Boards Reconciliation MET THE EX

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  • #48551
    • Total Posts: 374

    Oh thank goodness thats great to hear !

    I actually came on here to give you an update as I’m in a bit of a bad place again. My ex messaged me again tonight. Haven’t talked since Monday as I told you. He asks if I’m on holidays then we’re just chatting and stuff and I ask if he’s seen a new movie out and he’s like nah not yet and I was like maybe we could go (I don’t even know why I suggested that) and he’s like not sure my roomie wanted to go with me so I’ll let you know what the deal is with him. And I told him how I might cancel the trip to Hawaii we booked as the whole thing makes me depressed and I might not have anyone else that wants to come. I just don’t understand what he wants from me JAM, I poured my heart out to him the other day and he even acknowledged that perhaps he was kidding himself in us being friends but he still does this. Surely theres a certain point where he realises he can’t keep messaging me to make himself feel better if thats what he wants. I’m so miserable all the time at the moment but luckily I”m going to some food markets tomorrow night to eat my sorrows away i guess.

    • Total Posts: 220

    Lol.. If you towards the food end, you might not find another guy.. jk.. ๐Ÿ™‚ he is doing exactly what you said above, when he is feeling down or just simply bored, he’s going to message you.. Unfortunately for you, you are just sitting around waiting for that message or anything for that matter.. Which is killing you, because right now.. He’s your everything, but to him you are his “Sometime” thing.. If that makes any sense..

    • Total Posts: 374

    I’m not sitting round waiting for him per se, I’ve just had my weekend (lol yes in the middle of the week). I’ve also been messaging a bunch of guys just casually talking. Who knows right. Who keeps themselves around when they know the other person still cares for them. Theres a certain point where common sense and kindness would kick in over selfishness.

    • Total Posts: 220

    Yeah, I’ve been messaging a few girls.. One in particular I talk to every night.. Still, it’s difficult because I’m looking for what I once had with the ex, which I’ve already conceded will never happen.. Unfortunately I’m not giving the girls I’m talking to the opportunity to impress me because of how close minded I am.. I just have to get over it.. One day maybe it will happen..

    • Total Posts: 374

    Yeah I’m not really liking fully any of the guys I’m chatting to even though we have good conversations and they’re cute I’m just not there. JAM I’m so over feeling like this with my ex and his stupid mixed signals as well. Did you know the other day in our big talk I asked if we were seeing other people and his response “I’m happy not doing either” like what the fuck is that haha. Like why the fuck still play these games, men know theres a certain point where they have to leave right for the well being of both parties don’t they ?

    • Total Posts: 220

    I know what you mean Natty.. I had asked my ex to tell me “that she never wanted to see me again, and to stay out of her life” I basically begged her to say it so that I could move on.. But, like usual.. She refused to do so.. I never asked her for anything during our relationship.. Figure she would do this for me.. Nope.. I’m going to do the best to stay away from her.. We’ll see what happens..

    • Total Posts: 374

    Fuckin hell JAM my ex contacted me again today. Over the last few weeks he’s reached out to me at least 10 times and i have reached out only twice. Just why ??? It makes me angry like he obviously wants to chat to me but apparently doesn’t want anything else from me :(. Don’t guys get bored or annoyed when they’re the only ones starting conversations with chicks, thats what i’ve noticed over the years if you’re not fully digging it they just kind of fuck off lol.

    Also 6000 american navy men have just come into my town in Australia ๐Ÿ˜‰ wish I was out and about tonight hehe.

    • Total Posts: 220

    It sounds as if he is still trying to keep you on the hook.. Whether it’s for down the road when he is bored and has nothing better to do. Or in his mind if he’s looking for the occasional hook up.. Guys are for the most part “Dumb” Natty..

    I’m thinking about selling the engagement ring Natty, not because I need the money.. Just because I believe that it would help in letting go.. What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 374

    Well I asked him the other day when we were talking if he had seen jurassic park and if he wanted to see it with me cause he hadn’t. He told me last night he ended up seeing it with his roommate and I jokingly said “oh is it so good you would see it a second time” and the convo ended with me just saying “nah I’m just excited about the movie lol” he saw it last night but didn’t respond. But then this morning he messages me saying “I’ll tell you what if you still want to see it we can go on tuesday together” like what the fuck hey just why. I know friends go to movies and stuff but some of the shit he does is more than a friend would go to.

    Oh man I wouldn’t be able to keep the ring myself, seeing such a beautiful piece of jewellery and what it symbolised would be way too hard. I think I would have gotten rid of it straight away to be honest. And if you got back together and reengaged wouldn’t you want to get a new ring to symbolise a different relationship and stuff so just think of it that way as well. You need to let go of that part of your relationship if you ever get back together but yu also have to be prepared to let go all together.

    • Total Posts: 220

    Yeah, he’s trying to find a common ground with you ie: the movie.. You have been basically blowing him off.. So, now that he has seen this, he’s going to use it to open up a solid line of communication with you, just because everything else has fallen short..

    The ring is in her nightstand, in the original box, I almost feel like if I did that, it would be upsetting to her, down the road.. Not sure though..

    • Total Posts: 374

    Well is that a good thing then ? Cause he has already seen it and he did say he wouldn’t want to see it a second time when i joked but now here
    He is offering. He also knows I’m not willing to just be friends with him. I asked the other day I was like if we’re not friends will you still let me know how you go in your career change and he’s like of course so he knows im not willing tone his friend but at this point in time he also knows I am willing to still respond and have a little chat with him. Well Im not sure if he knows that’s the case but just how it has been.

    Also did you offer to let your ex keep th ring ? Cause if she didn’t want it then and returned it
    To you then you have the right to do what you want
    With it

    • Total Posts: 220

    I told her to keep the ring, I had also told her that if she was ever in a bind “Financially” that she could sell it but not to take anything less than 3K for it which is still a I know that she wouldn’t ever keep it though, my ex wife before her took everything from me and kept doing so for as long as she could, even though things ended like they did between us, she wouldn’t do that to me, that’s why she refused..

    He’s going to say and do whatever it takes to have open communication with you.. Natty, you are an option to him right now. He knows this because of how you feel and what you have said to him, don’t let him do this to you, you’re better than that!!

    • Total Posts: 374

    Well in that case you should sell it I think there’s too much pain associated with something as significant as that.

    Well technically I asked about the movie as it was Jurassic park and everyone has ejther seen it or has no desire too and he was the only one who hadn’t but wanted to and I feel weird about going to the movies alone lol it’s so lame. I’m slowly distancing myself from him like I barely contact him. How he’s not bored being the only one to initiate contact I have no idea cause most guys give up after quite a while. And he wants to catch up cause he acknowledged its been a while since we’ve seen each other and it will be nice to catch up apparently. I don’t know what I can do from here. I’ve told him how I feel and then I’ve also backed off quite a bit from him

    • Total Posts: 374

    Well todays the day he and I are supposed to see the movie. Haven’t heard from him since he offered to go see it with me. To be honest I don’t even know why I’m bothering to go its not like anything is going to change. Sure he’s said it will be nice to catch up because its been over three weeks since we last saw each other but yeah its obvious he wants nothing to do with me at this point in time. Man i’m over this getting my hopes up because of the stupid shit he does that seems like it means something but doesn’t. Any suggestions ?

    • Total Posts: 220

    Yeah, my suggestion is that you put on a dress and go pick up a guy that will take you to the movie.. ๐Ÿ™‚ FB friend this random guy, check in at the movies with said random guy and just sit But I know that’s not what you want to hear.. You can’t make him or guilt him into this, it has to be him wanting to do it or it doesn’t mean anything.

    My ex-wife is coming to stay the weekend with me. Not the ex I want though.. But, I plan to go out with her.. Take her to all of the places that me and my previous ex used to hang out and wait to see which person tells her faster. Because you see, my ex wife is smoking hot and my ex was always extremely jealous of her.. If that doesn’t flip the switch, it’s pretty much a done deal.. Lol..

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