Boards Reconciliation Contacted ex.

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  • #26520
    • Total Posts: 944

    @LAbound, did you answer your ex’s text?

    • Total Posts: 562

    No. I didnt even have a want to text her back.

    • Total Posts: 944

    wow!!! i cannot wait for the day where I’m strong enough and don’t even want to respond if my ex reaches out

    • Total Posts: 562

    It will happen. I do not love her less. I just love myself more. That’s the way i see it.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i really like that perspective. i think thats the point any of us need to reach before being able to reconcile. do you regret asking for her back when you did a couple weeks back?

    • Total Posts: 158

    Do u guys think my ex would text me even she blocked me everywhere just to forget about me ?

    being away from this person make you miss em much more… Strange

    • Total Posts: 562


    Give it time. Anything is possible. Just prepare to communicate with your ex if she decides to reach out.


    I dont regret it. It led to more insight. It wasnt the wrong move because I learned from it…and she is still attempting to contact me.

    • Total Posts: 944

    right. i do believe we make all the choices we do for a reason and maybe that gave you even more of a push to continue moving forward. i asked because i am thinking about confronting my ex as well around the 7 month mark. its been 4 months now and I’m trying to go 90 days nc and then maybe ask him where his head is at and meet him in person. i don’t believe in the whole false friendship thing in my situation

    • Total Posts: 562

    You should do what you feel is right in your situation. And giving it till the 7 month mark doesn’t sound too bad.

    But I honestly think that he is on a mission, and he is probably just now getting comfortable with the idea of branching out. He will more than likely need more time than 7 months, and that’s just three months from now. I don’t think much will change in his mind.

    You know him better than I, and like I said. Do what you feel is necessary.

    • Total Posts: 944

    yes, i think the first couple of months he was just processing the break up and getting used to being single. i think right now he is starting to date, branch out, and see what else is out there. I’m honestly not sure what the right amount of time is. i know there are stories out there of couples reuniting many years later but i just don’t see that happening for me. once the door is closed, its closer. if i ever really move on i don’t think ill be quick to let him back in. so i do think theres some kind of window over how long he has to decide. i don’t think i can change his mind and i wont try. he must only come back to me on his own. i just think i will feel him out around the 7 month mark to see what he has been feeling. he’s given me many many mixed signals. in the beginning of december he told me his gut said a few more months and hell be ready but now he says he wants no time constraints. i don’t think ill ever be able to predict if and when he is ready but i do think it will give me some peace of mind to know at least how he’s feeling after that time. it will have given him time to process the break up, date a little, and experience life without me. ill just want to know what he sees happening down the line

    • Total Posts: 562

    Yeah. Then find out in a few months.

    I think you have a lot to offer people. I don’t know you passed the boards, but you come off at smart, insightful, mature. I hope you become more comfortable with dating and putting yourself out there. Whoever wins your heart will be one lucky guy.

    Your ex will end up kicking himself.

    • Total Posts: 944

    thanks for the kind words, @labound. i like to think i am all those things. i think my ex is maybe viewing me as someone who would make a great wife, but for now he kind of wants to date other girls maybe not so seriously. he’s also only 23 so not at an age to settle yet. i am actually going on a date later this week 🙂 I’ve been out with this guy once before and it went very well. i just haven’t really felt over my ex enough to date so much yet. i also haven’t wanted to really lead anyone on as I’m clearly not very emotionally available yet, but i am trying to put myself out there now. i do hope you’re right and my ex will end up kicking himself – and i hope soon!

    what about you? do you date at all?

    • Total Posts: 562

    You can be honest with the people you date. Be straight forward with them: you aren’t looking to move fast or even for an exclusive relationship just yet.

    If they want a random hookup or marriage.. they’ll run. lol

    • Total Posts: 944

    haha ive figured that out!i have been honest so far. I’ve been going in dates as more as a distraction. unfortunately I’m way too emotionally invested in my ex. i wish i could just make it all go away! I’ve met other great guys i just have zero interest

    • Total Posts: 562

    eh. no rush. just have fun lol

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