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  • #24505
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    @mike2014 – our exes sound exactly the same! I’m pretty sure thats what he says to his family and friends whenever they ask about it – that he doesnt want to talk about it. i do think he feels a lot of guilt for it (he even admitted this to me) and he too has said he hopes my family doesnt hate him. we grew up together so were extremely close to each others families. its funny the day after we broke up his mom texted me and said “so sorry to hear you and ex decided to take a break, but i know you both really love each other and it can only make your relationship stronger in the end!! we always love you and think of you as a daughter. please be in touch.” so it led me to believe that he told them it was some sort of break? he also initially kept telling me even married couples separate and reconcile sometimes and after being together for so long some space was healthy. i guess all of it has left me wondering if this is a “break” or a “break up”? and is there even a difference to this? it feels more like a break up in how he’s acted but i guess if his intentions are to come back down the line it makes it more of a break? i think I’ve come to realize they are the same thing after all!

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, you are in the right mindset!!! don’t force yourself to accept it’s over but also don’t wait around for him to come back. I’ve made sooo much progress since i switched to this mindset! by just taking each day as it comes it makes the whole process seem less overwhelming. I’m sure your ex has a great side to him or you wouldn’t have stayed with him for so many years! but its true he hasn’t acted very nice since things ended. maybe you will decide not to send the email, but either way it will be YOUR choice. i think you will know when you’re ready to make a decision on it. i don’t think your lack of response made him indifferent at all. it definitely created a rise! either he will start to panic that he is losing you or he might be feeling similar feelings of anger towards you, or maybe he is missing you. definitely not indifference!! if he were indifferent, he would not have used that lame excuse to make contact!!! you’re being stronger than him at this point!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Thanks Atea, for the weeks we’ve been on this forum there have definatley been changes in everyone. It’s good to see we are all moving on in our thought process.
    So many different feelings and emotions, things can change quickly from day to day. In general though it’s all positive, as positive as it can be!

    • Total Posts: 297

    I would accept what he called it, a break. Overtime it can lead to a breakup however if one of you decides to completely move on. It sounds similar to my friends situation that I shared with you where since they were both going to different college he asked for space. They both went on living their lives, still seeking each other when they went home and reaching out occasionally. Down the road they got back together and are now married and happy. It’s funny because my friend is a different person when he’s home compared to how he was at school. No one really knew him like I did because we were very close and I knew his family and how he was back home. I wasn’t surprised that they linked back up after school was over because at that time he knew what he wanted. He was ready to settle down. He didn’t want to hurt her because of things he would do at school enjoying the lifestyle of college. He knew he had to let her go and took that chance. If your bond is that strong you guys too will get back together. He didn’t date girls at school but wasn an angel either lol.

    Thanks you gals for reading my comments and responding. I am back to feeling much better after my two weird down moments.

    I have another question… She mentioned to me not long ago that she still has all the gifts and pictures of us and she hasn’t removed anything from her life. Is that something girls will do even after they end things? I took the few pictures down I had up and put everything in a bag in my closet. I don’t want to look at them, but I also don’t want to destroy all the memories.

    • Total Posts: 397


    It’s a little odd she would decide not to be with you but then mention she hasn’t removed anything from her life associated with you.

    If I dumped my guy, I wouldnt tell him I’ve not removed anything as that would give out wrong signal.

    Being a dumpee I rather not look at the pictures and presents he gave me for now. They are all tucked away, anything that might upset me.
    As I said if I dumped my man I may still have some things around that he gave me but it wouldn’t emotionally effect me to see them. I certainly would t tell him what your ex told you though! That’s just leading someone on and it’s wrong if you’ve no intention to reconsiliate or still have huge feelings.

    Saying that, depending on the type of conversation you had. If let’s she said the relationship was meaningful and everything you gave me is significant but I can’t dispose or remove anything but I can’t be with you right now.

    You can read into this what you like! It’s torment!

    • Total Posts: 944

    @mike2014, yes that story sounds similar to mine. actually i had come across a conversation my ex had over text with one of his best friends about a month before the break up and my ex said he genuinely thought he would marry me one day but he felt he needed this time off and his friend advised him to take it. it sounds like your friend took years away from his girlfriend though – and i definitely don’t feel prepared for that! maybe since were a bit older and in the same city it wont take quite as long for my ex. i do wonder if he is deciding to completely move on. he’s only initiated a conversation once and has been SO strong about sticking to this breakup. its still kind of hard for me to read whether he’s moving on or not. i guess in a couple of months ill ask him where he stands.
    as far as your ex keeping gifts and pictures and stuff, it sounds exactly like my ex again! when we met up, he was wearing a watch i gave him and still using the wallet i gave him years ago. he also told me he can’t bring himself to throw away my toothbrush at his apartment because he likes being reminded of me first thing in the morning and last thing before he goes to sleep. i was so confused!! he wont date me but keeps my toothbrush in his bathroom?! i personally have all the jewelry he gave me and other gifs and things in a box in my closet. i gave him back all the clothes of his that i had and i even gave him a shoebox filled with love letters and cards he had written me throughout the years. i didn’t have the heart to throw them away and knew i had no self control and reread them constantly if i kept them so i asked him to hold on to them for me and maybe one day i can have them back. your ex keeping all reminders of you tells me she is really not ready to move on. i think the first thing someone does when trying to move on is to try to get rid of those things. i think her keeping them has more to do with her being the dumper than being a girl. i think most people who get dumped initially try to ease the pain through getting rid or putting away some of those stuff. but i agree with belle its a little unfair for her to tell you this stuff. to me, it sounds like she still loves you and is scared to lose you, but for some reason is also scared to commit. i stand by what i said the other day that if at some point you want to reconcile, you should be completely honest in how much you love her and what you want. but i do think a longer period of nc is a good idea before telling her this because it will help you decide what you really want out of all this.

    , yes we are all slowly but surely making progress. I’m happy to hear you’re feeling positive! we all have such mixed emotions everyday and I’m so thankful to have you all to vent to!

    • Total Posts: 297

    Well she also showed me a vase full of dead flowers that I sent a month earlier for her bday. This was earlier in the fall. I didn’t ask to see them, she showed me them and they were in a different room. I remember I said yea you might want to throw them out and she was like everyone keeps telling me that, but I don’t want to. She is someone tho who hold sentimental value in things and never liked to get rid of things so maybe it’s just her way of doing things. I’m not sure if she told me she has everything still or if I asked what she did with the stuff after she showed me the flowers lol.

    This is why I’m confused at times lol.

    • Total Posts: 397

    I’m not surprised you’re confused!

    Why can’t people be straight up! Would make life a heck of a lot easier!

    Poor you!

    • Total Posts: 944

    I don’t blame you. That is very confusing!! She sounds very confused herself and I think she’s trying to be kind and not send mixed signals and not lead you on but it’s probably hard for her because she doesn’t know what she wants either. I think youve done a great job of getting yourself together and giving her space but I think at some point if you need to have another discussion with her about everything either for closure purposes or reconciling, you deserve to get clear answers from her!

    • Total Posts: 297

    I wouldn’t say poor me tho. She isn’t doing it to be evil or I’ll spirited. She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body. She has always been appreciative of what I have done for her in the past and even post breakup. It makes me happy at least that she was receptive to everything. I didn’t do my best of always making her happy when we together and gave up on doing nice things towards the end. Like I said if me doing the few nice things I did post breakup made her happy that’s all that matters to me. I don’t think she even thought showing me them would be something that would make me confused…I think I was just instinctive to share it with me I guess. When she cried so much that night…she texted me the next to apologize for how she acted and for being so emotional.

    Someone once told me that I don’t deserve closure from her. I now agree with them. I tried a few times to get it but will never expect it since I lasted asked for it in July. I know it’s too hard for her to give me reasons. She made a decision and I have to respect that…that’s really all that she deserves to do.Ultimately I’m just happy now that I got to spend 8 plus years with her. I don’t know if I will ever get that again but I’m happy I had it once. She really made me a better person and I’m appreciate of that now. I will see how I feel in March if I want to see where we stand. Maybe one day she will ask to work rhings out on her own. If not I have a lot of great memories.

    • Total Posts: 297

    And thank you gals for you responses and support. It’s very nice of you all!

    I hope my last comment did not come off rude. Sorry if it did in advance.
    I will preference my last comment with this. Towards the second half of our relationship I took her for granted. She did all the planning, made all the reservations and put a lot more into us than I did honestly. I got away from doing all the cute things she wanted and all girls want. I did nice things for her after break up for more of a thank you to her and an apology for taking her for granted. I know she appreciated because she even said you are doing nicer things for me now that you did towards the end lol. I don’t hold any anger towards her at and never will. I put more blame on myself for letting her go at the end. I look within myself now and acknowledge my mistakes.

    • Total Posts: 944

    you sound like a really great guy and I’m a little envious on how mature you are about all of this! i guess i just haven’t reached a place of acceptance yet, but maybe that will come in more time. your ex seems like a great person too and i have no doubt that she didn’t show you or tell you those things to hurt you. in reality, she probably feels scared and confused. she loves you but she feels she needs this time to herself. she doesnt want to string you along and make you wait but she also still loves and cares about you so she’s not cold either. its a tough position for her to be in as well. its great that you can recognize your own mistakes so you can prevent them in your next relationship whether it be with her or with someone else. its nice to look at it that you did have all that time together, but for me, i still feel like i didn’t get enough time! maybe a few months down the line ill get used to it more. someone also told me once that closure only really happens when one person has completely moved on and meets someone else or permanently cuts all contact. other than that, there is no conversation to really ever give any of us the closure we are looking for i guess. you seem really mature and it seems like the love you shared with her was really special. I’m rooting for a reconciliation for you 🙂

    • Total Posts: 89

    HELP! I need your advice!

    I need to contact my ex quite urgently for his expert opinion on something by the end of this week.. Should I? I mean, I honestly do NOT want to be the first one to contact him AT ALL and I guess I could make this decision myself, but it’s a bit stupid, because I know very little of this topic and it’s basically his job. Do you think it would defeat the whole purpose of NC if I briefly contact him on a totally professional matter? Like maybe by text or a quick phone call even.. I know I definitely want to keep Facebook messaging a NC zone still, because that’s where we do most of our chatting.

    I mean, he has no idea (hopefully) that I’m doing NC. I wonder if it would send a positive message for him to know that I still respect his (expert) opinion, or would it make a stronger impression on him if he found out later that I made this decision (possibly stupidly) without asking him?

    • Total Posts: 944

    @unimare, do not break NC!!! it will bring you back to square one. I’m sure there are other people you can ask or you can search online to find the answer to your question. the point of nc is to get yourself back. if he reaches out to you and you want to answer, by all means go ahead, but do not reach out to him. it will make the 11 days you’ve been through pointless. you should be doing nc to get yourself back and to take time to think and to allow him to do the same. I’ve found when I’ve broken nc after around two weeks its really difficult to start it up again. i always end up texting him daily for the next couple days and it makes everything harder. plus asking him a question would show you still want his help and value his opinion and those are not messages you want to be sending him right now. i wouldn’t think of it as a game if he would appreciate you still respecting his decision or if it would impact him more to find out you made the decision alone. nc isn’t a game – its for healing. you shouldn’t break it under any circumstance right now unless there is something going on that is crucial to discuss like death, illness, moving away, etc. stick with NC – you do not want to be friends and it is too soon to talk

    • Total Posts: 297

    Thanks Atea, but I wasn’t always this mature. I used to be quit difficult lol. I guess I’m just old. Yea I guess acceptance is a reason but I really don’t have any other choice at this point. You keep your hope alive. He asked for space, not a break up which is better.

    I had two things pop up in my head after the other day how I mentioned women don’t forget anything. 3 days after the break up I called her to meet up to talk. When we met up she said to me that she was surprised I reached out. I asked her why and she said well when we first started dating you told me if we ever broke up that would be it and you would never talk to me again or try to reconcile. I said that was like 8 years ago lol. The second happened on our last meet up. She mentioned how she is trying to still clean her bedroom up. I said that sounds productive. She then said well you did call me a hoarder once. The first I remember saying, but I definitely don’t remember calling her a hoarder lol. Who remembers that stuff!

    Good luck everyone on the NC period. Keep strong!

    I wish I could help you unimare, but that seems like a personal preference. If you think you really need his advice keep it casual through text if that’s possible for him to give the advice by that method. If you feel you need your space from contacting him then try to get advice elsewhere.thats the best I got sorry

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