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  • #66485
    • Total Posts: 129

    That’s really funny that you say that because one of the last times we talked she told me sometimes she felt I knew her better than she knew herself. It is weird that people can’t see what they’re doing but it’s happened to me as well. As far as looking for conflict she actually didn’t really do that much, that was actually me for a period of time. It was mainly last summer when I was struggling with a lot of stuff, looking back I would just look for things to get mad at her about. Pretty childish of me but I guess like they say hindsight is 20/20. She was really good to me for a long time then she just changed one day. To my knowledge she still treats everyone else very good but I don’t know what changed with me and that’s the most frustrating part. I like it when people tell me what they think, I may not always agree with them but if they say it how it is I can respect them for it. My ex just stopped communicating with me and she was so good at that for so long.

    I’m glad I can give some perspective on your situation, it makes me feel good. I’m the kind of person who needs to feel like their constantly improving and I can kind of get down on myself (and life) if I think I’m getting complacent or going backwards. I think I’m getting better at helping others and communicating better. It’s really helped me help my sister who’s battling depression/anxiety. I 100% agree that it helps to get an outsiders perspective every once in a while, that’s why I appreciate all the advice you’ve given me. It’s help me feel better more consistently and not have so many ups and downs, this past week I’ve been feeling great improvement.

    Mister Handy
    • Total Posts: 69

    Hey guys, how are you?

    Any news? 🙂


    • Total Posts: 129


    I’m doing alright, no new news really. I’m on 1 month and two days of NC other than we texted each other once. I’m starting to think I may never hear from her again and sometimes I wonder if I want to.

    I’m not so hurt as much as I am angry now when I think of her, I try to keep my mind off of her as much as possible though. I want to move on.

    I hope things are well for you

    Mister Handy
    • Total Posts: 69

    Hey BaseballGay,

    I’m happy Knowing you are ok!

    For me a month and five days without contact, I still have in mind to send one last email to my ex, more as a way of farewell and for me to put an end.

    Every day I have more longing and less pain. As if someone who died and you know that no return!

    Today I think the horrible things she told me in one of our conversations and see how she is immature and it shows me that it may not be chosen one.

    I hope you get well too, and remember when You do not have anything to lose, you have everything to gain.


    • Total Posts: 129

    Hey guys!

    I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since I last posted on here! I just wanted to check on how things are going for you guys since it’s been such a long time. I hope everything is well!

    I’m doing pretty well, I’ve started a new job at an inpatient substance abuse rehabilitation facility and it’s really given me a lot of hope and inspiration that I used to get from my ex. Speaking of her, we have not had any contact whatsoever since we last talked, and I’m ok with that. I no longer have feelings for her, which is a great feeling (ironic!)

    I haven’t been into any new relationships but I have been on a few dates and I think I’m ready to put myself back on the market.

    Hope to here from you guys!

    • Total Posts: 26

    Wow…it has been refreshing to read things from a guy’s perspective. I asked my ex not to contact me for at least 30 days…the whole no contact thing did not sit well with me as I have never ignored him while we were dating. So far he has honored that request. Regardless of what happens…I want to treat my ex with respect. He and I spent over 10 months together and though he ended it…I want to make sure he understands how grateful I am for the time I had with him and the many fun times we spent together.

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