Boards Reconciliation Devastated and don’t know what to do

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  • #51333
    • Total Posts: 73

    And please it more than 2 days.. He will not realise anything in two days!. Please dont contact him at least 3-4 weeks. He needs to figure out things and u need to heal…
    I am not just saying this…i have been in somehow similar situation. And the moment i said i have enough of this and wrote him what i mentioned to you, it made him realise he needs to make a decision. And during this time, i didnt initiate any contact. Please trust me on this. You need time alone from him.

    • Total Posts: 101

    Yesterday, I saw a car and I thought it was Amanda (later found out it wasn’t) and it sent me into this whole mode of thinking. I texted ex that I wanted to take some time from him to see if this is what I wanted. I immediately regretted it and started texting him a bunch of ramblings. He said that ever since the day before when he was talking to his mom on the phone, he’s been feeling sick thinking about us not being together. I told him that I felt the same. We texted a good bit yesterday which is crazy for us because we rarely text each other (even when we were dating). He mentioned that he was stressed and he wished I was there and that he wishes he could fall asleep In my lap like he used to a long time ago.

    So last night I was at work. I was texting ex about this coworker who wouldn’t quit hinting around the fact that he likes me and that he’d probably ask me out. It was so bad because this coworker just wouldn’t leave me alone. So ex shows up when my shift is almost over with a few flowers and I was so happy to see him… Ex and I spent probably about ten minutes in the store together. I begged him to buy me a snack and he did. Well I told him I’d see him at the rental house when I got off of work. So half an hour later, I leave. I show up to the house and we’re chatting a little bit. He made us both Pb&js and then we sat on the floor and he put his head in my lap and it was nice. Someone kept texting him and I asked what was going on. I guess Amanda and one of her friends had a falling out and the friend is trying to get a hold of Amanda but Amanda is ignoring them? I don’t know… I mentioned the reason why I told ex I wanted to take time from him and that I’m serious when I say I want all of her out of my life. That I want no connections to her. Ex started mentioning this total bullshit lie that Amanda told about how she went to this funeral and someone told her to leave because her presence was upsetting the other students? (A teacher from her high school 7+ years ago) and ex and I both laughed a bit about how that sounds like a total lie.

    It was almost midnight and ex asked me if I was going to be okay. I told him I’d be fine. Then he asked me to come spend the night with him. I told him I’d only go if he wants me to. That I’m fine sleeping on the air mattress in our rental. We got to his house. I took a shower and we fell asleep all curled up. We woke up and I was so happy… Ex said it was so nice seeing me smile.

    So I don’t know what to make of it. I know all of you are going to say I need to take time away from him and all that. But it sounds like we can make this work. On some level he doesn’t want us to be over and I feel I have to hold on to that.

    • Total Posts: 101

    Quite a bit happened… I’ve been under the impression that we’re moving forward a bit. That we’re perhaps trying to fix things with one another. I was also under the impression that ex was talking to Amanda a little bit but it was nothing serious and it was strictly platonic. Last night, Amanda’s friend was stalking and harassing her and was telling Tom about it. So I called the police for her. She texted my ex saying “Thank you for calling the cops my love” and a bunch of other bullshit… I flipped.

    I texted Amanda that I was sorry I called the police but that ex and I were worried. This made Amanda freak out. She was texting me things like “he’s supposed to tell me if you’re over there” and “you’re only supposed to be there for emergencies!” and that they’ve never broken up and things have been “great” between them.

    Ex was furious with me for hurting her while she’s suicidal and already cutting herself. That she can’t breathe and it’s all my fault. He was screaming at me to get out of his house and he’d call the police on me. I didn’t have my car with me or house keys or money. No where to go. He kept screaming at me til he locked himself in his bedroom. Eventually Icalled my brother to pick me up. Towards the end of the call, ex came out and hugged me tight. Said he loved me very much and all this. I left shortly after.

    I told him that I will not be a part of his life if Amanda is in it as well. He said he loves me and that he hopes things can get better. He knows he messed up but all I do is look for the negative in him. He started going on a little bit about how I’m always there when he needs me. i’ve been his everything for a long time. He said that he told her just that night he won’t be part of her life while she’s cutting/trying to kill herself. He then says that he knows I can’t respect his actions but he’s tried… I asked him to please explain what the fuck has been going on between us the past month and a half and he said he couldn’t explain right now and that my lack of patience says a lot.

    He then fell asleep (I was told by Amanda that they were on the phone til she fell asleep instead). And this morning he picked me up from my parent’s house.

    We went to his house to unload his car and then up to our rental house. Well… we forgot the house key. Drove all the way back to his house and unloaded the car once more. We had been chatting/fighting in the car both ways. Me explaining how fucked up all of this is. Him saying that I’m the better choice for him. I’m the one he wants. But he feels terrible distancing himself from someone he cares about (Amanda) and he doesn’t want to hurt her. I explained again, I will not be part of his life like this.

    When we got to his house, he asked me to get out of the car. He hugged me tight and said he loved my smile. We went inside and had sex and then we went to lunch. Lunch was fine. We got back to the rental. He cut the grass and then left for work.

    I sent him a lengthy emailing saying i love him and I’d like to make this work but I refuse to be a speck in his life with her here. I’m serious this time. I will not go through this again. I will not accept this treatment. I feel like an idiot for letting it go on for so long and I feel terrible not listening to yalls advice. I guess this is my last update for a while.

    • Total Posts: 261

    Dear Liz, It was never about you listening our advice it was about you not respecting yourself and valuing yourself and all the love you give. Problem with this guy is that he has had his cake for several months now and eating all of it. Meaning he has two women in his leash and he can just mentally play games with both you to get what he wants. He is not a good person because good person would not do this to people he claims to love. He loves himself only. I mean see everytime you said ok you are done he puts all the blame on you like you are trying to control him etc when you have not done so at all. Also in those times he wants to hug you, tells he wants a future with you and the moment he feels he got you secured and he can enjoy all the things you do for him (love, companionship, sex, driving him around, cutting his hair, taking care of his kids and any needs he have) he starts treating you in a disgusting manner and reverts more back to Amanda. You and Amanda enable him and I really really hope you stick with it now and take some time away from him for you. Because what you have given him is amazing and he has over and over again thrown that back at your face and treated you in such disrespectful way. You should take that friends offer to stay with her and just keep your distance from him at least a month to just breath,think and see what you want for you. You are stronger than you think honestly you are but this guy has been messing with your self esteem and made you think opposite. He did not define your life before you met him couple years again and he does not define it now. You do so as hard as it is and as hurt and painful it feels you can heal from this and move on. He needs to make a choice and you need to make sure until he really has chosen you and Amanda is out that you dont sleep with him, dont meet with him no contact. I really wish you all the best because you are so much more amazing than you believe right now yourself. Just take time for you.

    • Total Posts: 101

    Fuck I can’t just keep a solid head ever. Ex said that my email was lovely and sad and inspiration for a better tomorrow together… Things have been tough since then though because I don’t feel he’s putting in any kind of effort and I don’t know why I couldn’t leave him. I kept sticking around and shit. Maybe hoping for something to change. And then this morning I told him that I really just cannot do this. Like I’m over it. And he got angry about it. Saying he doesn’t want to be with her but with me talking this way he doesn’t want to be with me either. So I’m just… okay. I left. We didn’t text really at all while he was at work.

    Then I realized I needed to print some papers off for a training class tomorrow and asked if he’d do that for me. So we meet at his house when he’s off work. He seemed very happy to see me. Very loving. We decided to go grocery shopping and get some chinese food. We ate our dinner and while we were printing off my papers, we were taking silly pictures together on my computer. Just enjoying each others company. Then Amanda texted me. I decided to be honest with him because I’d appreciate the same. So I told him. Amanda texted me asking if it was really over between us or if we’re trying to work it out. And so I told ex and that I wouldn’t respond and that should be his thing to tell her.

    He got really mad. Told me my papers were done printing so I need to leave. I left and he texted me this shit about how I’m boring in bed now and I don’t try at all with him in any aspect. That he’s just going to keep ranting all night. He’s pissed that I don’t just block her on my phone and I kinda threw it back like you expect me to block her but you don’t?

    I didn’t have a place to stay tonight so I asked ex if I could come back and sleep in the other room. He agreed and I came back. But as soon as I got here I realized I can’t. I can’t do this anymore. I feel myself falling out of love with this man. The more this continues. I need finality in any direction. Just actions. I’m done with words. I feel so heartbroken tonight but I don’t deserve this.

    • Total Posts: 86

    One of the biggest reason I let my ex go and I accepted the space that we both needed was cause I didn’t want to hate him. And I knew if I kept on lying to myself that I could get him back without giving him space I would end up hating him and he mii. If you both don’t call a time out you’ll only slowly start resenting each other. Its your life and I am not going to tell you what to do. Think about what you really want and what is good for you. What I can say is, although letting my ex go was the hardest thing I Ever had to do -not exaggerating- it was the best thing I did for myself and him. it’s tough and it hurts but be strong because it does get better and you surprise yourself with how strong you are. There are days where you feel like crawling back to him for strength and warmth and you cry yourself to sleep but with time those days before few and far between and then before you know it he comes back or you meet someone better and someone who worships you and loves just as equally(I know thats hard to believe) and then everything you went through you see how it was worth it.. I read a book that said boys are like little kids when the ate growing up they leave their mother to go play with friends but in the end they miss her and all they want is to get back to her, the mom is suppose top leery three kid go to teach them independency, trust and individuality but at the same time they’ll still always rely on her cause regardless of who they go to, they’ll always know their mom and go back to her… its a weird analogy and im not saying we are their mother but if I’m not mistaking i think the authors point was to use that as a way to understand their behavior and as hope.. but it made sense to mii.. sometimes we are like kids and we need to go out and explore and find ourselves or make mistakes to realize what was always there.. hopefully it makes sense to you.. Hang in there though, be strong and I wish you all the best!

    • Total Posts: 73

    Dear Liz, my advice to you would be to try to sort ur accommodation issue first. You are hanging on the idea that he will tell you to move in in 2-3 days and then u wont need to rent a place of your own. In my opinion you shouldnt rely on him in that respect. If you dont want to stay with ur family or friends, is it easy for u to rent a room ?
    He says one thing one day and something else in another day. Staying there and being there whenever he needs is not helping at all. I believe its just making things worse. Sometimes u just need time apart to realise what u really want.
    I agree with Finntoga that he hasnt been considerate to you and acted selfishly. But if you still want to give this relationship a chance, u should really give it some time and stay away for a bit.
    At the end of the day he did cheat on you and broke up with you. Its normal if u stay away from him for a bit to heal….
    There are things that u can fix in 1-2 days, but relationships are not… Even if u went back to being together today, u will not feel completely happy. You also need time not only him.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Hi Liz, havent heard from you for a while. How are you doing?

    • Total Posts: 151

    wow jasminka you are still here,hope everything is going good with you*haven’t seen you for while.

    • Total Posts: 101

    So… Quite an interesting turn of events has happened. This will be long. But probably something you’ve never heard before.

    So ex is living in his new house right? For almost a month now. There have been lots of ups and downs. Two weeks ago I had heard she was sleeping here a few nights and they had sex and he was wanting this place to be a fresh start for them. Lots of back and forth and upsetting things. But Amanda left… Ex wasn’t choosing her and she went back to her ex fiancé and seems to be incredibly happy/free now.

    Well… In July, Amanda had created this whole story about how her best guy friend sexually assaulted her and then was harassing her. That he was following her. Broke into her house. Pinned her down to the ground and screamed at her. Told her to kill herself. All kinds of crazy shit. This guy then started texting my ex. Asking him why he can’t leave Amanda and pretty much harassing my ex saying all these disgusting things about Amanda. For weeks… Last week this guy sent my ex twenty texts in a row about Amanda… Begging him to beg for Amanda to come back. Saying how Amanda’s ex fiancé is terrible for her and she’s going down the wrong path. Saying my ex should grovel at Amanda’s feet. And this was insane. I mean ex and I went to her house plenty of nights because she’s hysterical about this guy wanting to kill her. I called the cops one night!! Because he’s texting my ex he’s gonna bang on the door!

    Then. Two days later, Amanda calls ex and then calls me. Says this guy killed himself. She begged me to come hang out with her and go on a hike with her because she was so devastated. I show up and she’s been crying. She seemed very off… I was texting my ex that she seemed a little manic and I was a little concerned. We went on the hike. All she did was talk about her ex fiancé and her and how happy they are. She interjected a few stories about the guy who killed himself. About his Facebook profile picture… how they went on a specific hike last april. All kinds of details. But she didn’t seem too shaken up.

    We hung out for about six hours before I went home to Tom. I got home and told Tom something wasn’t right… Why she wouldn’t contact her friends who actually knew this guy. Why she only talked to us. Why she wasn’t crying at all that day. Ex and I go on a date to the lake nearby. They were having a party there for the full moon. We see Amanda and her ex there! And she’s happier than can be. Running around in the sand like a child and just being very silly.

    Ex and I go home and get on Facebook. We message the dead guy. He responds. So this opens up a HUGE can of worms. A huge one. Call the “dead guy” and tell him all this. He’s mindblown and feels sick that she said those things about him assaulting her. I spy dialer the number that’s been texting Tom. It’s registered to Amanda… I go through the texts and “he” texts just like amanda. Same misspelling and wrong form of “to”. Specific word choices that I’ve only ever heard her use.

    So we call her best friend. Turns out Amanda has multiple personality disorder. We call Amanda out on it and she fesses up that she was hoping if ex saw how bad it was with this guy harassing her that maybe he’d step up and do something. Maybe he’d try to protect her and give her a safe place to stay. But ex didn’t do any of that for her. And her ex fiancé did.

    So ex and I are talking about how to work things out. He still needs a bit more time to feel 100% like he can commit to me. Amanda is out of the picture in the dating sense. She’s trying to be my best friend and trying to convince me to leave my ex. But I’m hopeful. Ex thinks we can do this. That we’ll be fine. We just need some time.

    Ex spoke with his mother this morning (who now despises me) and she said she hates me because I killed her grandchild and that I probably only got pregnant and had the abortion to keep my ex (wtf?) around. As if that makes sense. But anyway. That’s where I stand at the moment. I’ve been living with ex for about a week now. Still out of boxes but it’s feeling more like home. I just hope we can really start over for good without amanda butting in. Even though we’ve established they’ll never be dating each other, she’s still texting him a bit and popping up in our lives.

    So I’ll keep y’all updated. Sorry I was gone so long but a lot was happening…

    • Total Posts: 101

    So it’s been rough. We’re trying to work things out but he won’t talk about future plans.. Won’t commit to me. Says he still needs time. And also! He won’t stop talking to Amanda. I can’t unlock his phone but he still deletes all the texts anyway. Talks to her and deletes them so I won’t “make it a problem”. I see from the lock screen she texted him four times at 2 am… So I ask him to please show me to maybe ease my mind a bit.

    He unlocks it and she sent him four long texts about this “bad dream” she had in which my ex apparently saves her from one of her accused attackers and then he’s dying and his last words are “I love you mana. You tried your best.” and then she thinks of his two children! How fucking wonderful right? And she follows it up with asking my ex to call her and she’s so scared and worried and that she wants to hear his voice.

    The best part is that all of this is happening at her fiances house because her and her fiancé were going off on a trip this morning! Ex thinks it’s not big deal but I think it’s her trying to manipulate him. I asked him to block her and he laughed and said he isn’t blocking anyone. Few minutes later ex comes in the bedroom and lays down on top of me and is trying to get attention from me and I told him that if he can’t block her, I understand. But I won’t be in a relationship and I won’t be trying if he’s doing this. That I can’t. He said a little bit of bullshit about something and it just sounded like a bad dream and that’s it.

    I just can’t. I can’t be a pawn in his game or her game. I know what I want and need out of life and out of a partner and he clearly has no desire to give that to me. I’m not sure what to do next but I know I’m done trying.

    • Total Posts: 261

    Liz, I dont want this to come out harsh but I am going to be honest with you. You have said several times how you are done and you cannot do this no more and then he senses you are pulling away and he behaves nicely says couple of right things and boom you are back believing you can work it out. But the thing is he will not commit to you, because he does not have to because you are there when he just bends a finger and beckons you to com over. You both need time apart from each other with no contact (no sex, no driving him around, no staying in his place, no watching his kids). Sort a place to stay like that friend and take a time to think and see how he has been towards you and really figure out what you want, it is also the only way he can see how much you really do for him because when you are no longer there it gives him a chance to figure out what he wants and then you both get the answers you need and see if this is something you even want to save. You think you need this guy but you are strong. loving beautiful woman and what you need is love and respect in return and this guy is not giving you anything real , he is using you. Of course you will do what you want to do but I had to say it as I so badly want you to respect yourself and value yourself. The Amanda girl is in serious need of some help for her mental issues and that you let yourself stay in the drama those two create and get involved is beyond me. Time to take a step away and really see what you need and heal yourself. If you dont take this space this situation will just go on and on and once he finally ditches Amanda there will be someone else because he does not need to figure out what he wants and make a real choice because you keep yourself available to him and I wish I was wrong but I am not. So please re-think what you are doing. You are both participating in a game and it is time to stop it.

    • Total Posts: 101

    Figured I’d write a small little update. We’ve been back together for a month now! Some days it’s wonderful and easy and other days I can’t get what he did out of my head. I’m hopeful for us and he seems to be trying pretty hard so I think we’ll be okay. We’re discussing babies and the future and everything as well. I guess I didn’t have much to say, just wanted to update for y’all.

    • Total Posts: 101

    It’s been a while since I’ve been on here. We’ve been back together for five months now. It’s been rocky here and there but we’ve never been happier or more in love with each other. Thank you to everyone who listened to me and gave me advice. I couldn’t have gotten through it without the help of this site!

    • Total Posts: 73

    Hi Liz 🙂
    I am very happy to read your good news 🙂
    The important thing is that you are both happier and left behind the bad days. I guess few arguments now and then is normal in every relationship.
    I am also back together with my boyfriend for about 7 months (wow sounds very long when i calculated it!).
    i feel he is more committed to me than before. Well time will show 🙂

    Please keep us updated with your good news ! 😉

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