Boards Reconciliation Terrified of intimacy; 5 years of mixed sig Can I still tell him I love him?

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  • #55250
    • Total Posts: 124

    P.S. Saw him at school tonight; no big deal. He was in a weird, serious mood with everyone tonight. One of the artists was playing with his curls (bitch!) and he didn’t even react. I hung out a bit listening to the soundtrack one of his musician friends had written but then I went to go look for him. He was playing the guitar by himself on the couch. I asked him to show me how and he did. Touched my hands a lot to get me to do it properly. It was really nice. At one point, I playfully swatted his hand away from me because I wanted to try something he had shown me – “my turn! my turn!” but I don’t think he got the joke… he jumped up and took a few steps away from me. But then he came back and sat next to me again and showed me some more things. Another musician called him away and he left.

    I know it means nothing, but it was really nice to spend that time with him and feel his hands on mine.

    • Total Posts: 86

    hey, you said when you guys were dating.. of course it feels different! lol you guys aren’t together it’s not going to be as strong. he is probably trying to move on to but you don’t even want the feeling to be the same you want it t grow be different. you want it to grow and all that good stuff. so no its not the same love not until you give it another try even then it will be different and better. So don’t expect to feel the same love you felt when you were dating

    • Total Posts: 124

    Something else: I realize how odd it is that I’ve kept this huge secret from my friends here. I never told them about my history/feelings for F because I was too embarrassed. I knew they all knew him. I didn’t want to put them in awkward positions. But it’s a huge part of me that they don’t know about. They don’t know why I have stayed here so long. They don’t know that literally 99% of the time, if they see me looking sad, it’s because of him. They don’t know that they’ll never see me again and it’s because of the famous F!

    It’s kind of sad.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Penelope, I’m so proud of you, of your decisiveness and I finally feel like you get it, and you know why you REALLY need to do it.

    Keep that in mind, and then, all that comes after it, its just an extra. Maybe you’ll be pleasantly surprised, but if not, I’m sure just the relief in itself to let it out will feel great, and then you can truly move on <3

    And of course those moments always feel great πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711

    And that is so true. It’s a personal belief of mine that you should be really careful when telling other people important things. When we say them it’s out there for scrutiny, and a lot of times those things are just way to big and get reduced into simple words, when there are not enough words to describe those things.

    For example, if I tell just about anyone my dreams and ideas for the future, they will get diminished hard. So, I only tell them to a small amount of people. It took me a long time to have that discerning capacity. Hence why I haven’t told anyone (besides around 10 acquaintances/friends – family only my mom) I was applying for college, until I went there to finalize my application after getting in and started classes the next day.

    “Dreams so big you get uncomfortable telling small minded people” = My life
    (By now you already know I love quotes ahah)

    About not telling your friends about what happened, you are a very guarded person, I guess it’s normal. But, at the same time, I feel your best friends (2/3), should have known. You should trust people more, unless you really don’t know anyone trustworthy. It’s a good “trust” exercise that you can use later on to come out of your shell more πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 711

    Oh and starlight is right. Of course you can’t feel the love anymore, even if its there somewhere. You aren’t together anymore and he did have to suppress it a lot after being rejected

    • Total Posts: 124

    My best friends in Italy know, but they’re not from the town I live in; they’re all from the next town over so they don’t know F. Or, rather, they didn’t know him before they met me. By now they’ve heard that name so many times that they can’t stand it anymore.

    My friends who are from the town where F and I live don’t know. Except for snaky S, but only because one night he noticed me looking at F and teased me about it; I was desperate at the time so I confided in him. Big mistake. At first his advice was really insightful (“this guy is used to easy prey. That he couldn’t get you is his failing, not yours”) but then things got totally weird so I had to stop talking about it with him. As for my other close friends here? They’ve never asked, I’ve never told them. It kind of feels ridiculous now that I never even told the girls, including C. C *might* have guessed; when we first met, I told her that I also liked someone in the music scene and she was with me that night when I saw F and his ex together for the first time but she’s never said anything to me. No one has ever said anything to me. Only Marco, F’s close friend who knew us when we were dating. Marco has, over the years, tried a few times to bring F up to me but I always changed the subject. And lately, PG – another of F’s friends who works at the music school – has dropped some hints that he might know but I could just be reading too much into things….

    I have to change my focus. It’s not telling him I love him because I think I can get him. It’s telling him I love him to get the closure. But please keep in mind that I’ve been trying to do that for years. If you recall, I even came to this message board in the first place to ask how to do this. I decide it’s time for closure and I get ready to go get it and then something ALWAYS happens to suck me back into the fantasy that I can actually have him. Two years ago when I reached out to him after our two year Cold War… my intention was to get that closure. But then he was, to my shock, so open and warm and we’d have those long talks into the wee hours where he never mentioned his girlfriend and gave me rides home and invited me to his school… I read too much into it. I thought those encounters were about ME and OUR connection, but now I realize they were probably much more about him and his relationship with his ex. Maybe they just weren’t getting along or something and I was there and available to distract himself with.

    Anyway, I’ll tell him and soon. I don’t know when, though – one thing I’ve noticed about him is that it NEVER goes well for me when I try to initiate meetings. Even when we were dating and he really wanted me he didn’t like this; I’d invite him to dinner and he’d always make me sweat a bit before accepting. And we saw how well it went when I tried to invite him to dinner last month; he didn’t even let me get the words out. Who knows what he thought I was going to say?

    Fortunately – or unfortunately, depending how you look at it – I have a LOT of experience in love confessions. Not mine, of course. Other men. Sometimes I think my situation with F is karma punishing me for how many men I’ve disappointed. A lot of men have wanted the chance to love me and I haven’t been able to give it to them. πŸ™ However, that means I’ve seen a wide variety of love confessions and I know what’s good and what isn’t.


    It needs to be in person. Not that I have a choice, considering that I don’t have his phone number. But no letters, either.
    We need to be alone in a neutral place. It can’t be at school with people running around or on the street or what have you.
    It needs to be brief and to the point.
    Ask him for nothing, only to listen.
    Don’t touch him
    (last May, a friend of mine was confessing his feelings to me and kept trying to hold my hand… I was not pleased)
    Don’t argue about it with him (I’ve had men demand explanations and keep me talking about it for hours… terrible)

    Of course, as you know, I rely on luck to find him so that makes it more complicated. And I don’t have much time. But sometimes I get lucky and we end up alone and together for a long time. Last June when we had dinner together would have been perfect; I mean, I did try – the intense hug, which he didn’t return. Last September when we had that fun random day would have been good, too. I tried to piggyback off that, too, but he wasn’t receptive or even very respectful. If I don’t get lucky, if we don’t have any encounters like that soon and time runs out, then I’ll ask him to meet me somewhere.

    Do the good moments feel great? Not anymore. After the impromptu guitar lesson I cried myself to sleep and spent most of yesterday in tears because I was trying so hard not to let myself feel the joy of feeling his hands on mine for the first time. I know that these things are much more important to me than they are to him.

    • Total Posts: 33

    Penelope, reading your posts makes me so emotional (in a good way), you have no idea! Perhaps it’s because I’m passing though this difficult time with my horrible ex and feeling disillusionment about men in general that the romantic side o mewants to counteract my cynicism and hope for something magical to happen… so if your story had a happy ending, it would somewhat restore my faith in men! (Ok, I really was just kidding about this last bit)

    Seriously now, I do feel you are in the best frame of mind right now, for someone deeply in love as you seem to be. I don’t even know you, but I’m really proud to witness your journey and how much you have grown. It really isn’t about the men in the end an how they reply, is it? It’s how you conduct yourself and how you feel about yourself that really matters. No matter the result, I think you’ll manage to get through this feeling better about yourself and stronger than you’ve ever been.

    Please keep us posted, we’re all rooting for you!

    p.s. I only wish I had visited this site before I made so many mistakes. I certainly have learned a lot from everyone here

    • Total Posts: 124

    Well, I don’t know how good my frame of mind really is right now; I haven’t been able to stop crying since the impromptu guitar lesson. I think I’m really starting to accept reality and the reality is very hard. Halloween is also tomorrow which is hard for me… two years ago, we had this intense encounter on a Halloween and it’s very bittersweet for me to remember it. Especially now that I understand that it didn’t mean what I thought it did.

    Anyway. Do you guys think I ought to tell him I love him before I tell him that I’m moving away or vice versa?

    • Total Posts: 711

    Penelope, forget the past. You have the power to work on the present now, and change the present to have a better future, so that you no longer dwell on the past.

    I think you should tell him you love him first. And then tell him you are going to move. Either the same day or next time you see him or soemthing I don’t know…. Maybe teresaa or someone else have an idea. But I do think you telling him your feelings should be first. It’s the most important and the news of you going away wont take away from it

    • Total Posts: 86

    i agree with Kaila. you should tell him feeling first then later tell him you decided to move. but you have to be certain you are moving when you tell him.

    • Total Posts: 124

    You don’t think it’s too much information all at once?

    • Total Posts: 711

    Maybe analyze his reaction. If it’s good don’t say anything about moving. If it’s bad tell him you wanted to tell him cause you are gonna move, and you wanted to close this chapter. Something of the likes.

    Also, either get his phone number from someone or ask for it yourself. It’s only two months left and if you NEED to talk to him, you don’t have time to wait to find him.

    Like, say you tell him you love him. The reaction is good. But then there’s silence. You don’t want that. So a phone number would be handy, as you could tell him at anytime you are moving, or get it over with

    • Total Posts: 124

    Well, if I don’t find a job in the next two months I’m not going anywhere.

    I’m worried about ruining our current relationship – whatever you want to call it. we’re not real friends; i don’t know what we are. there could be negative consequences, like him feeling the need to be cold to me or being (even more) awkward around me. he’ll be uncomfortable/upset for sure when i tell him. i’d hate to have to quit music school, because i really enjoy going there, and not just for him anymore.

    • Total Posts: 33

    Honestly, woman, now you’re just making excuses again to chicken out about your decision.

    I agree with the others. Tell him you love him and then, depending on how he takes it, consider how you should inform him you are planning to leave. Again, you’re doing this for yourself, to be free, not him. Everything else will work itself out, even if it’s hard in the beginning. Be brave and strong! Do it! πŸ™‚

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