Boards Reconciliation broke NC and did something really stupid. need help :(

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  • #10282
    • Total Posts: 536

    It was before starting second round of Nc. I m feeling like he wont try again and he is really angry.
    M afraid if he wont reach for me what am I gonna do πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    stay strong your doing really well. his anger will calm down and then he may look for you. remain no contact till then. your doing great. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Yeah I am trying my best. I have my exams next month. I have to prepare for thwm as well.
    I just hope he understands why im notvtalking to him and take the responsibility of his actions.

    • Total Posts: 894

    you should let him know as to why your not talking to him maybe then he’ll realize as to why. also yes focus on that. your doing great. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Well last time(10 days ago) we fought again because he was not accepting his mistake and not apologising to me. I told him that I dont expect anything from him.
    So I think he knows why I am not talking to him. And telling him why I am not talking to him would result in breaking the NC again.

    • Total Posts: 894

    yeah just wait till your done with no contact. hopefully he comes to realization sometime soon. ugh men, lol stay strong, your doing really well. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Yeah thanks.. πŸ™‚ I ll end NC only when I ll feel he is taking a step towards reconciliation in a good way.
    Till then I ll try to focus on my life rather than poking nose in his

    • Total Posts: 894

    yes thats a good way to look at it. I hope its soon for you. if he said he loves you then your already ahead of the game.:-) hopefully you can get him back soon.:-) stay strong you got this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    I hope so.. fingers crossed πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    yes you do. stay strong keep doing you and be patient. πŸ™‚ I wish my husband would. πŸ™ keep us posted. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    I think I should have replied to his texts. He is angry and in our fights I always used to cut off from him and he used to chase me everytime. Its been 40 days now( longest of all). I think this time he is not going to chase me.
    Moreover, I got an email from kevin and it says you should not completely ignore your ex during NC or he ll think of you as a jerk.
    I dont know what should I do. He didn’t try contacting me after that πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 71

    How about reply him after 1 or two days?40days are enough I think…if he still angry then reply him”I need some space and time”?perhaps ?

    • Total Posts: 894

    then think good about your whole situation and then if you think the right thing to do is to contact him then do so. if you want send him a test text. your doing gret. keep it up. πŸ™‚ do you mind giving me your opinion on my latest post. thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    @vanessa Its my 2nd round of NC and we talked 10 days ago.
    M really confused should I text him or not.


    Should I really text him? I mean last time we talked was great he told me he loves me but didnt do anything about it. I need a serious apology from his side and he is acting like nothing happened.

    But on the other hand, I always make him chase me. And he always did but not this time. He has been chasing me from june whenever we fought he was the one to come and beg me for another chance.
    Idk I m so confused!!

    • Total Posts: 1

    Girl stay strong! I know it seems hard but I think your concentrating too hard on winning him back and you’re still in a similar position to when you both first split. Understand that attractiveness comes from independence and knowing what you really want for yourself outside of your partner. X

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