Boards Reconciliation broke NC and did something really stupid. need help :(

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  • #10087
    • Total Posts: 50

    Stick to no contact for ATLEAST 30 days.
    If he tried contactin you before then just ignore it then text him back after 30 days.
    If 30 days come and he hasn’t tried go a little longer.
    He already knows you miss and love him. But it’s not good enough yet. You have good signs he said he still loves you and if you really believe yor love was so want to be he will realize that but he has to miss you first. Don’t be waiting up for him. Prove to yourself you can be fine without him.

    • Total Posts: 536

    Its my second round of NC and I really want him to take a step but he isn’t doing anything. I wonder if he misses me or not.
    I m just losing control today. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 50

    I understand. I’m on my second round of no contact myself but hey guess what you’re a step close than I am he’s actually said he still loves you.
    My guys with another girl
    Flirst around so much
    And he would probably tell me he doesn’t love me anymore if I asked.
    So you hVe a lot more hope than I do.

    I know it’s hard and it’s all you can think or worry about. But in order to get him back or increase your chances. You’re gonna need to go no contact for awhile. You can’t beg him back.
    You cAnt reAssure him how much you love him, cause trust me he already knows. Doing all this will push him further away.

    Just please keep doing no contact. We will do this together I’m on day 6 so we are right together except your a little further.
    We need to higher out price tag. We need to be confident and independent. Prove to ourselfs we will be ok without him before we get them back. Because if not well always be dependent on them. Worrying about them. Stressing.
    Once you start to feel better and more confident and start to stop thinking about him.
    That’s when he’s gonna come crawling back.

    • Total Posts: 536

    I ruined my chances by telling him that I still love him even after what he did.
    If he loved me that much, he would have atleast texted me or something like that. But he is gone!

    I really dont know why is he doing this.
    I want to live my life and enjoy every bit of it. But he is on my mind 24*7

    I was thinking of writing a letter that I am deciding to move on and forgiving him for what he did (even though he never really apologised).

    But I dont know, writing a letter to him will surely break NC. Im confused and hurt πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 5

    I wouldn’t write the letter if I were you, continue through with NC and keep yourself busy with something that takes your mind off him.

    Its very similar to the situation im in, I wrote a letter however she is yet to find it. There are some things I regret writing in it now as it could push her further away but I also wrote many valid things that might get the message across so it could go either way.

    Have you tried talking to other guys? A little date here and there could be very effective.

    • Total Posts: 536

    I honestly dont wanna go on dates. Not because him but I really dont feel okay going on dates.

    Yeah I am not writing a letter I was just thinking about it. I am just not sure what he wants now. Whats going in his head. Thats why I can’t get my head off him.
    I am usually thinking of him all day even though its been 40 days since we broke up!

    • Total Posts: 3

    Since you broke NC rule once and immediately after it you told him you love him, you probably have to do NC again.

    I feel you and surely it is not easy. I am also in my first day of NC. Let us try and become sirens. Some sort of women, our men cannot resist after this time. Just because our great self-confidence and marvellous appearance, they will eventually commit to us.

    I believe in that but the way up there will be hard. So stay strong girl!

    • Total Posts: 71

    Because he knows you still love him ,so i think he is confusing and resisting now πŸ˜€
    So in my opinion you have to wait another week or two to see what’s going on there.
    Keep us update!

    • Total Posts: 536

    Yeah I am trying to stay strong and I ll work on myself. I just wish he is missing me too.


    I know I shouldn’t have told him that… he was actually chasing me for a week and was trying to find excuses to talk to me. And I just threw it all away. I thought everything would be fine if I just told him that I love him too. But it pushed him further away that he stopped even trying.
    I ll continue NC till he reaches again for me in a way I want.
    Fingers crossed πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    Omg omg omg… he just texted me “listen”… πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 71

    Omg I am exciting haha πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hahaha :p
    Well I am not replying to his text but it feels so great that I was on his mind 10 mins πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 5

    I am so happy for you that he text. Good luck. I have given up hope with mine he has not text me but I am happy things are working for you xx

    • Total Posts: 3

    I am so happy for you right now! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 536

    @darkheart dont give up so soon. You can read my posts of last night.i was feeling miserable.

    thanks πŸ˜€

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