Boards Reconciliation Contacted ex.

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  • #24970
    • Total Posts: 562

    I’m watching it right now. I used to watch football a lot, but it was yet another part of my interests that got lost. I’m watching tonight though, and I plan on joining a football team this summer. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 944

    @LAbound, can i ask your opinion on my most recent texts with my ex?! feeling very discouraged

    • Total Posts: 562

    Yeah. Go ahead.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i got drunk last night and texted him and asked him if he was scared that i am the one and we met too early on and he’s scared to commit at such a young age or scared that I’m not so he doesnt want to waste anymore time. he answered me saying that he thinks its a tough question to answer because its really all about timing and he feels a bit of both. he said he never feels any time spent together was wasted and it was incredible always being together but he felt he needed to break up because he needs to see if its possible with anyone else because if we stayed together all throughout and got married he would’ve always wondered what could have happened. i responded and said i understood but I’ve just felt very confused because i was kind of under the impression he just wanted a couple of months off from the relationship and not to seriously date anyone else and his response was that its tough to predict the future and put a time frame on things and that he could find himself in a relationship with someone else and hate it and realize how special ours was and that we need to base things on how we feel and not put any time constraints. i don’t know why but i feel like for some reason we just took 10 steps backwards

    • Total Posts: 562

    No. You are in the same position as before. What pretty much happened is that you were reminded, in detail that he is taking a step back to determine the ‘what ifs’.

    How long have you been doing NC or LC?

    • Total Posts: 944

    initially he told me he just wanted some time to be single with his friends but this made it seem like he really wants another serious relationship? maybe i read too much into it. I’m not sure. i did 30 days nc from the beginning of december until the beginning of january. they i reached out to say happy new year and to catch up on everything. he was very friendly and seemed happy to hear from me. then he texted me a week later to discuss some dumb celebrity gossip and again we texted and caught up. and then on monday night i texted him about our favorite tv show and we texted back and forth about it for the full two hours.

    so it was nc for 30 days and its been lc since. i really need to stop initiating because when i do i end up getting more and more confused

    • Total Posts: 562

    I think he wants to date other people. And he is saying that if nothing serious comes out of it, then it will solidify the relationship and bond that you two have.

    I thought you knew he wanted to date others. If I were you, you’ve done the NC..then LC. Follow the other steps in relationship rewind. Using the Bliss Bomb and what not. Maybe it’s time for a new approach.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i think maybe its best to try extended nc? every time we talk i feel like i go back to square one and i feel like he clearly isn’t read and needs more time. i think i should really try my best to hold nc indefinitely until he reaches out at one point

    • Total Posts: 562

    It might be good to let go and move on. And keep up with building a new life without him. I know that hurts, but there’s probably nothing you can do.

    If false friendship isn’t a possibility, (and if he is set on his decision) then go NC and heal.

    None of us know what the future holds. Remember LOA.. and just concentrate on the good things.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i think he is open to the idea of a false friendship – but its me who can’t handle it! i think i would need to stay in the false friendship for months because he definitely needs this time away and isn’t ready yet. ultimately i think i would end up resenting him for treating me like a friend for so long and talking to me while he’s dating other people. so for now I’m going to do my best to let go and move on. its the only option right now. if i somehow convinced him to come back, he would leave again. he needs this time away from me to confirm his feelings. i actually felt better in my first 30 days nc. my plan now is to go nc indefinitely and do my best to move on. I’m going to use loa and just try to focus on being happy. my birthday is 95 days away so at least i feel like thats a point ill get to hear from him and maybe ill get the chance to see if he’s feeling any differently then. but for now, its best to let go and move on. i need to stay in nc indefinitely as whenever i talk to him my emotions are all over the place. I’m not even sure why i was so impacted by his text yesterday – it didn’t really say anything he hasn’t already told me – that he wants to date around to see if our relationship really is the best thing. the only way to have a possible future is for him to do that now. if its meant to be, hell be bad when he’s ready but for now loa and moving forward and nc will help me with that. how are you doing?

    • Total Posts: 944

    *back not bad!

    • Total Posts: 562


    I agree that you should focus on being happy, and at least waiting it out until your birthday to communicate with him. I wish you the best.

    I am okay. Yesterday, for some reason I missed my ex like crazy. The feelings were so random. I didn’t reach out to her or anything. I am adamant on not communicating with her for many months to come. I want to get back to her city and set up my life before attempting. Plus, if I tried to meet up with her before that…I’m afraid resentment will come to the surface.
    I’ve had a few days (spread out) where I was angry at her again. Thinking about how she treated me like shit because of her infatuation for someone else. She explained that she was harsh because she would prefer me hate her than be as sad as I was. I don’t know if I accept that “reason”, she has apologized and said she sees where I was coming from and she’s sorry for certain choices she made.

    I still have forgiveness to work on, but it’s kind of hard because she seems so ignorant to the extent of the damage she has caused. For example, when I went to her city for my belongings and for school, I refused to meet up with her. Her response was, “It shouldn’t be like that!” I wanted to verbally thrash her so bad. It just shows me she is still her selfish self.

    Even if I gave in to friendship, it wouldn’t be a fruitful one without therapy. I think therapy is the only way I can forgive her 100%.

    Otherwise.. I am pretty good. I haven’t yet started the LOA work again. I was able to get into school this semester so I have been busy with that and working out a lot. By the time I finish with those two things, I am sleepy!

    I plan to get a better routine in the upcoming weeks. I am still looking for a job, but where I am at..the jobs are scarce. If I don’t get a job soon, my whole plan to move back to my ex’s city won’t happen until September, instead of May like I planned. I’ve been a bit stressed about it. I don’t want to stay at my cousins that long. I really, ideally, would be out of here by mid April. Even that is too long for me to be here. Starting completely over is so rough.

    Okay. I am done writing this novel.

    I hope you are well today.

    • Total Posts: 94

    This seems to be going well! It sounds like she really does want you back. Good for you not giving in so quickly, I don’t know if I could do that! Your story makes me feel better. I think of my ex every day and often wonder if he does the same.

    I tried to look through your old posts, and I apologize for asking again but how long have you been broken up and how long was your NC? You seem to be doing all the right things and setting a great example for us on here.

    • Total Posts: 562

    Me or Atea?

    • Total Posts: 562

    Nevermind. It’s one of those moments..

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