Boards No Contact Rule I Contacted Him! Now what?

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  • #11053
    • Total Posts: 52

    I broke up with him.
    I did no contact after 30 days.
    I texted him at 45 days and asked him to meet me. He responded in about 3 seconds and met me out. We had a really nice time albeit it was late in the evening (around 9:00pm). We went back to my place. He stayed the night. The next morning he said ‘Can I call you tonight’? And I said ‘I don’t think that would be a good idea yet b/c I want us to think this through – I don’t want to start a pattern of hooking up and getting into any kind of unhealthy cycle’.

    So, he said ‘Why don’t we do this. If one of us wants to call the other, just call. And if not, then not’. I said ok.

    I was really confused and I am confused still. We had an overall unhealthy relationship so, I cannot go back. Things would have to be so different.

    Anyway, today is Saturday (so this was Thursday), it’s a gorgeous day where I live and I would love to spend the day with him. It’s 10:00am and I am contemplating texting him to see if he’d like to go to brunch. I don’t want to be rejected though and ideally, I’d love if he reached out to me (but I told him no about calling yesterday).

    It’s clear I am confused, eh? I don’t want to appear after him though and I already reached out to break the no contact. He responded well to it.

    • Total Posts: 268

    I feel you. But honnestly, if you are 100% sure that you dont want this relationship you should cut him loose.

    Go 100% no contact and inform him that from now on there is no reply to his texts or calls. Tell him you will make contact once you are emotional ready to be just friends…

    • Total Posts: 156

    he might be using that to see if youd call. and that says your want to be with him. maybe wait til he calls. if he doesnt, dare i say he doesnt care? especially after staying the night.

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