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  • in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11191
    • Total Posts: 268

    The reson for asking about the resturants name was more to make her think I had a date. Jealousy…. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11189
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks @TravelBug.
    You have been a great help and support to me through this. I really appriciate you listen to me and give me helpfull advice.

    I will continue the plan as you said. Make sure to make som more interresting updates on facebook that will make her curious.

    I have one idea for this: She always talked about this resturant that was surpose to be really good. I could text her next weekend to ask for the name of that resturant. I bet that would make her wonder, but maybe also be a bit to risky?

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11166
    • Total Posts: 268

    Done πŸ™‚
    And thanks for your comment.
    I will assist everybody who comments on my thread with real and helpfull advice/feedback

    in reply to: I Contacted Him! Now what? #11061
    • Total Posts: 268

    I feel you. But honnestly, if you are 100% sure that you dont want this relationship you should cut him loose.

    Go 100% no contact and inform him that from now on there is no reply to his texts or calls. Tell him you will make contact once you are emotional ready to be just friends…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11060
    • Total Posts: 268

    Hehe… That is ok man πŸ™‚
    To be honest I am not 100% sure about her feelings yet.
    I dont know if she wants to be asked out? And to be honest, right now I am thinking about waiting for her to make that move… Or at least make a very clear hint that she wants to be asked out

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11051
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thank you for your reply… It is your comments that gets me through this.

    And thanks for calling me an inspiration. But we must remember that I am not there just yet.

    I can still fail, either because I get carried away from how well the texts are going and excalate to fast, or I have missread the signals…

    So lets not celebrate just yet πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #11042
    • Total Posts: 268

    Update from me
    It worked perfectly!
    We bumbed into eachother. I was smiling and happy. I was the one who first walked over and gave her a hug. And I was the one who later walked over and started a conversation.
    A very nice conversation just about random everyday stuff. Then she had to go home, we hugged, there was smiling and eye contact….

    Later on she texted me out of the blue. Just a picture of the dress she was gonna wear to the party later on. (Maybe she was testing the water?)
    I replied it would look great on her. After this there has been a ton of messages. Here is a little recap:

    • Pictures of her as got ready for the party (Makep done, got my new shoes on ect)
    • Complimenting my look (You look great)
    • You really look like you are doing great (My reply: I am ok, how about you?)

    A few times I tried not replying. (Like when she only wrote “thank you”)
    But 10 minutes later there was a new text….

    Guess we are slowly getting closer to reconciling.
    My plan now:
    Keep texting with her. But only when she starts it πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #10765
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks m8.

    Actually yesterday i checked in on Facebook at a location close to her (We live 1,5 hours drive apart. And the text she sent me was “Hi, what are you doing in Town name
    Like you suggested I tried to test out the water a bit, so I just replied “The car needed some exercise” <- Clearly not the real reason, but I want to be mysterious and make her wonder
    She just replied “Ah how nice”, and 10 minutes later “How are you doing”…

    Haha… She actually accepted my reply even though it was stupid and clearly a lie?? πŸ™‚ I take this as a good sign. I did not reply anymore when she asked how I was…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #10632
    • Total Posts: 268

    Again: She texted me. Just a casual “Hi, how are you doing?”
    IS she anxious to about this weekend? Is she fishing for an invite to hang out?

    I can feel she misses me. But does she just miss the attenteion I gave her, or is she actually ready to give it another try?? Dont know

    in reply to: First day of complete no contact with my live in ex #10411
    • Total Posts: 268

    Sorry to hear that m8. Hope you are ok.
    But actually you just gave us the answer yourself, as to why this happend.
    You are giving up everything for her. No family, no friends, no nothing.
    Girls want and alpha male who is exciting, yet protective of her. Not someone who will give up everything in the world and wipe her ass if she asks…

    No contact ASAP!
    Become an alpha male now!!! Show her this what the biggest mistake of her life and she will come crawling back.

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #10351
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks a lot.
    I really hope that this second round of NC has worked and she is now ready to say the magic words: “I miss you, I cant live without you”.


    • She lost attraction, but I was still the perfect guy for her (She said this)
    • She has made contact 3-4 times during this NC (I ingored all)
    • We are now at the peak of loneliness
    • I have improved a lot. I am no longer a mess inside
    • I am doing a lot of interresting things (Things I know she finds very interresting)

    I think my chances are good. I am ready to let her see the “New Me”. πŸ™‚
    I just feel like I cant prepare myself for the meeting, because I dont know how her reaction is.

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #10347
    • Total Posts: 268

    Kinda need some feedback/support here…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #10162
    • Total Posts: 268

    Oh man I am nervous about this weekend. So far I have been feeling great during this NC. I have felt like I was in control and she was the one who finally started feeling something.

    But I dont know what will happend this weekend, and how I should play it? Can anyone who knows about this part of “get your ex back” please give me some suggestions?

    I dont know if she will try to make contact and ask to see me, or if we will just bumb into eachother. Will she be cold as ice and just say hello/goodbye, or will she throw herself at me and say she misses me? I dont know to be honest, and I dont know how to react to it… I dont want to screw this up….

    in reply to: Recent Heart-break #9995
    • Total Posts: 268

    Agreed. Ask for your stuff back. It will show tvat you are moving on

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #9993
    • Total Posts: 268

    I havent really decided yet. I am now on day 19. On day 23 she is coning to town for the weekend.
    She made sure to post this on her Facebook wall, and she mentioned her plans for the weekend as well. She mentioned she was going to visit a place where she KNOWS I will be. Dont know if she is trying to send a hint for me to ask her out?

    Anyways. I am sure when we get closer to the weekend she might text again to see if I have time for coffee. I havent decided yet if I am gonna reply to it. After all: she didnt reply to my invite 3 weeks ago

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