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  • in reply to: Dumped after 13 y realationship :( #28055
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    Thats pretty sad if your ex wouldn’t miss you or regret the break up. Hope he does realise it.

    My ex wasn’t terrible at staying in contact but could have been better but his uni course was very tough and getting top grades was more important to him and getting top grades. We whats apped everyday but time difference was hard as 10 hour difference and him studying and me working then we had to sleep too.

    I got annoyed at my ex a few times asking him to skype more and whats app, but not angry just ask him to message and Skype more and make time for it. I wanted him to have fun and see friends and relax too and said this many times to him though he forgets this and says he too resented me, saying I told him not to have fun or see people etc which is not true as I have the messages where I told him to have fun..the only thing is if he was out for hours he would never message me then he might send 2 messages when he got home then straight to bed.

    Hope you find a job soon and things go well for you.

    in reply to: Dumped after 13 y realationship :( #28022
    • Total Posts: 34

    Yeah it has sucked big time for me to deal with him running off with another woman and for her to have been a friend too. Neither show any remorse either. But like you said they will get there karma. Pair if selfish idiots.
    And my ex wasn’t really a bad guy before all of this. He was lovely to me, always making me laugh and treating me so well. The only thing I have to complain about is him putting his uni course and free time to do stuff or see friends before me during the 7 months we spent apart and he could have contacted a bit more. He didn’t suggest skyping me very often, normally I suggested it and that annoyed and hurt me.
    They are weak men, I believe women are mentally stronger than men and and can cope being on their own much better, men need someone around then a lot more and need constant encouragement and to feel good I think. They need to get mentally strong and sort their heads out.

    But we must just continue our awesome lives and have fun. They will soon see what they are missing, all the amazing friends we have made in the new country/city and guys who want to hangout with us and be with us, us having a great time with out them where as there life not as good as when it was with us. Also them finally dealing with the break up and then suffering badly and realising what dicks they have been.
    Yeah also he cant run away from himself. Think he sees how awkward it is with his ex being around his family but jokes and pretends things are ok. That will soon effect him too to see how he has upset his family so much and caused them a lot of stress. I saw a psychic who said many things about it all and said they wont last and he will feel bad and will miss not being so close to his family.
    Hope things go well for you. When do you move or have you already?

    in reply to: Dumped after 13 y realationship :( #27944
    • Total Posts: 34


    Thank you so much for your message. Its good to know of other people in a more similar situation to me like with a long distance relationship. My ex ran off with my friend the day he dumped me and then went to her country for 3 weeks like he was going to do by coming to visit me before we moved to his country together but instead the new girlfriend has moved to his country with him and they have only dated for 8 weeks!!! Pretty crazy behaviour but I think its classic relationship rebound and he too like your boyfriend could not stand to be away from me for so long, even though the day he broke up with me was JUST 3 weeks before he was going to be reunited with me and no more being apart. so its pretty crazy, but I guess they have no logic to these stupid things they do.
    I just arrive in his country and home city yesterday and I really like it here. His family have told me they dont think his new girlfriend will stay living here because she can not speak the language so can not find work and only has him that she talks to. I make friends easily and make friends over the Internet already and have lived in and travelled many different cultures so I adapt well ans like new countries and culture. the family dont understand him and he won’t talk about anything about me or the break up just refuse to talk about it and they love me and have Skype me and hear a lot about me for over a year so like me a lot but don’t like the new girl or what he has done to me. They think they will break up and the girl return home soon.
    I am focusing on myself and have a job interview already and people to meet up with as well. So if there was a chance in the future he wants me back I dont know if I would take him back as he has treated me very badly and not a care for me at all. It is like he just erase me and pretend it did not happen and I think and his family think that he knows how bad a thing he did to me and he doesn’t want to feel bad so does not acknowledge what he has done, pretends he is good and act ‘normal’. Pretty crazy. But people see he is not as happy with her like he was with me, all the photo’s we had together he looks so happy but photo with her not as happy and he would post photo to fb and say ‘how beautiful is my gf?’ But he does not do that with his new girlfriend.
    I hope you moving to the same city as your ex works out well for you and you get a job and if you see him it goes ok. Stay strong, focused and live your life for you. For me I find it helps me to move somewhere new, new adventure, exciting, new life, opportunities and so much, the same for you too.
    And maybe if our ex get the chance to be with us again they would not be so stupid to dump us again. If we make our life and our self so great and happy and independent many guys including our ex want to be with us.
    Good luck and let me know how you get on.

    • Total Posts: 34


    Ok thanks. Well for 6 months or just under he was so busy with uni he didnt see her or start anything with anyone and had to put all his attention on his uni work. Its only when uni ended and they hungout and he always told me he was hanging out with her or other girls and friends of ours.
    He was just 3 weeks from being with me when he kissed her and broke up with me and now all we planned he is doing with her. .hurts so much.

    But I am going there too, staying with his cousin and his sister wants to still meet me and maybe his mum and dad. They are all on my side and angry at him.

    I think it could be a rebound relationship because all happening so fast and he post photo’s to appear really happy but some days nothing, he blocked me on fb and other sites but not in some others.
    Maybe it will end when things get boring and hard and he starts work and they get back to relality as they have moved 3 countries from where they were studying to her home country for a few weeks and now his home country so kind of holiday romance still. Maybe

    Least I am strong enough to still go and make a life for myself without him. When he met me I was just new in the country we met in and I created this whole group of friends I had met through couch surfing and I was busy everyday going out and organising events and hanging out so I will do the same when I get to his country and they won’t be included so he’ll see I am fun and getting on with life again and looking hot in my new clothes and even slimmer than before lol

    Have to see what happens. IF not someone else will see how amazing we are and treat is right.
    Hope your situation works out ok, after the honeymoon period wears off she may realise he is not that great really.

    • Total Posts: 34


    We were together for 13 months, 8 months dating in person and then 5 months long distance because my visa expired and I had to return home but we had planned from the beginning that we would return to his home country together this month.
    He met her through me, he was really busy with uni and didn’t see her much until a few weeks before he started dating her. He is/was a great guy, everyone loved him because he was nice, he is a bit of a nerd, IT guy wears thick rimmed rayban glasses and nerdy and very skinny but he was a kind and lovely guy and treated me so well and this girl knew how happy we were and I think thats why she stole him off me.
    I was away from him for 6 months and she only stole him 3 weeks before he was due to visit me before we were going to move to his country. He had bought his visa to come and his flight then a month later breaks up with me after kissing her and says he hasn’t loved me in months. Not sure if that’s the truth or he says that to make himself feel better and make it seem ok to move on already. What do you think?

    Everyone says I am way prettier than her, everyone would call me Taylor Swift because they think I look like her, long blonde hair, blue eyes and long legs..this girl is Norwegian, very white, greasy yellow gold hair, spotty, shorter than me and shit style of clothes where as I have a whole new wardrobe of gorgeous clothes, I have dropped a dress size through stress so slimmer than her and he isn’t really a boob person maybe bum, but he would go crazy for my legs which are long and slim so might have to wear clothes to show them off in a good way.

    I will be around guys and lots of friends when I move to his city, already contacted people to hang out with. And me and him loved to dance together so I will find guys to dance salsa with too that may make him jealous as he loved to dance with me.

    Aaaag its so hard knowing he has moved on and so fast. And she is planning on staying in his country and starting a life with him like I was.
    He has just replaced me.

    • Total Posts: 34

    @martin @confusedbutok

    I am in the UK and a seriously small town and dating and life in general is boring here but being in a new city is definitely an advantage. Get out there and meet people.
    Use other sites to make friends and date or I use a travel website to meet people when I travel or host people at my home. It’s called couch surfing. Only use it to make friends and show people the city and have a good social site. It’s not a dating or hook up site but could be a way to meet people with out it being like a date.
    I use this site to make friends its not good for getting laid so don’t use it for that purpose. There are nice genuine people on it so they don’t want people who just look for dates and getting laid.

    • Total Posts: 34

    @martin I know its tough. My ex has flown back home to his home country and his gf he broke up with me to be with that he has dated for just SEVEN weeks has moved with him too!!!
    Makes me feel so mad and sad because 7 weeks ago, 8 weeks tomorrow I was his girlfriend and we had been planning on moving together to his home country.

    It is very very hard and hurtful. How can he move so fast and move countries together after just 7/8 weeks of dating someone. He barely knows her. I hope it’s a rebound relationship.

    I am meeting his family when I am there as they want to see me and me to stay with them.and guys have messaged about wanting to meet up with me so I will be out sight seeing and being happy and he may see but I will try to avoid him especially if she stays there.

    Stay strong people

    • Total Posts: 34


    You’re so right.

    Live life, have fun and get on with things. Hopefully things will work out in our favour if not we will be stronger and they will need us not the other way around.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #25315
    • Total Posts: 34


    I forgot to say maybe 50/50 I get back with my ex or maybe better chance due to his family being on my side and wanting to meet up with me and that my ex is probably in a rebound relationship.
    For others I guess it depends on everyone’s individual situation and how we deal with it. If we stick to the plan it gives us it may help us a lot more and I believe us working on ourself and being a lot more confident, happy, outgoing and starting new things in our life is the best way to go. It will intrigue our ex’s.
    I am moving country (which is home country where we had planned to go) I am going to be busy sight seeing, meeting people, making new friends and being very active socially so I think that will help me a lot to show him I am happy with out him and I am like the girl he first met who organised a great social life for me and all my friends when I lived in the same country as him before.
    Things like this can help a lot I think.

    Good luck to everyone and if you get back together let us know.

    • Total Posts: 34


    I understand. Its the worst thing we have to go through.
    I have good and bad days. And think about how happy we were but then we had to do 6 months lomg distance not seeing each other at all during that time and we had planned to move together to settle in his home country and everyone envied our relationship. We had it so good and since we got together we knew we wanted to be together and would have to live apart for 6 months due to visas and having to return to my home country.

    I think we just need to try and not think about them and just put all our energy into our own life.
    Good luck and stay busy. Start a new hobbie or something.

    • Total Posts: 34


    I know its hard when your ex is dating someone else, my ex got with someone the day he broke up with me. Its so painful. But you have to focus on YOURSELF remember the NC is about us working on our self.

    You need to be happy and confident without her.
    Go out with friends and stay busy, go holiday, go on dates, laugh.
    You were happy before her and can be happy again until you hopefully get her back.
    Focus on you. She will be more likely to want you back if you are happy and not needing her in your life.

    • Total Posts: 34


    I am not sure about the flower idea. I think its a bit romantic like what a boyfriend would do. I know the gesture is meant well but might back fire. Maybe just the letter or text is better. Thats my opinion.

    • Total Posts: 34


    Maybe write a card or letter.
    Flowers might be a bit too much and too late. Maybe send a ‘thinking of you’ at this hard time kind of card.

    I just worry in case it backfires for you.

    • Total Posts: 34

    @Confusedbutok @martin

    I think what ever the reason you broke up you still shouldn’t send flowers or chocolates. Even if they didn’t feel appreciated because they aren’t your partner now can’t start acting like they are.
    They left us broke up with us so we shouldn’t go chasing them.They need to realise what they have done and what they have lost and want us back. By being too nice is not the way.

    Stay strong, keep up the nc and let them miss you.
    I know its hard, I miss my ex terribly and am hurting because he has ran off with another girl and she has moved to live in his home country with him after they have been dating for 7 weeks!! How insane is that. Hurts me terribly.

    in reply to: No Contact Annoymous – Share your struggles with keeping NC #25109
    • Total Posts: 34


    I wouldn’t send flowers or chocolates I think that screams I still have feelings for you. How many guys buy flowers for just friends or ex girlfriends?
    I would really suggest just to send the magic letter or a text.

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