Boards Reconciliation Starting second round of NC

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  • #11182
    • Total Posts: 289

    Will I ever in any way get her back?

    Could you help me out too?

    • Total Posts: 227

    I think it’s good to wait for her to decide that its her idea to go out and maybe even get back together…she’d feel pressured if you asked her out. Just be there as a friend, grow the attraction like you have been.

    It’d be awesome when things work out, that would mean that this works and would give the rest of us hope.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks @TravelBug.
    You have been a great help and support to me through this. I really appriciate you listen to me and give me helpfull advice.

    I will continue the plan as you said. Make sure to make som more interresting updates on facebook that will make her curious.

    I have one idea for this: She always talked about this resturant that was surpose to be really good. I could text her next weekend to ask for the name of that resturant. I bet that would make her wonder, but maybe also be a bit to risky?

    • Total Posts: 227

    Yeah, I think it’s a bit too conniving. She might pick up on the fact that you are trying to ask her out or she might think you’re taking someone else. But, if she wants to meet up, you should ask if she wants to go to this restaurant.

    Thanks creed, and you have been helpful to me too.

    • Total Posts: 268

    The reson for asking about the resturants name was more to make her think I had a date. Jealousy…. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 227

    I don’t think jealousy is the right way to get someone back. I don’t know what Kevin says about it…but if she asks you why you are asking, you’ll be forced to tell her that you wanted to ask her out right?

    Can you think of anything else?

    Is this the point in nc when you ask her out?

    • Total Posts: 268

    Yeah youre right…. Just a thought… 🙂

    • Total Posts: 268

    Ok I really need to update this thread again, even though nothing has happend…

    What happend yesterday?
    Well basicly nothing. I only recieved that one snapchat that was sent to all her friends, but nothing else. In the evening she got home to her own city.
    I really am wondering about how she feels right now.

    Just the headlines from Saturday:

    • We had a good talk about everyday stuff, and our hobby (We have the same hobby)
    • We hugged, we smiled, there was good eye contact
    • She send me pictures the entire afternoon as she got ready for a party, showing of herself. Look at my dress, makeup done, look at my new nails (Is she qualifying herself to me?)
    • She texted me: You look good/handsome
    • She texted me: You are so sweet, thank you (When I complimentet her looks)
    • She texted me: You really look like you are doing great (She noticed the “new me”, I replied “I am doing ok”)
    • She has started to use smileys in her messages again (She didn´t do this after our breakup because “I would get the wrong idea”)
    • Now, when she sends out mass messages to all friends, I am now one of the people on that list
    • She is more invested in the conversations now. Not just Yes/No replies, she asked the most questions

    Please girls! Help me here!
    What do you think is going on in her head right now?? I have no idea?
    Is she thinking “Wow he looks nice, but it seems like he has moved on”?
    Or did she just get the “attention-fix” that she need from me?

    • Total Posts: 536

    What I feel is that she is really impressed with “new you”.
    And yes you are giving her signals that nothing is bothering you.
    If I were she, I would like to get close to you and I might be regretting about the break up thing as I now see you as a new interesting and fun to talk with guy. Thats why she is initiating conversation most of the time. I ll suggest you to keep doing what you’re doing. Its reallh working on her. She’ll reach you more. Good luck 🙂

    • Total Posts: 227

    I also think that you are “re-attracting” her. Give it enough time and space and no pressure…and I think she’ll come around. She’s thinking, we talk now, why doesn’t he ask me out. So, that makes you look attractive to her that you can do without her and are doing great on your own. Obviously, she noticed that you look better and feel better of yourself…all great signs…

    • Total Posts: 227

    If I were in her position and I didn’t want you back, I wouldn’t compliment you so much and use smileys and stuff. She’s opening up and welcoming the possibility of having you back in her life more and more…

    • Total Posts: 268

    Thanks a lot for your replies. I just hope she will start a conversation soon. I dont want her to just miss me as a friend.

    I have a plan:
    When we were together there was this tv show every morning in the weekend that we used to watch together. A cartoon… Yes it was silly but we really enjoyed this routine every morning. But suddenly the tv station took it off the air. (We really missed that show)

    But now I found out it is starting up again. THIS WEEKEND!!

    I am gonna write her this saturday morning when the show starts with word “have you turned on the TV? They started our show again!”

    It will bring back good memories I am sure 🙂
    But untill then I remain quite and for a text from her

    • Total Posts: 227

    I think that’s a great idea! 🙂

    • Total Posts: 227

    If you’ve already established a fake friendship, I shouldn’t always let her start the conversations. Maybe one out of three times, you can do it as well.

    • Total Posts: 268

    So right now she is starting to get re-attracted. But also remains a little passive because she is convinced that I have moved on and no longer care about her like that? So she is passive because she is affraid she will be rejected?

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