Boards No Contact Rule 17 days NC

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  • #67054
    • Total Posts: 425

    Catherine I think that’s great progress! You should be really pleased-it’s good not to be pining after someone.

    Palmtrees thank you! I guess I feel super strange about it all-being in a new town with a very busy job, and new housemates that are extremely chatty and like to keep me busy too I haven’t been thinking about my ex as much as o have! I guess he’s had this whilst he has been away, so I’m hoping it will hit him a little later on. It’s been exactly 2 months today…that’s true Palmtrees.

    The move has been great for me though, I think what makes me sad is the fact that I know he would love it here too. 🙁

    What are your opinions on when guys and girls start to feel the “effect” of a break up?

    Well done soupy! Let us know how it goes

    • Total Posts: 73

    So I sent the flowers and note today. I know she appreciated it and it definitely had an effect on her. Because It took her 4 hours to respond with a thank you(if it didn’t, it’s a quick easy msg to send or just not send). So I asked how she was doing. I was actually surprised to get a very detailed msg back about how she is and how she is handling her daughter being gone. I responded in kind and that was apparently the end of the conversation.
    I’m not surprised as she is going through a lot. And it always seems, once i show support and she opens up some to me it effects her and throws her for a loop. And she pulls away. I’m not upset, as I got to reach out, do something nice and show her I’m here if she needs. I may reach out in a week or so. Or I may not, it all depends at the time how I feel.

    • Total Posts: 176

    That’s great Soupy, what matters is that she knows you genuinely care and support her.

    Theorethically my NC period is over but I am waiting other 10-15 days for terminating this ordeal. I am pretty much resigned to the fact that she won’t contact me anymore. I am strong enough to accept the end and walk away without falling apart.
    Tonight I am going out with a girl I met by chance almost two weeks ago. She’s seeing someone though, a friend she thinks she might have feelings for but she says it’s sorta bland. I honestly just want to spend some good time, not worrying about where this might lead, I am not emotionally available yet.

    Amy111, what do you mean for breakup “effect”?

    • Total Posts: 157


    I think the answer to that question is totally situational. I’ve said this before but in your case I think it’ll take longer just because he’s been so busy and everything is new and different. It sounds like the tide will be changing soon as you’re getting busier with new and exciting things and the routine of working will be relatively blasé.

    I’m in regular, friendly contact with my ex lately. It’s definitely a two way street of initiation and interest and I have decided to go back somewhat to the original plan of being friendly and then cutting him off if/when I feel like there is no progress. Since I’ve stated my feelings and he has since reached out to me, he is aware that my intentions are not friendly. He also has not been on a date in at least two months (despite us both being on dating apps) and when I asked about a certain girl he went to great lengths to assure me nothing is going on–even though I tried to get him to drop the subject immediately. There’s still a great deal of care there but I think he is wary of how heated I can get- which is why I’ve decided to continue contact, to show that I’m capable of addressing things in a calmer manner- our communication has really improved.

    All that said, I’ve been texting with a guy I met through Bumble and have a lot of mutual friends with- we are going on a date next week and from what I can tell via text have compatible lifestyles and senses of humor. So I’m starting to think that the best way to move on is to actually move on. I’m clearly going in two directions here, but I feel pretty relaxed about it, which is a big change.

    • Total Posts: 157

    Oh and Soupy, I’m glad you got a positive response! I wonder if she will reach out again. She seems pretty gun shy about the emotional stuff. Maybe the next time you reach out it could be more casual?

    • Total Posts: 425

    Fishingthesky I’m not sure what I mean really ? I guess I’ve read so many articles (lame I know) of how people say like “guys don’t feel the effects until later on” or “girls are more heartbroken” etc, but I guess that just depends on the person and the situation 🙂

    Thanks palmtrees, I can definately understand what your saying. It’s wierd, when it happened last year 8 weeks on I was still crying…this year I feel like I’ve been so hurt that my mind as a defence mechanism has literally tried to “forget” about him-when I’m T work I don’t think about him much, when I’m at my new house j don’t either…I feel like my brain has put up a barrier this time- I can’t explain! It’s like I know I still love him and want to be with him and want him to miss me, but my brain is blocking him out? if that makes sense?

    Palmtrees I think that’s super great 🙂 I’ve found meeting new people makes me realise that I’m still attractive to other people and it’s been a great build of my
    Confidence 🙂

    • Total Posts: 176

    Hey amy111, no I don’t think it’s lame that you have researched about this stuff.
    I agree on what you said, in the end the breakup effect is really subjective. Personally, the breakups with my previous and my last exes have been pretty devastating for me, it has taken me some time before recovering. But this happens probably because I am very romantic at heart and the person become the whole world to me.
    My brain is doing exactly the same mechanism amy, especially in my dreams, it replaces the role my ex would play in them with other characters.

    Last night I went out with this girl but as I predicted, I wasn’t very much into it. It was nice and all, but I kept asking myself what the hell I was doing. I guess I needed to test if I was ready to try dating other girls on friends’ suggestion, the response was negative, I gotta give myself more time instead.

    • Total Posts: 73

    So i seen my ex today. I was driving by and she was outside, so i stopped in. She was surprised at first, but seemed happy to see me. She was very nervous for the first bit and seemed a little flustered. I mean i did surprise her. She let her dog out to play with mine and that seemed to take the edge of of her some and gave me a reason to stay longer. I asked how she was and she actually opened up about her daughter being gone and was open to listening to me. And she asked about me and told me i was looking good, i returned the comment and that seemed to make her nervous again. We talked for awhile longer about her and her situation, until i could see her wall coming up. With her daughter gone She is very hurt (in more ways then one), seems very lost and again not letting anyone in to help. I made the comment that “i was worried about her, so i wanted to make sure she was ok” and that seemed to set her off some. Which i should have expected, as she pulls back and doesnt want/let any one in to help. But rather lives in her own head, to which i think is a big problem in solving issues. Top it off when traumatic events do make a person overthink every part of there life and think major change is needed, as she is currently thinking on top of everything. All in all it wasnt a bad interaction, by any means. I told her if she needs anything to let me know and she said she would. To which i doubt very much, from what i seen and read of her. I can tell she is struggling with so much more then her daughter being gone, bottling it all up in the process, just plain confused. She seemed genuinly happy to talk to me and fairly open which was a bit surprising, but then she realizes it and pulls back. This has become less about getting her back, and more about her in general. But i dont know if me showing support is as good a thing with her, as i once thought. So im not sure if i should continue to reach out periodically? Or just cut off ties all together? Any ideas folks?

    • Total Posts: 425

    Soupy I think that’s great, but I think the ball is in your court now. I think if you keep supporting her periodically and want to get her back, give yourself a time limit. If you reach that time limit and your still in one place, I think it’s time to be 100% honest with her and say that you want more, but if she does not then you need to move
    On and not contact her…it’s a difficult situation, but I’m just worried that you will continue to support her and she will continue to freak out and close up. My advice is keep supporting her for a bit, but don’t allow yourself in this limbo forever-only you know how long you can be in it for 🙂

    I woke up this morning to find my ex had liked one of my Instagram pictures…from May 2014. Either he did it accidentally or wanted me to
    See it-either way, I’m finding it s little wierd. As I have around 750 posts he must have scrolled through a LOT to get there.

    Or a mate he’s travelling with did it for a laugh…who knows. Funillu enough though, I liked a post earlier that evening that said “you try;he doesn’t. You try harder;he drifts further. You can’t keep things that don’t deserve to stay. You can’t find love in a man who lacks the confidence to love you”

    Maybe he saw that I liked it and it made him go through my insta? Either way-I’m very suprised ??

    • Total Posts: 176

    Guys I wanted an opinion on the letter I wrote, I think it’s the final draft:

    I guess it’s time for me to let go too. I am stronger enough now to walk away from this and follow my own path.
    You have made your choices and I honor them, there is nothing else I can do at this point but accepting things as they are. I hope you are happy, because I do want you to be, even if it’s in another man’s arms. Future has a great design for you, I believe.
    I still would like to meet you one day again, when the sky has cleared up, but it’s up to you as well.
    Thank you for all the efforts, your time and dedication you have put in this relationship in order to make it work.
    My feelings for you and the memories will be nested inside my heart forever.


    • Total Posts: 425

    Fishingthesky I think that’s a really lovely post. Hopefully it will be the realisation she needs that you won’t be waiting around for her. I wish you SO much luck-I know how hard that must have been for you to write! When will you send it?

    • Total Posts: 176

    Thanks amy111. Yes it was extremely hard to write but it was necessary for myself. I am not sure she will care much about realizing I am gone, she seems she’s gotten used to it rather fast. I don’t expect her to reply even if I preferred she would grant me back a closure, but after all, I guess I don’t need it anymore.
    I can’t tell you the hope is completely gone yet because as my friends say, I am still a hopeless romantic at heart, but I am a stronger person now, I am back on my feet.
    I think I am going to send it by the end of this month.
    How are you by the way?

    • Total Posts: 132

    FishingTheSky, I think that was nicely put, like Amy said hopefully she realizes you aren’t going to wait for her.

    I saw this earlier “I can delete your number and delete your pictures but how do I delete your voice from my head and our memories and the times we spent together?”. I thought it was nice because this was just how I have felt. I’m trying to move on but it’s hard, you all understand how it is.

    • Total Posts: 176

    Thanks catherine8. I know how you feel. In time, his voice will fade away till it becomes only an echo in your head and the memories will stay but hidden in the bottom drawer. You will get better, just hold on in there.

    • Total Posts: 176

    Guys, if you are interested in, I am opening a new group on the platform Telegram for those users who wanna share feelings and thoughts regarding same topics in here even outside this forum. It’s just an experiment for now, I thought it would be cool to try. If you don’t know Telegram, you can read details about it at this link:
    I strongly recommend to use an username if you already don’t have one, to maintain your total privacy. Search by my username FishingTheSky and add me. Hope to see you in there 🙂

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