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  • NyanCat
    • Total Posts: 20

    I do agree with you on that bit. There’s no guarantee for everything; it’s just a means and a way to help you cope.

    I realized that NC is also a period of evaluation. You have to evaluate not only yourself, but your ex and the relationship. If you know that you can get him or her back after that period, by all means go for it! But you must also take this time to build up and realize that getting back together may not be a reality. You have to understand this if you are going to take NC.

    in reply to: No respond from ex bf during no contact rule #17920
    • Total Posts: 20

    It does feel like he’s being serious based on your comments… I suggest reading this:

    How To Get Your Ex Back When He Has Moved On To a New Girlfriend

    I know it’s hurting right now. It is really hurting right now. I can tell you that so much. But really you need to cut him out for a while and even stop thinking about it.

    Write down all of his social media information and tack it to the side of your mirror. This will give you the means of remember who he is and how to contact him aside from his number and emails and what not. Proceed to remove him from said media. You can’t deal with what you can’t see, right?

    Sometimes going cold turkey from him in all of these facets will give you the space to explore freely while still be able to function in your own little world.

    I still think you do have hope but you really need to take the time for yourself to improve and to reflect upon what happened. Too much has happened and it’s still fresh in your mind.

    It’s already the first day and I’ve already realized I made too many mistakes; I was being too needy when he probably couldn’t commit. There’s probably still more to come if I give myself the time, and I think you should really have to consider what it is like in your situation as well.

    I hope this helps!

    • Total Posts: 20

    Haha, I think it’ll be best to stay that way. To stay anonymous. It’ll be weird and awkward to find your ex here too after all. o.o

    Anyway, this is my first day of NC… My ex flat out told me he wanted us to be friends, but I noticed that I have been trying to be so needy for his attention that it would be best for met stop talking to him at all for the month. He told me a few months ago he is contemplating suicide, so this makes me afraid if I should ever break the NC rule to lend him an ear.

    Also, weirdly, I somehow got myself into another relationship of the opposite gender, which I honestly don’t mind because he actually encouraged me to chase other relationships…. Though I feel bad though; I haven’t looked at anyone else since I made a mistake a few months ago (Spur of the moment) and he had forgiven me since then. I don’t post about it on Facebook; that leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    I am also studying for my finals right now, so it is helping me distract myself from him at all.

    I still really want him back in my life, but it really hurts to know that I’ve been cast aside and can’t do jack didily about it.

    in reply to: No respond from ex bf during no contact rule #17895
    • Total Posts: 20

    I’m feeling it too, bud! My ex doesn’t text me back unless he really needs to talk to me about something, and that’s when he really needs someone to talk to… I’ve lent him an ear from time to time, but now I must be vigilant and not fall into that.

    I think it’s really good that you’re beginning to try to improve yourself. You should give yourself distractions. Hang out with your friends more. Go out and treat yourself. That’s how I’m gonna cope once I’m done exams; I’ll be going out with friends and actually finish projects that’s been on my backburner for months. Or play video games (but that makes me sound like I’m a couch potato or something.) I really do advocate in improving yourself!

    If you feel you’re ready to try to talk to him again after your NC period, then definitely go for it! Just make sure you need to say it in a way that really doesn’t sound like you’re begging him back or something.

    But I really have to say AFTER the NC period. You can be active on those social medium anytime, but you gotta remember to completely ignore him otherwise.

    in reply to: No respond from ex bf during no contact rule #17818
    • Total Posts: 20

    I’m also currently in the fresh off the breakup boat, and I can tell you right now you’re not acting rationally with these developments.

    It’s gonna be super hard, but you really have to do whatever you can to give yourself that space of not thinking about him. You must also give yourself the ability to do so… And sometimes that means cutting off facebook/twitter/instagram/whatever.

    It’s super hard not knowing what he’ll do, but I find that if you don’t even have a constant visual nagging presence of being online, maybe it will help you enforce the no-contact rule.

    I guess my advice to you is, stay strong and resist the urge of even looking at his facebook profile. The others may talk about him and you may hear about it, but you need to remind yourself that you’re #1 and you’re moving to become a better you.

    If he finds that better you is more attractive than the other girl, he’ll probably come back to you once you’re ready to take him back.

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