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  • #12207
    • Total Posts: 268

    Hi my friend…
    It is really nice to see that you are moving on in a healthy way. But about the friend thing: You really need to think about it.
    First of all: CAN you be friends with him? Can you sit and talk with him and his new Girlfriend some day in the future?
    Second: Someday you will get a new man in your life. Will it be fair to him if you hang out with an ex you have had such strong feelings for?

    • Total Posts: 227

    I didn’t say it to be hurtful. I just wanted to get it off my chest.

    So after exchanging a lot of texts yesterday, he called me last night and I called him back. He admitted that he wasn’t as good of a bf as I needed him to be. He apologized profusely and told me that he was scared to get hurt again after his ten year relationship. He seemed very sincere and sorry that he wasn’t “ready” for us. I played it cool and I told him that I deserved to be with someone who loved me whole-heartedly. He said I was a really important person in his life and that I still am.

    We also talked about the orgasm thing and he said even though his pride was hurt that he understood. He said it would have helped us grow if I were honest, but he understands why I did it.

    He said, it was really nice to talk to me and that he didn’t want to lose me as a friend.

    I told him to see a therapist to work on his issues.

    I just feel like it’s not over for him either but he can’t do it right now. We also live on opposite coasts now…so long distance would not work. I wish I could see him…

    But I know if I did, we would just jump into bed because we have this crazy attraction.

    We ended our half an hour conversation with him saying “don’t be a stranger” and that I’m really important and that he really cares for me. I didn’t say I care for him too, I just said “thanks, that’s nice to hear.”

    I feel kinda better after our conversation…I don’t know if I’m giving myself false hope but we had this amazing connection that I just can’t give up on. I am going to continue to date and work on bettering myself…can’t I just be a distant friend for now? It’s not like we’ll see each other anytime soon with him being a 4 hour plane ride away…

    Please tell me what you guys think…

    • Total Posts: 227

    Creed, I told him that I would be friends with him as long as the person I’m seeing doesn’t have a problem with it.

    Thankfully, since we are so apart that I don’t have to run into his gf (when and if he has one).

    Is it too early to start a long distance false friendship?

    • Total Posts: 84

    I think it sounds like you are doing everything right. I don’t think it is too soon for a false friendship. Especially since you are long distance now. And you had a talk about how everything is going.

    Who knows? Maybe in the future you will end up close to one another again. That happened to my sister. She dated this guy how moved several states away, and eventually, they broke up because of the distance.

    Then she found a job in a small town in the middle of nowhere. Then that same guy moved to the small town RIGHT NEXT to the town where my sister lived. They ended up going on a few dates and a trip, but ultimately, they didn’t get back together. But you never know what could happen in the future.

    I really wish I had the internal strength to stay friendly with my ex. I would actually really love to be friends with her. I just don’t think I can stomach hearing if she started seeing someone new.

    Good luck, Travelbug!

    • Total Posts: 227

    He really loves and respects me, he wouldn’t bring up any gfs if he thought it could hurt me.

    I feel like I can stomach the friendship. But, I’ll take turns contacting him. Better that we don’t talk everyday, but whenever we have down time.

    I felt like yesterday, he went out of his way to talk to me on the phone even though he had work. He called me exactly as he said he would.

    • Total Posts: 227

    I had this realization today…I think I understand now why he broke up…

    So, I’ve been feeling like he wasn’t giving me enough time and attention since we got into a long distance relationship after 7 months of dating…I kept wanting more and telling him if he doesn’t do what I ask, that I’ll leave. The first two times, he calmed me down, but the last time he broke up with me. I think, he realized that I was going to leave him if he didn’t do what I asked, freaked out and broke it off to protect himself and his heart.

    It’s still not my fault because I wanted what I needed for him, and he was really busy with a very challenging new job, a new city, and a whole lot of stresses. It really wasn’t any of our faults, but I pushed me too hard when he had too much going on in his life…but a heart wants, what a heart wants…

    I wonder after some time as things are settling down for him at work, and he is getting settled at his new house in a new city, if he will miss me and want me back, or would he try to find someone there?

    • Total Posts: 84

    That is really tough because it really could go either way. I definitely believe the move, new job, and new city thing brings out a lot of stress. That is what it seems like with my ex anyway. I tried to be as supportive of her as possible during her transition and move, but I still needed to get my emotional needs met through the relationship as well. I do feel like I was a bit needy towards the end, and it contributed to her wanting to end the relationship.

    Really, only time will tell. And even if he were to meet someone else, that does not mean that she would be the one for him. It could just cause him to miss you. So really, in a long distance situation, you have to trust in what you had with him or trust that this move happened when it was suppose to happen.

    I have a really hard time with that because I feel like if my ex hadn’t of moved, we would still be going strong. Because the move seemed to be the biggest obstacle in our relationship. But my ex always says if it is meant to be, it will be. I don’t know if I believe that because I believe two people need to choose for it to be. But I can’t make her choose me.

    Either way, it will be fine. And a strong connection always comes around to something else, even if it isn’t exactly what you thought. I have heard of people reuniting when they are retired and old after their other spouses have passed away, and they get their second chance then. You never know.

    • Total Posts: 227

    I don’t want to wait till we are old and grey to get back together. I’m going to give it till next summer when I am planning to move to the west coast as well. But I’m going to obviously see how things go with us being friends. Frankly, I want him to date someone else to realize that what we had was something spectacular that people don’t come across that often.

    But I can tell that he’s still very much in love with me and is emotionally connected to me. I think this space and time will help clear his mind.

    But at the same time, I won’t stop dating and seeing other people. Who knows? I might find someone else and forget all about him. I remember this one ex bf who broke up with me and wanted me back three months later…But I had already moved on by then and had really worked on myself and had a lot of new things going on in my life.

    I am just going to focus on myself and talk/text with him once/twice a week and see where it goes.

    • Total Posts: 84

    Sounds like you have a great plan. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 227

    I hope so!

    Haven’t heard from him today. I think he’s unsure of what he really wants to do and how much he should contact me. But, he has to communicate first this time before I reply.

    Good night all of you heart-broken people. I hope we get stronger everyday!

    • Total Posts: 227

    I think I’m still emotionally dependent on him. I’m feeling like I need to have my drug (talking/texting with him) after a day of not talking to him. It’s not as strong of an urge as before, but it’s still there. I wonder if it’ll get worse if I don’t hear from him for a lot of days?! But I can’t let him win by contacting him first…I contacted him the last time. So, I have to wait till he communicates…

    This suxs! Wish he would just wake up and realize that I’m the one! Because I know we are meant to be! Grrrrrr

    • Total Posts: 1

    He broke up with me last sunday.its only today that ive decided to stop acting like a doormat and be strong again even if i get weak and start missing him and crying.that hurts its seing him online on whatsapp i hope the NC works its my day 1.even if he was decisive and said hurting things after we decided to get married .still have hope i wont give up i have faith i wish i succed (sorry for my bad ) english is not my native language.good luck everyone xx

    • Total Posts: 227

    I feel like at the end of the day, our exes just didn’t love us enough. They chose to be without us than having us in their lives. I know people get back together, but is it worth going back to your ex even if you really want to? What if history just repeats itself? Isn’t the chances higher of being with a new person? Just thoughts…

    I hate waiting for him to contact me…I wish he called or texts today. But he hasn’t. Who knows what he’s up to?!

    All I know is that I won’t chase him and I won’t be his doormat. I am a strong, educated, attractive woman that others love to be around, I shouldn’t waste my time waiting around for my shithead, scared ex bf to change his mind.

    But the heart is so stubborn, it doesn’t listen to reason.

    Feeling a little hopeless today…

    • Total Posts: 157

    Good for you. Stay strong. Don’t chase, accept we have no control over what our ex’s do, and live life. If its meant to happen it will. Just keep an open, but wary, mind if there is contact

    • Total Posts: 84

    I completely understand what you mean by “at the end of the day, our exes just didn’t love us enough…” And I would love to be one of those people who was just like, her/his loss. I am moving on to someone who sees my value as a partner.

    And it could be that my ex doesn’t have the emotional capacity to be in a committed relationship, or it could be that she isn’t over her ex before me, which means she doesn’t have the emotional capacity to be in a committed relationship with me. I don’t know. There is absolutely nothing that I can do about that. She will have to be the one to step up and commit to a relationship. And it could be to me or someone else.

    Or it could be that she lost attraction to me because her move was making me feel insecure. I should be emotionally secure enough to handle the move, but I didn’t feel emotionally supported during the transition.

    But somewhere along the way, I fell in love with her. And true, I am a lovely person that could be a valuable partner to any number of people. It is just that at the moment, I want her.

    When we broke up, I told her she was lucky to get to date me, and she said she agreed and wished she felt differently. I wish she felt differently, or I felt differently.

    And I do know that I let my life revolve around our relationship once we found out she was moving because I felt like I had limited time to spend with her before we would be apart. I feel like that contributed to the break up.

    I just love her and want her. That is really all I know at this point.

    You seem very emotionally strong, Travelbug. I am sure you are doing great.

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