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    I’m calming down…. I’m becoming more rational and I have started reading the EBP stuff again and gettin refreshed before I make some deadly mistakes. I am going to start NC again and just focus on myself again. I am starting a new job and I have to be in the right mental state for it…. Things happen. I want to believe that this new relationship wont last or wont get off the ground but I have no control over it and I just got to let it be.

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    Sorry I just cant go to sleep….

    The job I landed and that I have worked since then has absolutely sucked. I was constantly getting harassed by my coworkers. I started applying for new jobs and recently landed a new and better job this past monday. My first day of work is Nov 4th and I havent worked for close to a month now. I dont know what I am going to do this coming week now after this interaction. I mean in my mind. So much is going through my mind I need to be able to calm it down. I know its not the end of things. I know life will continue. I guess I just need to remove the expectations that I have had and that will alleviate my mental symptoms. I cant believe she found another guy again already. Like seriously? I’m hurt but why? We havent even been a thing for a year now. It looks like she was single for just three months. Do people really find others that fast? I mean three months aint really that fast but I havent even had a gf since her…. Maybe I just need to find a girl to go out with…..

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    I guess I am still venting right now. I am feeling all kinds of emotions right now. I am sad, angry, jealous, and anxious. I just want to know everything, even though I don’t have the right to know. I want to know who is he. When did she meet him. Where are they exactly. Are they full fledged dating? Or barely talking? My mind is going uncontrolled. It didnt sound that he was present at the daughters birthday present. Why wasnt he with her at the bar right now? She is meeting him late at night on a sunday. What does that mean?

    I shouldnt concern myself with this stuff but I’m human and I want to know….. Why would she sit next to me? Yeah maybe she was being friend but I want the interaction to mean more that just that. Fudge

    I forgot one thing about my last post. The day after I dropped of the present we drove past each other. I was simply going to wave hi but she stopped and we talked for a brief second. Before parting ways we stared at each other for a couple of seconds, smiling at each other. As if something was there or is that my brain just trying to insert things that arent there? IDK…

    in reply to: Searched for a similar situation I am in. Closure #113386
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    Hi guys. Its been a while and lots has happened. Some of it good and some of it not so good. I will try to keep it as brief as possible but I’m writing now to clear my head after what has just occurred.

    As we know she had started going out with a new man, Ryan. Since then we have gone no contact and I started my new job.

    At the beginning of August something happened in my home town and she broke contact because she was worried about me. We started talking again. We escalate from texting to talking on the phone to her bringing me coffee to my work one day and a donut the next. She lets me know that she broke up with Ryan. Things looking good right? We continue interacting and escalate things more. We go have dinner a couple of times and she lets me see her daughter (huge win!). I finally kiss her and we go on a couple of dates, including doing yoga. It escalates more and now I’m in her bed and I tell her that I love her and she reciprocates the words (huge mistake). We were supposed to see each other later that day but she goes AWOL. She freaked out. She felt bad that she was lying to her friend about seeing me the past week. I want to talk but she doesnt so I leave her alone. This all happened in a span of just over a week, we moved oh so fast….

    I sent her an email saying its just not working out. She apparently sees me as a stalker. I tell her that I wont chase her anymore and will leave her alone because I dont want her to be afraid of me and because its not going both ways (im chasing shes not). She doesnt reply. We go no contact again.

    Its september now and my birthday. She comes into my work and surprises the hell out of me. She brought me a tart and a drink to enjoy. I walk her to her truck and we hug and she kisses me on the cheek. I felt so conflicted. I go to my home town for the weekend and when I return I call her and we are on the phone for a bit. We get disconnected but I drop by the dog park where she was at. We hung out and flirted just a little. I wanted to invite her to go eat but she invites me first. She follows me to my place and picks me up, this is the first time that she learns where I live. We eat and she drops me off. Now I hug her and kiss her on the cheek. The next day I call her in the morning but she doesnt answer. I leave her alone. No contact again…

    October is here. It is now one year since we have broken up… Its her daughter’s birthday and I bought her a couple of gifts and drop them off at her house. She texts me later that night saying thanks and that her daughter knew it was from me right away. I dont respond… This was this past Wednesday.

    Now we are here. Its tonight and I’m at a bar having a beer and boom she enters and sits next to me. I hug her and we talk. Catch up here and there but the conversation is interrupted frequently because the bartenders are her friends. I notice on her phone a guy is texting her. He sends three texts and then calls. She answers the phone but walks outside for the phone call. She finishes her beer, pretty fast, and says good bye. I ask if I can walk her to her trucks and she agrees. She says shes happy for me (about the things we caught up on) and I tell her that I brewed a beer and she asked how was it and I told her that I was saving it for us to enjoy together. She says something along the lines that she doesnt think that its a good idea to have a relationship of sorts. I ask her why and I forgot what she said but I call her out on the phone call by saying something like “its okay if you’re meeting a guy right now” and she says yeah she is meeting a guy and I tell her that I respect that but it still doesnt answer my question and she says that she has to go. I tell her to enjoy her night and that was it….

    I feel defeated. I felt that I got so close to getting her back but rushed it and botched it up. Then the email didnt help. Now it looks like she found another guy and I’m here left alone. It doesnt feel good. I dont know what to do. I feel like I just want to give up but I dont know if that is the right thing to do. I still feel strongly for her but it seems like she’s trying to move on again. Maybe I just have got to move on. I know a year isn’t really a long time but now it looks like shes going onto another guy and what am I supposed to do now? Stupid me and my stupid email. I totally did this onto myself by sending her that email when it looked like she wanted me back but I pushed away. I just didnt feel good being called a stalker. I didnt feel good about a lot of things she said. IDK…

    in reply to: Searched for a similar situation I am in. Closure #112217
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    This has been extremely difficult. But I think if I had given up a while back because I felt defeated than yeah I would have lost. Even though I haven’t given up it seems the door hasn’t closed. She said she loves me. She’s just so worried I will hurt her again she’s going against what her heart wants. I get she’s protecting herself. I just have to continue becoming a better person

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    Prod her as in bug her about her new boyfriend and ask her questions about whats going on?

    Thats not really the type of interaction I want to focus on. No one likes a needy, desperate person. If I am to focus on getting her back I need to focus on interacting with her in ways that make her happy and feel good.

    However I am rewriting the letter I made but I think that is more for me than for her.

    I figure since she has gone cold I have to just accept it for a little bit as in leave her alone for a small while (like a week at most) then start texting her again.

    This first bit of interaction since NC was really heavy and emotional and brought questions up to her that had her feeling confused. Maybe she is realizing that she should leave him or maybe not but right now she is doing a lot of processing and perhaps its best to give her a little bit of time so she can ask those questions to herself without me breathing down her neck.

    Im still stuck on those five months and she still doesnt love him. I think because she broke her rule about introducing new men into her life (wait at least half a year before she introduces a new man, she broke it with him because he also had a daughter) she feels that she wants to stick with this new man because she doesnt want to remove another man from her daughters life, she does desire stability but even after five months she says she doesnt love him makes me think she might leave him, as long as I continue showing her that I am stable and more mature than before.

    I cant imagine being with another girl and not being in love with her because I am in love with the woman I left. I understand why since I hurt her so badly that she is trying to move on thinking I wont change or thinking she will never forgive me for the things that I have done. I guess I would try to move on with a woman that hurt me intensely but if that woman showed me a lot of growth then I would most definitely give her another chance but thats just me, not her. But maybe, just maybe, she will give me another shot

    My good friend had separated with his then girlfriend, now wife, because she was real immature but in that year she grew up a lot and he got back with her and while they were separated he went out with other girls. Now they are married. Yeah things are different and I doubt she hurt him as badly as I did with her but hey nothing is impossible right??

    in reply to: Searched for a similar situation I am in. Closure #112208
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    I know I need to not worry about it but I’m trying to find out why she went cold again. I texted her last night some pictures I took and she just read them but didn’t reply.

    Crazy how mixed signals suck

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    I still don’t think NC is the thing to do. I need to interact with her, I need to reignite those feelings she’s has for me, I need to get her to open up to me and really let the love flow again.

    Maybe not sending a text and calling everyday but I do need to interact with her.

    I think with NC I will make it easy for this other guy to root himself more. Maybe not. I don’t want to risk it by letting them do their thing. If I want it I need to work for it.

    Five months of dating and saying she doesn’t love him because he isn’t me. That’s my opening. That’s my in. Yeah i need to continue working on myself but at the same time I need to work on getting her back. I did NC from January till now and i don’t want to step backwards after seeing her and do NC again. I think that’s the wrong direction to go as of now.

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    Sometimes it feels like that too, like she is just using us to boost her self confidence and get the pick of her choice but then digging deeper she’s also been through a lot and she’s at some cross roads in her life at the moment.

    Her exhusband was a horrible person. The boyfriend I stole her from was actively trying to cheat on her so that’s why she gave me a chance. I was the best time of her life but I also did her wrong several times (from being uncontrollled in my thoughts and actions), and now this new guy seems to be a rebound and using him to fill the void I left. It sounds like that because he’s the opposite of me (or so it seems). She told me she doesn’t love him, even after five months so she can’t seem to invest herself in him or forget about me…

    We broke up in October.

    We went no contact for three weeks in November. Talked on and off from December till January. Then went NC (with small hiccups here and there) up until now on her birthday. Saw her for the first time since January this past Sunday. Started talking again except today she hasn’t replied since I got off of work.


    Sometimes it feels like I’m playing her game and sometimes I feel that she’s just as lost as I am

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    I think I need to interact as much as I can in a non needy way…

    However just now I remember of an instance that happened when we were together….

    She went to a parent teach conference for her daughter and her ex husband was there and they had talked and both had cried and they kissed (or he kissed her as she said) and grabbed her butt…. she told me of it when she got back and I was okay with it because I believed she loved me…. I feel like this is eerily similar as in that we both talked and cried (I didn’t go for a kiss though)…..

    Thinking of that just now doesn’t make me feel good. I feel like she even told her new boyfriend of what had occurred with us.

    But then maybe not. Because she continue to text and interact with me positively afterwards.

    All the woes of an over active mind.

    Maybe I’m just making connections that aren’t even there

    in reply to: Searched for a similar situation I am in. Closure #112169
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    I think telling her that I need space because of the pain that I am feeling is manipulative as well as disingenuous because I only felt bad that one day but I have since been able to gather myself in a collected manner. It would also show that I am emotionally weak by needing this space because my feelings are hurt to the point I cant bare to talk to her. By being okay with it and not letting it deter me (at least for long) shows that I have become more emotionally masculine and I believe that is an attractive quality. I am okay. Yeah it sucked when I found out and it was a bit much to soak in at once but now I am okay. I am using what she has told me as fuel to not give up. She might be with him but it sounds like its a rebound. It was only three months after we broke up and she doesnt love him because it isnt me. She is still talking to me and she even said she loves me when I saw her this last time. THIS IS HUGE. I cant mess it up by saying “I need space, my feelings are hurt”. I need to be strong and show her that I wont even let this deter me and that I will continue on.

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    When we talked I told her that I wasnt there to say that I am better than him nor during any point of our talk did I talk about him negatively. I focused on what I have gone through and areas I have improved…

    However in the letter I ask questions that are in reference to him.

    I told her that yes she is the reason as to the start of my improvement.

    Of course I am hung up on her.

    I dont think more NC is the way to go. I have to go and actively create the feelings of attraction. Leaving her alone will let her focus on her new relationship with this new man and get over me fully. She said she doesnt love him because he isnt me and now it is up to me to light that fire from this kindle I have. That isnt going to happen by just stopping communication. She started talking again to me and I just have to show her that I have changed and not just faking it. I have to go out and make it happen.

    in reply to: Searched for a similar situation I am in. Closure #112166
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    Well its another small while since I’ve been on here. Here is another update.

    I dropped off some presents at her house on the day of her birthday. She wasn’t home but I got a text later that day saying thank you. She also said that she sees me frequently and she sent me a picture of her and her daughter eating ice cream. The next day she invites me to go do yoga with her (I gave her a yoga mat). I agreed. So the next day I go to the studio thinking she might actually blow me off but she does show up. She sees me and smile and we hug and exchange pleasantries. We do our yoga and at the end during savasana I reach out and hold her hand. After wards we go to our vehicles and there is some weird silence before we depart as if she wants me to ask her something. So I ask her what she is doing that night and she says maybe a beer and watch an episode of game of thrones. I ask her if I could join her and she says yeah but only as friends. This is where she informs me that she is dating someone. I calmly acknowledge it and say that its okay, just as friends. So we agree to meet at a bar in an hour.

    We depart and she texts me a little later saying she cant meet me because she is feeling guilty. I go over to her house but no response. I leave and I get a text later saying she was in the shower. I say I figured. I go over again but she says shes at a bar having a drink but she’ll head over. So I wait….

    She finally gets home and she invites me in and we talk. We caught up and then she asks me to “talk”. So I go on… I talk about all the things that I have learned, how I have grown up, and why I still havent given up and so on and so forth. We talk for several hours. We cry and embrace each other. She says she still loves me and that she doesnt love her new boyfriend because he isnt me. She says she has something “real” with him and that he is stable and when they fight he just leaves her alone until she calms down. She also says she doesnt trust me and that it would be impossible to get back together because everyone on her side of her life do not approve of me and she doesnt want to go through with that or even how to start integrating me back into her life. She tells me she thinks the new boyfriend doesnt love her either. It gets late so we hug for a long time and I leave…

    I didn’t sleep at all at night. I was stuck on her having a boyfriend and it turns out that she met him and started dating him in January. It finally clicks in my head the last time we hung out in Jan why she acted strange over her phone as if she was hiding something and she totally was. She was scared I would find out. Anyways I call in the morning because I didnt sleep well nor was I going to be capable of working with my head distracted. My manager is totally fine with it and appreciates the call.

    So I get out of bed and decide to go on the train in our city, something I’ve never done, to help me process the emotions and deal with them. I meet a couple of fine older gentlemen and I spend the rest of the day with them and it helped tremendously.

    She texts me the next day and asks how I am. So I call her and we talk for a while. She asks if I went to work and I tell her the truth and she has this moment of “i knew it” and says that anytime she is in my life I am an emotional mess. I defend myself stating that before I didn’t care about my last job and wouldnt call in and just stay in bed and do nothing and let it affect my whole week. This time around, I told her, that my mental health is important to me and like a physical ailment I did the responsible thing and called in to work and instead of just doing nothing in bed the whole day I went and explored the world and met people and that I came to work earlier the next day (the day of the phone call) to be ready to work.

    So she texts me again later that day after work just a random picture of a dog breed that she loves and we talk on the phone. I ask if I could come over to say hi to her and her daughter and she says she doesnt want to do that to her yet… I am not sure if she did say “yet” but I am like 89% positive she said “yet” which I think is a pretty big thing.

    I wrote her a hand written letter explaining more things and acknowledging all the things she has to go through if she decides to get back with me and more things explaining why it will be worth it. I have yet to give it to her, i dont know if it is a good idea.

    I tried calling her today but no answer or response as of yet. I only called once and left it at that.

    I think the biggest things is that:
    She says she doesnt love this new man even after five months of being together because he isnt me
    She invited me to go see her and she almost didnt show up (because she felt guilty) but she did show up to go to yoga
    she invited me inside her house when I came over when she told me that she couldnt see me
    We talked for several hours
    She texts me to see where I am

    I remember when we were together, her exboyfriend that I stole her from would text her periodically and she would not engage with him and with me being the ex now she is interacting with me, talking on the phone with me and saying things like she loves me still. I think that is huge because if she was over me, she would ignore me like she did before with her other ex.

    It hurt real bad finding out she got into a relationship so soon…. She said I should just do the same because she didnt wait for me but again I stood my ground and saying that she is worth all this that I am going through. I told her that she pushed me to be this new better version of myself and I didnt want to give myself to another person because I am hers.

    Anyways thats where I am.

    She goes to disneyland next week and she said just with her and her daughter but I honestly dont believe her. Her new boyfriend also has a daughter around the same as hers. I find it hard to believe she is just going with her daughter alone.

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    I want to see her in person. I can’t just show her how much I’ve grown through text. I need to interact with her in real life. I want to reattract her in person.

    I know I have to be mature at the right times but when will I be mature enough? What is that? What is mature enough? I’m on my own two feet. I’m holding down a full time job and have my own place (two things I’ve never done before!). I’ve quit drinking! I’ve joined a writing club and I am going to start a charity event which involves two passions of mine. I have improved a great amount. Yes i suffered from some insecurities when she told me she was meeting someone, I’m not perfect but no one is. My attempt at teasing her to make her laugh might have fell flat but I’m always learning.

    I know what she needs, what she wants and im striving to be the best that I can be and I can be all that easily.

    I know I said I wasn’t going to interact with her but I feel that it is the wrong approach. She won’t actively text or interact with me so it’s up to me to bring her back. She’s past the point where she wants to interact with me to see where I am at. So it’s all on me….

    in reply to: Searched for a similar situation I am in. Closure #111678
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    No she didn’t. I was just so excited that I wanted to share everything that has happened. I’ve read it’s up to me to interact with her and give her a great experience. With everything that had happened, I thought it was okay to spread the love

    I didn’t mean to play a game, I was just trying to tease and make her laugh.

    I don’t feel that I was being jealous. I just asked who and left it at that.

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