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  • #24641
    • Total Posts: 397

    Hi atea, thanks for the valuable words of encouragement. You’re always so positive and always see a light at end of the tunnel no matter how sad you feel yourself. You have this attribute to your personality that he will not find so easily.
    The more we talk and encourage each other, our personalities are shinning through and it really is wonderful to have met you guys to help me through this rough stage of life. Because I can vent and get advise here it means I can appear pretty normal to the out side world, even though normal doesn’t exist I have realised in life! Everyone is screwed up one way or other! Lol
    This is priceless having to each other morning, noon and night! Obviously depending what country time zone ! Lol

    So, really when you’re feeling down, especially Aphrodite recently…think actually we could be doing all this alone and can you imagine what state we would be in! I don’t think we will EVER forget each other!


    I do not believe for a minute that your ex is making a conscious effort in moving on. No way.
    I gather he wants to live life away from you and get that experience of what life is like. He does not want you clouding his judgment of his feelings towards you. I think he’s taken the whole experience with both hands and see what life has to offer as a single guy. I do not think he is out to meet as many women as you have invisaged! As for sleeping with them, well if he’s been with you for 7 years he will take that part very seriously. I shouldn’t think he’s turned into a stud over night and have women flocking around his feet.
    By what you’ve said he wants to live the single guys life like his mates. Don’t over think the whole process.

    So in answer to your question. I think he’s not reached out yet because he’s not ready ( he did last week though didn’t he!). He doesn’t want to hurt you more than he’s already aware. I doubt because of that contact he made to you that he wants to fully leave you behind. He just wants fun as a single guy! oh, that does not mean he’s sleeping with every girl in town either! He just wants to have no girlfriend at the moment.

    Keep strong atea!

    • Total Posts: 944

    thanks for the words of encouragement, @belle! its funny my friends and family keep saying they think I’m doing so much better and i actually fully owe that to all of you on this forum! i haven’t told anyone about it, so its like my own little secret! i completely agree that its so nice to not be going through this alone and to also not drain my friends and family through asking millions of questions on what my ex is thinking, when he’ll contact me, etc. i feel so much more at ease knowing i have this to vent on 24/7. its helped me in more ways than you can imagine! i agree – i will never forget any of you and i will write back all updates on here always regarding my ex, happiness, etc. i also find it really rewarding to help people who are further behind this process than me. when i initially found this site i was a complete mess and i think i have improved greatly and really enjoy sharing my experiences and encouraging others going through similar things. i think you are actually spot on about my ex and thats more or less what he’s told me. he told me more than meeting girls, he wants to freedom to stay up till 5am playing video games with his roommates and not having to answer my questions about what he’s been doing! i agree that he’s really trying to experience life completely away from me and completely single. i have to give him credit for this and that he’s not giving it a half-ass attempt. i guess this is the only way he will know what he wants moving forward and i imagine it must be somewhat difficult for him to talk to me as well. i agree he hasn’t reached out because he isn’t ready – he told me he will when he is. and he’s also told me in no uncertain terms “i just really want some alone time to take a step back from everything”, so I’m glad he’s taking the time to go through this thoroughly because if we do end up back together – i refuse to ever go through this again!! this is why i don’t think hell come back unless he’s 100% sure. while I’m happy about this, i do worry about being years away from that point, but oh well, we will see what happens. and i also think he doesnt want to hurt me anymore than he has – he knows how distraught i was and i think he is keeping his distance and as he told me giving me the space i need to learn to be happy without him. i hope you’re right about him not wanting to leave me behind and i hope he knows i don’t want that either! but thats what he’s told me – he wants no girlfriend, just fun with his friends. i guess when you love and respect someone you sometimes need to just back off and give them what they need! without you and @aphrodite, i would no doubt still be breaking nc to tell him all these thoughts! i think meeting the two of you has been whats helped me remain optimistic about this break up! i do tend to be a very optimistic person but hearing unbiased opinions and not just “move on!” is amazing! i hope you are both having good days today πŸ™‚ we all deserve happiness!!!!

    • Total Posts: 323


    Yeah I suppose what my therapist said caused all this. And you’re right I don’t know for certain that he is seeing someone, just that there’s evidence towards it.

    Both you and @atea1234 are telling me to push the thought of him with someone else away, so I’m gonna try doing that. It’s probably the worst thing to imagine. I think I do have to face it as a possibility though, but not actively think about it.
    Hearing that you and atea are dealing with the same and pushing it out of your minds does help, it helps to know I’m not alone.

    Yeah you’re right, recognising what we could have done better is the most important thing, and we can’t do anything about it now other than maybe tell them about our insight at a later point. And yes he didn’t exactly nurture me back, and I turned into an angry Venus fly trap as a result.
    The idea of our exes not having learnt as much as us about this whole experience actually makes me feel a little relief, as maybe I can be better than him in at least that. His big ego deflated mine.

    You’re telling me not to put myself in a situation where I’ll be vulnerable, love songs etc… But isn’t this a good idea to get all the emotions out, until you feel empty of them? Considering the study that was done. Or do you believe it is better to distract ourselves?

    Hey I think any reason to get out is good!! And now you know what you can expect from seeing D so it may not be as bad this time.

    Sorry I misunderstood earlier thinking your ex had written a second email to hassle you on what to do about sky.

    And you bet he will miss the banter!!!


    You are really strong! You’re not letting your emotions get the best of you and frankly you’re kicking ass! Even though he’s on your mind all the time you’re really handling this in such an admirable and mature way!
    Like you and Belle I should focus more on one day at a time and not look to far ahead. Suppose I’m impatient!

    And I believe you’re right most likely it will get old for your ex very fast to be single, and for sure he won’t view other girls like he does you! Again I love what your therapist said “the grass is greener where you water it”. I had to write that down even, hehe.
    We all need to water our own grass!!
    I can tell you are trying hard to live in the present moment – and you and Belle seem to be doing a lot better there so I may come join you.

    I agree there’s no where but up from rock bottom, but I don’t think I’ve quite hit rock bottom yet. I shouldn’t think like that though – just go with the flow!!

    I think your ex isn’t reaching out to you due to fear of giving you mixed messages. Maybe he is also ashamed of himself a bit, doesn’t want to hurt you or remind you of everything.

    you said the more we talk the more our personalities are shining through! I agree! Though I must seem very like an unstable, desperate and angry person! Lol, but I suppose that isn’t far from the truth now anyway! You two seem a lot more level headed and you’re both navigating yourselves through this very well!!!

    It sure is priceless to be able to talk here, vent, rant, moan, explore ideas and the lot to people who can relate, and are in the same situation right now! You’re right Belle I couldn’t imagine doing this without this site right now! I’ll remember you guys for sure – we’re a team here:) I couldn’t say enough how much I appreciate the input from everyone, especially you two!

    can’t wait to hear how your evening went! x

    • Total Posts: 944

    @aphrodite, we are all feeling the same emotions as you are!! i do not think of you as unstable, desperate, or angry! i actually felt exactly how you were feeling before completing my 30 days nc the first time – we just didn’t have this thread yet so i didn’t write down all my emotions! as for listening to love songs and wallowing, etc. i think its important to find a balance. whats helped me is to give myself a set amount of time – say an hour – and let myself listen to sad love songs, read quotes, etc. but then when my time is up i force myself to go do something else, even something small such as leaving my apartment to get a cup of coffee, smoothie, etc. sometimes ill force myself to read a book or to put on a tv show to distract myself. but there are certain times it out course just feels good to get out a good cry and i am all for that! living in the present moment is extremely difficult but is easier than having to run through thoughts of a future without my ex. as for thinking about your ex with someone else, i think ignorance is bliss! i think our exes will or wont come back depending on how strong our bond was and how they feel about us in the next couple of months. even if they are seeing other girls now, it is definitely a rebound and i don’t think it will really have much impact on whether or not they return to us. it is absolutely unbearable to think of that, so when those thoughts come to your mind, actively try to get them out of there!! this will get easier in time.
    i have another question for you both. so my plan is as of now to remain in nc indefinitely, until he reaches out to me. but my question is, will there ever be a time if he hasn’t reached out that you think it would be acceptable to do so? if so, how much time do you think is appropriate from now for me to wait before reaching out if he doesnt?? i really value both of your opinions and couldn’t be getting through this without you!!

    • Total Posts: 323


    Thanks!! I think it will take a long time for me to feel stable. I’m now thinking that a text from him might throw me off my moving on game, so maybe it’s just as well that he isn’t contacting me.

    I agree, ignorance is bliss. Sometimes we really do have to protect ourselves. I read two quotes today that I liked; “The mind makes the man its slave. Again the same mind liberates him” -Swami Sivananda, and “In the middle of all difficulty lies opportunity” -Albert Einstein.
    Regarding the first one, I’m thinking that I can either be in the head space of that he’s moving on at an exponential rate compared to me, I’ll never get him back etc. Or I can be in the head space of trusting my gut feeling and that he will be back so I can just have fun being single now, or the head space of just living for each day… Basically we can create or own realities. So I’m gonna have a think about which reality I’m happier in and be ignorant in believing it for a bit. I think I need that as a security blanket for now.

    Maybe I’m at a turning point from this desperation I had the past couple days, hoping so, I’m feeling a tad more stable again now.
    I think I agree with you that a balance is good for wallowing and getting on with things. I like the idea of putting it into a schedule!

    My worry was that if my ex is seeing someone it’s not a rebound because it’s someone from his past. But I don’t want to think about it anymore right now.

    To answer your question, yes I think there will be an appropriate time for you to reach out if you feel it has taken too long. I would say mid-summer to autumn, as a time frame for this, but really I don’t know either. I think it’s possible your ex will stay single until he gets bored of going out or until he senses that he’s loosing you. I don’t doubt at all that he will want you back, so I think you would do best to relax and take this time to do things you’ve always wanted to do, be adventurous! And I think after a little while you should test out the dating scene again, but don’t think of it as looking for a new boyfriend just as hanging out with male friends. I think that removes a lot of the comparison between the guys and your ex, as you’re simply seeing them as friends. I think that if we get used to hanging out with men again, then gradually we will stop comparing them to or ex and begin comparing them to each other instead. Maybe that’s too optimistic of me but I’m hoping it will be that way.

    Just one last whine: I didn’t really believe in love until I met my ex. Before that I couldn’t imagine getting married even. I think it makes it harder that he was the one to change my mind on all of this. I went through a very tough process to trust him in the first place, and tore down all my protective walls for him after much persuasion and perseverance in him chasing me. This makes it hurt even more, because I was so very cautious with my heart and it still got broken.

    • Total Posts: 297


    I agree with what belle said above. Her advice is what I would of said. I don’t think he is looking for a girlfriend, but just to enjoy some space. Your path you are now is the right one. You are a strong person now which is good. Be positive!


    The thoughts of what your ex might be doing will only hurt you more. It is very hard not to think of, and I used to think that way all the time. Is she with someone or what is she doing. Those were thoughts I had to get away from because they will keep you up at night. It’s hard but you have a to try not to do it.

    Should I try to beg?
    I did that in the first two months twice when we were chatting all the time. I Could see it was hard for her to say no, but her response was she needs to be selfish and get herself better on her own. I had to respect that choice of hers. At this stage I just don’t see how I can beg again. It would make me seem very weak and I’m not weak anymore. If she comes back I want it to be her decision and not because I had to beg for it. If I do ask again it will be after asking her opinion of where she is in her thinking of US. I don’t want to go back to how our relationship was at the end with us both being alittle distant. I want it to be fresh and better than it was like it was when we are at our best.

    • Total Posts: 297


    I feel the same way you did about my ex being my real first love. That makes this harder. It’s hard to imagine ourselves with someone else. I’m a picky person and I find fault in most girls. It’s hard to let my guard down as well. I had some girls before her but was so young only 20 just about to be 21 when I met her. The other girls when I broke up with them or whatever never even thought about re contacting with them. It was like who will I meet this Saturday night lol. When I met my ex it was a whole different feeling, plus this was a girl I had to do a bit of chasing for. When she first walked into a class where I first saw her, I was blown away before even speaking to her. It took me like 2 months to even talk to her and that was only because one of my roommates at the time was a dancer and I saw a picture of my ex in her car. I said you know this girl! She was the one then who told her about me and we started to talk. It still took her a month to ask me out lol. I fear that I will never have that love at first sight moment again at now almost 30. Damn damn damn lol

    I hope you ladies have a great weekend. Continue on your path of being strong.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Why not say to her you still have feelings for her and that you would love to have an opportunity to take her out?
    I think begging will make you look weak. Women don’t like weak. We like strong assertive guys who can show emotion. Guys who can take the lead but are caring and compassionate.
    There is nothing worse than a whishy washy man who doesn’t really know what he wants!

    Atea and Aphrodite,

    I had a pleasant afternoon with D. Nothing exciting but he’s quiet nice to look at and I notice I fiddle with my hair when he’s taking to me….haha… Flirting I believe. It’s shallow on my behalf because he’s a good looking guy but I’m afraid to say…boring. He talks about his work a lot and I find it hard not to yawn!
    The attraction is there like it always was but I don’t find him mentally stimulating like my ex.
    My ex is averagely good looking but he stimulates me mentally and has an awesome sense of humour.
    I don’t feel sad after meeting D like the last time. I feel well, if this guy wants to see me casually then why not. I’m single after all πŸ™
    We’ve not kissed and I don’t really want to kiss him because I feel I would be cheating on my ex which is daft as he doesn’t want me! I also just don’t want to kiss him. I might kiss him if he went to kiss me because otherwise it would be well rude! Lol
    Anyway, as I’ve said before, it’s just nice for a Very good looking guy to want to be with me right now as I need all the confidence building I can get.

    I know you guys all think you will not meet anyone but we all will, if we don’t reconciliate, we WILL find love again. We will not have what we have had before but we will find another dynamic in another person. We are too in depths of grief to imagine this but once we get to acceptance stage and have not reconciliated we will ever so slowly start to recover and be open to new people. We may not find a new love for a few years but we will all be in love again. If it does take a few years that is good as we are all still in love and it’s a slow process of letting go and finding love again. We need to be in good shape mentally, have let the ex go before any searching.
    In the mean time we are still all hopeful and working towards reconciliation maybe for the next 6 months or so.
    If my ex is still blanking me in 6 months I’m most certainly going to kiss D! Like it or not! Lol


    My therapist recommended me a couple of books, not sure if I’m repeating myself but the first one arrived today. Facing codependence by Pia Mellody. It’s a great book that’s not too technical, easy to read and can relate too it. I know that neither of us are for sure codependent but it’s a good read and an eye opener of behaviour issues that could help now or in the future.
    I think my ex may have emotionally abused me unwittingly and we are currently seeing more behavioural issues right now by what he’s doing.
    It’s food for thought and if we use this time in learning and enriching so we can use all this new found knowledge in the near and distant future.
    Let’s say we reconciliate or find new love, with all this information we have we have a far better chance of succeeding in our next relationships….with ex or new! may I add!

    • Total Posts: 297


    I do think that is great advice. It is something I have considered. What is holding me back from doing that is there is another factor in play that I havnt mentioned. My work situation is terrible. It is something that causes me sleepless nights as well. I have been trying really hard to move on from that even it means moving out of state for work. I can’t ask her back now because of that situation. I want to be completely happy in life because getting her back now wouldn’t allow me to completely be happy with her. Work situation is what cause me to be distant from her the first time around. I felt embarassed I couldn’t offer her more in life and marriage because of my work situation. When we talk she always inquires about my work situation and if my interviews at other places have led to anything. Me reaching out deals with my work situation. It’s weird that she cares about that so much because financially she never mentioned that as a reason for the break but at our age I know it is something that played a role. She is in the exact situation I’m in about hating her employment and she is always trying to find better work in her field as well. We both had the same problem that caused our relationship to suffer because of our unhappiness in that. This is why I’m skeptical about asking for her back…I want to better all around before I even consider it.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Sure, I understand totally and however shallow it sounds women like strong men who can provide. It goes back to hunter gathering days and no matter how much women like to be equal to men the under tones will always stay the same. Women want men to look after them… It’s human nature. We like to be cared for and that’s why men with money have always been attractive! How many wealthy but ugly men have you seen with a tall model type lady on his arm!? Shallow eh!

    Well, you’ve an incentive to improve yourself and re train or study to achieve what you want? Or move for work?

    You come across no crazier than the rest of us! takes one to know one! X

    • Total Posts: 297

    Yea I know it’s true belle. I have a college degree but just want more out of it. I’m working towards something better and know it will come.

    Last time we talked I said to her ultimately I just want to be happy and she responded that’s all I want too. Not sure what she meant or what really is keeping her from being happy. It’s definitely not having me in her life lol.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @aphrodite, i love those quotes! and its true. although it sometimes doesnt seem like it, we do have the ability to somewhat control how we think! i think its pretty clear right now were all spending majority of the day thinking of our exes, but its just important that we’re able to manage thinking of them without worrying about taking action or worrying what they might be doing/thinking. this has been a struggle for me! when i think of my ex i just try to think more about how things could be improved between us in the future and how valuable this time off has been for me as a person. and i genuinely believe that! i have learned to be so much happier and more ok on my own. i am slowly reaching the point that i know i don’t NEED him back, but WANT him back. if we both come to this realization i think well have such a strong relationship going forward. the tides will turn for you soon and the desperation will pass. for some reason it seems to me that the two week point of nc is the hardest. and i know how you feel about your ex making you believe in love. trust your gut feeling. if you know somewhere in you’re heart he actually is the one for you, trust that this will all work itself out, and if he isn’t, as belle said, you WILL find love again! every relationship we enter we run the risk of getting hurt. its all part of living and learning. stay strong and this will get easier for you and you will be such a stronger person for going through this, with or without your ex!

    , im so glad to hear you had a nice time with D! i agree its so flattering to be with an attractive man who is interested in you. i think its normal to not feel as attracted to him as your ex obviously. I’m glad youre taking things slow and taking your time. and i agree, we all will find love again! I’m totally with you on the six month mark. i feel like if around 6 months from now my ex isn’t ready to work towards reconciling, i will start feeling more ready to put myself out there and date. for now i am actually kind of content being on my own and letting myself really feel all the emotions of my breakup. I’m learning things about myself I’ve never known and actually am proud of how mature and strong I’ve been able to handle the situation over the past couple of weeks. the law of attraction is definitely inspiring me! if my ex doesnt come back, i now genuinely feel like its his loss! he’s a great guy but i have always been such a loyal, caring, loving girlfriend and try to be a good and optimistic person! if he can’t appreciate that and is willing to walk away for more than 8-9 months time, his loss!

    , you sound so unbelievably mature about all this. i completely agree with belle’s advice and think it is spot on. but i agree with you – at your age you want to be settled in your career and at a place you are in life before you can marry and really settle down. i believe if you and your ex reconcile you will get married so you need to be at a point in your life that you feel ready. i think its wonderful that you’re taking the time to get your career straightened out. I’m confident you will and once you do you should absolutely take bells advice and ask for the chance to take your ex out! she will be so impressed with the new you! its funny, that love at first sight thing happened with my ex and i always wonder if it could ever possibly happen again! i first saw my ex when i was 14, had no idea who he was because at the time i was still in middle school and he was in high school and i remember saying to my friend “i don’t know that guy, but I’m going to marry him!” they all thought i was crazy but i always believed it to be true. i remember after our first date and first kiss just KNOWING. maybe it was me being naive and 15, but that feeling never left me. I’m not sure if this is a case of just knowing he is the one and being patient for him to get this out of his system or if this is just me being hung up on him because he was my first love. anyway i think you are handling this breakup with so much class. go out and get that dream job and get your ex back! you deserve it and so does she and you both should be happy together! sounds like the connection you had really was special and rare, don’t give up!

    • Total Posts: 323


    I was just curious whether you had tried to beg and plead or not. I completely agree with @Belle’s response to you regarding this! Strong assertive guys who show emotion is the most attractive feature. I just have an odd feeling about your break up, like it doesn’t add up. She really seems to love you by everything she has said (telling you she’s kept the flowers, not reading the letter etc). Which is what makes me wonder if she actually wants you to make moves towards her.
    I have gone through depression also, and when it gets really bad it’s as if you can’t see the woods for the trees. Sometimes you do have to retreat from everyone and everything in order to focus on yourself and get better. So it seems this is what she’s doing. It could be that she is embarrassed about her situation and doesn’t want to be with you until she has fixed it.

    I agree, you should not beg and plead now! I was thinking more about professing your love in an assertive way, when you feel ready.

    I’m such a picky person too!!! I rarely like guys and even more rarely fall in love. Even being in love I can find faults, though this didn’t happen with my ex. I know the fears you’re feeling about never feeling that love for someone else, and I too have difficulty letting my guard down. I worry that because of everything that happened I won’t be able to let my guard down and trust a man again, whether it’s him or someone else.

    Anyway, back to you. I understand how you want to be in a better place with work. It could be true that she has concerns about the future when you both don’t have high paying jobs, and she may be worried about committing to that situation as it would get difficult if you get children. Do what you gotta do to get to a place where you know you are completely happy about yourself!! That’s really the same as what I’m doing. We can’t be happy in relationships if we’re not happy on our own first.

    Go do you:)

    • Total Posts: 297

    Thank you all again for the nice words. I feel bad because I feel like I’m not contributing enough to the group but continue to get advice from you 3.


    Yea it’s crazy how sometimes you just know. It just hits you in the face. Like I said I never saw her before as she wasn’t a party girl but reserved. If it wasn’t for that class I probably never would have met her. I guess this is why I’m sorta kicking myself because of how I took her for granted. Can’t change that tho now. I think regardless of your age being young doesn’t mean when you met him it wasn’t true love or love at first sight. I am handling it with class because she was a great girl. I never worried about her being faithful or treating me badly. Like I said she made me a better person. It’s hard at this point not to give up, but I know a part of me will never give up. Like I said your ex asked for space which is way better than breaking up totally with you. Your situation is unique because I think he wants to live alittle without having to worry about hurting you. I really do think he will come back with time. Good girls are hard to find and you seem to be one.

    It’s good you had a nice day. I don’t think their is anything wrong with having a good time with what you described as a nice guy.

    Thanks for everything you have said. Honestly I just don’t know other than we aren’t together. I don’t know how now I can just ask for her back. I feel like it’s been forever. Maybe I’m just scared of rejection again.

    I never had depression, so I guess I don’t understand it that well. I know she is unhappy with many things in life. What you have said makes total sense based on the things she has told me tho. Like I said when I ask her if she’s happy she kind of shakes it off and said she has bad days and such still. She did say she needed to get better and be selfish so I try to respect that and have since late summer. It makes sense also what you have said because I don’t understand if you break up with someone how you can cry so long after in front of that person.

    I feel like I’m getting more than I’m giving here lately. If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask.

    • Total Posts: 14

    Having a hard time thinking that when my ex broke up with me and I asked her to be up front that if she is talking to someone else. She she said yes but taking it slow with him. That keeps on playing back over and over again. I really want to call her and go off on her. Cause we weren’t friends when we met. She thought it was going to be a one night stand then 8 years later. πŸ™

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