, except he happens to also be your old man. But I think you will get what I am saying. The fact he wants to meet is good. Really good. It means that he wants to see how you are. If he is missing something.

    So when you meet you have to be really cool. Try not to come across as nervous. Just be cool. Do not bring up any past problems. Chat about anything but don’t bring up something stupid. Bite your tongue. Even if the worst possible thing happens and he says he has a girl, still be cool. You can still get him. Believe in yourself.

    There is nothing more unattractive for a man than a woman too obsessed with him. We love the chase; the wonder, the thrill. Act cool, be normal, have fun and when it’s time to go suggest doing it again sometime soon. He will say yes. Suggest something (not something exact but a general time). And then keep going from there. Meet a second time and do something similar to the first. Give a few compliments and so on.

    The way to get him back is to realise that it’s over. You have to start again. You got him before so do it again.

    It was suggested on here by a previous poster to ease up on this site. I agree. Don’ get all worked up every day and come here looking for all the answers. People can give advice but at the end of the day you have to figure it all out yourself in your own head.

    So enjoy your date/meet-up. Have fun. Be calm and cool. Flirt only if the opportunity arises but don’t throw yourself at him. This first meet up is to show him how good you are and how relaxed you are.

    Hope I have helped.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Thank you for the advice Patrick! ๐Ÿ™‚ I don’t know if you read the first post, but we have seen each other 5 times during this time. 3 for a shortish coffee, 2 to hang out a bit more, saturday I think it’s gonna be more of an hang out as well. So, not the first meet up..

    Thank you for your words on saying that whatever has happened or he has done, or is doing, I can still get him back, to trust myself. Thank you, I needed to hear that. But, I am a bit afraid for myself. I have been as down in the dumps as I ever been in my life. I had some very scary thoughts. Also as I said I am affraid he is just trying to keep me around while forgetting me a bit more everyday. Whereas by maybe having a more definite conversation he could be shaken up a bit and wake up. Keeping with this it’s hard for me. And I feel if I don’t try this, he will just keep getting farther from me, until the day he is lost for good. But my main focus should be myself these days before the meet up and then just have fun with him, do as you say and see where it goes from there.

    Also I agree about not coming here as much but with this meet up coming up I feel I need to get advice from outsiders and not just my messy head. Also to clear it a little bit.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Oh, and no I didn’t send the video. But was thinking of showing it to him

    Also I was thinking of making a desert his dad does, and ask him to come inside to try it before we go. Just would bring happy memories, and also coming inside would probably be nostalgic to him

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    When people feel a certain way, others pick up on that. It’s a hidden sense that we have that we don’t understand fully or some don’t even believe.

    You say you feel terrible. Why? Is it because you have been obsessing about losing him? Well, guess what? You did! 3 months ago. So stop feeling sorry for yourself. Stop living in fear of the terrible thing happening. It already did and you survived. (Unless there is something else that I didn’t read? Too late at night to go back through it all)

    So have some confidence in yourself for god sake. Stop being scared. He can pick up those frightened feelings and scary thoughts.

    Spend the next 3 days looking at all the good things in your life. You are alive. You can make decisions and determine your own destiny. You have the power already so don’t go playing games with him. They don’t work. Believe me.

    And then on Saturday be cool. And get him. You got him before. Now do it again. If he notices a change and asks then say things happened. You were talking to someone or whatever. Don’t mention here whatever you do.

    You will be fine. I believe you can do this. So please spend a few days being thankful. Write down the good things. And he is still in your life. That should tell you something. He hasn’t disappeared which most would do.

    Good luck

    patrick d
    • Total Posts: 531

    just show the video if the opportunity arises. Then just pretend that you saw it a few days earlier. the dessert is fine.

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