Boards Reconciliation Starting second round of NC

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  • #11854
    • Total Posts: 29

    Don’t rush things in the re-attraction phase. There is nothing wrong about no contact for a few days. It will make her wonder what happened after having a nice conversation with you. I know it will drive you crazy and you will start wondering yourself. Try to keep text conversation short and use it as stepping stone for a face-to-face meeting. You could try something like ‘I have to meet a friend in the shopping center, but we can continue our conversation in person. Meet me at……’ When you meet-up with her, be confident and show her the man she once was in love with. It will most likely attract her, but it will take some time.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks… We live in different cities so your exampel cant be used 🙂

    I am keeping them short.. But today was yet another exampel of her not being invested…
    Basicly this could be our conversation (Snapchat)

    Her: “Ready to go workout” (Sends picture in workout clothes)
    Me: “Nice shorts. They new?”
    (No reply)

    Her: “Almost done with the workout” (Sweaty picture of her)
    Me: “Wow, 2 hours now. You are going all in. Great job”
    Her: “No only 1.5 hours”
    Me: “Ok but still great job”

    Her: “Workout done. Looking forward to wearing this” (Sends picture of new dress)
    Me: “Wow that is gonna look great on you!”
    (No reply)

    I am no expert here, but is this what you would call hot/cold behavior?

    • Total Posts: 56

    You need to step off the gas immediately!
    She’s not responding how you want her to. She’s being an attention seeking blah!!! My ex did the same thing to me. It was more about her feeling good about herself and getting attention then it was about talking to me. You need to be careful. Pull back. Let her start asking you questions. What makes you think she’s sending these pics to JUST you?? Snapchat…. I think not. That’s like the “I want attention app”

    • Total Posts: 268

    Excatly what I was affraid of. I was affraid that she just needed her attention-fix (see my earlier post)

    No they where sent to a bunch of people.

    • Total Posts: 227

    Back off for 3 days to a week.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Is this hot/cold behavior??

    • Total Posts: 227

    Yes, she’s just making herself feel good by getting attention.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Exactly as I feared

    • Total Posts: 227

    Just get busy for a few days. Maybe she got too much attention, so just back off a little. If she messages you (just you), don’t be in a hurry to text back.

    • Total Posts: 56

    i know you dont want to think about this but it happened to me and i think you should be aware.

    my ex was giving me the whole hot/cold mixed signals…. she was sending me pictures, and i was saying things like ” ohh you look great” “i wish i could be with you right now” blah blah blah… she kept sending pictures…

    it was all for attention… she would ask me if i wanted to do something then when i said yes, she was say… ohhh it was only an idea… BS.

    you need to consider that she might be texting other guys and/or looking for attention only to make herself feel good about herself. remember that she trusts you and you have always made her feel secure and confident in herself.. she knows she can get that boost from you when she needs it. but as soon as you do… she disappears.

    make sure you’re not feeding into her. pull back, become scarce. she will want you more.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Consider it??? I know it 🙂
    That is the beauty of snapchat… When she sends me these snaps I can see 20 other people got them as well… BUT! The other day when we got into an actual conversation I could see I was the only one she talked to…

    I just hate myself for not doing this right…
    I did the NC, and it worked… She was clearly impressed with the new me. We got into a good talk saturday and the other day. She really seemed interrested in my life and what was going on.
    On now I failed by giving her too much attention for these group-snaps… The whole “new me” or “Aplha-male-that-has-moved-on” image that I gave her has kinda shattered… Dont you think?

    I will do what I promissed myself in the beginning. Reply when she actually tries to start a REAL conversation. But ignore the attention seeking snaps…

    Any chance these snaps could be a possitive sign? I mean: She is clearly missing someting…

    • Total Posts: 227

    I agree, keep a little distance and respond to real conversations.

    Don’t worry, you didn’t do anything wrong. Just gotta make yourself more scarce. When you go cold, she’ll come around.

    I think the snaps are for her own selfish reasons to make herself feel better if she’s sending it to several people. Just my opinion.

    Don’t beat yourself up. You are still on track.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Ignore attention seeking snaps
    Reply to real snaps
    Check 🙂

    Exactly what I planned in the beginning. But when you are in love with someone, and you finally get them to open up, all plans go out the window haha 🙂
    I can and I will do it right this time….!

    But I am trying to think of it as a possitive thing that she is missing attention (She was not this attention whore when she was with me)

    I had a thought last night
    Please give your comment on this:
    We had a longdistance realtionship (nearly 2 hours apart), so everytime we needed to be together it took a great deal of planning and costs money.
    When we broke up I tried to figure out WHY she lost attraction.I remember asking her all these questions “is it because of this, could it be because of that” and so on. Every time she smiled and said “No it is not. I really dont know why my feelings are gone“. When I got to the “Could it have something to do with the distance between us?” The reply was just “I dunno, maybe it could have something to do with it“. She looked down as she said this…

    Could this be the reason…?
    She was sooo interrested in the fact that I was looking for job in her city and will soon move there… “When will you move, where will you work, how soon can you get here” ect… These were the topics that really got her talking…

    Like I said in my first post she has started a new life. New school, 2 new jobs, sport at a high level. She is extreemly busy….
    Could there still me some attraction, but she is somehow forcing herself not to feel anything as she cant see how we can make a realtionship work long distance anymore???

    She is very stressed, so perhaps our longdistance relationship became yet another stress factor?

    • Total Posts: 268

    Hope someone will give me a comment on these thoughts. Does it sound plausible??

    Like I said ealier: she does not begin something if she cannot commit 110% to it…

    And new school, 2 new jobs, new sports team, long distance relationship….

    • Total Posts: 156

    i think what you describe in your latest posts sounds a lot like my situation. my ex told me she just doesnt care anymore (dunno if she meant about us, me or what) and i think shes forcing herself to know care. i mean she spends everyday after we broke up with her ex before me, who she kinda left for me (i was living with her as i had been her best friend [and more] for 4 years prior and we always acted like a couple, things only got difficult for us when we really wanted to commit to each other) when she was going out with him (i know a lot about him and hes the reason i started hanging out with them [my ex and i stopped speaking for a long while because i had heard things about that ex and thought she was dumb for doing it, as she always came to me for advice but never listened]) but we didnt start going out for a while after she and him broke up..

    anyway, i think that very much so could be the case for you. I dont believe someone as close as most of us had, could just stop caring altogether. must be some hate or pain or anger about it. how could someone be that cold hearted?

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