Boards No Contact Rule Confused and scared…

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  • #69503
    • Total Posts: 2868

    A clean room, clean laundry, and singing in the shower is all good clean fun, lol. You probably have a good voice and others would probably enjoy hearing you sing as it means your happy:) It’s okay about the birthday thing, just don’t mention it again. Focus on yourself and take things with her VERY slowly..
    When did she actually break up with you?

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    She broke up with me on October 7th… so not that long ago lol.

    I’m just scared that since we only saw each other once a week, sometimes once every two weeks, she won’t care that I’m gone…however during that time we would have like 1h – 3h calls on Skype.

    So… should I be worried she’ll move on? We had a very intimate relationship, towards the end we fell into a routine of basically going to each other’s houses once a week, doing sexual things, watching shows, and maybe going out for ice cream. She said she was fine with all that and that’s not the problem…

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Oh just saying… I’m a really good singer, I just don’t do it in front of people lol but when they hear me by secretly listening they are like… damn!

    • Total Posts: 2868

    OMG ~ that’s like only 3 weeks ago. Wow, you really need to back off for awhile. Try very hard not to think about her moving on! It will drive you nuts. Most girls don’t move on fast if the relationship they were in was a close loving relationship like yours was. Seeing each other once a week has no bearing on the intensity of the love and caring. There are couples out there that see each other less often and still maintain the love for each other. The Skype calls were a bit long, but maybe too many during the week. She might have been okay with that in the beginning, but it can get more boring as time goes on when you know each other better. Watching shows (TV?), sex, and ice cream sounds fine. If you get back together, maybe go out a little more often to have fun times together.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I agree, it’s hard because we both put off getting our license, so we couldent go do stuff thato often and it kinda made it less personal when our parents were driving us everywhere. I get mine on the 22nd of next month, in the call she told me she failed her driving test lol!

    Anyways, with the new found information what do you recommend? Should I do NCR for a month? Maybe hold off until I get my license? Or should I be worried about doing it because I already ignored her for 21days?

    Can you give me a plan I can start please, I’m so confused… I’m only 18 lol

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Oh! She’s also getting a new phone on Tuesday so I’ll need her new number… how do I do that? In the call I said I’ll need your number and she apply agreed, but what if she forgets or something? Just message her on instagram like usual?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Don’t nag her about the new phone number! You already asked her to let you know and she won’t forget. It might not be quickly because she probably doesn’t want you to overwhelm her with calls. Wait another 2-3 weeks and then maybe ask how she’s doing with her driving test. I’m assuming you already took the test and you’re waiting for the actual license coming in the mail. You could even wait until you receive it to contact her. If you think it would hurt or confuse her by doing no contact you could let her know you’re doing it so you’ll have more time to think think more logically about everything. DO NOT say it will give her more time to think. Refer it to yourself only. I can’t remember, but I think there are only so many chances to take it, but I hope she passes! You don’t need a minute by minute plan, but a general one. Less communications for now will be a good thing. Do you have a car yet or are you getting one soon or will your parents allow you to drive their car? If by then, you and your ex are on good speaking terms, you could ask her to go for a ride and to a dinner or movie or something else that would be fun:)

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    I have cars I can drive, Im moving like 10m away from my current house at the end of next month, I could slow down communication and say I need to focus on packing, college, myself etc… we are both procrastinators so we both are usually scrambling to get things done at school. Last call we said we would talk so I don’t know about no contact for a month I can try it tho

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Oh, you could maybe take her for ice cream sometime after you get the license. Are you moving into a dorm or something? Will it be closer to her? I think you are about an hour apart now, is that right? Anyway good luck with the move. Your idea is probably better to let her know you won’t be in contact for a while.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Yea it’s about an hour away mayb more if I take a bus, 35 – 40min driving.

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Btw, should I just send a text next week saying I’ll be focusing on other things? I don’t think I should call… what do you think?

    • Total Posts: 38

    Are you still going to meeet up or go on no contact again? It seems that you are in a good position right now with her agreeing to talk with you again. By “talk” did she mean call or text? I do think it would be a good idea to text for now and build things up to maybe calling or driving to pick her up to hangout! Going for ice cream would be nice like patricia said, there is alot of freedom that goes with having a car and you can definitely plan some fun dates with it.

    If you plan on doing no contact again then i would send the text saying youre focusing on other things but it seems like you dont need it if she is agreeing to hangout or talk on the phone

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    True I’m torn between no contact, or very slow communication… Patricia what do I do!! Lol 🙂

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166

    Another thing is, in the last call we weren’t like “oh yeah well talk more” it’s kinda like if I text she’ll probably awn service and then I’ll ask to talk and she’ll say yes… it’s me doing most of the work. Again when we were in the call it was more “friendly” then anything else, when I would bring up the relationship she wasn’t phased at all, she would just kinda cut it off. For example “I could have backed off anduring given you space if you wanted, we could have went out on the weekend when you were stressed, you just needed to talk to me.” She said “I don’t think we should talk about hypothetical situations” another one is when I asked why “What is the reason we broke up”, she said “I already told you” then I said “not really, you just said you weren’t in love with me” she said “okay here’s the reason, I don’t love you anymore!” I was like okay but there’s a reason for that lol, then we got onto the topic of me being needy and we agreed that that was the reason.

    It was a nice and “friendly” conversation she was just kinda heartless and ended it fast whenever I brought up the relationship

    John Crane
    • Total Posts: 166


    She saw it yesterday and didn’t reply… why now!

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