Boards Reconciliation breaking down..pls help

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    god it has to be hard for you to know how they are, and that she took ur place…. i would hate her from the bottom of my heart on ur place, which u probably do lmao… but ya she doesnt know he is trying to contact you. probably she doesnt… that would kill her that her bf is contacting and ex… probably so much time has passed by that all he does with her, kuind of remembers him of you and he needs to talk with you… u just need to stay strong and keep the nc no matter what… yah im sure u want him to see the results you’ve made with changing and imrpoving yourself… you need to wait and wait and work on yourself (i do too-probably even more than you lol). we are getting thorught the pain that hurts AND changes us… so lets change for the better πŸ™‚ for ourselves if not for them, they are just the point in our life why we’re ready to change… also good i guess..

    yah ik… im so empty and miserable and i just cant hide it. one friend told me sister he saw me.. and that i looked soo sad and that im so skinny,too skinny… that he couldnt believe. its like my body is not there at all lmao… ofc i have eating disorders already and now i cant even eat anymore… eating once a week ofc i got totally skinny lol…. and even my ex said the day he broke up with me… you dont eat again, do you? which means what… he does care, but doesnt care to make me know he cares.. god… idk.. i cant do this tbh its so hard… how can he not text me, we texted everyday for 5 months, how can he not tell me he misses me when he actually does… sigh… THUG LIFE, MORE LIKE UGH LIFE lool xD πŸ˜€ lol he loved my sense of humor and hes a person you cant make laugh so easy and we were laughing sooo much πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 395


    Yes its definately hard and hurt so much. Seeing him so happy and seeing her so proud to have him and so grateful to have him, i swear it kills me inside. I want to cry but i think i had enough till icant cry at all. Yes. Of course i hate her. Not because he choose her instead pf me but the fact that she knows about me and if She is his bestfriend, she would help us or him to make our relationship better. Not stole him! She update “real women dont steal men from other women. We got our own” what the… Really?! Right after he broke up with me? What is she? So rude. Phew. Im so pissed off but im fine. Yah definately she doesnt know. He emailed me so late night that time. He didnt say hye or what. He straight asked me where am i. Its like he is wondering about me and my life. I think he emailed me because we used to text each other everyday even after we broke up. So qhen i remain silence suddenly, i think for him its abit weird. Dont u think?

    Ohhhh? Dont picturing urself like that even in front of your friends. You need to be better, prettier, hotter and fresh than ever. Show them you can do it by your own self. I know you can do it! He might be soooo stubborn i think :)) he is sooo good in hiding his feelings for u. He does care i know. He is too forcing himself to be hAppy. Why guys like to do that? Move on so fast. Come on u guys had great time ever withon 5 months of course he will miss. No matter how stubborn ego he is. Lol

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: man i understand you ya… if im just imagining how i would feel, idk if i wouldnt just shut off every emotion in myself.. god that has to be so painful… LMAO its like she is doing a fool of herself with that status and then doing the opposite as she is updating….. god how frustrating it has to be for you… and then her udpates about him and her… but you see how strong you’ve become? have u realized that ? πŸ™‚

    jah i am prettier and hotter imo haha just they dont think its healthy to be too skinny,(which i am not, i used to be overweight and its hard for them to picture me skinny lol)… ja he does care.. i was the first person in his life he opened up to a bit, the first person that was worthy to get his love and attention… god i can not believe he is able to move on just like that… what would i give that he’d feel just one day about me as he used to and to feel how i feelt about him and how i feel now… goddamn me.. im so furious at myself for being such an idiot, to let my stupidty make him go away from me and walk out on me… i cant bare the fact that he might not want to be in my life ever again… but still i hope that around summer he will feel the same for me and want to be with me… thats so loong away… i know we need to rebuild our friendship first and im scared he wont give me that chance… then idk what to do. now i need to focus on myself, to stay the good old me, but better… Thank you for all your kind words and support aryyan!!

    • Total Posts: 395


    I have nooooo idea how to describe my feelings about them right now. Annoyed, hate, sad, mad, pain, tired, hopeless, jealous. Yah. But i tried sooooo hard to push away all these stupid needy feelings because it will hurt me more. Not them. Hahahaha i was like oh womAn, you are so happy till you dont even realiZe what are u updating arent u? But am i mad at her directly? Am i attacking her? No. Because i dont want to be bad, needy, clingy, jealous and crazg in front of them. Rhat makes me feel so weak and she will laugh so hard. I want to be better. Better and inprove than before! I want to make my ex which is his bf realized that i can be better and see what he is missing. He choose her not because her looks but personality and behaviour? Ok. I want to offer him both. Looks, personality and behaviour. I dont force him at all. I dont stole him for her even she stole mine. But karma is there. Good things come when we wait, hard work, believe and hope. Not stole. Its fine she is happy so much now. I will come back. Definately come back. Its ok to start from bottom. We never know in the future. I just want to keep improve and improve. Not bored. Interesting more.

    Hahaha oh come on. They are just so jealous i think πŸ˜‰ if they are your friends, they will support u more. Not him. Help u more. No matter what. But if they are just mutual. Then forget it. U can fo by urself. Maybe they said u tried so hard. Thats why i said go step by step. U dont want to make drmatic changes. You want to show ur healthy improvement. Yah they said im skinny too. Its true if its too skinny its not that good. U need to reshape. I need to reshape. Not only for hum. But for me and people around me. I believed, its good things for u too. πŸ™‚ haha its ok. Welcome. I just try to help because people here also helping me alot. We shares and its good to see a lot of tips and expressing feelings.

    • Total Posts: 146

    yes sharing things and feelings here makes it easier not to share in real life… but im always so scared that i share too much and the person i share to doesnt get enough back from me… hm okay i hope thats not the case xD…

    well i think that its really mature from you. you’re not trying to ruin everything for them, you just wait and wait and change and work on yourself, while u wait for them to stop being together/or get to have issues.. its not that u want bad for them, but u actually just want back what she kind of took from you… so you seem a really wonderful person by not trying to get in their way and just stand by and waiting so you ca do your next move on him when he will be single πŸ™‚ very good πŸ™‚

    meh. they do not support me at all.. they are like yelling ; why d fck are you crying over him,,, forget him and go on the real guy for you will come around… he doesnt love you he wants to forget everything you had… blah fking blah… oh i think in myself ; oh screw you all ok. he doesnt want me right now, and if he says he doesnt love to you and if he says to me it doesnt mean he doesnt. idiots. why cant they look inside his heart and soul and see whats really there? I saw it . I still would if i had the chance to talk to him.. i dislike them tbh.. our other mutual friends told me to call him and talk to him and to clear things up and be together again… cause they loved the fact we two got together… we know eachother from kindergaden, but we had NC for 15 years.. when he was out with my friends he used to tell them to call me so i come out.. when i was out with them i used to ask them to call him to come out..but we never got the chance to be out together…until this summer.., he used to be in love with me when we were 4 xD we dont remember that my mom told us lmao.. so ya. the better friends of both of us wants us to be together, the other mutual friends want us both to get over eachother so we all can hang together as before. fu …ck

    • Total Posts: 395


    Oh mannnnnn i know exaccctlyy what your friends are. Man, i used to have those mutual friends and all. Indeed they are nooot supporting me at all. Sometimes i felt like they are selfish but nevermind. I dont like to create enemies. But urghh so annoying people around u. Pity u. But u r so strong i can see that! U still stand alone and solid even they screaming and tell ur negative figure at ur ex bf. Supposely they should be there for u. They dont pity at u at all? Sigh.

    Well. I dont have any choice dont i? I dont want to look that i have bad image tho. Actually thats not me. I have my own way to show my badass lol but in a good way. Well i have to be nature. I dont want to be that girl -.-” heartless and annoyed. Sometimes i feel like i want to ask my ex bf are u blind? But urgh. I cant be that bad. Yes i want him back. I cant have him now because she stole mine! I dont even hae a chance. Do u think its fair? Urgh lucky u. Ur ex bf still alone. Definately u can have a chance πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: no these friends are not supportive at all. i feellike they arent even real friends, just some kids i can hang out while im bored – so does my ex feel about them lmao, we were talking when we were still ogether they can get prety annoying and stuff.. i dont really want people like that around me… so frustrating im in pain and hurt already no need for them to make me suffer even harder lol. No they just said they feelt bad when they heard he was gonna break up with me.. noone even told him to give me some time to change or anything. just, aw do what u think its right… idk…

    I saw my ex today just when he went out of his work… god beautiful*.* but he looks so unsatisfied… he has that angry look and unsatisfied and not okay at all… he also saw me when he went by me with his car and i was walking.. i didnt even turn my head towards him and i heard he even put on the gas to go faster cause he knows i hear his car really good… but i didnt turn even for a second…

    Oh its good ur not like that, ur ex would only think that u dont want him to be happy unless its with you… But hey, u have chances we all have the same chance f getting our ex back or not. just that by some it seems better and easier situation that by others…Oh my ex will stay alone for quiiiiiiite long time. i was his first gf and first relationship he had… and he says again – that is not for me,i should not love any girl neither get involved in a night stands are for me. I still feel special cause of him, tho he ended everything with me…. Okay you know.. you need to work hard, stay strong, hope believe and good result will come at you ! trust me, dont stop believing in urself… BTW i do feel like we are becoming like friends πŸ˜€ cute

    • Total Posts: 395


    Girrrlllllll. They are sooo not worth it to be call friends. Thank god its mutual. Dont they have feelings like pity or mercy? I mean look at u. U need someone who can give u strength and support. Now u have to do it by urself and i believe u can do that. U r strong enough to reverse everything they thought about u! So believe in urself that u can do it and he will realized soon. I really think u guys can have chance.

    Urgh. I dont know dear. Damn. I really dont think i have a chance. I mean look at them they are so happy! How can i attract him when that girl is totally making him like happy and crazy. Urgh! What should i do now?

    Hahah really? Im fine with it. Lol. Hello friend ^.^

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: yaaaaaaaah iknow right? well tho today ive talked to one of them about my ex… well he just doesnt want me to cry over him and how i eant him back and miss me… he is okay if we talk about how much fun i had with him, and how he is like and how i was like in the relationship… but that isnt taking any pain away from me…just makes it worse when im alone to cry out loud oemge… i cried during class again..i can barely hold on not to cry like 2 hours max and then i just..loose it and tears fall down hardcore…

    πŸ™ that sucks omg…i think all you should do is wait, patience will be key… but maybe… you will one day by waiting get over him and meet someone…who will make you feel like he did – maybe even better. but we both know you dont care about other guys…not even one, except him :/ continue with NC and when you are ready and not mad and sad so much then contact him πŸ™‚ just take your time to recover from the loss and to imrpove yourself even better !! you are strong, ytronger than before, you can make it and believe in yourself like i do! it gets hard sometimes not to write anything to him, iknow but.. ever stop hoping, really believe u can get him back !

    hello :))) thank you for being here for me and talking to me, friend πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 395


    I think u need to stop talking to ur friends about ur ex and ur memories. I know its hard so much but i dont want to see u cry and cry about him and i believed he doesnt want u to cry over him. I believed he wants to see u strong and change or not. I dont know about guys but he seems like its fine to remember those memories and good time. Some of the guys dont allow their ex to talk about it because they dint want to remmeber those pain. So i dont want u to remember those pain i mean for now. Just focus on urself first. Thats what ur ex wants. If he really care bout u, he will allow u to cry over him and be miserable because it makes him satisfied. But he doesnt want to have that. He wants u yo be better but he wont tell u directly. He wants u to realize by yourself

    Well, i dont want any guys. Well i tried but it different. He is different. Nobody accept me like he did. Not even my other ex. Thats why he is the only ex that i want back. He helped me. Helped me let me out from my depression life and believe i can be happy again. But i did mistakes twice and he doesnt want to have any fight anymore. He asked to remin friends only but i cant i miss him i love him i want to be close. But he moved on too fast and choose her! I feel like i loose the battle and she won! I cant believe it. Seriously. If i continue my nc till 30 days, they been completely 2 mobths. But if im brake the nc, im not sure its enough for him to wonder and miss me

    Hahaha. My pleasure and its very nice having u to talk and share. πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: yaaah iknow.. i will stop that. at least try to lol. im always thinking how i wish to have him back with me and… ugh it isnt any easier when i see his face when he goes from work… or remember how wherever he went he called me to go with him, only if it was just getting something… he is ignoring me when he goes by… i think its cause it hurts him and he still cares, if he would give no fu** about me he could say hi or wave or horn the car… and he is jealous.. ik he is cause he said to one of my friends: now u can go to bang her everyday…. like in away cause our mutual friends comes to visit me and drink coffee with me… YOU ARE SO RIGHT.! he wants me to get better and be over him and all.. and not cause he doesnt love me/doesnt care but he doesnt wanna see me in pain.but he broke up with me, how did he think i wont be in pain? and he is too. and that hurts me cause we are both in pain and suffering instead pf being happier together, and work and build our relationship.why cant he be ready for working out things with me and be ready for us to both be in pain..?. sigh

    ya i understand.. i dont want anyone else, i dont even have any interest in trying to get someone else atm.. ohmy… i see boys around me, tryna get all flirty and smiling at me…. i dont even have to pay for train, everyone who is taking money on trains, starts to talk to me and be all flirty or just smiles lovely at me… I dont think you should try to get another boy, if u still want him.. yes, dont break the nc… let him miss you and wonder about you.. the thoughts of you will soon be in his head more than his now gf… she is always around, he knows how she is doing and what… and are just an ??? whats up with her.. no talking no texting…nothing from her… u can make it seriously.. just keep it up !

    πŸ™‚ very welcome πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 395

    Since u r his first relationship and u guys were so great together before and he still does care bout u by wanting u to be better and not cry over him, idk might be ur ex is not over you yet. Probably ur ex still misses you thats why he passed by. It hurts to stop by.

    He choose to stay broken up even after u probably reminded him so many times during needy and clingy and weak thousands
    of time that u want him back but why won’t he get back together? Is it look like the logical thing to do? to get back together? So fast? When both so hurts?

    Since u guys had problem before in the relationship but u still and willing to work on that and improve the relationship. U just feel that if u guys get back together this time and have chance, u guys will be better than before and have great time back.

    It might be. Maybe. Probably. By starting a new one from scratch. Because we never know in the future? How our future will be. We never know. We can say i dont want to be with u forever! We are friends forever! Then its fine. Let it be. We just improve our self so that we will not do that mistakes again and of course to be better person and clear the negative thoughts in others mind. We know ourself better.

    It will be harder for both of u to find someone
    else that will make a great a couple like you were
    together since u guys had really great time but still he didnt understand? Plus people around u around us call we r crazy for trying to get
    back together. But its ok. Let it be.

    why he won’t understand? Ur hopes?

    His logical thinking is very little to do when such high emotional disturbance level are
    involved. He might try his hard to not get too emotional or crazy. It will make him weak of course he has that ego to not being weak especially in front of u.

    Do u think 21 days better than 30 days of nc? Yes she is everywhere with him. Bettee and better. How he will think of me? Sigh

    • Total Posts: 395
    • Total Posts: 146

    @aryyan: yah i know.. if he wouldnt care and miss me he would be able to just say hi or smthn… idk i feel like maybe he is also mad, but idk for what reason. I havent texted him, not even one thing since the break up. last time we talked was when he broke up with me… 12 days ago.. so he cant be mad at me for failling our relationship i suppose… ya its not really logical from his side to get back together after 12days since break up.. but hmm i want to talk to him.. and ask him how he is doing, if he is fine etc…not even one word about being back together, just to make sure he really is ok… but ofc he would just fake it and lie to me hes doing great, not bad at all blah blah… so it would be pointless.. probably he wouldnt even respond if i tried to communicate with him. Yes indeed, he tries ssssssoooooooooo hard not to feel anything for me… and he sleeps half day, he works half day… im sure he dreams about me – lol i know he does, he did before we were together, while we were together… now probably even more since he does have me in his subconciousness and heart, but he doesnt let if go out.. he hides and denials them.. oh man. how i hope we will be ok one day again asap. i miss his presence. not the need of affection and love… just i miss him being talk.. to be okay with eachother… god…

    yah she is alwys around him..making him happy.. im sure it has to hurt you, since that was your place to be, make him happy and make eachother feel special..but the more u make him think u walked away from him the more he will think about what happened if you mvoed on… like he is ok he has a gf and he udnerstands that he moved on right now with her… but you… you dont have anyone else right now, and he will think he wasnt that important… and that he cant get you back if he wanted… well… who knows it can be like that. and i hope for ur best interest and wishes to come true to be like that. just…wait and see what happens..:)

    • Total Posts: 395


    Wow. It will be so hard for u. Sigh. Just give him more time. Dont give him any news. For him right he had enougj about you and ur news. He knows about u currently. So its fine. U need to keep silence. Like shut ur down first but only in front of them. U need to improve urself and keep busy with urself. Have ur own time.

    Sigh. I dont know. I really feel like… She makes him feel so much better than me. Im losing him like everyday πŸ™ tmrow will be our 2 weeks we havent talk or anything. I miss him. So much. So hard so hurt. To see someone i love with somebody else. Im so eager to know whats going on in his life. Yes he tried to reach me that day and enail me. Right now, he still havent reach me again. He also silence

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