Boards Reconciliation HELP she moved on quick..

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  • #36599
    • Total Posts: 77

    And what if she’s having sex with him, what if they’re actually ment for each other. It frustrates me so much knowing that she’s probably doing what we did a lot to that new guy.

    • Total Posts: 64

    I know it’s frustrating, trust me you are among friends here so try and take comfort that we know what you are going through. Just keep moving forward as best you can. Try not to think about it too much it will drive you crazy dwelling on what they may or may not be doing. Honestly if she never gave herself the chance to fully move on they most likely will not work out. Trust everyone on this, a month isn’t very long to date and there’s no telling what the future may hold. Her lack of contact is her attempting to make it work with the new guy and push aside her emotions.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Yes, keep NC. Dont keep track of the time. 1,5 months is not enough. Nothing will happend before 3-6 months. In some cases even 12

    • Total Posts: 77

    We keep making eye contact in public, but then at the end of th day I always see her talking to this guy.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Hi my friend. I found this article and found it very helpfull when I was at the same stage as you are right now. You should read it, I think it will give you a better understanding of why your ex behaves the way she does:

    • Total Posts: 77

    Thank you so much it helped me out but sadly, I continue seeing the same thing over and over again and today I found out that he’s a really really nice guy. That girls honestly think he’s a sweetheart and I noticed that my ex always looks down or serious and he gives her a kiss. Like he’s comforting her while she’s going through something. This isn’t helping at all because I keep thinking oh This guy is GONA make her think he’s the one and be a sweetheart to her.

    • Total Posts: 77

    So I see that she is down since she posts a lot of sad stuff in her social media but also says how she will get better and how it’s just a bad day, not a bad life. I Doubt she’s coming back.

    • Total Posts: 268

    She will be comparing her new relationship to your old relationship in every way. You just have to appear as the better choice.
    Do you think he is a better choice for her?
    Dont just sit around and wait for her. Work on yourself, improve and become a become a better person untill you are a better choice than he is.

    • Total Posts: 77

    Today I heard her friends talking about how the new guy and her make a really cute couple and how they’re really happy. They also talked about them having sex and I got really really aggrevated. I have anger problems so knowing this and hearing this got me so mad and I just want to explode but I can’t do anything about it. All these thoughts are roaming around and I keep getting angry and sad.

    • Total Posts: 77


    • Total Posts: 64

    Maybe he is cool, maybe he just seems it and she is in the honeymoon phase, I am inclined to continue thinking the latter but still. You have to think, what are you accomplishing by obsessing on it and focusing so much on what they are doing? You need to take a step back and try to take them off of your mind, NC isn’t to make them miss you its to get you to a good place mentally. You are caring way too much about what they are doing, trust me on this. If you can confidently say you two were happy together and she seemed to enjoy being with you, then that is all you need to know. Do your own thing and realize that sooner or later the butterflies in stomach, honeymoon feelings will fade, probably in the next few months, at which point she will start thinking about you fondly again.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Agree with @atedeschi93
    Make yourself the first priority. Your ex and this guy should always be tha last priority. How will obsessing over them benefit you?
    They are in the honeymoon phase right now. Every relationship/fling/date will seem perfect at this stage. And there is no way you can compete with the honeymoon phase.
    Continue your NC and work on yourself. So when the honeymoon phase dies, you will look like the better choice.
    You said you had anger issues: go work on that!
    Join a gym, now clothes/style, new haircut, whiter teeths, new perfume, new hobby, new cool friends ect… There is a ton of things you can do.

    When her honeymoon phase is over and she will start to question herself, she will look at you and see the same slob that she left. It is up to you.

    • Total Posts: 77

    Thank you so much. You guys have any more suggestions on what to do ? Because I’m already doing track, hitting the gym, talking to few girls(just as friends tho) , & read. Pretty much my daily routine.

    • Total Posts: 59

    I know therapy gets a bad rap, but a few sessions can really help. No one can magically fix your anger, but a therapist might be able to help you figure out why you have the issues, and then give suggestions on what to do about it and/or prescribe some medicine if it can help. Then the rest is up to you.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Yeah, if your anger was really a big problem in your relationship you will score big points later on by going to some anger management class.
    Also: dont forget your looks. This is a very easy way to make a very noticable change. New haircut, teeth whitening and a new style.

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