Boards No Contact Rule my no contact period..

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    • Total Posts: 24

    Day 15.

    Went to the psychologist and she said that I am coping well. We talked a bit about what what getting back together would have to look like If we did..

    I think he would have to geT help for the drugs. And he would need to live on his own for awhile. He and I could talk at that point but I don’t want to push it and I don’t want him or myself to ever fall back into a place where we ended again.

    I just have a hard time believing he will be back. I have to accept that he won’t and thats the scary part. He left things very open ended with me aND I don’t know if it was to soften the blow or if he meant it, or perhaps both.. But it can’t be open.

    And while I struggle to deal with not seeing him and the anxiety and just wanting to text him.. I have to get out of that mindset. I know that eventually he will have to talk to me.. Even if it’s when we decide to sell the house. BUT I think he will contact me eventually.

    I think it makes no contact worse actually when they don’t attempt to talk to you… It’s Like, is it worth it?

    His friend will eventually say something about what I have been up to if he asks or not, he will get curious about me. He will hear that I am enjoying my life.

    I’m off for a mini vacation tomorrow and it’ll be good for me. I can get a few things off my breakup bucket list.

    My psychologist said that his relationship with this new girl is likely all to do with the drugs and lust. she thinks he will have to hit rock bottom before he realizes what he has done.

    I kind of feel like having to keep the house for right now is like him and I keeping a part of us tethered. And it will always be there. So when we sell the house that would definitely be it, we would part ways ways, likely forever. And since he has time til the, he isn’t worried.

    • Total Posts: 209

    I’m so sorry honey. One sentence struck me and it’s true. He would have to hit rock bottom and whilst some women are willing to go down just to stay in a relationship even alone in it, at least he had the decency to letting you go and start your life again without hitting rock bottom with him yourself. Keep moving on. You can do it.

    A Chinese philosophy: close your eyes and imagine yourself in five years time. I bet everything will be completely different. And in a great way different if you make the right decision for yourself today. All my love xx

    • Total Posts: 24

    While I realize rock bottom might be the case for my ex, I still hope for the opportunity to decide at that point if he does come back or not of what I want.

    I think the biggest thing that bothered my about this situation is I didn’t have a choice in the matter. What I wanted didn’t matter.

    And there are moments when I think that I don’t want him back, but ultimately there are more moments of me wondering how and what he is doing. it just seems illogical of what happened. Trust me, I am not holding my breaTh..

    I am on my mini vacation and I met this guy (a friend of my sisters) and I am excited about meeting people. Getting out of this bubble I was in and experiencing the world. I grew up and still live in a small town, so that is huge for me. I don’t want the what ifs hold me back in life.

    I know that my ex couldn’t be out experiencing the world because of the drugs and the new gf being cling and her two kids. He has no car (I took the shared one when we separated) so he is stranded. And that’s sad reality for him because he cut himself off from the World from what he has done. And maybe he likes this crowded isolation but from what I knew about him he likes his space.

    I am enjoying my trip so far. It’s fun to let loose again.

    • Total Posts: 24

    I am on like, day 19 of NC. My ex and I have been broken up for seven weeks, and if you don’t know my story.. Quick recap.

    He and I were together for 10 yrs, he cheated on me, left me to be with this girl. we were together since we were 16 and I think some of the problem was that we hadn’t gone out and experienced life without each other.

    Well, I am trying to now, sinCe he is living with her now (we had a house together so money is tied up til we sell).

    I met this guy and I am of course attracted to him, and while I think it would be good for me to get out of my head and just have sex with him because it would help the emotional disconnect with my ex.. I dont know if I can bring myself to do it. Even just when this new guy would casually make physical contact by touching my arm or something, my anxiety went through the roof and I thought of my ex.

    I don’t get how it can be so easy for my ex to just disconnect from me. Trying to move on just makes me want to see and talk to my ex more.

    Does anyone have Any advice? I’m supposed to hang out with this new guy tonight.

    • Total Posts: 42

    I’m kind of in the same spot. I attract women.. But I can’t go through the process of flirting and getting to the picking up and having sex part. I think of my ex….. granted my story is a bit different and I’m younger but I probably would be in your spot of this had happened to me later on. Hang in there.. I haven’t been able to control my emotions but I’m trying so hard to not talk to her. Just go with the flow I guess. Have fun with this guy and when your ex comes into your mind, which he will a million times.. stay strong and try to let yourself go. But I really deeply understand where you are coming from.. you are farther down the NC rule than I am.. it’s only been 12 days for me. I wish you the best. And by the way, friends can help.. but they always give you opinions, and they are usually wrong. I made this mistake once.just live your life and let your friends distract you but don’t take their opinions to heart.

    • Total Posts: 24

    Today is what day.. 21? I am losing track.

    I’m back from my trip. Enjoyed myself, didn’t do as much stuff as I wanted to..

    This guy that I met, I didn’t go and hit that. He seems to really like me. Already asking about what I see for us, and so I told him straight up.. I would tell him if there was something to tell. We have been talking since we met though and right now, I feel like I just like the attention.. But I am attracted to him, so idk.

    I had this thought on my way home to text my ex.. just first to get his attention and he would respond. And I would tell him to go eff himself. It was a happy thought.

    I enjoyed looking at some eye candy today. I used to not really check out guys too much, I was just in my head before.

    I think right now I am happy to embrace the single life. and that’s not me holding my breath for my ex. It’s me just breathing for me.

    I think I will probably do more than 30 days no contact. I already was thinking it, but I am feeling really good about myself. And finding myself.

    No contact really does help make people feel better. I have no regrets for it.

    • Total Posts: 24

    So, yesterday I had to call him and let him know the change to our house insurance. He transferred me to his office so he could have privacy to talk.

    I kept to the point and short.. He was trying to keep me on the phone, and mentioned he talked to my dad (my dad asked him for money) so I apologized for my dad’s behaviour and said I would talk to him. I said three times I had to go and he kept trying to keep me on the line. He said that we would talk soon as if it was posed as a question. I just said, Kay bye.

    I did keep it very professional. Because I didn’t want to break contact and I know I have to when it comes to house stuff.. So, I don’t know, it was nice to hear his voice, I guess.

    I decided to call instead of text because it put him on the spot.

    I feel like I am in a better place emotional because I handled it well.

    • Total Posts: 3

    I wantes to reply to your story because younseemly so strong. I am suffering a lot…I cheated on my bf of 5 years…it was.scary and immature and I regret it immensely but.worse we tried to stay together for 2 years after long distance. Now 7 and a half years later, he broke up with me for good. I don’t think I have any chances of getting him back in my life. He says he doesn’tfeel the same way anymore,he’s tired of trying,he tried for too long. I ashamed and like everything is my fault. I want him bad so I can remedy the poor choices I made in the past. His family hates me though as well….

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