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  • #25068
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    Tomorrow will mark a week of no contact. At the moment, I still feel so confused, given time to reflect. How could someone who was so into me do this to me? I just don’t understand. She could not handle one day of me not speaking to her before, now it is like I don’t exist and has replaced me with someone who has her parent’s blessing. I just hate how outsiders ruined it. Her parents had no idea of our relationship and how happy we were. They are a huge problem and control almost every aspect of her life. She told me that she cannot go against them. I have so much to fix, but I love her so much.

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    good morning everyone!

    , thanks for your input on my situation. i agree if he does come back it needs to be clear its for the long-haul and unfortunately because of his young age, i fear this might not happen for a very long time. but my plan is to stay the course, keep nc, and keep living my life. he’ll probably reach out when i least expect it anyway. thats why I’m trying to really stay in nc a long time before i contact him – because i don’t want him to be back unless he’s 100% committed and thats a conclusion he’ll have to come to on his own, without any help from me. also, i completely get what you’re saying about being scared to confront your ex because if she still doesnt want the relationship, the door will be closed as its been a while and you’ve already asked her to reconcile. i completely understand this fear and i feel like you’ll just know if/when you’re ready to have this conversation. i think you’ll get to a certain point that you’ll be ok if she rejects you and you’ll feel almost ready to close the door if she doesnt want to get back together because after a certain amount of time if theres no reconciliation, you’ll want to get on with your life and meet someone else. take your time with this! i really believe it will come to you naturally when you feel ready to make this move. as I’m slowly learning going through all this, patience is key in this process. you will know in your heart when you feel ready to initiate this conversation with her. I’m assuming your relationship feels a bit unfinished (thats how mine feels at least), so when you feel ready you will have that conversation about the future and where you stand with her. I’m hoping my ex will initiate that conversation with me so i don’t have to, but who knows.

    , no!!! him saying he’s glad you have closure means absolutely NOTHING. what i took away from his email is he’s not happy with himself right now. as cliche as this sounds, i really believe you must love yourself before you can ever love somebody else. i think he wants you to be happy and have peace of mind while he is working on himself and straightening out his life. when you really love someone, you want them to be happy always, and i think right now he feels he can’t make you happy. this is something my ex said to me initially that when I’m happy he’s happy – always, even if we aren’t together. he told me thats why he doesnt want me sitting around waiting for him because he knows ill be miserable and he wants me to get out and enjoy life. i think this definitely could be similar for your ex. even if he thinks you can reconcile down the road, he knows he’s months away from that as he needs to figure his life out and doesnt want to confuse you or give you false hope. by answering quickly and respectfully i think it was his way of showing you he cares. and let the crying all out!!! its really therapeutic and helpful. i had a good one last night and one this morning!im not surprised this is an emotional day for you as day 1 of nc again always feels so draining and the road ahead of you looks long. stay strong – I’ve been there SO many times and it will get easier. I’m on 19 days and counting today πŸ™‚

    , i feel so sorry for all your ex has put you through. i can understand and relate to it a lot actually. while i never think my ex physically cheated and never saw any evidence that he did, i did catch him texting girls behind my back sometimes and i always kind of let it slide. i think he had some self-esteem and insecurity issues and knowing he could get other girls if we weren’t together always helped his confidence. i too am learning not to be a doormat! in my next relationship – whether it be with him or someone else – i will absolutely not tolerate this behavior! something else I’m starting to understand from your story is that you gave too much of yourself to this guy. I’m guilty of the same as well. i think you seem like a very caring person and made him your top priority always – sometimes even above yourself! i did this too and I’m slowly learning that the next time around i will always love and put myself first. its what our exes are doing now by breaking up with us!!! i think its normal you’re feeling angry, hurt, and resentful today. you have every reason to!!! and its even more frustrating because you’re still in love with the guy and i feel the exact same way! i know it seems hard to put one foot in front of the other, but you are doing it and you’re halfway through nc! even though day by day it might not seem you are making progress, think back to the beginning and look how far you have come. whether or not you reconcile with your ex you’re going to have the opportunity to show him and new you eventually and i can bet he will be so impressed and feel like an idiot for ever treating you so poorly! hang in there!! i know the anger is exhausting! its how I’ve felt the past two days at least, but its just one stop on these roller coaster of emotions. we will all get better as time passes and our exes will regret letting us go as they clearly mean the world to us no matter what and that is difficult to find!

    • Total Posts: 397

    I can see why some people go off the rails, or turn to drink or drugs at time like this. It’s relentless!
    I think we are all getting better but overall we don’t see improvements because each day is a baby step so we never see the improvement in ourselves. Ultimately we are working towards letting go, closing the chapter and being happy. All I know is that 2015 is a rehab year, I’m certainly not wanting to find a new love, I do t think i ever will. It will all be about becoming happy again and not bursting Into tears in the car!

    We all 4 of us (inc Mike) have our personal battles to fight with each story different to the other but we are all heading in the same direction wanting to all achieve the same. Happiness number 1 and getting ex back number 2.

    Thank you Atea for your opinion. Your right, like Aphro, you can just see it better than I because I can’t read in-between the lines as too involved. I know in my heart he needs lots of time, it pains me though so much. I miss him terribly and I can imagine this pain ever going.

    Hey, some good news… I’m not sure if you were aware of the poppy display at Tower of London? Well guess whose poppy arrived In the post today! πŸ˜€

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    @belle, happy to hear you have good news!! I always try my best to take one positive thing out of the day. it actually helps! usually before i go to bed when my ex is on my mind, i try to name one good thing that happened that day. sometimes it is really small – as simple as having a good meal, but it does help me to see that i am still enjoying things, even though my ex is out of my life! for all of us, i think its easier to gave an opinion on someone else’s situation because we are emotionally involved. i actually think this is a main point of nc. through nc, we all want to get to a place that we can analyze our own failed relationships without so much emotion tied to it. i think thats where some people miss the true meaning of nc. i feel just like you in that i can never imagine living without this pain. i know in my heart that my ex needs a lot of time as well. sometimes, i feel so overwhelmed by visualizing how long the road is ahead of me. i imagine it will take a very long time before either he comes back or i have moved on and feel less pain. it is really frustrating and as we said earlier, i guess we’re just doing our time!

    • Total Posts: 323


    Yep you are reactive towards him so you’re not able to see the full picture, but then again you know him best!
    Don’t worry, he’s not finished with you emotionally at all!

    Stop telling yourself to get a grip! Lol. It’s ok to let your emotions out and it’s very understandable that you started crying! I’ve had a few chats with British females and it always intrigues me how crying is seen as a negative thing. For example people will say “noooo, don’t cry!! Please don’t cry”. Whereas where I’m from people say “YES, cry – get that shit out!!” hehe.
    Not sure which approach is best but I think it’s the second one, as tears carry stress-hormones. Perhaps I’m biased though! Either way, don’t bring yourself down about being down!! Try “releasing emotional pain” by Brad Yates on YouTube if you want a good cry sometime – just copy what he does. I find it really works!

    And yes I definitely think we feel worse after contact with our exes. It’s that pattern I was talking about a while back. Good news is that you will start to feel better again! Are you set on NC now then?

    Yeah it is unacceptable the way he treated me. Like I’ve said the worst part for me is imagining how little respect he has for me and what low value I must have in his eyes, and that he kept this going for so long likely just reaping the rewards without deeply caring. His true self came out when he decided not to be with me anymore and therefore had no benefit in being kind anymore – he just flipped into an insulting prick who didn’t care how I felt at all.

    I’ve learned so much and it’s a big shame that I didn’t know what I know now sooner. But who knows, maybe this is the way it was meant to go.

    I’m feeling quite sad but the primary feeling is being low on energy. I think I’m in the start process of giving up on reconciliation. He would have contacted me by now if he wanted to… A man always reaches out when he’s interested, in some way or other – and my ex hasn’t initiated contact since mid-November. I’m just very deflated. I understand rationally that it’s done – finito, due to him not reaching out, my wishful thinking is fading so all I want is to get over him 100%. I could do with some random Disney prince showing right about now

    I agree – I keep wanting to be drunk!!!
    Thing is though that will only delay the pain, we’ve got to face it and get used to it in our everyday settings. I have a motto “don’t drink to drown your sorrows, drink to celebrate”:) That being said I’ll probably come up with a few unjustified reasons to celebrate haha.

    It’s true, each day is a baby step so it’s hard to see that we’re moving and not standing still. I think journaling comes in handy there as we can flip back and realise we no longer feel those emotions as intensely.

    I completely agree –> 2015 is the rehab/renew/rebirth/detox/rebuild year!!!

    We will do this!! We are very resourceful people and we’re going to share what’s helping us! That means we’ll get over this 4x (or more) faster! πŸ˜›

    Congrats on your poppy:D
    I recommend doing the YouTube video!

    • Total Posts: 397

    I know we all want to be over our ex’s so we can move on… It’s utterly draining and too time consuming. My ex has not reached out since end of Nov. Since that was the last time your ex reached out do you think that saying it’s all over is a bit premature? Only you know that one…I think your scenario is different again to others where you allowed him to treat you like a doormat.
    I know our circumstances are different but what’s making you think he ain’t ever coming back?
    I believe your thought process is a healthy one and you will achieve happiness probably quicker than me because I’ve not given up yet (to him it’s a closed book, done and dusted thank you very much and goodbye lol).
    I wish I was how you’re thinking, to hang on for someone is unhealthy!

    I did have a chuckle to myself about crying to “get that shit out! ” hahaha

    Yes I’ve seen that video, it all helps….

    I think I might celebrate tonight the arrival of the poppy with a little tipple! Hehe

    • Total Posts: 323


    I feel sorry for what your ex has put you through as well!

    This is what I mean, it seems as if you took your ex texting other girls as something okay because the poor guy didn’t have that much self-confidence. Now that is an incredible thing of you, and it is clear that you were being the bigger person! But it shouldn’t be acceptable for him to text other girls (in a flirtatious way) if he’s with you at all. He shouldn’t be looking to see if he could find someone else if the two of you aren’t together whilst being in a relationship with you – that is just disrespectful towards you and your relationship! I worry you’re pitying this guy too much when he’s the one that has reaped the rewards here. He landed an amazing girl, got away with texting others at the same time, and knows you will be there waiting so he can do whatever he wants now.

    Maybe I’m projecting too much of my own relationship and feelings about it onto yours so let me know if I’m being too harsh! But I’m sooooo happy you won’t tolerate that behaviour again! And neither will I… I’m a doormat gone self-respect convert – I just hope this won’t make me too strict either. Kind of fearing that I will assume the worst in my next relationship if something seems off.

    You’re absolutely right, we both gave too much and prioritised them over ourselves on too many occasions.

    You know I am beginning to think that I may not even bother to show him the “new me”. If I do and he doesn’t seem impressed, it will only hurt me more. So maybe I won’t ever see him again for the rest of my life..

    • Total Posts: 323


    I don’t know if it’s premature of me to think that or not. My reasoning is that he was extremely addicted to me. He would text me several times a day just asking what I’m up to. When we were apart we would talk on the phone every single day and he was usually the one to initiate all contact.

    To not have him initiating any contact is therefore entirely new and foreign, completely unlike him. He said he wants to be friends, and he asked if he could send me a suggestion for a series to watch to which I said yes, he also said letters have come through to me that he would take photos of and send but he hasn’t initiated contact for any of the above. Also, he sent an email to my mother on xmas saying thanks for everything, he hopes I find someone I deserve and that he wasn’t the one that could make me happy. It all seems very conclusive.

    This makes it seem like I am literally the last thing on his mind right now. Pairing that with the thought that he might be seeing someone – I’m thinking it’s possible he’s head over heels for her and therefore I’m already far forgotten.

    Consider he did still have feelings for me — why wouldn’t he then reach out to show me what the letters said? He has good reason to make contact but he hasn’t. The only thing I can logically deduce from this is that he’s in love with someone else – he would therefore find it awkward to get in contact and it’s game over.


    Hey it’s not a closed book for him, he said he’s happy you’ve closed the book but that doesn’t mean he has! He didn’t mention anything about that!
    Well don’t be too jealous of me, I could feel completely different tomorrow again!

    In a way, now I almost hope he doesn’t initiate contact. Because if he isn’t interested in being with me ever again (like he said) then it would only give me false hope, I’d read into it and just be hurt again further down the line. I’m so upset but I just want to get over him, as I really don’t see how there is any hope right now. I may go cry that shit out #defeated

    • Total Posts: 944

    @aphrodite, i think the root of the problem and the reason i allowed my ex to go on with that behavior was because i knew he always had thoughts in the back of his mind that he was young and shouldn’t be so tied down and “married” to one girl. i never wanted him to go through with an actual breakup – so i kind of figured if i turned a blind eye and didn’t read too much into the occasional flirty text or him going out with his friends and talking to girls it might prevent the breakup, while also allowing him to at least get to know other girls so he didn’t resent me later on. i also knew he would never actually cheat on me. i shrugged it all off for innocent fun because he was young and in college and all his friends were carefree and doing this. also, truth be told i never felt threatened by anyone else. it seems silly to say but he always seemed to talk to girls who weren’t very attractive or smart. again, i think this has to do with his low self esteem. people often told him that i was out of his league and he was lucky to have me. i never felt that way but i think for these reasons he sometimes flirted with less attractive and intelligent girls to make himself feel powerful and more confident. its no excuse when i look back on it all now. i hope during this time he is really reflecting internally to see what he wants moving forward and i really hope he considers that he might actually lose me! while I’m not there yet, i know i wont wait forever and i know when i feel ready to date i will be able to find someone great. its difficult because i don’t want to rush him or pressure him in this phase because if he comes back before he’s 100% ready this will happen again, but sometimes i feel tempted to just knock some sense into him and tell him the longer were apart the more i will move on and the less i will want to reconcile! its all so frustrating and my thoughts i feel like keep getting more and more confused as time goes on. i thought i would reach some clarity, but in reality i think I’ve just been getting more confused.
    anyway, you know your situation the best, but i wouldn’t take the fact that he hasn’t contacted you to mean much of anything. I’ve been doing plenty of research on reconciliation and reading different stories and talking to different people and i think I’ve noticed a pattern of usual 2-6 months nc before the person who left initiates much of anything. i wouldn’t assume he’s in love with someone else and forgotten about you at all! but i do agree with @belle that I’m a bit envious you’re feeling like this might be the end of the road. i feel like if i felt that way about my ex, it would be making this time easier so i could be forced to move on. i almost wish he would tell me theres no hope of getting back together so i could let it go peacefully. now i just feel confused not knowing what will happen when or how he’s feeling.

    i also slipped up and looked at my ex’s Facebook through one of my friends. there were no new pictures of him, no posts other than from his brother and roommate, and he hasn’t become friends with any girls on Facebook. i know that doesnt mean much of anything but i must admit i felt a little relieved.

    • Total Posts: 397

    So, what’s the difference between someone whose addicted to yourself or one whose just head over heels in love?

    Aphro,you said your ex contacts you several times a day, nightly calls etc, how is this addicted? My ex was kind of obsessive about me seriously so. To begin with I thought it creepy,like he would copy things I did, or my opinions, when we were looking for a house he just agreed with everything I liked or even changed my mind he would change his mind too!
    I think to analysis people and there actions it’s a too deep field as personalities, neediness, insecurities, love…. I think the addiction is a too broad spectrum we can shove everything underneath that umbrella as the excuse and reasoning why.
    You were with him 10 yrs, that’s a lot of time! Obviously you both changed and he might have taken the piss with you which you allowed and the more he walked over you the more you took it until he probably did t respect you and even not like himself. He’s probably in disgust with himself and if he is indeed with another woman you know it would be a rebound, not that is much comfort I know. I think once men cross that boundry of sleeping with another woman it’s kind of over however much of a rebound and messed up they are. I know if my ex slept with someone else I could never ever have him back. But…. Look at D… He’s been in a 5 yr relationship after me, I don’t have the feeling for him as I do my ex but he’s giving me what I need and it’s companionship and distraction. He flatters me, pays attention to me and if it carried on and my ex closes his book with me then whose to say that D and I have a rebound and I sleep with him? I’ve no intention mark my word but talking hypothetically!
    The difference I think is that many years have passed and I got over him long time ago so it’s like a new relationship (even though it’s not!). Everything that happened in the past is exactly there, he hurt me a lot, I felt as I do now. So, even though we say we wouldn’t sleep with our ex’s or want to get back with them if they have relations elsewhere, once the anger and hurt goes it is indeed just like a new relationship starting at chapter 1 with a new person except you’re familiar with that person.

    We all need to move on, we all need to close our relationships and think to ourselves it’s over and it’s time to move on. We need to do that no matter what happens in the future. Not only do we have to close our relationships we actually have to get to the point where we bury our ex’s dead, rather than burying them alive! That, I’m afraid is what will take the time. This whole year will be working towards burying them dead. If they want to reignite the relationship then they will have to start from scratch.

    Phew! I need a cuppa now and a get the shit out cry! Lol

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, i completely agree with what you just said! for any of us to have successful reconciliations, we need to really bury the past and the hurt and anger and start from square one. i believe sometimes this isn’t possible if too much damage has been done, but i think sometimes it can lead to even better relationships in the long run. we all clearly have love and special connection with our exes and i believe that foundation is necessary for starting over. starting over with the person you love can be an exciting process. as for my ex sleeping with or dating other girls, i would forgive him. I’ve actually thought a lot about this and maybe its because I’m younger and my situation differs, but i believe that if he comes back to me, it must be because he has lived his life completely independently of me and decided he was happier when i was in it. part of being single, at my age especially i think, is dating and experimenting with other people. I’m not sure i would be able to handle it if he had another serious relationship or something very consistent, but I’m a firm believer in everything happens for a reason. if its meant to be, and he does come back, i will believe every course of action he took while we were apart led him to that decision. if it takes him a few one night stands or some awkward first dates to appreciate the love and connection we had, then so be it. if he doesnt see other people in this time apart, we will definitely never reconcile.

    i know your situations are different but i think a main reason for most breakups is a person stops appreciating his/her partner. sometimes it takes seeing what else is out there to appreciate what they had first.
    right now i don’t feel the desire to date. but the reason I’m not really dating is because i don’t want to because i didn’t find it helping my process of moving on. but thats my decision and i made it solely to help myself and not because I’m concerned about what he thinks. if we reconcile, i will not ask who he did or didn’t sleep with while we were apart. he is single now and free to do what he wishes, as we all are and all of our exes. i will just assume that what he experimented with while we were apart led him back to me and a stronger commitment.
    I’ve already began burying my past relationship. i see mistakes we both made and i know how i would want things to change going forward. whether or not i will get the chance, i guess in a way is up to fate.

    I’m having a very sad day as well. i keep getting the overwhelming feeling to cry and call him. i miss him so much. its not a smooth process of getting better everyday but rather good days mixed in with bad ones. trying my best to stay strong

    • Total Posts: 297

    When a thought of my ex pops up in my head I also say to myself….don’t do this to yourself. I understand Belle

    I just realized it’s been 18 days NC.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @mike2014, it’s been 19 days for me and feels like forever. I feel like I’ll never possibly make it to 3-4 months but I’m nervous to contact him before because I don’t want him to realize how hard it is for me not to text him. I fear if I look weak to him he’ll take all the time he needs so im trying to keep Nc so that maybe he’ll come back if he thinks im moving on

    • Total Posts: 297

    That makes total sense Atea. Since iv been broken up for a long time, the 18 days have went fast. I like everyone here also wondering if we will ever talk again.

    What is stil weird is her brother still texts me a lot. Usually Friday or Saturday nights we talk. He always sees what bar I’m at and if we can meet up.hes like my little brother and always will I tell him. We havnt discussed her lately which is good, we are now just friends which I like. He will,always be like family to me. I also trust him if I would tell him something. He kept everything i told him to himself and never told her. I think he took the breakup just as hard at me and sided with me over her which I feel bad about.

    I do miss her parents as well. I emailed her mom in early summer not long after breaking up just to thank them for everything. I asked her not to tell my ex that I did this. I was surprised when in oct when I mentioned it to my ex I did this that she said her mom did in fact never tell her. She was sad I did that because as she said I did all these nice things when I didn’t have to and been real nice after she hurt me. My ex when we hang out would never mention it to them her brother would say, but last time my ex said her mom wanted her to make sure to tell me said hello and misses me. this is one of the tougher things as I’m sure you feal too Atea since we were with these people for a long time.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @mike2014, sounds just like my situation! Since my ex and I started dating in high school, I basically grew up in his house and was extremely close with his family. I went on many family vacations with them and always had an extremely close relationship with his parents and his siblings. When he first broke up with me his mom texted me said they she was really sad to hear we were taking some time apart but that she knows we both really love each other and she hopes this will only strengthen our relationship. I hadn’t spoken to her since but she texted me again last week congratulating me on my grades from first semester (we are very close family friends so im assuming my parents must have told Her). The situation is very complicated as well because of how close friends are parents are. I know they have tried to keep some distance from each other so it’s been hard all the way around. My ex also has a younger sister. I met her in elementary school and now she’s in high school! She doesn’t have any sisters so always considered me her big sister. We used to text and go shopping and out to lunch often. I had reached out to her initially when we first broke y

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