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  • Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    Thank you @ellie96! Lots of hard lessons learned haha

    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    I’m sorry if I came across as rude or unhelpful, but I do think that these are things you need to hear/consider at this point. I have been in your place many many times (not with my current guy, but with at least 3 exes in the past). I know what I’m talking about, unfortunately.

    I know that you don’t want to go NC, and I read where you work with him on the weekends, and I know that its easy for us to sit here and judge and tell you that this is bad, and that its easy for you to put up defenses and tell us that we just don’t understand – as I said, I’ve been there. I know that you don’t want to lose him, and I know that for every shitty thing he is doing to you, he is also being nice and showing you affection. The truth is that yeah, he probably does still care about you, but as someone mentioned (I don’t remember who, sorry!) at this point its not really enough to make it serious/official/whatever. He knows that by being kind of sweet, or half there – so to speak – you will continue to do nice things for him and sleep with him, and he has to put in almost zero effort. Does this make sense?

    As I said, I’ve been there. I kept thinking “this sucks but soon he’ll realize that he loves me and we’ll be back to being a couple” — guess what never ever happened. Now those guys aren’t your guy, yeah that’s true. I was in college with them and I also said, well I’m going to see them all of the time, or didn’t see a point because they would often get mad at me if I did anything like no contact. I thought at first that it was because they missed me or actually cared, but then I realized that they were just mad because they were not longer getting to use me. Its terrible, and again I know how hard this is and how much it sucks, I am only trying to help, and I do really think you need to hear this, and actually listen to what we are all saying. It may take time before you are able to do that, but at least these posts will still be there when you do.

    So what did I do with those guys? Well I hit rock bottom in terms of self worth, anxiety, and was so unhappy it was ridiculous, that I realized I had to pick myself up and FINALLY take care of me. They got pissed, they harassed me, one even showed up at my apartment yelling a few times, which was ridiculous. They continued to try to tell me that they cared about me, but if they really cared about me, they wouldn’t do just the bare minimum to get me into bed, you know? They would do everything they could to show me that they care, and to be there for me, and THEY WOULDN’T PLAY MIND GAMES WITH ME. That is key. I went full no contact, and you know what? every single one of them came crawling back apologizing and begging for me back. For some it took a few months, one it took a year, but every single one did.

    My point in telling you this is that I know you feel like you have no options, because, well, he’s kind of backed you into a corner, which is pretty lame on his part. If you want something to change, you’re going to have to initiate it yourself – either by having the talk about this progressing into a relationship (no labels, whatever) again, but, while this is tough, you also need to be prepared that he might not want to be in a relationship, and it has nothing to do with you, but he might not be in that place, in which case you have to decide if getting hurt and feeling the way you do is worth it, or if it is time to move on.

    in reply to: Just sent me a HBD text. Reply? #46331
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    To answer your last question, it might be just to assuage some of her guilt. While she’s with this guy, she probably thinks that “you hate her” or something, and texting you is a way of seeing if that’s true. Its important though to recognize that this doesn’t necessarily mean she still has feelings for you – I don’t mean that in a harsh way, just kind of playing devils advocate. I had a friend in college who couldn’t STAND if people were upset or mad at him at all, so he would pester them to see if they were actually mad, which generally ended up actually making them mad. My point is that it could be a sign that she misses you, or could just be the emotional relief/guilt reducer you mentioned.

    in reply to: This clearly isn't a typical break-up, so what do I do? #46329
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    I agree that it seems like it doesn’t know what he wants, but I think that majorly stems from the fact that he is getting the relationship without being in a relationship. He gets to have sex with you, and spend time with you, but its all on his terms. Theres not a lot of incentive for him to make it official, when hes getting all of the perks of being in a relationship without actually committing to one, if that makes sense.

    The result is that you seem to overanalyzing and overthinking every little thing to where it almost seems like its consuming you, and based on what you type, you seem totally miserable.

    I dunno, I just think this is really unhealthy, and if you don’t take a stand and get him to either commit or walk away, you’ll stay in limbo land and get more and more hurt and confused as it goes along.

    in reply to: No time for a relationship – Should I bother? #45767
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    Honestly I agree with the other comments. As someone who had their relationship end due to work stress, the single, honest to god thing that made it work out is that I gave him his space. I let him go through his process of figuring out his work, getting his mind right – so to speak, and missing me. You can’t force it, at this point all you can do is throw it out into the universe and see if it comes back to you. But you also have to be prepared in case it doesn’t. Unfortunately none of us can tell you exactly what your ex is thinking, and we can’t predict the future. Focus on yourself, let her work herself out, and be prepared for any outcome.

    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24


    So this thread has gotten pretty long since the last time I read it, and I didn’t post anything then because I actually agreed with what everyone else was saying, and I still do.

    As dragongirl said, it seems like you are at the point where you are having some really good days, and some really bad days. We’ve all been there, and its part of the process. What caught my eye are some of the parts where you lay most of the guilt/blame on yourself, and, for lack of a better term, seem incredible desperate to get him back. These posts are from a few days ago so you may not feel like that anymore, and if you do, I hope that you recognize that that’s not healthy. Also, sleeping with a guy in hopes that keeping him around is never a good idea. I know that you didn’t do that, but you seem incredibly concerned that he left because you didn’t say I love you/didn’t sleep with him. If he left over that then he really is a jerk, but sleeping with someone just to keep them isn’t healthy and usually backfires.

    I hope that you’re good days are becoming more frequent. I know what its like to feel like the world is ending and being unable to breathe, but you seem to be devoting all of your time and energy into him and obsessing over little things that happened. My honest advice is whenever that happens, force yourself to calm down. You mentioned how you’ve changed, which is good! but its not a short process, keep getting involved in new things, keep meeting new people, etc… there is no timeline and no “ok I’m done” moment. You have to keep going. If he is your forever then he will come back, if not, you’ll find someone even better – I promise.

    Good luck

    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24


    I’m really sorry you’re going through all of this mess. I commented my thoughts on what you posted a few posts ago, but it seems like honestly this is turning into a really unhealthy situation. You’re stuck in a lose-lose mess, and aside from walking away completely, I’m not sure that you’re really going to be able to get yourself out of it.

    This may be too honest, but in my opinion, you need to stop concerning yourself with how he feels right now, and take care of yourself. You’re obviously incredibly upset but instead of helping yourself, you’re focusing your energy on him, and it’s dragging you down farther. Maybe down the road you two can/will work things out, but as it stands right now, this seems incredibly toxic and like you need to take care of yourself. I know you want to be there for him, and not do anything to upset him, but wouldn’t that be nice if he had the same considerations before he broke up with you? You both are putting him first, which isn’t healthy. You do you, and once the kinks have worked themselves out, there’s always a chance you two could try again. It seems like the issues from your relationship are still there though and haven’t had time to resolve themselves, you need to give them that time.

    Also, honestly ( I do this too, and we all need to stop ), is stop overanalyzing every little thing about it. I know its so much easier said than done, but as my mom used to say “a watch pot never boils” meaning – if you stand there and analyze and stare at something, it’ll seem like its taking forever, but if you go and do something else/distract yourself, it’ll fly by.

    Good luck, let me know how you’re doing

    in reply to: Things I've learned / my ex is back #45761
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    whoa, sorry everyone that I just saw all of these. Yeah I will go and check out all of your posts, but as I said, I am in no way an expert. I’ll give you all my honest thoughts though.

    in reply to: This clearly isn't a typical break-up, so what do I do? #45533
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    My honest opinion is that this sounds like a mess. I’m glad you guys had a good time yesterday, but it sounds like he has some very serious issues that he needs to work out, and if you two do get back together, what is the likelihood that they will not only negatively affect your relationship, but you as well?

    Also, again this is just my opinion/playing devils advocate, but are you really ok with this not-relationship thing? I know that you told him that you are, but in my experience, doing something like this and crossing your fingers that it will end up in a committed relationship usually just ends with people getting hurt. If you are actually ok with it then that is one thing, but make sure that you are being honest to yourself. From where I’m standing, it seems like the perfect setup to get hurt again.

    I agree that no contact for a few days might be good to sort out your thoughts. Its too bad that he takes it so personally, but this is about you and your mental health – I think him getting irrationally angry like that is just another symptom of some larger disease. If it gets bad, then I would tell him you need a few days, but sacrificing and compromising yourself to appease him isn’t going to do anyone any good.

    Again, just my opinion.

    in reply to: This clearly isn't a typical break-up, so what do I do? #45395
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    I don’t know if I necessarily disagree, but I would still be wary. He sounds to me like he knows that he can use you as a hook up. That’s my only worry here. He seems like he genuinely cares about you, and its good that you didn’t sleep with him yesterday, but I would just be a little wary, since, at least to me, it appears as if he knows you are willing to sleep with him, and that’s his motivation.

    Just my two cents.

    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    Good lord lady, sorry I just saw this thread. This seems like quite the up and down, but like its generally moving in the right direction. What are your thoughts/feelings about how things went when you were at his place?

    Also, would you mind taking another look at my thread? I really appreciated your input last time. Not much as happened since, its just a bit of ranting, but still, if you have a second 🙂

    in reply to: My NC: Struggles and Insights #45343
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    I’m really sorry to hear that! But at least now you know. You know, I honestly truly believe that if something is meant to be, it will be, and that everything happens for a reason. I know it sounds corny, but I know relationships that have broken up, dated other people, and then realized years later that they were meant to be with the first person and they get back together. I myself have another ex who dumped me for his ex (lolz), they moved in together, seemed perfect, and then broke up and he came crawling back to me. If the two of you are meant to be together then it’ll work out – just believe in that. But, don’t sit around and wait for her. I know how much this sucks, but its time to let what happened go and move on with your life (easier said than done). If shes supposed to be your forever, she’ll be back.

    in reply to: My NC: Struggles and Insights #45103
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24

    No I get where you’re coming from. And just cause it’s been a week doesn’t mean that she won’t reply at some point, but right now she’s being pretty selfish. I don’t know her so I can’t say for sure but this is mean of her and she doesn’t seem to care.

    in reply to: My NC: Struggles and Insights #45100
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24


    I’m so sorry to hear that. For right now I don’t think there’s anything else you can do, and continuing to press the issue might make things worse. Unfortunately there’s no “time stamp” or “due date” on these things, and often times, more time is better. Counterintuitive and frustrating, but true. Just keep doing you, you’ve done super well so far, focus on you. The more you try to control or force things, the less control you’ll have, if that makes sense.


    in reply to: My NC: Struggles and Insights #44871
    Hanna Nelson
    • Total Posts: 24


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