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  • in reply to: Dumped after 13 y realationship :( #24121
    • Total Posts: 3

    Hey hayz,

    Tough question. I think we are in very similar boats right now actually.. I was only 1 week away from seeing him and yet still got dumped on the phone. I do sometimes wonder how I would ever forgive him but the truth is that you can’t really live in the past. Being lonely and stressed are not great reasons to be such a d but there must have been some other reasons why he felt as though he couldnt wait for you. Maybe some self reflection is needed here. I know personally that I was a bit of a mess and took him for granted near the end of the relationship because I had exams coming up, and in a long distance relationship that is just a complete killer.

    On a new note, I’ve been socialising heaps and had a party etc with some of our mutual friends, where I told them about some of the dates ive been going on etc. And guess what?? They must have told him that im doing fine etc because not only did he finally send me a huge long text replying to my letter, he also bombarded me with all these questions about what ive been doing and updating me with his life. I played it cool and sent cute/mildly interested but short texts back andddd yes it seems as though the false friendship has SOMEHOW come about. This is a fricken miracle because the guy was stone cold and wasnt giving me ANYTHING to work with.

    Bit of a lol. I was so sure that he hated me. The system works guys.

    in reply to: Dumped after 13 y realationship :( #22801
    • Total Posts: 3

    Hard to hear that 🙁 I do think this girl is a rebound as we were long distance for the year and had been fighting a bit. He doesn’t look happy in his photos. But he’s very stubborn and I don’t think he will change his mind sooooo yes I think I will reach out in 2 months and see how that goes.

    in reply to: Dumped after 13 y realationship :( #22765
    • Total Posts: 3

    Is anyone else experiencing a partner who just won’t reach out to them? Two months since the break up, 6 year relationship and was dumped over the phone for another girl. He hasn’t bothered to clarify anything with me or discuss the issue further. Pretty brutal. I’m focusing on myself and have been dating but can’t shake this sick feeling that he will never contact me again. Texted a few times last month but he always stopped abruptly and hasn’t replied to the last text (merry Christmas). Is it worth a shot to send a short text in a month? I don’t want to seem desperate when I’m the one who got pretty screwed over..

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