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  • in reply to: I deleted him on facebook, and he blocked me…a week later? #14978
    • Total Posts: 268

    It can be hard… But just keep in mind that a reaction from your ex, any kind of reaction, is a good sign… It means you are on their mind…
    He took the time for whatever reason to go an block you. If her was 100% over you he wouldn´t even waste his time about it.

    in reply to: I deleted him on facebook, and he blocked me…a week later? #14893
    • Total Posts: 268

    If I would block an ex like that it is because I still feel something.
    I imagine your ex saw that you removed him after a few hours and thought “oh well, not my problem”, but as the hours passed he became more and more confuseed about it. Maybe a little angry? And at the end of the week he found himself obsessing over your public profile, trying to figure out what the h*** you are up to… And to protect himself he blocked you.

    This is what I imagine happend. One thing is for sure: some feelings are still involved from his side. Give him some time to cool down

    in reply to: What is going on now? #14835
    • Total Posts: 268

    Just a small update from me.

    She still hasn´t tried to contact me. Perhaps because she think I am pissed, perhaps because she thinks I am gone for good now, maybe because she don´t care… Or maybe because she was right when she told me that she was overworked and her head couldn´t handle anymore, and wasn´t able to feel anything..
    I cant know for sure, and there is no way for me to ever find out…
    But I am doing much better now… NC is much easier then trying to be in contact with a cold ex…

    I peeked at her facebook last weekend (yes I had a moment of weakness) and she had made an interresting update:

    ……… I am recieving a lot of sweet messages from guys lately. And although it is very flattering, I must say that I am not the kind of girl who just gives out my number or date… Please respect this…….

    I guess she I kindly asking all guys to stay away from her. Just like she told me when she broke up: “I am NOT interrested in start dating, dont worry”

    in reply to: What to do when she is in a rebound? #14474
    • Total Posts: 268

    Man I feel for you. But at least you know what the reason for the breakup is…

    This sounds like a classic “Grass is Greener” Syndrome…
    Try reading this article, I am sure it would open your eyes to what is going on:
    Grass is Greener Syndrome

    I know you dont believe it right now, but there is a good chance of winning her back. Go NC first of all….

    And start you own topic and keep us updated so we can give you support 🙂

    in reply to: What is going on now? #14225
    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks a lot for all your replies.

    and @TravelBug:
    Removing her completely was the best thing I have ever done. It allows me to focus on myself. I feel good and dont think about her that often. Every now and then I think of her and get a little sad. But not that often. Most of the time I accept the fact that we might not get back together…

    It has been a week, and to be honest I was kinda hopeing for just a little reaction from her. Just a “what the hell” would be nice. I haven´t visited her Facebook or anything this entire week… Well… Accept from today… I just took a small look. She made a post about how many “offers” she gets from guys, and that it was very sweet of them but she was not the kind of girl who just gave her number or a date… This just makes me believe she was telling the truth when she broke up with me…. She really needs to focus on herself right now…


    Thanks a lot. That really helped.
    Since I have already been showing a lot of interrest, but now completely erased her I guess I am already sending mixed signals??

    But damn…. Why hasn´t she asked about it? Why isn´t she confused? 🙂

    in reply to: What is going on now? #14147
    • Total Posts: 268

    Just found this online in an article named “7 signs your ex isn’t over you“.
    This has basicly been the story of my ex. It tells it so well…
    (Just swap the gender to female)


    This is the ex that comes in and out of your life at his convenience. You hear from him when you least expect it. He wants to keep in touch with you because he wants to know if you are dating anyone. If you aren’t and you show a lot of interest in him, he withdraws and disappears again. He comes back into your life to make sure you are still available and still willing to get back together. Once he confirms those facts, he disappears again.

    in reply to: What is going on now? #14146
    • Total Posts: 268

    I know this topic got a bit long… But I hope someone will still read it and give me some comments on it

    in reply to: Recent Heart-break #13830
    • Total Posts: 268

    No my friend. That is not what it means. It just means that you have accepted the fact that you are not getting back together and are doing what is best for you: moving on 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12927
    • Total Posts: 268

    This is my topic. Not yours. Please start your own topic

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12922
    • Total Posts: 268

    This is the end for me!
    Thank you for all help and support. But I have offically given up now.
    Yesterday I removed her from all social medias (Facebook, snapchat ect)

    I cannot take this anymore. I feel like shit.
    Sometimes I feel like she still have feelings for me and that is why she contacts me. And then she goes cold and I feel like she is just using me to make it easier on her.
    My feelings are like a rollercoaster. I can be so happy after her texts, but 1 hour later I can feel like shit.

    I cant take it anymore, and I dont deserve to feel like this!

    So I am letting her go and moving on. Hard as it may be.

    She hasn´t texted me yet about this. Maybe she hasn´t noticed?
    Or maybe she doesn´t care?

    I hope to get some sort of comment so I can tell her:
    “I think we need to go our seperate ways now. It was nice to know you, I wish you the best of luck in the future. Hope you will find happiness”

    Or something like that. I really wanted to be mean to her, and tell her that she has been a terrible friend these last months, and she has threated me like shit. I really want to tell her how I feel that the entire relationship was based on a lie….

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12820
    • Total Posts: 268

    But I think I am gonna keep this up for now.
    Reply when she texts me (real texts, not group texts)
    But maybe reply a little more shortly from now on. Just some “Okay” or “Yes/no” replies for a while…

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12817
    • Total Posts: 268


    i think by asking her when you are going to work out together was a bad move….

    1. you gave her the ability to shut you down.
    2. shows that you are looking forward to doing that with her.
    3. shows that you’ll go whenever she is available.

    dont put her in a position of power.

    To be honest I was at a state of mind where I didn´t even care. Wrote her what I felt like and didn´t care how she would take it.

    1. I didn´t give her the ability to shut me down, as she has already said yes to working out prior to this. But yes, it was risky. But love is risky! 🙂
    2. Yes it show I am looking forward to it. Is this a bad thing? I am in re-attraction fase, so looking forward to a meeting, isn´t that a good thing?
    3. No, I am not avaible all the time as we didn´t set up a date, and I still have the option of saying “no sorry I can´t tomorrow, how about next week”

    When I said I am doing “a lot of things” in her city and she replied “What is a lot of things” I am sure I have made her wonder a bit…

    I am going to her city again next weekend. I will make sure to update my facebook about it, and she if she asks aboutt what I am doing again 🙂

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12754
    • Total Posts: 268

    She texted me today, asking about “my new job”…
    She really is corious, and it makes me wonder. I decided to have a short conversation with her this time. Because this is after all the behaviour I want from her… A behaviour were she actually engage in a conversation.
    So here is a few lines from our conversation…

    Her: Hi, what is this new job you have here in My City
    Me: Hehe, you are really corious about this eh? Well I am considering asking for a relocation, and there is also this exiting new at a company I wont mention the name of. Ive been called into a job interview.
    Her: Okay 🙂
    Me: Why?
    Her: Just wondering 🙂

    After this I went on with some stuff about our hobby. Just very short..

    Me: So, when is the time for us to workout again?
    Her: Well next time I am in town 🙂
    Me: Or next time I am in Her City, I am there all the time anyways.
    Her: Why is that?
    Me: There is a lot of things. Besides: It is a nice city 🙂
    Her: What is a lot of things?

    I didn´t reply to this for 10 minuttes and then she send a new text. Just asking for a name of a friend of mine. I gave it to her, and the conversation stopped there….

    in reply to: Starting second round of NC #12679
    • Total Posts: 268

    Update from me
    Ahh this NC was exacly what I needed. I feel much better when I am the one doing NC to her… Not the other way around…

    I am still getting these random snaps everyday that are send to 20 of her friends. A few times she made snaps send on to around 5 people (Me and 4 others)
    I still dont reply to these…

    She hasn´t tried to reach out to start a real conversation yet, since the question about my job from last saturday….

    One funny thing
    There is this one girl that I am seeing.. (Yup you read that right)
    She is very sucessfull in the sport my ex is also doing at a somewhat high level. I have made sure this girl was always #1 on my snapchat best friends, and we always “like” eachothers stuff on instagram and facebook…
    Well now my ex has started following her… 🙂
    DOnt know if that means anything… She has also started to like stuff my friends posts…. Just not anything I posts….

    in reply to: Recent Heart-break #12609
    • Total Posts: 268

    Goid to hear you feel stronger. But yes, there will be good days a there will be bad days.

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