Boards Reconciliation Contacted ex.

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  • #26397
    • Total Posts: 86

    @LAbound I think it is unfair that she is still associating the new you with the old new but she may think she knows you inside out based on her previous knowledge of you when you two were going out so I guess she feels you may cave in but you’re right by not reaching out she will start wondering and oh that will be quite an amazing day when she realises her boyfriend has no more content than a rock and that he was simply a filler

    How is everything anyway πŸ™‚ Hows the gym? and is Law of Attraction making everything feel better for you?

    • Total Posts: 562

    πŸ™‚ Thanks for making my Sunday even better. I appreciate it.

    Only time will tell. She has to change too.

    When I really think about everything, I think that by the time I feel that I am where I want to be, I won’t want to be with her. NC creates clarity. And I feel like I deserve so much more than what I’ve been given by her. She’s said sorry, and I believe she is about some of it. But I also think her selfishness is too great that she will continue to care more about how she feels (even if it isn’t realistic or rational) over at least considering mine.

    But as I’ve stated before, we would go to therapy before I commit.

    • Total Posts: 86

    @LAbound I see how you came to that conclusion but to be honest when she does change and realise she wont get you back by simply asking for you back she will become a person that you would love to be with because 9 years is an amazingly long time and if you two had that history combined with a potentially new and reformed Her, maybe it would change for the better πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 562

    My ex just texted me

    Here is what she said, although it may be pointless to say all of it.
    idc. It touched my heart because it included her nephew who I became really close with. It will be his 4th birthday in a couple of weeks. I wish I could be there with him.

    Here’s the text..

    “Hey! I think **** must be missing you or something. All weekend he has been saying that you are throwing him a birthday party in two weeks. Then he listed off all the different types of food that will be there. He said that he loves you, but not like he wants to marry you. I told him that you love him too. I hope you’re having a good weekend.”

    It kind of makes me think that he heard my ex say she loves me but not in that way..and so he is saying “but not like he wants to marry” me. Kind of breaks my heart.

    • Total Posts: 562

    This is, of course, me reading into it too much.

    I love her nephew. So much. That’s my buddy.

    • Total Posts: 86

    @LAbound thats adorable, I became quite close with my ex girlfriends brother and sister and knew them especially the little brother who opened up to me and I was telling my ex things that the brother told me and so I can understand how it must feel for you.

    I wouldn’t look too much into that since it was quite a vague analysis and maybe she just felt weird when she texted you because she’s so used to love being between relationships that when she decided to text the person she initially loved she had to make it clear that it was a different love loool quite silly to clarify but just don’t look too deep into it.

    Would you go to the party if she invited you ?

    • Total Posts: 323

    She broke up with you. You said you needed space and to move on. Then she sends you a text reminding you of and making you miss her nephew. That’s just a dick move.

    She doesn’t want you to move on, she’s being selfish. Seriously, who does that? You asked for space – didn’t you?

    • Total Posts: 323

    Sorry if that came out harsh, I’m probably just projecting my own feelings onto the situation!

    • Total Posts: 562


    The gym and everything has been going well. I lost energy between classes and the gym and most night I just crash instead of focusing on LOA. Tomorrow, I plan to start doing all of it as part of a newly organized daily routine.

    And yeah, I won’t read into what she says. That’s like break up 101. lol
    I agree with what you said. If it takes work to get me back, and if she is willing to work.. she will become what I need. And not just the other way around.


    I actually had similar thoughts about her real intentions behind telling me. I think it’s because she misses me and knows that I won’t respond to her. But if she threw in her nephew (who I feel deeply connected to) there will be a greater chance of me to respond. I thought.. “how desperate”. Then I became sad.

    You’re right though. What a dick move. I said I wanted space. She’s fucking ignoring me and doing what she feels is right for her.. like always.

    LOL I am amped again. I still think reality hasn’t hit her yet. It’s only been about 5 weeks..going on 6 of me being consistent with NC. So, in time, I think she will get it.

    • Total Posts: 944

    the more you don’t respond, the more she will get it. I’m sure she is sad having you out of her life, but she ended the relationship! she doesnt get to have you as an emotional crutch. and i actually think its selfish of her to text you because it makes you sad and its also rude to her new rebound guy. i think your ex needs serious alone time to be single and think about her future and what she wants!

    • Total Posts: 86

    @LAbound exactly thats the way to go πŸ™‚ I crashed as well LOL woke up at 6.30am for gym got back at like 8.30am went lectures from 9am – 6pm and was feeling knackered lol and woow good luck with that hope it all goes well.

    Exactly Break Up 101 LOL and then it will just be an amazing couple made for one another πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 65

    LAbound, when you have time could you comment on this one? I’d appreciate as I think you give nice feedback on topics.

    Ex's Behavior Post Contact and Decision of NC

    • Total Posts: 18

    @LAbound, it’s awesome how clearly you are seeing her intentions. I can relate to the instinct to overanalyze, but in this case, the only thing you need to know is that you asked for space, and she didn’t give it to you. totally selfish! you really keep stealing the power back πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 562

    I hope to get even more power as time goes on. I’m sure at this point, she believes she can still count on me to be there for her whenever she wants. I’m too busy being here for me.

    I’m first up on MY pedestal! No one else.

    • Total Posts: 86

    @LAbound thats how it goes πŸ™‚ put yourself on the pedestal πŸ™‚ good luck and yeah but with more power you have to realise it becomes a more delicate situation that you don’t get ahead of yourself

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