Boards Reconciliation Mixed Signals and more NC- Help!

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  • #34968
    • Total Posts: 944

    honestly, just delete the conversation and take a couple steps back. do something to relax yourself. she clearly doesnt want to be with you right now and she doesnt want any contact from you. her responding to you is nice because she still cares about you, but she’s been explicit with what she wants. i know you said it should be about what you want too but honestly you aren’t together anymore – she really doesnt have to talk if she doesnt want to. the only person you are hurting by contacting is yourself. just let it be for now. she will forget about this conversation in a few weeks.

    i suggest reading a book or watching a movie to get your mind off all of this and remind yourself of this next time you want to reach out!! also if you do have a weak moment and reach out (it happens), try not to mention meeting up because it comes off too strong and too forward and that isn’t what she wants right now. hang in there – tomorrow will be a better day.

    Joe D
    • Total Posts: 89

    You’re right, of course you’re right.

    I can’t allow, for my own sake, for that stumble to happen again. Gonna start from a 30 days NC, possibly extend it as I see fit, but right now, I need to be out of her life, and I need her out of mine.

    Thanks for the help atea, it helped clear my head a bit!

    • Total Posts: 944

    we’ve all been there! you’ll get there eventually – it takes time! worry about you and not her

    Joe D
    • Total Posts: 89

    She hasn’t responded in any way and it’s bothering me a lot. I was considering writing her, but got decided against it…I just wanna explain my situation to her

    • Total Posts: 944

    dont!! it will only annoy her. she stopped answering because she didnt want to speak. just let it go and move on.

    Joe D
    • Total Posts: 89

    Yeah, guess you’re right

    Joe D
    • Total Posts: 89

    Just met her on the train home…apparently I made a mess of things on Sunday, she said she’s starting to be scared of me and it was like a punch to the face.

    It’s not about getting back anymore, it’s about not losing myself over this. NC is on indefinitely tilshe’s willing to contact me again, though, after our conversation it seems highly unlikely. I’m scared of losing her, but based on the things she said today, not only is it possible, I have brought it on myself. You have no idea how scared I am right now, of this situation and of how I became someone she’s afraid of.

    I think I should consider seeing a professional.

    She told me she cried after the mails on Sunday, that she can’t go through this again, and I swore not to contact her in any way.

    I know right now I should focus on moving on and really letting her go, but I’m scared as hell, with good reason, that I just ruined the best thing I ever had and turned the person I love and who loved me so much into someone who’s scared of me.

    Please help

    • Total Posts: 944

    Joe, you need to let it go, seriously. You need to focus on moving on and not obsessing over her. It’s not healthy.

    I think maybe you should consider speaking to a professional. It might help ease your pain. All you can do now really is move on. I wouldn’t count on her contacting you again, im sorry. And nothing, absolutely nothing, you say will change the situation right now.

    Im so sorry you’re going through this but you need to let it go now. There will be other girls. Take your time and relax. I think speaking to someone will probably help you a lot. There’s truly nothing else you can do besides move on. She knows you love her and if she had a change of heart then she will reach out but I really wouldn’t count on it. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself. I know it will be difficult but you will get through it. Just respect her space and focus on you.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Joe D, try to relax, talk to friends, be with them. Go do something you love. Call that one friend that always is willing to help you and listen to you and is positive.

    Right now you really need to leave her alone. In a few weeks maybe you might try contacting her. But let some weeks pass by ok? Don’t stress too much now. Put yourself first now. You need to do this for your own sanity

    Joe D
    • Total Posts: 89

    Time for an update.

    After what happened on Tuesday I’ve been keeping my distance from my ex. It was hard, but like the first time I initiated NC, I realize it’s necessary so it’s easier to keep it.

    But god I miss her. I go out a lot, got back to the gym, and do my best to improve myself.

    I know she has trouble dealing with stress, so even though her reaction rattled me, I believe that not everything is lost, and that she knows I’m better than that. But that’s not my main focus; my focus is me, and how to become my best self.

    I realized, finally, that the desicion for getting together is entirely up to her. That she genuinely has to go through her process by herself or she’ll never be whole with herself.

    I saw some pics of her from some recent parties and it made me sad, but for a different reason- back when we were together and went out, her smile was so rich and real, and now it looks fake, like she isn’t really happy. I know I’m looking for meaning, but it matches the things she told me, how she isn’t entirely happy with her life right now and that she wants to improve herself.

    It breaks my heart that I can’t be there for her, but she has to do it herself. And as much as I wanna see her smile that beautiful, genuine smile, I have to stay away for now.

    I’m gonna keep working on myself, try and let go of things I don’t like about myself (my tendency to obsess about things), and try to move on however I can. I still hope we’ll be together, and I think I’m gonna reach out eventually, but right now I’m gonna put myself at the top of my priorities.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Good Joe 🙂 I am happy for you. Keep going. You can add me on kik kailak19 if you want

    Joe D
    • Total Posts: 89

    More updates!

    So, yesterday there was a party for our university’s school of management (I study accounting, my ex studies business management, same building) so obviously I went there worried that she’d be there and what to do when that happens.

    Luckily, and I actually count myself lucky, neither she nor most of her friends were there, apparently they had class today at 8am.

    Here’s where things get tricky. A girl friend of hers, not close friend but like a school friend, was there. Now, I’m pretty sure she didn’t realize who I was (as I’ve said, they’re not really close friends), but she had more than a few drinks and kinda started being flirty and just a bit touchy. So, couple of drinks later, me and my friends from school head out to eat something and she tags along. I had to walk with her cuz she was rather drunk, and I just tried to do the gentleman-like thing, which has always been my approach.

    So, since I was the designated driver, I told my friends I’ll go get my car and come pick them up, and she said she’ll come with me. It was cold so I gave her my jacket; now, to me, it was clear she was interested but, A, I’m not a fling kind of person, and more importantly B, if my ex heard about it she’d be crushed and feel terrible. So, as much as kissing her would’ve been nice, and I’m sure she expected it, I did nothing, had a fun conversation on our way to the car and that was that.

    I’m proud of myself, to be honest. Even though at this point I don’t owe my ex anything, acting up on impulse would’ve done nothing for me and hurt her, and, almost 7 months after our breakup, she still means the world to me, so I’m really proud I didn’t do anything.

    It’s been 2 weeks since I last saw her, and I’m doing my best not to “accidentally” bump into her, been working so far. I don’t think my slip, terrible though it was, two weeks ago is what’s gonna be the final nail on our coffin , and yesterday proved to me a few things- first, that I can have the time of my life without her. Second, that I can, if I choose to, get into something romantic with someone else, cuz that girl, from what I’ve heard isn’t the flingy type either. Third, and most importantly, that I still truly love my ex and would never do anything to hurt her, even if it means not having a fun night with a fun girl, cuz that’s not what I want, it doesn’t feel as real as what we had.

    I thought about contacting her next week, 21 days after my mess-up. We have two weeks of holiday starting next Monday, so with school off, it might be a good idea, I think. Either that, or go the entire 31 days, or just to not contact her regardless, haven’t decided yet.

    Anyway, just wanted your opinion on what I’ve just written, I’m really proud of myself for doing what I felt was right, and really wanted to share it with you guys!

    Joe D
    • Total Posts: 89

    Could really use your advice guys!

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