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    • Total Posts: 323


    I was gonna say, you’re up early!

    You’re very right, it hadn’t occurred to me that he didn’t even mention your son in the email. However I don’t think that means he doesn’t care about him or miss him. His goal right now is to be the one in power, the one who is depriving you of something. He’s using the lack of interaction with your son to hurt you so you will feel the void of him no longer being there.

    I don’t think he’s a bad person in general (or you wouldn’t have loved him so much), but he is incredibly immature and isn’t thinking right due to his emotions clouding his mind! He reminds me of my ex in this way. I’m feeling pissed off on your behalf actually, it’s one thing to be distant towards you but it’s another to do it to your son – after all those years. I completely understand how you’re feeling outraged by this.

    I agree that you should ignore the email. If you are to respond to him at all, do it later when you feel more emotionally level.

    I’m so sorry you’re going through this and I really feel for you! Screw ’em!!

    Thanks for the weight tips! Yeah that can’t have been healthy, relishing in your weight loss, but still understandable considering what you went through. I’m very happy that you’re not there anymore!! πŸ™‚ As for me it’s scaring me a little, and it’s at the point where I get asked if I have an ED, but I just don’t have much of an appetite. I’m also dealing with malabsorption due to food intolerances, so it’s an ideal combination…
    Oh I’ve got a slow juicer too! I love it! I haven’t made any juices for a while now so that’s a good reminder:) Haha I actually love kale juice if there’s any citrus in there! My favourite is strawberries, lime and kale with a touch of ginger. I should make some with more vegetables though – and I agree they aren’t always as tasty! I find adding sea salt helps a bit though.

    I’m in the poor sleep club too. Let’s just make it past this day!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Thanks Aphrodite.
    I’m glad I’m not the only one pissed off then! Lol.
    What an idiot that man is! It’s like really! I was with him 8 years! What a fool I was!

    Slow juicers are the best! I usually go through stages of lots of juicing then stop then start up again. Nice combos you’ve suggested too!

    How’s your day started off? Have you been doing lots of writing?

    • Total Posts: 323


    You are well within your right to be pissed, and I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t be in your situation. You dumped him, then admit your mistakes but at that point he doesn’t want you back, “doesn’t love you anymore” and retaliates by not contacting you let alone your son? It makes it come off like he never really loved you in the first place, and all his begging and pleading is invalid because once he was offered what he pleaded for he took off! Geez the pride and ego of this man…

    If you do get back with him, he better be worth all this!

    Yesss! Slow juicers are the best! I had a centrifuge juicer first but took it back due to the pulp being all wet. I’m just like you, going through phases of juicing!

    Well.. my day started off at 2am as I fell asleep at 9pm last night (I’m an hour ahead of you). So far it’s been alright and I’m feeling quite level, though poor sleep these past days is still a hassle to deal with and I feel very run down. Can’t wait for a proper 9 hour sleep! I’m trying to not think of my ex, let things be and concern myself with my own affairs. I did lots of writing yes, perhaps that’s why I feel more chilled!

    • Total Posts: 89

    What do you guys do to keep yourselves busy and to keep your mind off your ex? I have a lot of work to do, but it’s all kind of brain work and just sitting around learning things, so my mind wanders and I get distracted easily..

    A big problem for me is that I don’t have that many friends in town, because most of my friends have moved abroad. So it’s just my family, my one best friend (who doesn’t really like going out or being very active) and my ex.. During Christmas and summer break when everyone comes home I have more friends and more fun activities, but everyone is leaving again now and I’m feeling lonely. I think I’m using this board also as a substitute for some kind of human interaction, lol.

    Anyway, it’s also a reason why I’m so sad to lose a great friend in my ex.. even if it’s just someone to go to the movies or cook with, it’s just nice to have someone like that. He, on the other hand, has several good friends which is why it’s so much easier for him to move on and not think about me.


    I’m just curious, how long had you been in NC after he sent the email? Or had you had some contact anyway due to practical reasons?

    • Total Posts: 323


    I know the feeling. Brain work is very hard to do when you feel emotional, because you get so easily distracted as everything you do depends on disciplining your mind.
    I’ve struggled with that problem a lot in my life, and I know that if you learn to crack the code of being able to do mental work whilst emotionally stressed – you’re gonna get far.

    I created a list of the goals I want to achieve by the summer. For example learn Italian. Then I created a list of what to do every day to reach that goal. So in the case of Italian, it is to spend 5-10 minutes every day practicing. I have found that chunking things up like this is quite helpful!

    If you feel overwhelmed by the to do’s, lower the bar DRASTICALLY. So if you’re going to do the dishes, just promise yourself you will do one plate! And very often you end up doing it all once you get started. In order to make sure you can be distracted from your ex, and to make the improvements you want, it is E S S E N T I A L that you make a plan:) Make the plan ridiculously easy so you won’t feel stressed out by looking at it!

    I use this board as a bit of a substitute of human interaction as well, I think we all do here! We’re substituting and distracting ourselves from from our exes – and I think it’s a brilliant thing. We’re all a community of broken hearts here, we all know how it feels and we’re all on the same team.

    I think you would really benefit from learning embrace aloneness (not loneliness), by that I mean to enjoy your own company. It’s so important to be happy in your own company. If not, it’s as if you are using other people to distract yourself from you!
    Being with others should just be bonus:) Osho has some good material on this subject

    • Total Posts: 397

    Since he took this new job on he had this air of head up arse syndrome! So if i look back to when he was begging, the reason I didn’t take him back because I felt it wasn’t genuine. I could tell that if he was for real he would show classic symptoms but he was held back and I could just tell that in between the begging he was putting conditions of the getting back together. As we know so well, when in distress you don’t go and put conditions on the situation!

    He’s out to hurt me as much as possible. Any form of correspondence from him will only lead to pain on my side so the best I can do is not play ball with him. Yes I wonder his integrities over the last 6 months. He will not be hearing from me!

    I will keep you informed for when Sky gets disconnected! Haha. Pathetic!


    Basically he chased me up till end of NOv, since then I’ve chased him. I’m on my second round of NC the longest only being 2 weeks, I got in touch after Xmas and NY, since then it had only been 11 days of NC when I got the email from him.

    He did not need to send the email. As Aphrodite said he could have just stopped paying for Sky, since he had warned me last month he was going to do it. So the email was for his own satisfaction,reminding me he’s not talking to me! Haha.

    Also, to keep me busy I’m learning to crochet. I’m beginning to crochet flowers and stuff, I have to concentrate so hard I forget everything! There is wool shop nearby that do learn to knit and crochet evenings so I attend them.
    I’ve a new job starting soon so I’m looking forward to that.
    I also wanted to tell you that I don’t have that many friends around me, my family are in another country and all my friends are married, have children so they are all very busy and we don’t really socialise much. I really depended on my ex for entertainment! I’m pretty busy as have 2 sons myself so it’s not too bad for me but I sympathise for you.

    Glad you’re feeling on top of things Aphrodite at the moment! You know that might change quicker than the wind but saying that as soon as the sadness comes the sadness goes! πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 323


    Oh yep, I recall. Both our exes got new jobs and blown up egos.
    Yeah you definitely don’t negotiate conditions if you’re desperate to be taken back, no chance. Arghhh. Feeling mad on our behalf! My ex started treating me with so little respect since his new job, and would insult me just for the sake of it. Something he would never have done before.

    Good – don’t play ball.

    Did he email you to say he will keep you informed for when he disconnects Sky?

    • Total Posts: 397

    As they say the higher you climb the further you can fall. Falling might be exactly what our ex’s might do. Mine in especially.
    When he comes back from work he’s going to have to live in his small house in middle of nowhere up north, he rented it out but the tenant has gone so he will move back in. The funny bit is only recently I recall him saying it was the only mistake of his life that house as it’s in the middle of nowhere! Haha.
    I on the other hand live 40 mins into London πŸ˜€ don’t get me wrong, I love the countryside a lot! But seriously, he lives an hour away to a decent town. Being single and stuck in middle of nowhere…hmmmm. Hehe

    Sorry he’s rattled me. I’m not sure why that email got to me so much. It’s just the same as the last 6 weeks.
    He didn’t have to send it. Why ask if I called him? But doesn’t want to talk to me? Strange. It shouldn’t bother him if he’s got a missed call. We all get them, but don’t start asking around who it was least of all an ex!
    He didn’t have to say he had nothing to say to me either, I mean what’s all that about.
    Ok, he could have said, did you call and by the way do you want to take over sky?

    No, he didn’t say that he would keep me informed. I doubt I will hear from him again until he gets another missed call! Haha.

    • Total Posts: 944

    wow so much to catch up on today! good morning everyone!

    , to distract myself i usually work out or go for a run. it just makes me feel happy and positive and i find myself focusing on either things.i also find reading has been very therapeutic. when I’m reading a good book, i get completely caught up in it and don’t really think about anything else while I’m reading. also, surprisingly enough, this forum really helps me. even though were discussing out exes, i find it therapeutic since my break up was 3.5 months ago and my family and friends are tired of discussing it – it helps to do it here!

    , i also really enjoy making plans! i find setting myself short goals helps me get through my day productively. and i feel accomplished when i can cross something off my to do list! its funny my ex and i also broke up into the third week of his new job. he told me he was feeling “pressure” from all the way around including family, friends, job, me, etc. he said he had so little free time with his new job and wanted time to be alone and to visit with friends and family (i guess another reason he wanted to take me out of the equation!). but i also think you will be able to tell your ex just how much he hurt you. writing things down is helpful so you remember, but you will never forget! i will never forget the physical knot i felt in my stomach for the first two weeks after we broke up. it subsided, but comes back every time we have a conversation in which he says something i don’t want to hear. again, where i am really beginning to appreciate nc. ignorance is bliss πŸ™‚

    , what an excuse to contact you!! he is literally emailing you to say i don’t want to talk. @aphrodite is so right in that he is trying to enforce power. and i agree with you saying the higher you climb, the further you fall. after coming out of such long term relationships, all of our exes are going to experience feelings of grief, loss, and sadness just as we are! sometimes they are able to distract themselves so much initially that it sinks in later. i also think because they were the ones initiating the breakup, their initial sadness was also mixed with relief. but once the relief wears off and they go to living the boring, single life, i really think their emotions will start to catch up with them
    as for me, i still have constantly been thinking about my ex, but now rather than feeling complete sadness and longing for him, i think about him more with curiosity, wondering what he’s doing/thinking/feeling and wondering what will happen in the future – when he will next contact me, if he will want to reconcile, etc. do any of you find yourselves shifting to thinking more this way??
    also a little story to give some hope during nc πŸ™‚ one of my best friends’ boyfriend broke up with her back in july because she was moving states ad he didn’t want to do the long distance. she begged, pleaded, cried, etc. but he told her he didn’t believe in it. he took her calls and answered her texts while she was devastated, but always said the same thing about refusing to do long distance. they had many period of nc and fights before they both decided mutually in the beginning of november to really remain in nc and cut each other out so that they could both move on with their lives. this was something he had wanted initially but she couldn’t stick to it! finally, she did and she kept nc for 6 weeks and was actually really starting to feel better. of course, he called her i the beginning of january, when she was starting to actually move on and told her he made a huge mistake, missed her, and wanted her back. so it wasn’t until she completely went nc for 6 weeks that he realized this because before, she hadn’t been absent to him. so remind yourself when you’re tempted to break nc that it really can work, but just one slip up will change your ex’s attitude!!

    • Total Posts: 21


    Thanks everything you said made me feel better! I’m happy that there are others also going through hard times its nice to see what other people are going through and relate. I’m going to stay NC and have an update in about a week or two

    Thanks once again !

    • Total Posts: 397


    I love the story of your friend. I think the only way forward is NC. There is the proof with your friend. What happened in the end with you’re friend? Are they going to get back together?

    My thoughts are not shifting like yours yet but you are further down the track to me and Aphrodite. It’s a good sign that you’re thoughts are changing positively!
    My thoughts have changed in the manner that I’m missing my ex but im beginning to see what bad apple he maybe. I still want him back because there is a side to him, a big side that is wonderful. He’s showing his bad side at the moment and really do I want to be in this situation again in another few years, worse still another 8!
    I’ve not responded to his email last night and I think that alone gives me strength to carry on NC because suddenly I’m the one that’s blanking him. I want to get him out my hair!


    • Total Posts: 323

    I had a nap, and dreamt that I had the longest email I’ve ever seen from my ex in my inbox. I got so happy!!! Then I realised it was an old email, and he still hasn’t contacted me yet – really deflating.


    The higher you climb the further you fall is true. But it doesn’t seem like my ex is anywhere near falling.

    “Oh dear”. He is really going to want you back when he moves back there!!! My ex also lives away from friends, as the ones he sees most are moving away. However he’s happy as a loner and travels to see his friends in the weekends or they come to him. He’s good at making friends too so I’m sure he’s doing alright..

    An hour away from a decent town!! And you’re gonna start a new job soon, so you will expand your social circle. Yep I see where this is going! Stay NC and just wait!! Haha.

    I completely understand why the email got to you. He did this to make sure you know “who’s got the power”, what he really wants is for you to be rattled so he can tell if you still feel something. The missed call was just an excuse, period.
    I’m sure you’ll hear from him, but when depends on his level of desperation, which seems to be increasing by the looks of the email.

    Oh and I know exactly what you mean by good and bad sides. If only they would just give us the good, eh?


    Yay fellow plan-fan! πŸ™‚ I always do better when I’ve got clear plans for how I’m going to cope with something difficult. I think I’m quite solution focused like that, though part of the solution is often to rant away and get the emotions out!

    Hmm so they all became like this after getting new jobs.
    My ex also said he was feeling immense pressure from work and from all angles, and wasn’t being able to see friends as much because of me. I really feel like he squeezed me out of his life, there wasn’t a need for me anymore, and perhaps he wants someone better now that he’s doing better.

    I’m thinking more in the opposite way of you atea. I’m thinking more and more that he won’t reach out and doesn’t want to, and I’m wondering if he’s seeing someone. Basically I know he has a practical reason to reach out to me, but he hasn’t done it, so either he’s too busy not thinking about me or he’s actively avoiding contact πŸ™ Today, as a general tendency, I’ve been more apathetic about it all.

    Love the stories you tell us atea!! It’s great as they bring a lot of hope!

    I’ve had so many smoothies today by the way lol.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, so proud of you for being so strong and not responding! i think that will really send him a strong message and i will be shocked if he doesnt send another e-mail to follow up to that one within the next few weeks. i once read an article (can’t remember where) on a girl who got back with her boyfriend after an 8 month split. she writes how poorly he treated her during the break up but when they got back together she asked why he acted that way and he said so he didn’t appear weak or send mixed signals and that he loved and missed her the whole time but it was easier to keep that to himself and put on a tough guy facade. not saying this is true for every guy – but if you do reconcile down the line, don’t be put off by how he is acting now! he is hurting as well. i also think in some sense its good when they behave this way because being angry with them is sometimes easier to cope with than being sad and missing them. either way sounds like you are getting stronger simply by being able to not respond to his email – i don’t think ill ever be that strong!! as for my friend and her ex, they are working on reconciling! he hurt her a lot so has a lot to prove to her that he’s committed and wants to be with her but he seems very up for the challenge! she told me although she began to really move forward with her life, she of course still loved him and held on to hope that he would be back eventually, so she was thrilled and shocked to hear from him out of the blue, almost two months later!
    @aphrodte, i am such a planner!!! i think this has been one of the hardest aspects of coping with this break up for me. because i cannot plan what will happen when. if i knew he would never be back, i think i would force myself to let him go, and if i knew he would be back, i think i would relax and enjoy some time to myself before we resumed our relationship. when we first broke up he kept saying things like “ill be in touch” or “its not the end” or “i want to be back together one day but I’m not ready yet”, and most recently, “with time if we get back together our relationship will be stronger”. this has been the hardest part for me. thats why i do try to set myself goals for nc because at least thats a plan i can stick to. i know at some point down the road i am going to need to have a conversation with him about our futures and if he still wants to reconcile/when he thinks hell want to and if he doesnt and is moved on ill need to know so i can let go. initially i had set this time frame for mid march, but now i am going to wait. i am going to see if he reaches out first. i know he will reach out on my birthday at the end of april and if we have not discussed the relationship by that point i am going to ask him to meet up and discuss it. originally that date seemed so far away, but now it os only a little over 3 months and i think thats my plan of action for now (unless he reaches out to talk sooner), but I’m really doubtful that he will. my brain goes crazy wondering if and when he will contact me again but i think he will definitely wait a couple of months. as for your ex not having contacted you yet, don’t lose hope! seriously, my ex did not initiate one time for 3.5 months so i was genuinely shocked to hear from him last week. even though the conversation had no substance, the reminder he was thinking of me was nice. my ex lives in an apartment with his best friend and has a huge group of friends also in the city so he definitely keeps busy between work and seeing them, so he is similar to your ex in that way. sometimes it makes me nervous because he has less time to miss me but other times i tell myself its a good thing because when the breakup initially happened, he completely distracted himself and didn’t take the time to process and i think now he is probably starting to examine his future. i think this because when he reached out last week he told me he was starting to outgrow some of his friends and thought they were a bit immature. but anyway my point is, just because he hasn’t initiated contact yet, in no way, means he is not thinking about you!!! after 10 years it would be impossible not to. he definitely is but is sticking to nc as well. it will be better for both of you in the long run so that when you do both feel ready to speak again you will have clear heads, be more emotionally removed for the situation, and have clear pictures about what you want moving forward. its not a bad sign. some people hear from their exes months later and i think guys for some reason often take longer to contact for girls. i really don’t think it means anything right now and i can guarantee you he still thinks of you often. glad to hear you’re enjoying smoothies and getting a little food down!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Atea that’s so cool you’re friends are reconciling. It’s a good story and will give hope to many!

    I’m sure if your ex sent nasty messages you too would find the strength from somewhere to blank!
    It’s good you have a realistic plan of when to make contact. Anything too soon just leads to heart ache and your birthday is a really good amount of time away and a good reason to make contact but I’m sure he will make contact before considering he’s already once reached out to you.


    He’s without a doubt thinking about you. I think Atea1234 is not thinking about her so much because it’s amicable. It’s a waiting game in that situation. For us, without a doubt they think of us but perhaps not in the way we would like, especially mine! He will get in touch in time, once he’s realised that you’ve not been in contact. I’d put money on it!

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, in some ways i am envious about your situation because you are so right about mine being a waiting game! it almost makes it worse that he said he wants to reconcile “one day” because I’m left constantly wondering if and when he’ll want to, if he still feels that way, or how long is appropriate. also i still have no idea what kind of timing is right for us. on one hand, if he really wants the chance to experience other relationships and “explore”, after coming out of a 7 year break up, i think logically a year or two would probably be what he needs. but its also unrealistic to think we would reconcile after that long apart. i fear him coming back to me too quickly and then leaving again for the same reasons. then again, i think around 8 months should be enough time for him to have gotten used to living without me, dated casually, and decided whether or not he wants to fight for our relationship. I’m really not sure and i don’t know what will make him internally feel “ready”. i think me keeping nc will help him come to a conclusion the quickest because he will be forced to live without having me as a safety net and decide whether or not he is ok to lose me permanently. i just get nervous i have so much false hope and he won’t come back and I’m delaying my moving on process. oh well, one day at a time and keep hoping and using law of attraction…
    as for your ex, i also think its easier for him to be nasty to you being abroad and also because your break up was over some kind of argument. i think once he’s had time to cool down from the argument and returns to london where he will be flooded with memories of you, i will be shocked if he doesnt reach out to clear the air. i almost think your situation is more hopeful than mine because he is angry at you – sooner or later that anger will subside and he won’t feel it any longer and then will regret abandoning your relationship. my ex on the other hand, has no reason to feel any resentment towards me and he doesnt. so if he isn’t ready now i really don’t know what will make him be. he’s also still so young so i think in his head he still gives himself another 5-10 years before he thinks of really settling down and i fear that will keep him away longer because he wants to enjoy all this time being young and single as he can. i don’t see why he will feel a need to rush back at any point soon

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