Boards Reconciliation Recent Heart-break

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  • #9565
    • Total Posts: 227


    Got a text: “hey you, happy birthday. I still care about you.”

    I ignored it. But it did break my heart a little. Maybe, he won’t message anymore.

    What does it mean? He just feels bad because I was suppose to spend my birthday with him?

    • Total Posts: 536

    This is a positive news and good job not replying. Its working.
    He ll try to contact more trust me. ๐Ÿ™‚ so happy for you ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 84

    I think it is good news! Have fun on your vacation and come back a person who is relaxed. Maybe some of the sadness will lift.

    I have given up hope. I broke NC after 7 days, and she was pretty cold. Said some mean things to me. It is so hard. So, I guess I am still in NC permanently. I still want her back.

    • Total Posts: 227

    I feel like it doesn’t mean anything. I secretly want it to mean something, but I don’t think it does. He knows I’ll be away on vacation…so don’t think he’ll contact me anymore.

    • Total Posts: 157

    Travelbug- that text was very positive. Just saying happy birthday is a good thing, but he also added- I still care about you.

    Many people, myself included, would be happy if their ex just contacted them on their birthday. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 227

    Ok, I broke nc…don’t know if it was a mistake but I don’t feel any regrets or I don’t care if he says anything else or not.

    I just replied saying “thanks!”, that’s it. This was in the reply to his text two days ago when he said “happy birthday, I still care for you.”

    I am leaving for vacation tomorrow for two weeks, so I’ll try to come back a changed person.

    Was it a really bad idea?

    • Total Posts: 42

    Well yes and no, you took 2 days to respond thats good, but you shouldnt have said anything, if he texts you back dont answer and start Nc again right away.

    • Total Posts: 227

    I don’t know, like what’s the point? We are all trying to move on right? In one of Kevin’s email I got today, it says don’t be rude if they contact you

    • Total Posts: 84

    Exactly, what is the point? I know that I want my ex back, but the only thing I can really do is try to make my life the best it can be with her. I understand NC and re-attraction, but the key part of it is making sure that your life is good so whether or not you get your ex back, your life is still great.

    I use to always say if it is meant to be, then nothing you do can ruin it. I don’t know if I believe that anymore. But I certainly don’t think one “Thanks!” text can make or break. You know?

    Have we heard from anyone who actually gets their ex back permanently? I would like to hear those stories. I do have one friend from whom that happened. They were broken up for maybe 2 months?

    • Total Posts: 227

    I’ve been texting with him today. He’s hurting and wanted to explain himself. I listened and told him I understood and I am not mad.

    I feel good about it. I know he misses me and I feel like I have more power now.

    I don’t know what I am going to do. But I leave for vacation tomorrow so maybe I’ll have more clarity when I get back.

    Surprisingly, I feel better. Not sure if it’s a false sense of security, but it’s nice to hear from him.

    • Total Posts: 42

    It crazy, but if I guess that not talking is the best… cause whether you get the person back or not, 30 days will help you somehow to move on.

    • Total Posts: 84

    I completely understand. I always feel extremely anxious when I don’t hear from my ex, but then as soon as I do, I feel amazing. And it doesn’t even matter what is said really. But from what I understand that is because you are easing the withdrawl. It is like if you were on drugs and trying to get off of them. You feel like you just need one more time. You do it one more time, and it works. Until you need it again. It could be different for you, but that is how it is for me.

    • Total Posts: 227

    My life never stopped. It’s been going on just like before. I have meaningful relationships with my friends.

    I feel like he will want me back. But I am giving him time and space. I won’t initiate communication, but if he initiates it, I will respond…

    He knows I am fine without him, because I am.

    • Total Posts: 227

    But you may be right sunshine.

    I won’t communicate with him for the next ten days as I will be out of the country and he doesn’t know where I will be.

    He told me he worried about me, that he respects me and misses me and that he’s trying to get better (as in healing from a lengthy relationship with his ex).

    • Total Posts: 227

    I felt this temporary relief thinking that he still loved me and maybe wanted me back…I know he still cares because he told me he was worried about me. I told him he doesn’t have to worry about me, and he said he will anyway. He said he’s sorry that he wasn’t ready for us, that he’s still a bit of a mess from his long drawn out divorce with his ex. But he cares and he misses me and respects me, and wanted me to know that he wants to heal himself before he’s able to love someone correctly. But he never said that he’s doing it for me…and he’s still on I told him to go see a therapist, meditate, read some books about forgiving himself…

    I don’t know. I’m a little confused now. I felt like it was time for creating “false friendship”…so I tried to sound cool and told him that he did the right thing by breaking it off because I deserved more love than he was giving me. Then, we sent some funny pictures to each other today.

    Any opinions? Advice? Would be much appreciated.

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