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  • #28889
    • Total Posts: 158

    Man i feel ya … she also have told me when i send her that she was right about the breakup and we do need space she jumped saying … did u got engaged ??

    after few chitchat she blocked me again … i uaed to do everything to talk to her even make new accountpts to talk to her .. but now i am just ignoring her … i checked on my friend account today coz i was puting them both my friend and my ex in hide mood coz i dont wanna see her face … i rood her status and it ( I dont wanna think of you anymore ) i dont know what does that mean so just ignoring it and keep NC :3

    • Total Posts: 562

    Ignoring it all is what is best.

    Honestly, make time for for you. It isn’t a bad thing to let time pass. People get scared that their ex will just move on with someone else, and they might, but having faith and working on oneself increases the chance to getting your ex back.

    To get it, you have to let it go.

    • Total Posts: 158

    She know that lots of girls talking to me … she left me because of that … even she trust me … now she dont trust me and left me … she was talking to other guys i said nothing about it …

    thanks for her that she left me .. she think i will be all over her but NC could teach her something at least … i told her before that we can get married i told her so many things we could do… she loved it and now she act like that … she had bad experience and i know j am not the best but i swear i was serious about everything about love … she lost the chance she have to look for other man if she think i am not enough …

    • Total Posts: 48

    I envy your patience, seriously I wish I had such patience.

    • Total Posts: 158

    You can be the same … sometimes i go so sad and think of her but when i remember that chasing them do nothing and we need them to chase us i just feel better šŸ™‚ coz after all if she loved you once it will be hard for her to forget about u in few days .. even if she have another bf … just Be in NC

    • Total Posts: 562

    It just takes time. You’ll get there. And once you have taken your power back, become healthier and happier on your own.. you’ll be unbreakable.

    My ex is testing me, I feel like. It’s more games. She just messaged me the other day on facebook and said she had a bf. two days later, telling me she doesn’t when I tell her the messages need to stop because they disrespect her relationship..

    and everything she’s done in the past…

    Patience comes easy once you get your emotions under control. I love me more. I am more concerned with my own happiness. Man.. it all becomes so clear after a bit of time. So hang in there. You’ll get it.

    • Total Posts: 48

    My story is in another topic, Im having hard time reading her signals and behaviour, cant tell if she is playing games or not.

    We have been together for 5 years, last year was a torture for her as I was an addicted idiot who didnt take care of her. More than a half year ago she told me that she doesnt love me anymore, I tried to fix it, but I didnt realize that in order to do that I need to sort my addiction out, which I did now. I moved out 18th december and well, she has another guy, havent met him yet. Obviously she is not talking to me at all.

    • Total Posts: 944

    omg @labound that is big news!! wow. do you know who ended it? she really wasted no time crawling right back to you! i really admire your patience. do you have a plan going forward?

    i do want to vent a bit. for some reason even though i know he would want to date other girls, i didn’t really see him becoming serious about one. and it sounds like he is. I’m beginning to just want to forget all about him and move on. i should be with someone who truly loves and appreciates me and never wants to let me go. he doesnt feel that way about me. i need to move on. if he comes back at a point in time then i can see how i feel then but for right now he needs to let it go. it honestly is his loss. i was so good to him and we nada great relationship. he thinks he can find better elsewhere? good luck to him!

    • Total Posts: 562

    I’m thinking if it ended, it was more of my ex’s decision. I know that guy snorting pills was a complete turn off. And I do believe, from everything my ex has sent, she is starting to understand what she lost. but I still think she is in the same mindset, so I can’t give in right now. I love her.. and it has been what I’ve wanted to hear since after the breakup… but it doesn’t give me much confidence because if she isn’t into someone else..she comes to me. It hasn’t been a consistent thing. What if I give in, and she decides she doesn’t want to be with me at the first interest in someone else? you know?

    My ex, after i sent a text telling her it disrespects her relationship, she said she wouldn’t do that to either relationship (if i am in one) and fished to see if I was in a relationship. I never responded. Then she tried to call me. After I ignored it, she said “I thought I’d give it a try šŸ˜‰ bye xoxo”

    I just said bye in response.

    I’m still emotionally strong, but sad. I can’t go back now even if I wanted to. I’m sad because she is desperate. I don’t think she loves me. She will just settle so she isn’t alone. What kind of life would that be? She said “I have so much love for you and you’re such an important person to me” ..but she didn’t say she’s in love. I want that deep kind of love. Not just because you love me as more than a friend, but not in love with me.. like she’s stated before. So Idk.

    I feel like I still need to do it on my time to make sure that it is love.. and she isn’t just doing it because I’m a safe option.

    Let it out, Atea. If you’re angry, you have a right to be. But it really is important to consider that things are missing for our exes..and they don’t feel complete. They’re just doing what they think is right. And don’t compare yourself to this other girl. And it may seem serious, but so did my ex’s first rebound. and the second rebound. I stopped concentrating on her relationships and worked on me..and stopped communicating with her because it really hurt. And I couldn’t get anywhere in my life remaining a part of her life. I think if you did the same, it would do wonders for you. Essentially…let go of him. I’m sorry that things were decent in your relationship and he still felt a need to explore. For some people, it’s like that. Nothing we can do but wait..or move on.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @LAbound, i am so angry and i feel physically sick since i got the news. i keep telling myself that this other girl is not ME and if he prefers her over me than there is nothing i can do and he isn’t the one for me. he told me he needs to do this if we could ever have a future – that he truly wants to date and get to know other girls so i guess this is all part of his process but i feel awful about it. it does seem serious but i guess it is too early to truly tell. he told me if he wasnt actually dating other girls then he wouldne be doing when he set out to do on this time off so this is actually making progress so he can start to decide about the future. but i need to somehow stop obsessing over him and his new relationship and concentrate on me like you said. i want to stay in nc now because it hurts too much to talk to him while i know he is with another girl. i believe it will hinder my moving on process if i keep reaching out to him. any advice for how to let go? yes its very frustrating that there were no huge red flags in our relationship- he just had this internal desire. i keep telling myself if you love something let it free and if its yours it will come back. its really a waiting game for me at this point but i do need to make more of an effort to truly move on. whether or not i “wait” or “move on” will not impact whether or not he comes back or when so for me i need to not be so obsessed about what what he is doing now

    • Total Posts: 562

    I’ve been there atea. It will pass. I promise. Like you said, make a real effort to move on. And don’t concentrate on him being with another girl. It’s those new, bullshit feelings that after a while will be tested. And since you said your relationship was pretty damn decent, I can imagine your bond with him will be a heavy contender to anything they have going on.

    Stay in NC. It will help you resolve the negative feelings you’re experiencing. And yeah.. DON’T STALK or OBSESS! It will not help.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @LAbound thank you so much for understanding. its so comforting to know you went through the same thing and are coming out on the other side. i know i just need time to heal all and to remain in nc for way longer than i have – the short 2-4 week periods aren’t enough. i need to remove thoughts of him with the other girl from my head and just work on me and what makes me happiest. we did have a very great relationship and i do think it will be a heavy contender to anyone he dates, but he is very fixated on dating other girls right now. i wont stalk! i need to work on not obsessing because i get a strong pain in my stomach when i think about it. i need to just do nc and continue forward and let time work its magic for me.

    any new developments with you?

    • Total Posts: 562

    The following is something I felt deeply compelled to send my ex today. I do not feel that it relinquishes any power I have gained.

    “Against my better judgment, I am going to respond to a few things you have stated/mentioned in your texts and facebook messages.
    This may be a lengthy response, and I am going to be as organized in my points as possible.
    We grew up together. We had created a bond with each other, I thought. However, I have felt for quite some time that I had created the bond to you..and not with you. I still feel that way, and I will always feel that way. This whole experience has changed my perception on many things. I have spent plenty of time alone, without distraction, to consider my actions and my hang-ups, where I excelled and where I completely and utterly failed. I also realized that I loved you more than I loved myself. And I failed myself. Nothing you did or didnā€™t do caused me to fail. It made it hard for me to function, yes, but it was all my fault for not revolving more around myself. People can only be held back if they allow it. I was blinded by my bond and love for you to the point I no longer saw myself. You have to admit, I was nothing like I was in the beginning. There are so many people like me. Givers to the point we give too much. We want to nurture everyone else, but donā€™t consider ourselves most of the time.
    That has changed. I am not the person you knew. And frankly, I do not feel as if I know you anymore. I donā€™t mind it either. I see your facebook picture, and I do not recognize that woman. I am not in love with you, ****. I care if youā€™re okay, and I donā€™t hate you. I simply do not know you anymore. And that is what is best.
    There was a lot of pain caused; in the end especially. Iā€™ve come to terms with it all, and I forgive you. However, I really feel like you don’t realize what you’ve done.

    Two months ago, I asked if you would date me. You said you werenā€™t into me like that and you wanted to get with Erik. Fast forward two months, and I get random messages and calls from you. One facebook message says that you feel like you made a mistake. A text says to marry you. In the facebook message you had a boyfriend, in the text (two days later) you didnā€™t have a boyfriend. Do you see how utterly odd seeming that is? And it shows lack of respect to just say ā€œlife is too short. Lets get married. Seriouslyā€.. it makes it seem as if you donā€™t realize what has happened..and as if youā€™re really saying, ā€œIā€™m freaking out because Iā€™m 29. I donā€™t care if Iā€™m not in love.. I just donā€™t want to live day to day alone.ā€ Just sayingā€¦
    1. I am not a back-up.
    2. I am not a safety net.
    3. Nothing you have done says you respect me.
    4. You seem confused still and panicked.
    5. You seem to be afraid to be alone.
    6. You are not in love with me. And Id never be with someone just to be with them.
    7. I feel like you need time alone. To reflect. To grow. To mature.
    8. Being alone can be an amazing thing. Youā€™ll know yourself better without masking it all. I would know!
    9. This all comes off as you playing games. The last text where you said byeā€¦ because you werenā€™t getting your way? Or is it a game? Do you just want a response?
    10. This is the last response I can spare. I love and respect myself enough to know that the way you have been isnā€™t healthy for either one of us.
    It might annoy you that I say this.. but You have so much growing to do. I wish you so much happiness and luck. I wish you deep sleeps, hearty laughs, great health, tremendous success, enlightenment, peace, and love. Lots and lots of love.
    Iā€™m sorry that we didnā€™t make it. I tried to hold on, despite you choosing other men over me. But now more than ever, I am happy that relationship ended, and that we didnā€™t get back together. You are lost. But thatā€™s a good thing because most people canā€™t find themselves until they are lost. Unfortunately, intended or unintended sacrifices are made. I was that sacrifice. Our love was as well. And I donā€™t feel it anymore. Not strongly, anyway.

    Iā€™m so excited about conquering everything Iā€™ve wanted to conquer in this world. Whether with someone or alone. Iā€™m sitting in my chairā€¦ looking out a window on and off, and I am terribly excited. I have no fucking clue what is about to happen in the next few minutes, the next few days..months.. or even years. But not knowing isnā€™t the problem. It’s forcing things. And you seem to be forcing love. Life is just stating intention, backing it up with action..and letting the universe do its thing. Thatā€™s literally how the whole ā€œIf itā€™s meant to be, it will beā€ works. One doesnā€™t sit back and say it will happen if itā€™s meant to happen. Intent. Action. And going for a wonderful ride is how itā€™s done.
    I prayed for you the other night. I then fell asleep, and you came into my dream. I was standing and you approached me. You were crying. I could actually hear you cry. And you were telling me something about your relationship with Erik. How he had done something fucked up. Something about drugs and screwing a girl. I then woke up, and saw the missed call from you. And I believe you texted me. I thought that was interesting.

    Well, I will go now.
    Please, be safe and take care of yourself. And if youā€™re freaking out because youā€™re getting older.. donā€™t. 29 is young.. and there is so much time! You told me once to embrace it. EMBRACE being truly on your own and growing as a result. Good luck to you.
    I’m not sure if I covered everything I originally wanted to state.. but oh well. Be well. Be happy. And please give love to D**** for me. Tell your family I said hello.”

    Here was her response:

    “Iā€™d like to start this message off by saying sorry for my last emails, text and phone calls. These last few days have been extremely tough for me and I was definitely freaking out and thatā€™s totally why I sent those dumb ass texts and emails. Once, I broke things off with Erik I was super relieved but super emotional and a bit distraught. It was like an old deep wound reopened. I felt the pain of losing you and the damage that I caused X 100. I realized that I had been stagnate for the past 2 months and it shocked and frightened me. I realized that I donā€™t know what the fuck Iā€™m doing, who I am, what I wantā€¦like, I donā€™t know shit about myself!!! I looked around my apartment and it blew my mind. Itā€™s been almost half a year and Iā€™m still not settled in. Itā€™s like an empty shell, bare wallsā€¦like wtf, Iā€™m here just to rest my head. Iā€™ve just been running, spinning my wheels not getting shit done.
    1 &2.I donā€™t think of you as a back-up or a safety net.
    3. I did not show you respect in the past but I respect you very much
    4. I am SO confused and I was panicked!!!!
    5. I am not afraid of being alone but itā€™s something Iā€™m not used to, but I know that I need to be alone for real growth.
    6. You are correct I am not in love with you, but only because I donā€™t know you or myself anymore. I know that I could easily fall back in love with you though, because you are amazing. The healthy, confident, clear headed, self-aware ***** would fall just as quickly and easily as ** year old ***** did when we first metā€¦And I would bet money on it that you will do the same. (I plan on treating my future husband like royaltyā€¦and I canā€™t help but hope that its you)
    7&8. I totally agree
    9. I was not playing games. I knew that I was being foolish and I was going to TRY not to bug you anymore. I wasnā€™t looking for a response. I was feeling super foolish and embarrassed.
    10. I hope that this is really not your last response to me, but I understand if it is. The girl you know is damaged, selfish, lost and confused. Sheā€™s no good for you. The one that I am going to create or find; she the one you want to respond to and know.
    Thank you for your message. I needed that shit. It has always tripped me out how well you know me. As always you inspired me to be better. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I am super excited for you. You sound like you got your head on straight. GO BABY, GO BABY, GO! If you have a lady she better treat you like the king that you are. You deserve nothing but the best! I fucking mean it!!!!
    You will always be in my prayers and thoughts and please keep me in yours. And that dream was very interesting. I think that if I stayed in that relationship a second longer than I did, some shit like that definitely would have happened. Haha I feel so relieved to be done with that guy. It didnā€™t end bad or anything, but feel like I dodged a bullet or something.
    I will tell D**** and my family that you said hi. D***** really loves you. Haha he calls you my brother. ā€œWheres *****, your brother?ā€
    I was foolish and lost and I sacrificed our love, our bond and you. I have high hopes of getting all 3 of those things back, once I become well. I no long feel like if things are meant to be they will beā€¦action has to be behind it. I didnā€™t believe that until recently.
    Like, 6 month from now, I envision you, me and a beautiful beach in Mexico. Get your passport if you donā€™t have it already. This shit is not over. At the least we will be friends. I know I caused a lot of damage and pain but I will fix what is broken.
    I can feel your excitement through your words and you have me pumped. I donā€™t know where to start but Iā€™m headed to your level and beyond.
    Thank you again. You were very kind for sending this message. As always you soothed my soul. I pray to God that I will be able to do the same for you one day. I love you and I wish you all the happiness, and love and peace one human can handle.
    Call me or text me if you ever need anythingā€¦Iā€™m dying to talk to you and see what you have going on in your world.
    Damn, I feel like the fog has liftedā€¦.
    I hope to hear from you soon. ”

    Ladies and Gents.. there is still work to be done. Notice how she seemed confident I will fall back in love..and how we will at least be friends? The next stage is to make her doubt even that. She says she doesn’t know me, but still says I am amazing..and bets money that I will fall for her again too… the following months will break her of that thinking. She sends a lot of positive messages on that one letter, but I refuse to get my hopes up or cease working on myself. It’s not over.

    Some of you are going to want to strangle me because I am still not going to give in. That’s because if I give in right now, all the progress will have been for nothing. She admitted she has to fix herself, and I am going to leave her alone to do so. Four months from now, I will contact her. (I’ll be in the same city too) I will see where she’s at in her progress and go from there. It takes work to break cycles and habits. And it doesn’t matter how much I love her (and I lied about not being in love), I love me more.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @LAbound, i am actually moved to tears by that last post! i think the letter your ex sent you is something we all hope to get from our exes eventually and you have really embraced this process and taken control of the situation and I’m so thrilled for you that she’s finally come to her senses. i actually don’t want to strangle you at all. i think successful reconciliations can only occur once both parties have completely grown, changed, and healed. a fresh start really requires burying the past. your ex has just gotten out of her other relationship a few days ago. you are right to want her to take the time to get herself together. it does sounds like she is really starting to come around and recognize what she needs to do. her respect for you is coming back.
    what you and your ex had it sounds like was a genuine, true love and i am a firm believer that true love always comes back no matter how far it drifts sometimes. both of you will be stronger people for going through this and your relationship will be so much stronger as a result. I’m genuinely soo happy for you. how did you feel about getting that email from her?

    • Total Posts: 562


    It is definitely the most open and genuine message she has sent, but I have to protect myself. She has a habit of telling me what I want to hear with no intention of making solid steps to change. It’s a step in the right direction. My ex and I used to talk without speaking. lol We empathized with each other to the point if I cried, she’d cry and vise versa. We shared everything, and supported each other. It wasn’t perfect, but it was deep love.

    As happy as I am to have received such an open message from her, and her stating she wants to change so we can possibly rekindle things in the future, I still feel like it’s partly because she feels like she wont get better. That’s another reason why I need to wait. I have to do it all on my terms. Not as the back up. Even if she isn’t doing it on purpose, she is putting me in the back up position. It is gratifying that she’s realized what she lost, but I must make the image I am putting out there a permanent thing in her mind.

    I felt happy and grateful for the message. But it wasn’t emotionally overwhelming. Because of my experience with her, I have to protect myself. I have great control over my feelings now, and I can put them all on the back burner so I can think clearly about what she’s said; remain focused on the big picture.

    Like you, I don’t believe there can be a successful reconciliation if both people haven’t made some changes. Even if they get together, it wont stick if changes haven’t been made or at least being made in the process.


    I still have hope for your situation. Keep hope, but don’t let it misguide you. LOA, and believe you’ll get that love back. (Not focusing on your ex, but love in general)

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