Boards Reconciliation Contacted ex.

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  • #28487
    • Total Posts: 158

    I know there is a time will come that i will forget about this strong pain in my chest whenever i think of her or remember the good time .., however i am feeling sad coz she forgot about everything we had in sec which is driving me crazy … Also her friends still stalking me on snapchat … should i remove them..?

    • Total Posts: 562

    I think if it bothers you, yes, remove them. If they aren’t relaying messages or causing problems and it doesn’t bother you, don’t remove them.

    Feeling sad is natural. I doubt very much that she forgot anything about what you two had. Something just wasnt right and she acted in a way that could have been selfish and not all too well thought out. It doesn’t do us any good to try and make sense of our exes.

    Just know that you will get better, your life will be fulfilled if you put the right foot forward, and you’ll know happiness with or without your ex.

    • Total Posts: 158

    She said so many things that made her broke up with me … my mistakes , i am not her type.. she is busy … she dont feel the same way … we in LDR she said i dont want to be ur online gf .. like she ment she want to have a real life bf .. she know i am serious about marrying her if we both loved eachother more in real .. she tried to piss me off lots of times to get my attention… when i did NC for 2 weeks she was pissed when i contact her and said that she dont know anything about me now … coz i have left .., and at the moment i am doing longer NC i am in the week 2 and going for 4 weeks or 6 …

    • Total Posts: 944

    @LAbound, i understand. youre on YOUR time now! i also think its disrespectful to both you and her current boyfriend for her to message you this while youre still together. i think your plan of just waiting and seeing what happens is a good one. good for you for having the willpower to not respond – i don’t think i could handle that!

    • Total Posts: 562

    The only thing ive wanted to do is tell her that it is disrespectful to her relationship…and how It makes me second guess her character… and ask if she did that sort of thing when we were together.. and how am I to trust that she wouldnt.

    Im not going to message her tho.

    • Total Posts: 944

    I agree with you. It’s disrespectful to both you and the guy she is currently with. I think this stems from her inability to be alone. I think if she knew she could reconcile with you tomorrow, she would leave this guy but she won’t leave him until she has something else lined up. Im glad you won’t be her safety net because she made her bed and will have to lie in it. IF she wants you back she needs to do it the right way and end her current relationship first. I think she would really benefit from some months to herself being single to see what she truly wants. I hope she takes the time to figure it all out

    • Total Posts: 562

    Definitely, Atea.

    Even if I took her back right now, I don’t think her whole heart would be in it. I know she loves me. Things just got too hard and she stopped seeing me and a future with, but I agree.. she needs time as a single woman to really evaluate wtf is going on in her life and with her.

    I will no longer disrespect myself for her.

    • Total Posts: 944

    I agree she clearly does love you but if she came back too soon I think it would definitely be hard to start fresh. She also can’t keep jumping around from relationship to relationship for support. You’ve really taken the time to sort yourself out so you will be prepared to be in a healthy and mature relationship when the time comes with her or someone else. She needs to do the same before she can just come back for you. Good for you for being strong! Im starting to actually see how detrimental it is to look for quick fixes in getting back together and the importance of waiting for both people to truly be ready. That’s why im in indefinite Nc. Unless I know my ex feels 1000% ready I don’t want to go back. He knows where to find me if he feels ready at a point.

    • Total Posts: 562

    I got a restricted call. I answered it, thinking it was probably my mom or sister. *we had a falling out* And it was my ex. I muted the phone and just listened to her. She just kept saying she has things she wants to express, but she needs to know if it’s me and not a gf or someone else.
    I didn’t respond, and I didn’t want to hang up on her either. She said she loves me and she hopes that I am happy.. and began to cry and hung up.

    Waiting is really important. There would be no fresh start at this point. And I really need her to show real change. By me not giving in, I think I can force her to really look at what she’s done.

    • Total Posts: 562

    Woke up to a text from my ex: “Life is too short. Lets get married. Seriously”

    • Total Posts: 944

    Wow it sounds like she is really turning around. Im happy the ball is seemingly back in your court.

    I found out last night that my ex is seeing someone and he’s really into her 🙁 I feel so crushed and back to square 1. How did you deal with that?

    • Total Posts: 562

    I said to myself “shes a mess” and went back to sleep.

    Im sorry that he’s into a new girl. Dont reach out to him. My ex was really into the two guys she went for… and look whats happening now.

    Stay strong. It will hurt but try to concentrate on you.

    • Total Posts: 944

    Thanks @labound. Im not sure whether or not this will be serious but I guess it’s what he needs to do for himself so I need to allow it. I feel pretty sick though.
    Im so glad your ex is coming around. You deserve it after how you’ve handled all of this. I can only hope in time my ex does the same

    • Total Posts: 562

    I think you have a great outlook on it. He told you what he needed, and there’s not much to be done except take care of yourself.

    And maybe you should keep dating and explore more as well.

    I really feel like my ex is starting to realize what’s happened. But just a week ago, she told her bf how she was scared that she’s digging him so much.. and now she’s asking me to get married? That doesn’t scream rational thinking to me. I also believe she is trying anything possible to make sure I am still around when she wants. I think everything she is doing screams desperation.

    And if she was that serious, why is she still with him? If she truly loved me and wanted to marry me… where is the change on her part? She is only showing me that she’s gotten worse. Not better. And I don’t have time for it because I am bettering myself as much as I can. What I really deserve is someone that truly loves me. Not someone who freaks out, can’t be alone, chooses others over me, and ultimately just wants a safety net. That’s what we all deserve.

    Hang in there. Vent to me whenever you need to. <3

    • Total Posts: 562

    Just found out that my ex is no longer with that guy.

    Which doesn’t change my mind or feelings about anything lol

    She’s such a mess. She just doesn’t want to be alone.

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