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  • #25987
    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle and @aphrodite, do you believe there is any chance a few months from now that my ex will want to reconcile or do you really believe he will need years Away? Is that even realistic?

    • Total Posts: 397

    Just a quickie before lights out here.
    Had a drama tonight as someone’s got my bank card details and tried to by a flight! So card cancelled and fraud team are on the case. Still it took my mind off everything! Haha.

    Aphrodite! Here Here! Bravo for standing up for the 3 Amigos!
    Yeah bit creepy people follow us….maybe we should turn this into a book! Or charge people per view ! Haha

    Preparing for the no show on Monday or thanks for gift, bye. Hahaa.

    Signing out as have a lush new bed…..on my own πŸ™ lol

    • Total Posts: 397

    Atea, you posted just before me.

    Yes I think he won’t match what you guys had but I think you need to concentrate on living a full fill ish life until he works it all out himself. He’s young you know that.
    Nobody knows how long it will take. It’s like my ex, how long will it take for him to absorb everything?
    Nobody will be able to predict if it will be months or years. It’s rubbish atea and you need to just try have a quality of life in mean time. Go out and enjoy life. I’m out tomorrow with D, I would rather be with ex any day but he’s not here and doesn’t want to be. My life has to go on and it will.

    Take care Atea and keep busy. Don’t listen to busybodies either!

    Talk tomorrow xx

    • Total Posts: 323


    That is impossible to say for sure of course, but I’ll tell you what I think.

    I’m afraid it seems likely that this could take everything from 1-3 years. That would be my guess. But your highest chance of getting him back will be when he understands that he is in real risk of loosing you, which of course isn’t something you can fake – it has to be genuine. And in order for you to get to that point you will need to *completely* let go of him for a while. I know this will seem like an impossible task, but with NC it should get easier. You already know all that.

    One thing I did, which you may be doing as well, is putting too much emphasis on the positive things he’s saying and letting it override the negative due to being too hopeful or just not comprehending that this is the reality of it.
    For instance, he replied to your text saying its a bit of both. It’s both that he knows you’re the one and that he knows you aren’t. You seemed to focus more on the fact that he said he does know you are, rather than the fact that he has admitted he knows you aren’t at the same time. I would take this last bit quite seriously. Both because he did actually say this, and because you should so that you can realise a reconciliation won’t happen for a long time and thus he should be taken out of the equation. The fact stands that he doesn’t know if you are or aren’t the one because he has nothing to compare it to. But I don’t want you to get too caught up in that thinking once he has compared a bit he will realise you’re the one. I want you to realise he has actually told you that you aren’t the one. I think this may help you move forward better. If he can’t see that you are the one after all those years, what’s to say he will later on? You don’t have a guarantee. The best you can do is to grieve him, let him go completely, and build a life without him. I know you’re having a really difficult time, I’m feeling for you!

    Just remember the boat isn’t so bad, it will take us places you couldn’t imagine! You’re stronger than you think, atea!

    • Total Posts: 323


    Exciting life you have! Card fraud and all! Maybe they can be caught if they go on the flight. Remember you have to be careful about D if your ex gets closer to wanting reconciliation! He will probably be a bit paranoid about D already, so that could be a recipe for disaster. But for now enjoy yourself:)

    Hope you have sweet dreams!

    My lights are going of now too, hoping for better dreams than last night.


    Hang in there! You’re far from being alone in this! Sending you hugs! x

    • Total Posts: 944

    @aphrodite I appreciTe the input. You’re right and I somfhiw need to let go either way and I need to stop asking his opinion because it only confuses me further because it seems each time we talk he says something different – almost depends how I catch him! I personally think it’s unrealistic to think that after a certain amount of time a reconciliation is possivle. Look at @belle as a perfect example! She spent years pining over this guy and it was took late! I truly believe there is a delicate window of time to reconcile – once I have finally moved on and closed the chapter I will surely not let him in again. I think this will all come down to a matter of timing if he comes back before I’ve fully moved on. I do believe if I can really complete 90 days Nc we will both be in a different place. He does really need to start believe im moving on and by sending the message I can be strict with Nc I think maybe he will start to wonder. I still have this annoying gut feeling im trying to destroy! I will try my best to just let time and Nc do its magic to help me heal and find will only tell what will happen. I do have hope he will be back in some monfs though πŸ™ it’s already been 4 months so maybe in another 4 or 5 months or so if I really stick to Nc things can be different. I’m hopeful but just trying to make the best of the situation as well. I need to respect his time and space and i am confident in the connection we had and I do think it will be hard for him to replicate πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 397

    Yes I pinned for D for years but It wasn’t a good relationship, it lasted 2 years with the final year appalling. I believe that there was sexual chemistry between us but that was all. So, years down the track, D wants to be with me but after my real relationship with my ex I know what a meaningful relationship is like and D just doesn’t come anywhere near it. So the reason the time scale hasn’t worked has been down to compatibility, nothing else. So I still believe years can go by and a reconciliation Is possible at anytime with the right person.

    Right, im seriously going to sleep now! If you lots can keep the noise down please! lol

    • Total Posts: 323

    I’ve clocked it.

    I’ve finally clocked it!!!!

    Why I’m so in love with him. It’s all about the suspense and surprise.

    He was always telling me he has something for me but can’t say what it is yet, making me wait, asking me to guess (I would get so fed up with having to guess stuff) – but everything created suspense and invoked curiosity. It is as if he made me believe I was curious about him by making me curious about other things. He did this TWICE in our last phone call, saying he knew a secret about someone he couldn’t tell me and making me guess stuff. He would also always surprise me with gifts or trips to see me (and I used to do the same but, funnily enough, stopped before it all went downhill). I became faaaar to unsurprising and non-mysterious! I also watched this reality show where a guy went for a girl that wasn’t his type AT ALL, and he didn’t even like her one bit at the start – but guess what – she kept surprising him with little thoughtful gifts and things he didn’t expect and he chose her! Now I know why!

    Whoa what a brain wave!!

    That’s the key. That’s maybe the main thing that has set him apart from everyone else (apart from a few other things of course like exceptional compatibility, being hilarious) If I ever reach out to him, I’ll give him a healthy dose of his own medicine *smirks*

    Aphrodite “the suspense builder” out

    Now where did that sleep go?

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, thank you for those words as well! I’m glad you had a distraction (even if it wasn’t fun!). I guess anything is possible but If I ever actually can get over him I think I would be too scared to let him in again. I have a really hard time in this situation because I truly believe when you really love and what something you fight for it and you don’t give up! But at the same time it feels like I’m fighting a lost cause as really time is the only thing that can help me and I guess it depends on who he meets when. I know now by going Nc im still not giving up – im just giving him the time and space he needs and as well for me to get on with my life as much as possible. I just wonder if having hope is hindering my process. I still believe he’s the one for me and I still believe he’ll be back so is it that terrible to use law of attraction and just try to be happy? Or am I hindering my own progress? Ugh it’s all so complicated! Hope you sleep well belle!

    , sounds like you had an epiphany! Definitely makes it easier to understand and process your emotions. You seem to be in better spirits and have been playing therapist for me and belle! How many days Nc are you on now?

    • Total Posts: 323


    Epiphany is right!
    I am in better spirits! It could change tomorrow morning though who knows… These roller coasters go on and on. But it’s because I genuinely believe this is the key to it all. And with that key I do have a fighting chance of peaking his interest again, it’s given me confidence. Now my head is buzzing with ideas. And thinking there is just a minuscule chance makes me think Oh God, what am I going to talk about if I see him? I have to be adventurous so I have things to talk about lol! I’m going to sound like such a bore if I tell him what I’ve done up until this point!! And I guess even if it doesn’t work then at least I would have something to tell my other future dates (or cats). I’ve agreed with myself that I won’t reach out unless I have lots of exciting things to say, which probably won’t be for a while.. Gonna do some LOA on that and start saying yes to things when I’m more ready.

    It may seem crazy but I really think that’s a big part of the puzzle! It was the lack of suspense and fact that everything was predictable that was the main cause of me loosing him! I just know it. I wasn’t intriguing or interesting anymore and he knew my every move before I did it. I had lost my own spark, and I want that back.

    Atea I think he says something different each time you talk because he himself is confused about it, and he probably feels guilty and wants you as backup so he tries to sugar coat a few things as well.
    I think him expecting you to be there when and if he’s ready is unrealistic, but he knew that and he still took the risk, also because he doesn’t think there’s too much of a risk that you will want someone else over him.
    I think as Belle’s relationship with her old ex was unhealthy, she knows, after having healed, that it’s not what she wants anymore. That’s very different from your relationship!

    I think your strict NC will make him wonder, but that isn’t why you should be doing NC now. It should be to learn how to manage and even thrive without him! I know what the gut feeling is like, I can’t shake it either, but it’s okay to just let it be there while you do all the steps to move on. You don’t have to do anything about it. If it feels right, then trust it, but make sure you do the steps necessary for you to feel happy and content independent of him.

    No sleep for the wicked.

    I need to tell @LAbound about my revelation. You there bud?

    • Total Posts: 944

    @aphrodite, i think this will really motivate you to get your sparkle back and im so happy for you!!! first and foremost you need to get it back for YOU and then when you do decide to break nc and talk to him hell be so impressed by the adventurous and exciting person youve become!! i try to say “yes” to a lot of invitations too. it does help to be out of the house and to talk to people. i also believe the gut feeling is there for a reason. tonight i had dinner with a friend who was telling me her cousin went out with a guy for years and years, he freaked out about commitment and they broke up and didnt speak for 6 months. then he finally came back and realized he wanted her and they are now married! she told me the initial three months after the break up she was compeltely miserable but once she convinced herself he would never be back, she really pushed herself to move on and thats when he came back. i do need to let go of him for my own benefit! i want to be happy in the meantime regardless of what happens in the future. i have promised myself i will not for any reason reach out. i will post in hre whenever i have the desire πŸ™‚ and i really only seem to have the self control problem once im drinking, so if i do, i will hand my phone to one of my friends for the night. i also read a story recently about a guy who held on to hope for so long that his ex girlfriend would come back and he made all these efforts to improve himself (while in nc) and was motivated by how impressed she would be in the end. at the end of the day, he decided he didnt want her back because he met another amazing girl on his journey who he ended up marrying! it made me feel better because even though he had hope and initially was improving himself for her, he did still move on and find love elsewhere since it simply wasnt meant to be with the ex. the moral of the story is we need to move on for us – but holding onto hope is ok! hope in itself implies we wish something would happen – not that we expect it to. so we will al use law of attraction, work on ourselves, and decide at the end of this whole journey if we even want out exes back!

    on a side note, i got a haircut today and splurged on some new clothes and makeup. starting to feel good πŸ™‚ tomorrow back to day 1 of nc that will last approximately the 95 days until he will most likely reach out on my birthday. i can do this!!

    • Total Posts: 323


    Thank you! Yes, I need to get my sparkle back for me! But even then, if the idea of seeing him is what motivates me, then that’s still fine because I will be doing things I should do anyway:)

    The story of your friend’s cousin is very motivating! 6 months is a long time. A part of me worries that if I’m in NC for too long, then my critical phase for reconciliation will be over and he would have moved on too much. But I should not let my life be run by fear, my life should be run on my own terms and when I’m ready. The other story motivates me too, as it shows it is possible to work on yourself with the idea of impressing an ex – but instead getting to a point of being completely over them and finding someone new.

    We both need to let go for our own benefits. I really love what you said: “hope in itself implies we wish something would happen – not that we expect it to”. That’s exactly it! It’s okay to have hope and still work on moving on and letting go!

    I’m happy you will be posting in here if you get urges to contact him!
    Yay new you!!! It’s great to change up appearances a bit, it makes it easier to move forward I think!

    Yes you can do this! Don’t focus on the 95 days NC, try to forget about it as much as possible and just do one day at a time. I’ve forgotten what day I’m on but I’ll look it up – I’m on day 20. Ten days to go until I reassess whether to send the email or not.

    My epiphany made me feel a lot more hopeful because now I feel there is something I can try to peak his interest, but everything else has to be in place also. I really have to be in a place where I’m genuinely happy about my life. So I shouldn’t get too excited as I still have a lot of work to do to get there.

    where are you this morning?

    • Total Posts: 397

    I here, but I’m in a mess again.

    I just want to die. I tried to call him and he’s not answering. I don’t think he will show up on Monday and think he’s pacifying me so he can get his short trip back to the UK over and done with before he goes again.


    • Total Posts: 397


    Is he a control freak? Honest answers…

    He’s just emailed me: “whatever you have to say please email or I will switch my phone off and not come on Monday.”

    Well that’s put me right I’m my place. Lol

    • Total Posts: 323


    What? Why did he send this? Did you call him or something?

    Yes he’s being a control freak right now for sure. Trying to threaten you into doing things his way :/

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