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  • #24157
    • Total Posts: 397


    You’ve made me chuckle!
    Each of us look at each others situation and we naturally put our own breakup and reconciliation at the bottom of the pile and think everyone else is going to get back to get her except me.
    That’s natural we think like that but the end of the day that is just speculation. Non of knows what lies ahead and that’s why we analyse every single word, action and behaviour from our ex’s.
    I sympathise with you that you feel at a disadvantage because he’s being amicable, not much emotion. From where I am it looks like anything could happen at any time and if you lookout the bigger picture it’s only been 3.5 months. It’s felt like an age but in the scale of things it’s not. If you said it’s been 3.5 years I would say isn’t it time you move on! Lol.
    My wisdom says live life. My heart says no she can’t because she’s in the same boat as me. Time needs to go by. He needs this time being single, he probably watched his single mates have fun do crazy things and be carefree not having to worry about treading on egg shells with a girlfriend on the scene.
    He’s young, he needs to be a single guy. I know you know this and you’re doing a grand job. The fact that you’ve had such a close relationship for many years and have not even fallen out like my ex and I, there is every chance he will come back.
    You don’t know if it will be a year or two or even just another week! I feel for you, I really do, but it’s early days! Focus on April, your birthday and make your focus.

    There is no magic answer for you my lovely, he will be back at some point though. Sigh!!

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, thank you – that made me smile! i think i had the realization that he needs this time off – even the night we were breaking up he told me it was the worst night of his life and he hated himself for having these thoughts but it was just something he knew internally he would NEED to go through if we would have a future. he said very much of what you said – I’m not sure if ill need a week or two years or anything in between, but I’m really hoping this time off will confirm to me that you’re who i wanted to be with permanently. he needs this and so i can’t rush him! if i want any hope of having a future with him, i need to give him his time, which is another reason for nc – i want to respect his request for this space. but definitely the hardest part for me is just as you said, it could be another week, or could be another year or two! i am definitely trying to live life. the only thing i haven’t really had an interest in is other guys, which I’m assuming will just come with time if he doesnt come back – no need to rush myself. but i do know we will have other discussions about this in the future so its comforting to know that. i know it hasn’t been much time so i need to be patient. and i feel confident in the relationship. i was always a wonderful girlfriend to him , very close to his family, and the last thing i would ever want is for him to resent me in the future. time is my only friend here – be patient, wait for time to pass, be happy, and put no pressure on him. sorry for all the ranting – today i am just overwhelmed with wondering what will happen when. and you’re right – it is funny that we each thing someone else has a better chance of reconciling! the truth is its all so unpredictable and like you said anything can happen at any time! i have no doubt my ex will be back to revisit this eventually – i just really hope its sooner rather than later, although i will not be with him unless he can confidently tell me he 1000% knows he wants to commit to me! i never want to go through this again!!! thanks for the support πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 397

    You know what you have to do in the mean time, once you’re back studying things will be a little easier I’m sure. You know the ritual of what we have to do, doing time…. Rather like prison isn’t it! Lol. We are trapped within ourselves all wanting to escape!

    As I’ve said before, you will be very happy again one day, after time has passed we will all be happy. Whether we get back with our ex’s or find other guys we will be happy eventually. It’s just the here and now that’s so damn painful and we are all very impatient!

    You’re doing great atea.

    • Total Posts: 944

    I like that analogy! That’s what it feels like! Almost doing the time in our own prisons in our minds!! I do hope our exes eventually have to do this time as well even if it’s not yet πŸ™‚
    My mom always used to tell me sometimes you just need to wait out the hard times! Well all find happiness again but In the meantime im grateful to have you both to chat with. Time is passing without us even noticing and we are all improving daily!

    • Total Posts: 397

    I agree, talking to you two is a saviour! A true blessing you’ve no idea!

    Nearly bed time here so shall say goodnight and catch you tomorrow. You sleep well and that’s another NC day done! Yippee! X

    • Total Posts: 89

    Thank you girls for all the great advice! I had a more active day today, met up with a friend for some sushi and celebrated the birthday of a family member…

    An odd thing struck me, however, reading your stories. When you were talking about how your exes changed when they got a new job? I think that’s also what happened in my case! It wasn’t an immediate change, but he got an important job after graduating from uni and suddenly he presented himself as more important, had money, got his own apartment.. I think he felt like he’d be a great catch now and his colleagues were out partying at the most hip clubs in town and he wanted to experience that as well? I had never thought about that before, but now that I have, I feel quite disgusted.. He’s always been very money oriented and quite vain and all about presenting himself as an alpha male (which he’s not). And clearly that was worth giving up a great solid relationship for. :/

    And @atea1234’s motivational story reminded me of another one. My best friend got dumped by his boyfriend in spring, it was a really bad break up and she just stopped talking to him altogether. And I think 4 months went by? And then she just sent him a picture she drew for his birthday without any comments. Obviously it wasn’t a tactic or anything, she wasn’t expecting a reply at all. But he did reply a couple days later with a thanks and wanting to get together and when they did he apologized like crazy and said leaving her was the worst mistake he’d ever made etc etc. And now they’re back together. Which is quite an inspirational story in a way, also a story of how NC can work really well. Nevertheless, they had a lot of problems before and they still have those problems, so frankly I don’t see it lasting. Sometimes breaking up is just the best thing to do.

    I’m still feeling quite iffy about my break up. It’s been 9 days of NC already, the longest we’ve ever gone, and I’m a bit surprised he hasn’t contacted me at all. I can’t imagine what he’s thinking. At the same time, I have no idea what I would say to him if he did contact me, so I guess any extra time is appreciated. However, I have posted some positive life events on my Facebook and he hasn’t liked or replied to any of them, which makes it seem like he’s doing his own NC. I’m really sad though. I just want him to regret his decision. I have a lot of people telling me I’m a great catch and I shouldn’t worry, and his friends have also expressed that they don’t understand what my ex is thinking.. but somehow their opinion is still less relevant to me.

    Anyway, I’m still feeling stronger every day just because I’m resisting temptation to contact him. At this point I’m quite confident I won’t do anything impulsively and am just waiting for him to reach out. I even had a really legitimate reason to contact him the other day, and ask him something which is his field of specialty, but I didn’t because of NC. And it might have cost me some money, lol, but it was worth it!!

    I hope you all sleep well! I really appreciate having a place to vent and lovely people to relate to πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 944

    @unimare, 9 days of Nc isn’t very long! I know it seems it though. My ex and I had spoken every single day for the past 7 years so it was a shock to my system to even go one full day without talking to him. Almost like an addiction. I still miss him, although it does get easier! Glad to hear you had an active day and feel better. Just stay strong. People said the same about my ex – that they couldn’t understand him ending it! His own mom even told me she thought he was making a huge mistake! But we don’t know why they do what they do. The best we can do is keep Nc, stay positive and happy, and hope they come back or we move on and meet someone better! It’s nice to hear that story about your friend though and goes to show even in extended Nc periods that both people are probably still thinking of each other. I’m planning to keep it unless my ex reaches out to me. I’m not sure how long it would take him – but at least the end of April is my birthday so I can count on contact then and maybe ask him to meet up and see how he’s feeling from there!

    , I hope you sleep much better tonight!! I can imagine your ex is not sleeping very well wondering why you haven’t responded to his email!

    • Total Posts: 562

    So this is where youve all been hiding…

    Hello ladies. Anyone need a rebound? Haha jk.


    • Total Posts: 21


    • Total Posts: 21


    Hey I spoke to you like a day ago well she posted a pic of her and him on instagram saying tht’s her new boyfriend! WTF DO I DO I JUST STARTED NC AND THIS SHIT HAPPENS?! I WAS FINALLY STARTING TO FEEL GOOD ABOUT MY CHANCES And WAS TAKING IT DAY BY DAY AND NOW THIS SHIT HAPPENS!?

    • Total Posts: 51

    Oh noooo I’ve missed too much! Haha. I was busy all day yesterday and today and didn’t get a chance to look on here.

    Belle, I think it’s really great that you haven’t replied to the email! Think about it for a few days at least πŸ™‚

    All of you seem to be doing so well! It’s comforting to know I’m not the only one out there who’s going through this. It does feel as though I’m doing time though, you guys are right, haha.

    Thanks for everyone’s advice. I wish I had come on here sooner… I actually broke NC already, pretty pathetic. THOUGH, i’m actually feeling really good about things now. I just felt like clearing the air after last week’s drama and then resuming NC and sticking to it for real (I know I was dumb and making excuses, but it happened). We ended up texting about books and tv shows briefly last night. This morning, I sent him a cat emoji, and he replied, kind of in a flirty way, and I decided I wasn’t going to reply and that would be the start of my NC. That way I have the power! And he’s alllwayyys the one to end the conversation- not this time, woo!
    I didn’t think he’d text me again, not for a few weeks anyway, but 6 hours later I received another text! Haha. He just wrote about another show he’s been watching and recommended it to me… I think it may already be bothering him that I haven’t responded, as i’m ALWAYS there for him. Seriously. I think the longest I’ve gone without replying to him was a couple hours… So this is new. I’m wondering if he’ll text me again if I don’t say anything, or if he’ll just get upset. I know years ago when I was trying to avoid him while he was dating someone else, he was the one chasing me and texting me!

    Now, do you guys think I should just continue NC for a month? Give him a taste of his own medicine? I feel kind of bad just cutting him off without saying anything, as the only times he’s ever ignored me or gone on radio silence is when things got too intense. Whenever we’re just talking like friends, about light things, he would always respond! Sooo he’ll probably be really confused if I just stop talking again… ugh I know I shouldn’t worry about hurting his feelings, but I do!

    I could always wait a day and then reply, but very casually, say oh i’ve been busy. And then keep doing that. Be friendly, but act busy and like i don’t care as much… though he’ll still be having his cake and eating it too, as he leans on me for support. He likes to talk and i’m a good listener. Annnd obviously he’s not having luck with the dating websites.

    Maybe it’s better if I don’t reply until February. He’ll be wondering what is going on with me, and maybe think he’s really losing me. I always said he was losing me before but my texting and emails said otherwise, haha.

    Vent over, sorry for babbling ladies and @labound! I feel really good about being in power, but at the same time i’m conflicted on what I should do.

    You’re all doing awesome! Oh and hey, I lost unnecessary weight after the break up too. I actually went a few days without eating anything at all and could barely drink water, it was terrible. I felt like dying and my family had to force me to try to eat. I was already tiny, and then lost 10 lbs! But, my appetite has since returned and i’ve regained most of the weight back, and i’m actually now trying to resist the sweets, haaaa. I have lost a lot of muscle though, it sucks. I need to begin working out again.

    I wish I could get out of my head and into my life more, but it’s so difficult. I find i’m constantly planning, but not actually doing anything. I need to start bettering myself! I have a list for tomorrow, and I’m sticking to it, damnit, haha.

    Does anyone have anything excited planned for their future? What are you guys planning on changing about yourselves? Or doing to improve? I’m in the process of finding a new job, and I made a new friend- we’re going to be roommates and look for a place together this spring! I never thought i’d be renting again πŸ™ (I was paying off a morgage with my ex, but the house is in his name so I get nothing…), but oh well, it’s still exciting! I’m also planning on buying a road bicycle soon, and I want to save to travel. I also think I’m going to apply to go back to university… i may not get into the program until 2016, but oh well. Lastly, I want to teach myself how to play the guitar, and become more skilled in the kitchen! And just do more research and learn more in general… I’m very introverted, and find I lack things to talk about. I know I can’t change that completely, but I can try to become more social.

    Speaking of social… I’m hanging out with this guy that’s part of my group- (my ex’s group too). He’s just gotten out of a relationship too, so we thought we’d chat about things together. I’m wondering if he’s interested in me though… or maybe he wants me as his rebound. I know he had dinner at my ex’s a few nights ago, so i’m curious if he asked my ex whether or not he minded… if that’s the case, my ex obviously doesn’t care. Anywho, I’m seeing this guy tomorrow night and I’m nervous. He’s quite intimidating, and I don’t know what i’ll do if he makes a move on me! Part of me wants to go for it, and just try to have fun with someone, but I know i’m not ready to date. And I don’t want things to be weird in the group… I don’t even know if i’d enjoy sex with another guy at this point. I’d probably do it and then tell him I can’t again and ughghghg. I DON’T KNOW! I hate my brain sometimes.


    • Total Posts: 51

    Wow I really know how to ramble on, don’t I?

    • Total Posts: 51

    I should also say… I do realize NC is not just to make him want to talk to me, haha, it’s just an added bonus! I really do need to work on bettering myself, and it’s best to do it while on NC, so that’s what i’ll do. Sure, I enjoy chatting with him, but it’s not like he’s said he misses me and wants to see me, or wants to talk about us. He’s just using me as an emotional crutch because he’s lonely, and that’s not fair. Sooo NC is best, until things change!

    • Total Posts: 15

    Hey everyone!
    I just wanted to say that i am on my 21st day of NC!
    (this is the longest i have ever done with my ex of NC!) So i have to admit that i am oober nervous about contacting him after 30days. Of course it doesnt help my confidence that he is currently seeing someone. But im confident and happy and my glow has to shine through. to be honest i feel like my chances are slim of him reconciling because hes seeing someone. but it wont hurt to try. I read on here that i have to let it be his idea of getting back with me right? well when we meet up what do we talk about? I dont wanna bring us up at all and i also do not want him to talk about the new guy. I just dont want our conversation to be akward or go bad. I see him as a friend and i know i can keep it cool during our hang out but im just curious of how he will act. How do you act with your ex when you meet up with them after NC. Im sure i can be confident and fun but i still feel a little unprepared?

    • Total Posts: 944

    @teamjordan12 and @maebe, the answer for both of you is no contact – no exceptions! its funny people always used to tell me this when my ex and i first broke up but i never had enough self control and always thought if i kept in contact with him, he would remember how much he loves me, change his mind, ask to meet up, etc. i was WRONG! although no relationship is perfect, i think my ex and i were pretty close. we hardly ever fought, great chemistry, ton of fun together, healthy balance of time spent together, our families loved each other, etc. i truly believed he was my soulmate and still do! but he CHOSE to end our relationship for the reason being that he had never dated anyone else and needed to experience that before he could commit to me without regrets. he said if we were to be together in the future this was necessary. so there was nothing i could do to change his mind. i know he loves me. he knows what a great relationship we had, but he has to come back on his own. nc is helpful for MY healing. when we were in nc it was all about him and what he was feeling when. now its about me! of course i still love him as much and want to reconcile but i don’t NEED him and i also know i deserve to be with someone who really and genuinely loves and wants to be with me. if he comes back one day and says being away from me made him realize he only wants to be with me then great! but if he doesnt, i will get pass this and i will meet someone else. every time i broke nc i took 10 steps back. yes, I’m still tempted but i know it won’t get me anywhere. he knows how to reach me if he wants to reconcile, so no contact i make will sway him. and i don’t want to sway him. if he realizes he misses me on his own i would take him back in a heartbeat, but if he doesnt then he really can’t love me all that much! i understand everyones breakups are different but in my relationship i did nothing to push him away so i have nothing to be sorry for and there is nothing i can do to fix things between us because we had minimal problems and he left for the sole purpose of seeing what else is out there. if he likes what he sees, it wasn’t meant to be and if he doesnt, hell be back eventually. @maebe, i know how tempting it is to break contact but you will continue to stay stuck and he will continue stringing you along. you must make the choice to stick to nc and do it for YOU. so that you can get to a place of happiness. its ok to still want him back, but for your own happiness in the meantime, you need to do it! plus, if you don’t he will not respect you or ever come back to you as a boyfriend. don’t be his safety net or his emotional crutch. you deserve better! make him see that. stick to 90 days nc and then re revaluate if you want to be the one to initiate contact. @teamjordan12, DO NOT BREAK NC!!!!! she’s seeing someone. theres absolutely nothing you can do about it. remove her from all social media. do not look or try to find out information about her new relationship. breaking nc will not get her back – it will make you look weak and remind her you are there waiting. be strong. her relationship may last a week or it may last years – none of us know – not even her! most likely its a rebound, so let it run its course. she is probably using the new relationship as a way to cover her feelings and ease the pain. stay in nc. in fact,i wouldn’t contact her at all until this relationship has run its course.
    @krism478, do not break nc if your ex is seeing someone!!! absolutely not. you must wait for that relationship to run its course as well. i know you want your ex back but breaking nc will only reinforce that you’ll still be there if his relationship fails. you have much more of a chance of reconciling if you don’t contact him. start by challenging yourself to go 60 days and then reach out – by then i think you will feel more confident and able to handle it if it doesnt go well. also his new relationship might be over by then. 21 days is a huge accomplishment! keep building off that because when you break nc you need to start all over again

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