Boards Reconciliation Starting second round of NC

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  • #11393
    • Total Posts: 894

    you should take this time to act and do your thing. question how do you know this? good luck your doing great. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 268

    I dont know that is how she feels. I am asking IF that is how she could feel 🙂
    And what is “my thing”? 🙂

    • Total Posts: 894

    your thing is you making the next move, lol. the only way I think you could know is by testing the waters and sending her a text to see how she responds. then go from there. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 227

    She’s afraid of being rejected. Everyone is. And she’s also testing out the waters to see how she feels and how you react. Too much will scare her away, too little might take longer. You need just the right amount of contact. Don’t always start text conversations, sometimes do.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Update from today
    I didn´t want to wait any longer, so I decided to text her.
    Just a casual “Hi enjoying your day off?” 🙂
    We talked back and fourth a couple of hours. There was no simleys at first, but they came in later. I tried not to compliment her to much, and kept it at random everyday talk.
    I asked how the party (Family party) was last weekend, and she has read the message. But no reply??? (Its been 20 minutes now)

    Should I just ignore that she did not reply, and continue talking if she ever texts me again?
    I am thinking about at the end of the week asking her for coffee. I want to escalte this to the next level….

    She replied 2 sec after I posted this 🙂
    Just some stuff about our hobby…. 🙂 I will try and close the conversation here, so there is more for later

    • Total Posts: 268

    She has sent me a few other messages on snapchat. She was at a resturant with a friend (female)… I just responded that it looked very nice.
    She doesn´t seem that invested in a conversation. Or: Not as invested as last saturday… But maybe I caught her at the wrong time.

    Right now I am affraid of being too avaible to her, so she feels she can have me back anytime she wants… But yesterday I felt like I was playing a litlle too hard to get.

    Man, I actually liked it much better in the No Contact perioded. Then I was in control and she was very interrested in what I was doing… 🙂

    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok so the day is almist over. I dont really understand what is going through her mind right now.

    She was so into our text conversation Saturday. Then we had 2 days basicly without contact. And now it is like she is not into it at all. 🙁

    This wasnt really how I expected this to go. I was hoping she was craving for my attention after the NC. But I guess that only lasted a day. Now she had her attention-fix from me.

    Or maybe I am thinking too much.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok final update from me today, I swear
    I know I have updated this thread many times today, and I dont really know if anyone is reading? But it is my way of getting all my thoughts out of my head 🙂

    Ok lets go:
    The day wasn´t over. She had a busy day, so that might be the reason she wasn´t so into the conversations.
    But here in the evening she was just at home, so she had better time. We had some very good talks I feel…

    • She kept asking a lot about me moving, me searching for a new job ect. Dont know if she is excited about the thought of me moving to her city, or just interrested in my life? I tried not to reply to all of them…. 🙂
    • We started talking about feelings (finally). I told her I was a little nevous about having to meet her that Saturday. She said she hoped to bumb into me because she thought I was mad at her (The No Contact) I said “Well, you said you needed to be youself” and other then that I avoided talking about the No contact period (As adviced by you guys)…
    • I lost a lot of weight during our breakup. She said she was very sorry about it. I just replied: “Thats ok sweety, you did what you had to do and followed your heart””
    • We talked about her being very hard working. So I grapped the chance to tell her that was one of the things about her I felt in love with. Cant really remember her exact reply to this…

    Eventhough the feelings talk didn´t indicate any “love feelings” or “feelings of regret” I still think it went well. There was so many time I wanted to say I Missed You… But I didn´t!! I just kept telling myself that she wasn´t gonna say it back. I also asked her if we could workout sometime at her gym and SHE SAID YES!. This is somthing we used to do a lot in our relationship.

    • Total Posts: 894

    your doing very well. keep it up. stay strong your almost there. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 268

    And you are baseing that on….? 🙂
    How do I proceed? Anything I need to keep in mind as I move forward?

    • Total Posts: 268

    It still bugs me that she didn´t starve for my affection after the NC. Maybe she does at some level…

    • Total Posts: 227

    I think you are doing well at proceeding with going to the gym with her. Don’t talk about strong feelings or use the words “love” in anything. Just keep it light and happy and friendly…

    You are doing the best out of all of us…frankly, I’m jealous. Wish I were in your shoes…

    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks @TravelBug

    Yes I agree that I might be a little closer to the finishing line compared to most of you. But I can still loose the race!

    I would hate to loose the race just inches before the finishing line.

    And the “re-attraction” part of the plan hasn’t been covered very well in Kevins manual if you ask me 🙂

    Right now my fear is ending in the friendzone… My biggest hope is the affection I give her will make her chase me.

    • Total Posts: 156

    i dunno if you giving someone something will make them chase you.. you might smother them and push them away.. i dunno i guess it depends on the type of women she is.. you know her better than we do. being cool and aloof will make her want you more i think.. especially if she can see how well youre doing

    could you give me some advice on my later posts?

    so i broke no contact..

    • Total Posts: 268

    I dont think acting aloof will work at all.

    I am gonna keep giving her nice replies to her texts. But wait for her to begin the conversation. I think that will bring the best of both worlds.

    Shows her I dont need her, but still keeps the line of communication open.

    And what I meant by the “chasing me” part was: If I give her a little affection (not too much) over texts, it might remind her of all the love and affection there was in our relationship. And she might miss that and will want more. You know… Remind her of the love that once were…
    Hope that makes better sence 🙂

    Will look into your topic after work 🙂

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