Boards Reconciliation Contacted Exgf

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  • #10060
    • Total Posts: 536

    Relax, don’t reply. She is taking out all her frustration on you. She ll text you again I can bet.
    And idk why but I think she is telling and convincing herself that she is happy with jon!!
    Idk exactly whats going on in her mind but she is still not over you!
    Start NC again.

    • Total Posts: 157

    Yeah her two emails are dripping with guilt. I followed the method and sent her a positive text last week. It reminded her of me and it hurt her, she actually says do not do that again. Right now though she is killing any love I have for her, and maybe she is doing it on purpose. I have only been nice to her each time she lashes out wishing her the best and happiness. I am not going to get into a fight with her and that probably upsetting her more.

    I feel bad for her a little too. She is obviously in pain but doesnt get the chance to let it out since she jumped into another guy’s arms so quick.

    • Total Posts: 536

    Yeah you did the right thing. Let it be. Leave her like that only. When she’ll come to her senses, she’ll realise what she did and what she’s doing. Give her time and keep yourself busy

    • Total Posts: 157

    I wish I had your optimism but I think she is confused and feels guilty but is going to stick to her decision. And I have no faith in this 5 step plan. I followed it and it only made things worse. She said she doesn’t want to hear any thing from me that reminds me of her.

    @a.z, @aalms, @travelbug,@nevergiveup

    Can you read the previous posts and messages she sent me and give me your opinions?

    • Total Posts: 894

    stay strong, your a strong person. its only over if you say its over. if you really love her then I think you should fight for her. remember that the 5 step plan also says it may not work but for the majority of the time it does. Also it sounds like shes still very hurt. If I were you I stop all contact with her if you still have any. and if your not doing no contact start doing it. keep yourself so busy that shes the least thing that would come to mine. make friends if you dont have many, go out with co workers and have fun,ect. keep doing you and forget about her for the moment. you need to be so confident that she wouldnt even notice if you feel insucure or not. the Jon guy is probably her rebound guy, dont worry about him too much. dont talk bad about him and change your way of expressing yourself if talking about him. (basically using psychology to try to get her back) are you getting kevins emails? if not you should. he gives you pleanty of tips for getting her back. πŸ™‚ you should do no contact for like 2 months. give her time to cool down and give you time to better improve. have you gone out on dates if not you should do that. just keep doing things that make you happy. after 2 months if you wanna contact her again, then by all means do so. but give more space in between. hope this helps. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    *the five step plan may not work sometimes* (this is what I get for not re reading what I wrote) lol.ugh

    • Total Posts: 157

    Thanks. Yes I’m in deep NC now- all mutual friends unfollowed in Instagram. She is blocked in text, google, and all apps (including Facebook). I’ve never even addressed her new bf, just wished her the best each time she lashed out.

    Its really over and I know that. No matter how conflicted or angry she is, or if she still has feelings for me, she won’t change her mind unless things go bad with the new guy. She so wants to be happy that she will endure almost anything if she thinks it will work. Goes back to her rough childhood and young adult years.

    There is so much unprovoked anger in her messages. If I post a photo of myself and it draws that reaction from her, ending in threatening a restraining order, there are unresolved issues.

    So at this point unless she calls me there is no way for her to reach me or me to see anything about her.

    • Total Posts: 157

    So I read Kevin’s 5 signs your ex still loves you and mine has shown 4 of 5 (all but drunk dialing).

    How does this mix with her new boyfriend? I would like Kevin’s view…if possible. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    stay strong. your doing well. πŸ™‚ even if it takes longer for you, if you get her back at the end, its what matters. you can do this πŸ™‚ im starting to think that what you were saying to me was right. do you mind reading my latest posting. im so depressed, ugh this is so hard. πŸ™ I wish Kevin would read my story as well.:'( I think its definitely over. πŸ™ thanks

    • Total Posts: 157

    I’m just so mad at her and feel so awful about myself. I have no idea the reason for all her hateful words. It hurt so much I can’t even think about dating anyone else. Completely destroyed my confidence. It’s been 6 weeks since we broke up, and she won okay? When we fought that is how she would say it was over “you win you win”. Well this time she won. she moved on and found someone instantly. Why does she have to keep harassing me? Why add me to snapchat- either she was going to send me photos or see my photos that’s the f-ing point of that app. Why get so mad at a photo of me?

    I thought I was okay thinking that she is showing emotion so it’s a good thing, there is hope, but she is so angry. How in the world could I ever take her back? Is that her goal to make me hate her so that it never happens?

    • Total Posts: 157

    So going on week 7 since BU and one full week of NC, no harassment from my ex.

    I am trying to heal and move on. Had a therapy appt. over the weekend, was okay, didn’t help that much. Therapist called my ex crazy, but everyone on my side does. Last night I dreamed we were back together doing something together. During the dream I knew it wasn’t real but it felt good.

    I know she was feeling guilty for what she did, how she officially ended it. Her last words were “I don’t want to feel bad” , then the next day ” I no longer feel bad”. Yeah as if I believe after 6 weeks if you feel bad one more day will change that.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if she reaches out eventually. Either to hurt me or see where i stand. I’m not waiting on it, talking to a girl from a dating site, but taking it slow. Feels strange and I’m deathly afraid of ruining it by moving to slow, not showing enough interest, etc.

    • Total Posts: 894

    your doing so good for yourself. πŸ™‚ good for you. keep doing this. it’ll only make you feel better. πŸ™‚ keep going to the sessions it may or may not work but at least you’ll let your feelings out and you can get tips from a professional. if this one doesnt work then look for another one till you find one that helps you with your problem. dont worry about taking it slow with this girl. if this is what you need then do it. either she understands or hey theres others. do what feels right and screw everyone else. you got this and are doing great. be proud and stay strong. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 227

    Therapy won’t work in just one session. You have to establish a rapport with them first, get comfortable and then get some use of it. We won’t be of any good to our partners if we aren’t whole as an individual. So, work on yourself, try to do things that make you happy and actually go be happy. I am trying to do the same by traveling and forcing myself to just be out there.

    You are a great guy, you deserve better. If she doesn’t understand your worth, it’s her fault.

    Go on your dates and just have fun! What’s the worst that can happen?

    • Total Posts: 156

    she probably does still hurt and miss you deep inside (that would be the cause of the hurt) i think shell reach out to you eventually. ive been with some pretty stubborn women and all of them got in contact with me again sometime after our break ups. some of them my doing some of them their.

    could you give me your opinion on my situation?

    so i broke no contact..

    • Total Posts: 157

    Should I try something like the magic letter in a few weeks?

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