Boards Reconciliation Recent Heart-break

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  • #9983
    • Total Posts: 227

    Also, I haven’t asked him to send me my things back. Should I?

    During our breakup talk, I told him that I wasn’t ready to get my things back. He probably won’t send it till I ask for it because he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings. But, should I ask him to send it?

    I feel like maybe I should have waited a little longer to break nc, but I felt like he would have had no reason to communicate with me after wishing me on my birthday. And I felt pretty strong…I still feel pretty strong. But I just don’t know what to do now?


    • Total Posts: 1

    Im not sure where its a breakup or not. My boyfreind is divorsed but still in daily contact with his ex because of kids age 22 and 28 both had kids.he is self employed whenever things goes bad from his side he shut me down.he makes me feel that im the cause his children are rebullious and making unreasonable demands.he will ask me for help and I will advice and support financially. What makes me worry he is not willing to formely introduce me to his family and now he is not calling or coming to my place this is the second week. Its been a year now and the worst is that I borrowed him money to buy a bus since February this year and he has not even paid me please help

    • Total Posts: 157

    @ mohau- you should start your own topic or this one will get too confusing.

    Travelbug- I think after this long it could be good to ask for your things back. It shows you are moving on and will probably stir his feelings. It might also make him angry, but that will pass.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Agreed. Ask for your stuff back. It will show tvat you are moving on

    • Total Posts: 227

    Hmm…I guess I secretly hoped that he would never have to send them. Sigh!

    What do you think about his texts? He just misses me but that’s all, right?

    • Total Posts: 227

    Need help!

    So, I’m on vacation in the middle of nowhere and I thought that I be over me but today I had a breakdown. I am on this amazing beach, yet I can’t enjoy it. All my friends are telling me to move on, but I can’t.

    Update: he texted me consecutively for three days dive I broke nc. The first day, via texts he told me he’s sorry and he misses me but he’s still a mess and was not ready for us when we met. He said he still cares and misses me and worries about me. I played it cool and said I agree with the breakup and not to worry. The next two days he sent me random funny texts which we used to always send each other. But the third day, I left for vacation and he texted me something to which I replied hours later and said “I was out of the country”. He said “have fun, be safe” and that was the last I heard from him. Today is day 3 since then. He knows I get texts, why did he stop?

    Should I restart nc? I broke nc on day 14 and its been 20 days since the breakup. I kind of broke down today all of a sudden. The vacation is not making me forget about him. What’s going through his mind? Why won’t he contact me anymore? Is it because I’m on vacation? Please help! Advise!

    I am missing him terribly..

    • Total Posts: 536

    @travelbug hey dont worry.. he ll text you soon. Its a good sign that he said he misses you and cares for you. Give him some time. In the mean time you should enjoy the trip. Keep him off your mind, it would only bug you.

    • Total Posts: 227

    Thanks divjun. I accidentally deleted all of our pictures today. It was in a hidden folder so I don’t look at it and now it’s all gone. I was sad that all my memories have been erased and had a break down.

    I am trying to stay busy and think happy thoughts…this place is amazing!

    Thanks for listening. This has been my solace more do than talking to my friends.

    • Total Posts: 227

    Should I do no contact again if I don’t hear from him in 7 days?

    Maybe, he contacted me to see if I was still head over heels for him, and even though I acted cool and told him that he did the right thing by breaking up with me, maybe he realized I was still in love and he got an ego boost and off he went?!

    Maybe I’ll do no contact till his birthday? Which is A month from now? What do you think?

    Should I ignore his texts and calls in the mean time if he does in fact call or text?

    • Total Posts: 536

    I would suggest not to think about it. First see when he texts you and what does he say.
    Take every step according to the situation.
    I was on NC day 9 when my ex texted me twice. And 2nd text was a bit rude. I was feeling miserable and missing him like anything. I ignored his text but the other night I texted him and called him. I found out he was not well. I talked to him then and everything got better and I got him back.
    It was my second round of nc.
    I am not saying to break your NC but go with the flow.
    But right niw, you should enjoy your trip and dont even think about him.

    • Total Posts: 84

    I would do no contact if you don’t hear from him. He knows you are on vacation, and sometimes people won’t contact a person as much on vacation as they might if you were just home.

    I would definitely not text back right away if he does contact you. But I don’t think answering would hurt.

    I got a package from my ex. We had ordered shirts together at a game we went to, but they were being shipped to her. In the meantime, we broke up. I got my shirt in the mail yesterday. She didn’t include any note, and it broke my heart.

    • Total Posts: 227

    @Sunshine11, I’m sorry. That must be heartbreaking.

    I felt a lot better yesterday and thought to myself that I should just move on…Today is day 5 of second round on nc. I am extending my vacation as long as I can because I feel like I’m getting stronger every day. It’s been 21 days since the breakup. Never thought I would be here…

    Don’t know why he’s not texting anymore, but it’s good in a way because I have time and space to heal and not analyze his texts and fall back.

    Moving forward is the only option here…

    • Total Posts: 227

    Day 6 of second round of nc:

    Still haven’t heard anything from him. I know he’s going to a wedding…Maybe he’s busy.

    We didn’t fight or say anything mean to each other. Why would he just stop texting?

    • Total Posts: 227

    I go back and forth between anger and sadness. Is that normal?

    I have been staying busy traveling. I’m having a blast, but the mornings are hard. I have to start all over to make myself strong.

    • Total Posts: 227

    @creeD, @aamls, @bguarino, @nevergiveup, @clear or anyone else who know my story…

    Since, it’s already been 6 days since our last contact (him saying “have fun, be safe”) should I start second round of nc?

    Should I reply if he texts me or calls me or ignore him for a month?

    After this vacation, I want to hit the gym and get toned. I kept mentioning how I had a beer belly, it’s not bad but I think it made me feel less attractive about myself. I need to do it for myself.

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