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  • in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #39360
    • Total Posts: 268

    That text is only sent out of guilt, notbecause she wants to reconsile.

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #39330
    • Total Posts: 268

    Yes she is over you. And she means it. And she is moveing on.
    You should do the same. That is what “get your ex back” is all about. Both of you need to get away from each other and live your own life and experience the world. And YOU need to improve and become better boyfriend material.
    As time passes you will both start to forget about each other. Or… You will start to forget about the negatives that you didnt like about eachother. And as you get you heart broken again and again by new dates, you will also start to remeber all the good things about eachother.
    That is when reconciliation MAY be possible. But dont expect anything to happend in 2 months

    in reply to: Needing help please #39175
    • Total Posts: 268

    No matter what the reason is, your strategy should be the same. 100% silence. Trust me, it will drive her crazy! 🙂

    You make the loudest voice, when you dont say anything! Remember that

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #38651
    • Total Posts: 268

    This picture actually explains it very well. You just need to:
    Change the word “Men” to Dumper (you ex)
    Change the word “Woman” to dumpee (you)
    Forget about the timeline

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #38650
    • Total Posts: 268

    She doesn’t love you. Not the way you want her to.
    But she did when you were together. And she can get the feelings back! You just need to get out of her life for a while, in order to get them back. And spend the time away from her wisely.

    And try to understand that at this very moment she is NOT in love with you. In fact she might not even give you any thoughts what so ever.

    That is also the reason why the stage you are in right now is the hardest of all.

    in reply to: What is going on now? #38649
    • Total Posts: 268

    Time for an update
    Remeber how I said she was going to spend her Saturday with this “sweet guy”? They were going to the gym. Well… My colleague (we are close friends) was at her city. And at the gym…. And she meet my ex and her guy.

    She has seriously downgraded! According to my female friends I am an 8. And they always say I am the kind of guy that is the perfect boyfriend. The kind of guy the all want to meet.
    Well… This guy was barely a 4. He had an horrible attitude and sort of looks like a criminal. And they have nothing in common.
    I checked him out on Facebook. He is the kind of guy that likes to party hard ect. My ex hates that and is a very serious athlete, like me.

    To be honest this is very much a relief for me. In fact I haven’t even checked her social profiles this entire week. Because… Well, I found out what I was looking for. I finally know who he is now.
    This is so clearly a rebound.

    He is filling a need for her right now, and it will die as soon as she has gotten her “fix”.

    You know when you get hungry enough, you can eat almost anything? No matter how it looks or tastes, you just need some food.
    Well. My ex is hungry right now 🙂

    in reply to: Confusing #38646
    • Total Posts: 268

    You need to treath him like any other guy in your class. Picture him as just a random guy you are not attracted to.
    Ignore him, dont text or stalk him. Reply kindly, but short if he asks you something.
    Then go on with your life. Live it to the fullest. Enjoy your freedom and have fun. Expand your social circle, preferly with new guy friends, improve your looks and remember to post about it every now and the on your social medias. He needs to see how happy you are and how much you are improving.

    in reply to: Quick Question #38645
    • Total Posts: 268

    No you shouldn’t. Remember that NC is about improveing. Both on the inside AND on the outside. And on your first date it is time to show her this “new you”.
    Not only do you want to show up in some old clothes that she has seen hundreds of times, you also want to show up in something SHE gave you? Sorry, but she is not going see the new you. She is going to see the OLD you.

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #38644
    • Total Posts: 268

    Well. Dumpee is you. And yes, some dumpee are able to move on very fast.
    Some dumpers are also able to move very fast

    in reply to: Needing help please #38568
    • Total Posts: 268

    Good. As long as you are aware of what it could mean when you stick around as a friend. Dont mind what she is doing. At this point everything is about YOU! You are going to become a better and more awesome person. If you do it well, she will regret it every day that she broke up with you.

    in reply to: Needing help please #38499
    • Total Posts: 268

    If you stick around trying to be “friends” with your ex, the rebound person has a much easier time of it. The rebound person doesn’t have to be that emotionally supportive, because someone else is taking up the slack for him. A person who knows the dumper far better then him (you). This goes back and forth until the rebound learns enough to take over from you and that’s when you are pushed out.

    So to all of you who has an ex with a new guy: get the hell out of there. Get as far away from them as possible!

    in reply to: Needing help please #38498
    • Total Posts: 268

    Why do you still hang out with your ex? You do know you are just making it easier on this new guy right?

    in reply to: rebound or no? #38496
    • Total Posts: 268

    Good. She need space? She needs time for herself? Give it to her… Give her more then she need

    in reply to: HELP she moved on quick.. #38495
    • Total Posts: 268

    Will you get your exes back? I dont know. But you have as much of a chance as the rest of us. But sitting around wondering about it, thinkin about why they do this and that wont do you any good.
    This is the hardest task of all, but you need to get them out of your head. They are not you ex, they are just another person, and that is how you should treath them.
    You have to move on so you can get back on track.

    in reply to: Social Media and an Ex #38389
    • Total Posts: 268

    Dont over-analyze everything she writes. I did the same and it can drive you insane. Woman tend to write like that. With words like “handsome” or “good looking” and a lot of kissing smilies. My ex did the same, even while we were still together, and it never bothered me. Its just the language they use when they are online. I even know girls i happy relationships that writes like that to me.

    I am not going to be the judge and tell you why you ex writes like that to this dudes post. All I am saying is: dont over-analyze it. It will only drive you crazy, and you will never know for sure anyway.
    Continue like you never saw that screenshot.

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