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  • #24743
    • Total Posts: 323

    You know what.. I really wish Kevin could give some advice on what to do when we want our exes but we’re pissed off with them. How can we reconcile if we still have all this anger towards them? I regret not being more angry at my ex and getting it all out of my system right after the break up so I wouldn’t have to be dealing with it now. I’m gonna make a topic about this and see what others say

    • Total Posts: 397


    I was sad to hear that your ex told you to see a therapist rather than sitting down with you to hear what you had to say. That’s typical blokie behaviour, cutting you off and turning his back on you which makes the rejection so bad. They almost want to be that nasty to us, control the situation with pain. As we know the best thing we can do about that is NC.
    As you asked about why Kevin doesn’t give advise about our anger, I guess the NC is supposed to let the anger disappear. With you and I, our anger isn’t going to just for that disappear because of NC unless we did like a year of it! We associate our ex’s with pain, rejection and misunderstanding and not being listened too.

    I’ve been busy today so my need to send him the email has subsided somewhat and back has returned the power I have from not responding to his email!
    I so want to get to 30 days! It will show self control! Something I lack in at times! After 30 days I will send the email and by then I would have re drafted and re drafted and hopefully got it perfect.
    Yes, the thought of him not responding would be crushing, so another you reason not to send now.
    I think in another couple of weeks he will be thinking what the hell has happened to her!
    I remember in the depths of despair pleading on phone to him he said something that I will,never forget. He said “you will never forget me”. Said in a tone of Ha! That will teach you!
    I do not want to be one of these stalker ex’s! If it’s over it’s over, I will send my email in 2 weeks and aim to move on, or should I say begin to accept he will never be back and I need to let it all go.
    The more more I think about it the more I see his issues are huge and unless he’s prepared to address everything then fact is we would never work out.

    I’m going over to have a look at your new thread……

    • Total Posts: 323


    Happy to hear you’re already feeling stronger again!

    Yeah my ex, lovely as he could be, had the ability at times to be the most cold hearted person I have come across. He had such a duality about him. I think he felt my hurt wasn’t his responsibility anymore because he had broken up, so he felt he was no longer obliged to listen and thus told me to talk to a therapist about it.
    It’s as if once he decided not to be with me anymore, he just unleashed this whole other side to his personality, a side that didn’t give a f*ck how I felt or how he looked in my books – because it would be over soon anyway. He insulted me so much, when he saw me naked once after the break up (I was staying in his house) he said “it’s ok, it’s not like I think you’re gross”, and called my taste in music crap (his best friends always said I have great music taste…) and so much more. Maybe I’m over-sensitive but these are things he would never ever have said to me before. It was as if a switch went off. I’m wondering if he genuinely lost all love for me at that point, and was just annoyed by my existence now that he was done. It was as if he didn’t have to put up an act anymore or feel obliged to treat me with respect as I wasn’t his girlfriend and he didn’t plan on be becoming it later either. I wish I could go back and act completely differently. Looking back at myself I was acting like such a pathetic scared girl. After he broke up I cooked for him, helped redo his house, cleaned… All while he was such an ass. I can’t think anything else but that he must have lost all respect for me at that point for having no spine.

    And I agree!! I think it would take years for me to get over this anger. The only thing really that would help is talking to my ex about everything, but he’s just stonewalling, and if I do talk to him he turns himself into the victim – and I can’t help but feel bad for wanting to talk about what bothers me, then angry because I know I shouldn’t feel bad. It’s so frustrating.

    Haha I’m guilty of lacking self control too, so doing these 30 days will definitely be something we can both be very proud of! I’m going to be doing exactly the same as you, writing and shaping an email, and then assessing if I’ll send it or not on day 30. Yes he will really wonder where you went the next couple of weeks – and who knows maybe my ex will too.

    What your ex said on the phone to you is probably the most cringeworthy I’ve heard all day. “You will never forget me”. What an ego and what immaturity! What’s wrong with these guys? But that just proves everything! He’s punishing you by the void, and he thinks you will wallow in not forgetting him. He stopped hearing from you and then decided he needed to reinforce the fact that he’s not there (the email) and won’t be, wanting to evoke a reaction from you that will tell him he’s still on the pedestal.

    I’m just seeing that I wouldn’t be able to do a false friendship with him. There is too much pain that needs to be liberated first. If I truly am to place myself first, that would mean sending him an email to express how I feel about it all. Being nice to him is really a slap in the face to my own self-respect.

    • Total Posts: 323

    Oh and I would like to add that me saying he was an ass stretches far beyond what I said in my post just now, haha. It’s not something I would want to write online but would have told you in person Belle.

    I really have so much resentment to get rid of:( So much self-improvement to be done to get to a place of acceptance and peace!

    • Total Posts: 944

    good morning everyone! so much to catch up on today!! i will try to address everything, but let me know if there is something i missed!

    , that must have been painful for him to tell you to see a psychologist to discuss the breakup with rather than discussing it with him! again because of my personality i guess i somehow am unable to feel anger and always try to take the best out of the situation, so i don’t mean to defend your ex, but i do want to say that i think people say things throughout breakups that they don’t mean! emotions run high on both sides and i think a lot can be said in the heat of the moment. just imagine if we were telling our exes every thought we were having right now!! one moment we would be telling them we love them and can’t live without them and the next we would be telling them to get out of our lives for good! thats why nc is so important. as for reconciling when you’re angry, i think its impossible! but i do think your anger for him will subside and i think nc will help greatly with that. you should try to stick with nc until you are feeling more calm. i do not believe you will ever completely get over the way he treated you for the break up, but you will move beyond it and start seeing him in a more positive light. and if you don’t, maybe it will help you move on and you might decide you don’t want to reconcile! in response to your question of if you would’ve felt better telling him how angry you were then, i can answer that i did that! i sent my ex plenty of nasty texts, emails, etc. its funny even as i was sending them i was apologizing just telling him it was therapeutic to me to get my feelings of anger out towards him and his response was “i totally understand and by all means let it all out!” and so i did for weeks at a time, lashing into him and he always took. always responded telling me he felt badly and was sorry and that he now recognizes that he isn’t ready to put in the necessary effort to make me happy at this point in time and that i deserve to be treated like best girl in the world and he wouldn’t commit to me (or anyone else) until he was able to treat me in that way! i will say i think at a certain point i said everything to him that i could have possibly said and i did find comfort in that, but i also look back on it with a little embarrassment. i think i was a tad dramatic and dragged on the initial breakup for weeks. in retrospect, i wish i would’ve went nc immediately and taken the breakup with a higher level of class and maturity. i also think he is a bit scared of how deeply he hurt me and will be scared to re-enter my life once he thinks I’m happy and moving on because i think he genuinely loves and cares me so much and while he might not have been crushed by the actual breakup, i think he was crushed by how much he hurt me. so in a way, i think its maybe a good thing your ex doesnt know. it makes you seem more powerful in a way. if he knew how much it impacted you he would probably feel in an even higher position of power! i think thats how my ex feels. that when he wants me back he can just snap his fingers and ill be there because that was kind of how i left it with him initially, but not anymore!! he must earn me back if he wants you and your ex must do the same!! I’m glad your desperation has passed. and i was laughing out loud listening to how expensive breakups are because its so true! I’ve treated myself to lots of retail therapy, manicures, massages, trips out of town, etc. – anything to make myself feel better! it costs a lot of money for someone who is still working towards a masters degree!!!

    , im so proud of you for not having sent the email! i know how tempting it is once you have it written and truly want to express your emotions. i think waiting for another two weeks will make you feel truly so accomplished! making it through the first 30 days of nc, i think is a huge milestone in the whole process to move on from the breakup. and i really do believe now more than ever that we all must move on at least a little before reconciling. if we want the relationship to be different the second time around, it is a must!! thats why i think waiting 6 months is a really good time frame. after so many years, the love we have for our exes wont be tarnished in that time, but we will feel less anger and will feel more independent, which will lead to much more successful relationships. last night i had dinner with one of my best friends and i was telling her about my new philosophy of living life one day at a time and not pressuring myself to move on or date around and she told me she thought i was in such a better and different place than the last 3.5 months. i actually genuinely and wholeheartedly agree that my ex and i needed to separate to grow as individuals without each other. i have never felt so independent, accomplished, and motivated as i do now. the breakup gave me a little kick in the ass that i needed! i do still want him to come back more than anything, but i think with my newfound confidence and having this time to myself and for him, it can be so much stronger moving forward. I’m glad also that you recognize your ex contributed equally to the breakup. you’re so right that for any of us to reconcile with our exes, we all need to take responsibility for what caused the end of the relationship – our exes included! thats why i think waiting to reconcile is healthy. there would need to be many discussions about what went wrong, what can be changed, etc. and i think the more removed from the situation, the more clearly we will see things. i am also imagining your ex feeling very frustrated that you didnt answer his email – you have taken the power into your own hands! pretty soon he will be on here wondering why you haven’t reached out to him. the first half of nc is so much more difficult to get through than the second, so you will get through the second half with no problems. you might even decide not to break it!! stay strong and keep revising that letter until you feel its absolute perfection!

    , i think your ex is always scared to close the door completely. my ex was kind of similar. he told me last time we met up that he wanted to occasionally hang out but never reached out to do so. i think its hard for your ex to see you as well. she clearly loves you but for whatever reason, she’s not ready to get back together yet so i think seeing you and talking to you has to be very difficult for her as well. i think she said she wanted to hang out again so she could have a reason to contact you and see you if she wanted but she is probably trying to be strong and grow on her own and i can imagine when you see each other a lot of emotions come running back from both sides. i have no doubt if you reached out she would agree to see you, but i think its good you’re waiting. i would really try to get through 3 months nc and then see how you feel. i think you should respond to her if she reaches out, but give her space as you’re doing so you can both re evaluate. it sounds to me like you’re both working at perfecting yourselves before you re enter the relationship but by no means is the love between you two lost,so take your time! i just have one question for you and i know its probably impossible to answer. but can you give me any insight from a guys perspective about how long realistically you think my ex will want to be in this single phase for? he kept telling me had no idea but his gut said a few months but I’m always left constantly wondering if it will be 4 months, two years, or somewhere in between! if you have friends who have gone through something similar or just from a guys opinion, is it possible to give a timeframe for when you think he will be ready or contact me? i think I’m dealing with the breakup ok and much better now, i just constantly wonder if and when ill hear from him and how long he really will want anyway! i feel like theres kind of a delicate window here. he needs to have enough time away to fully get this out of his system but i think its unrealistic for him to have too long away and think he could just come back! any insight would be greatly appreciated.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Thank you Aphrodite! Haha. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks this “you will never get over me” comment is the most up your ass you can get! I told you, as I told him all the time towards the end that he really ought to being his head out of his ass and smell the coffee!

    Poor atea!
    You are so full of advice, so genuine and so lack of any anger and you’re stuck with Aphro and myself! You can’t say a bad thing about anyone and your ex is a fool to have let you go! He’s sooooo going to regret what he’s done. Most women are a tad crazy (hormones) haha. Ok, misunderstood, that when\if your ex meets someone that’s a little more regular he’s going to come back full speed to you with tail in between his legs!
    He needs to learn how lucky he is!
    In mean time more manicures,pedicures, facials and retail therapy in the mean time!

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, you make me laugh!! i love reading what you and @aphrodite have to say! i think i am starting to feel more frustrated that my ex didn’t appreciate me as much as he should have. i hope you’re right and he will regret it! its been 3.5 months and he doesnt seem to be coming around at all. i hope soon he realizes he took me for granted!! but yes, manicures and pedicures and retail therapy for sure in the meantime. we should treat ourselves for going through all these emotions. lately i feel a bit tempted to reach out to my ex and tell him how much better I’m doing and that i think this is his loss but that will not do anything but push him further away! for now, just need to wait this out! I’m envious that both of your nc periods will be over in 15 days and mine must go on indefinitely. so frustrating to feel like i have no control over this situation!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Never fear Atea! We are jealous for you! Our initial 30 NC will be over in 15 days but really, that’s just the point of first contact to recieve the back lash and fish in face! If no joy with the email or even getting a reasonable response back it will be onto the next 60 days of NC.

    You’re so strong, I’m impressed how well you’ve done. How naive he is! Little does he know you’ve moved heaven and earth to get to this point. I guess for all our ex’s, they are in total ignorant bliss to what we are going through.

    As time goes by, I just feel my ex lacks integrity. How he pleaded with me, but soon as I warmed to him he turned his back. Maybe one day, he will tell me his reasoning. Until then, I improve myself, learn about myself and go on in life without him (for now)!


    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, i can so see why you would feel that way for your ex. it seems as if he’s letting his ego get in the way of his feelings! almost like he wont reconcile because he’s like “giving in” or not “winning”. it seems so silly to make this all a game! like he wanted you to want to get back with him but as soon as you said the words suddenly he wasn’t interested! i will never truly understand how guys think! i think my ex must notice that i have been feeling better simply because i stopped reaching out. no more begging, pleading, asking to meet up, etc. as you said, I’m getting on in my life without him for now! i do feel like as more time goes on though i am getting less and less hopeful that he will return. i guess only time will tell! almost 4 months post break up for me…

    • Total Posts: 297

    Yea I understand your responses to my question. It makes sense. I’m going to have chalk this up to her just being confusing.


    I forget how old your ex is? Is he in college? If he is then it will probably be till he is finished and then will be at a point where his life is different to settle down. Are you both in the same town now? Or is their distance between you both? I was someone who was very honest and even blunt with girls in college. Once I didn’t want anything to do with them anymore I pretty much told them I didn’t want to talk or see them again. When I would run into them it was a quick wave and kept moving. You ex is taking a gamble now and it might not work out in the end for him. You have to life your life now like a single girl and have fun. Don’t waiste your early 20’s….I wish I could go back to that point…it was so much fun! I think you plan is a solid one. I would definitely see where he stands right before summer. That should be enough of a time frame. If he still wants space then live your life and who knows Maybe on day you still can reconnect, but you shouldn’t wait around for that. I still don’t feel texting once in awhile is a bad ex likes to call it “catching up”. I might be wrong with that as some have different ideas on communicating.

    I think it was good you thought twice about sending the email. I don’t think he deserves to hear from you with the amount of respect he has been showing you. Make him wait so it does t seem you are dependent on hearing from him. Stay strong!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Thank you atea and mike2014.

    Your views are valuable to me.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @mike2014, he is not in college. he is 23 and this is his second year out. we are both now in the same city. its funny because we did long distance in college but now he decides he needs his space! i guess i will see if he contacts me again or revisit at the end of march (after my 90 days nc) if i want to reach out to him. if we broke up mid september, do you think around april/may he might want to reconcile? I’m trying not to wait around! i have been going out with friends, studying a lot, etc. but i know in the back of my head i don’t feel open to dating anyone else. maybe if by that point he doesnt want to reconcile i will feel more up to it

    • Total Posts: 297


    That is weird because usually as a guy it would be in college where I would have wanted the space. Now that he is out he’s in the real world where settling down would seem more realistic. I don’t know tho. I think you time frame is good. At his age he should be starting to know what he wants post college. I have another friend who started dating his girl at 16 and they are still together kind of. I say kind of because now he is cheating on her and his excuse is that he never experienced time spent with another girl because she was his only. I just told him you are playing with fire at our age. It’s not great to be our age and single. He’s going to lose his main girl over some side piece floozy. Maybe your ex wanting space now is good rather than what my friend is doing.

    • Total Posts: 397

    It’s difficult not to analyse people and motives. What one guy does for one reason the other might do it for another reason.
    I do think though that guys like your ex Atea needs to live the single guy life for a bit. They don’t want to life next 10 yrs wondering what if. I also believe your ex has much integrity by how he’s gone about this. You are doing exactly what you need to do it win him back! You’ve not caused him grief, except in early days which is understandable but now you’ve backed right off.
    I think all our partners will come back when we are indifferent and have kind of moved on. It’s always the way!

    • Total Posts: 297

    I forgot who asked about maybe my ex had trust issue. That was not the case. We both were not jelous people or controlling people. Actually we were completely the opposite. This is why I think I might be doomed. If I was with someone Who was possessive or controlling that would be the end of it for me. If a girl ever asked to see my phone I’d end it. I don’t want someone in my life who doesn’t trust me. I never got the idea that she was being shady so I wouldn’t think so ask what she was doing. We both were too independent. We never would check the other persons phone or if someone texted or called never asked who it was. She encouraged me to go out with friends on weekends if I wanted and I would never say she couldn’t either. At the end I stopped doing that and she said its not good that I stopped being social. She was never really the going out type to drink but would do shows and stuff with friends. She liked to do a dinner with a married friend or just go their house and be with them and their kids. She even says now she doesn’t go to bars and such. She’s a very shy person and never really liked being approached.

    Did she think I would leave her?
    I never gave her the impression I would and I did ask for her back a week after we ended. Maybe she had thoughts of that but asking for her back should have changed that idea. I beleived her when she told me she wasn’t happy, but the loss of happiness wasn’t all my fault and that she needed to be alone to get herself back. Almost like the it’s not you its me saying. My sister in law told me at christmas last year my ex told her that she wishes we were progressing better and that we both had better financial stability. She was hoping we would make a break through in those areas. I think the fact we were both stuck and unhappy at the same time ended things for us. She was definitly unhappy and some of that can be traced back to me.

    If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you? I don’t remember your back story.

    Is anyone from the US? Or are you all from Europe?

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